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Okay, so what's your least favorite word?

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There are so very many...but let's keep it close to home...


'anyways' Drives me crazy when my husband, currently working on his Phd in Education, uses this. He also says 'one' for the word 'won' and 'heel' for 'hill' Claims his Oklahoma grandmother is to blame.


My son has taken to using 'whatta' meaning 'what did you say, hold on a minute.' But if this is the only bad thing he has picked up in public school, we are blessed. I think.


My very modest and proper eleven year old daughter cannot stand to hear someone referred to as 'hot'. and with good reason. but when I tell her to be careful because her dinner is hot, she is equally offended.


There are so many words that offend me that I dare not even type them. I am a snob when it comes to language. A snob, but not a perfectionist, esp. when typing emails or forum posts.


Ok, I will share just one more. 'can' as in, I need to go to the can. Also 'john', when used in the same way. Seems so very uncivilized to me, somehow.


Language, word choice, is an art. Let us seek to make wise choices so that our words fill the world with beauty. Please.

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I'm wondering how I will ever manage to post anything ever again without offending someone. I mean, double u T F ?!? I use some of these words, like, all the time. I can't not use them, and I completely hate it when someone tells me what to do, so um...not doing it becomes basically impossible. The mere suggestion makes my armpits moist and I have a sudden urge to foof. Look, how come we can't realize that it is what it is? Can I help it if my colorful language makes your bum tingle? I ain't the one with my panties in a knot. Go ahead, think me vulgar. I just wanted you all to know that I'm gifting you with permission to puke when you read my posts, but I plan to go right on irregardless of whether it irrigrates you or not. As far as I'm concerned, it's all a big, fat, clusterf**k.















You are an absolute riot my friend. An absolute riot!

So now should we go back through and admit all of the ones that we use from this endless list?!


I use "my bad" on occasion. And I say "sucks" and "pissed off" and "fart" and "butt" (and "bum" for that matter) and "can't" and "hate" (usually when it comes to something like, "I can't make myself eat fish because I hate it!":lol:) and I have to confess, I am a California Valley Girl to the core and "like" comes out much more than I even want it to! "Crap" and "crotch" are normal parts of my vocabulary... okay... crotch is only used in context, just so you know! And another one that I know drives my husband crazy even is, "Freakin' Awesome!" I'm sorry. I just can't help it. It's just so freakin' awesome that I can't keep from using it, okay? Sheesh!

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There are so very many...but let's keep it close to home...


'anyways' Drives me crazy when my husband, currently working on his Phd in Education, uses this. He also says 'one' for the word 'won' and 'heel' for 'hill' Claims his Oklahoma grandmother is to blame.


My son has taken to using 'whatta' meaning 'what did you say, hold on a minute.' But if this is the only bad thing he has picked up in public school, we are blessed. I think.


My very modest and proper eleven year old daughter cannot stand to hear someone referred to as 'hot'. and with good reason. but when I tell her to be careful because her dinner is hot, she is equally offended.


There are so many words that offend me that I dare not even type them. I am a snob when it comes to language. A snob, but not a perfectionist, esp. when typing emails or forum posts.


Ok, I will share just one more. 'can' as in, I need to go to the can. Also 'john', when used in the same way. Seems so very uncivilized to me, somehow.


Language, word choice, is an art. Let us seek to make wise choices so that our words fill the world with beauty. Please.



How do you pronounce "won"? :confused: :lol: I say them the same too!

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so we do not use the "r", because our society has turned it into a put down. I avoid media where this word is used, for instance in movies like Napolean Dynamite. I am sad I will not be going to Get Smart because I understand it is used in a derogatory manner in that movie.


:iagree: This is a forbidden word in our house for the reasons mentioned above. It makes me cringe when I hear a kid call another kid "retarded."


I also hate, hate, hate the phrase "Ohhh Myyy God." I had forgotten about this phrase until I talked to my college-age daughter. She knows I will actually hang up the phone if she says it.



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I'm wondering how I will ever manage to post anything ever again without offending someone. I mean, double u T F ?!? I use some of these words, like, all the time. I can't not use them, and I completely hate it when someone tells me what to do, so um...not doing it becomes basically impossible. The mere suggestion makes my armpits moist and I have a sudden urge to foof. Look, how come we can't realize that it is what it is? Can I help it if my colorful language makes your bum tingle? I ain't the one with my panties in a knot. Go ahead, think me vulgar. I just wanted you all to know that I'm gifting you with permission to puke when you read my posts, but I plan to go right on irregardless of whether it irrigrates you or not. As far as I'm concerned, it's all a big, fat, clusterf**k.


And this, my dear Doran, is why I'm not ashamed to publicly profess my deep love and admiration for you!

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How do you pronoune "won"? :confused: :lol: I say them the same too!



Me too! :confused:


Of course, I didn't realize until I was in my mid twenties that people actually pronounced Don and Dawn differently. It was a true shock to my senses!

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Me too! :confused:


Of course, I didn't realize until I was in my mid twenties that people actually pronounced Don and Dawn differently. It was a true shock to my senses!


I say those the same too... still working on figuring out "won"... If I change it it just keeps coming out sounding like the first syllable in "won ton". I don't think that's how it should be pronounced! LOL

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I can hardly bring myself to type it, but here goes: smegma.


That is all.

All I can say is...onomatopoeia. Sounds like exactly what it means. Ewww.


I've also always thought that scrod (the fish, which I've never eaten) sounds like it would be a plural form of the word for...ahem....a certain part of male anatomy. What am I doing? I can't believe I'm talking about such things. I'm through with this thread!

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I hate it when people use internet abbreviations in actual conversation. My neice will actually say "double u T F" (I didn't know if I'd get in trouble for typing it here) when she is talking.


I know that's not technically a "word", but I still hate to hear it.



We were walking up Bourbon Street the other evening and a teenage girl was on her cellphone and she said, "O-M-G, you should have seen the people at the table next to us!" I've seen characters on tv speak in internet abbreviations before, but I guess I was in denial that it actually HAPPENS. And seriously, it doesn't save any TIME to use the abbreviations while speaking, it just makes you sound like a complete moron.

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Oh yes! I get you completely! Are you thinking of "va jay jay" maybe? Or I've heard moms in the bathroom say, "Did you wipe your ta ta." Ewww! Why? LOL Or maybe "peeper" and "dingdong"? Euphemisms sometimes stop sounding like euphemisms and just sound... dumb!



I had only heard "va-jay-jay" once in my life a few years back, and I was mortified by it. Well, after hearing it a million times on Scrubs, we ALL say it now - funny how things can change. We say it in a joking way, but pretty much everyone I know uses that term now. Thanks, Scrubs...

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I really hate "gifted" when one means "gave." Why can we just "give" somebody something instead of "gifting" them something? Eck!


I have to agree with you on that - I find that to be one of the most obnoxious "new" ways of saying something. It makes no sense and it sounds extraordinarily haughty.


Editing to add: Another thing that KILLS me is when instead of saying give, people say "bless." Even MORE obnoxious. "I'd like to bless someone with this used chair I no longer need." I've seen this on freecycle, and I roll my eyes so hard I get a headache...

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I use "my bad" on occasion. And I say "sucks" and "pissed off" and "fart" and "butt" (and "bum" for that matter) and "can't" and "hate" (usually when it comes to something like, "I can't make myself eat fish because I hate it!":lol:) and I have to confess, I am a California Valley Girl to the core and "like" comes out much more than I even want it to! "Crap" and "crotch" are normal parts of my vocabulary... okay... crotch is only used in context, just so you know! And another one that I know drives my husband crazy even is, "Freakin' Awesome!" I'm sorry. I just can't help it. It's just so freakin' awesome that I can't keep from using it, okay? Sheesh!


OOH! OOH! You used one of my favorite words. It's right there. The one on the end. "Sheesh!"

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Anybody have any suggestions on what I can call those things that hang down under a man's manhood? I hate all names for them. Most recently I came up with the name Jimmies but I'm afraid my kids will lose it when they finally meet someone named Jimmy.




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I also hate with people say "At the end of the day..." and "The reality is...". I just think these sayings have become so overused that everytime I hear them I just cringe.




"At the end of the day" bugs me too. Unless of course it's like this.

I don't mind "the reality is" because I don't see it as a "saying" at all. I just use it because sometimes I'm explaining the reality of a situation.

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Anybody have any suggestions on what I can call those things that hang down under a man's manhood? I hate all names for them. Most recently I came up with the name Jimmies but I'm afraid my kids will lose it when they finally meet someone named Jimmy.





His credentials? :D

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Hate it. Yeah, buddy. And what word are you making into a contraction?


(I know. I know. I sound like the grammar police. Wanna see my badge? ;))


Oh, and I don't like the word fart. LOL. It seems so Animal House-ish (and I even love Animal House). When my kids were little, both used to say, "Air came out of my bottom." I had to giggle internally every time they ever said that. I never gave them the correct terminology. Alas, they learned 'fart' from their cousin. Guess that's what older cousins are good for... :lol:


I can't stand the above two either, and I honestly can't remember ever saying them. It would sound too weird. Also, I CANT STAND the phrase "my bad"! It's made up, right!!! Also, 24/7-I never say that either.

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You guys are cracking me up!


Do you dislike when people use the phrase 'you guys'?


I agree with many of the previously mentioned yucky words, including:





fart (I was recently arguing with the kids about this. If they have to use a word like this I want everyone to say 'toot' instead!)


I actually like the word can't coming out of my 2 year old. He says it with an english sounding accent. I cawn't Mom. It is cute.


My Mom is known for messing up words. You know those little trash cans in your bathroom or bedroom she calls those 'wAsper baskets' as if she is trying to say 'waste paper baskets'. Irritates me everytime so that I have to tease her about it. I'm mean I guess.


Okay, I better do something useful before my hubby gets home. Do you guys hate the word hubby? I'm paranoid now.

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I want to mention a phrase that bugs me. Someone may have already said this one, but I'm going for it anyway. I don't like the phrase "I'm all about....." As in "Some people like to cook from scratch, but I'm all about the convenience factor." Or something like that. :glare:

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Anybody have any suggestions on what I can call those things that hang down under a man's manhood? I hate all names for them. Most recently I came up with the name Jimmies but I'm afraid my kids will lose it when they finally meet someone named Jimmy.





Junior and the twins?;)

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Anybody have any suggestions on what I can call those things that hang down under a man's manhood? I hate all names for them. Most recently I came up with the name Jimmies but I'm afraid my kids will lose it when they finally meet someone named Jimmy.





Ummmm, testicles?

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It's funny because I'm sure most of us have seen words on this post that we either use frequently or like. Davenport is my second son's middle name! :lol: (He's named after a special beach town where dh and I had one of our first dates.) :D


Davenport... near Santa Cruz, CA? I've always loved that beach & town! If yours is a different one, there are at least two great Davenport Beaches out there! :) (Not to mention a pretty cool middle name.)

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Davenport... near Santa Cruz, CA? I've always loved that beach & town! If yours is a different one, there are at least two great Davenport Beaches out there! :) (Not to mention a pretty cool middle name.)


That's the one! :D I love that beach... That whole area and up into the Bay Area is my homeland! :001_smile: I miss it.

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That's the one! :D I love that beach... That whole area and up into the Bay Area is my homeland! :001_smile: I miss it.


LOL, small world! Too many fires around the SF Bay Area this year though- one right near Davenport, too... (Bonny Doon.)


Ok- to keep it on topic. One of my very least favorite words is "pimple". It's one of those rare instances where I really really prefer the alternative name. I can live with zits. But not pimples. Bleh!!

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LOL, small world! Too many fires around the SF Bay Area this year though- one right near Davenport, too... (Bonny Doon.)


Ok- to keep it on topic. One of my very least favorite words is "pimple". It's one of those rare instances where I really really prefer the alternative name. I can live with zits. But not pimples. Bleh!!


Oh yeah! Pimple. Blech! I hated it when my Mom called it that. It sounds so bulbous and pussy when you call it a pimple. I mean... I guess that's why it's so fitting but really, I hate the word pimple. Flargh!


I heard about the Bonny Doon fires. :( So sad... I wonder if the vineyards were all destroyed? :confused:

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Yes! I love it!!! :biggrinjester::smilielol5::biggrinjester:
If one's DH is a good sport (mine is), you can get a good dose of silliness in by telling part of the epic story of The Mighty Testicles and Newt.


(For those of us old enough to remember...)

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  • 6 months later...
Me too! :confused:


Of course, I didn't realize until I was in my mid twenties that people actually pronounced Don and Dawn differently. It was a true shock to my senses!


Kind of late here on the response. what I meant was that my husband pronounces "won" like in "won ton" not like the word "one" He thinks won rhymes with "john" It does not.

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I really dislike words people make up to replace words they think are vulgar. We had a neighbor who used to say foof instead of fart and petunsky instead of butt. Ridiculous!


I don't like the word panties. I prefer underwear.


I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I don't like the word interstices. It sounds like an infection with really nasty green pus. Really. It's completely illogical, but there it is.


I know there are more. I must be tired tonight.


:iagree: especially "panties."

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Mine is not a "body" word. It is flautist. I'm a flute player so everyone tells me I'm a flautist. I tell them that I play the flute and not the flaut. It actually makes me visibly cringe, so my dh will say it to be funny.:tongue_smilie:


I'm not musical, but I totally get what you mean. I can't stand the word "pianist". It just sounds naughty. Like it should be listed with the words for body parts/functions that everyone has mentioned.

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Oh, and I don't like the word fart. LOL. It seems so Animal House-ish (and I even love Animal House). When my kids were little, both used to say, "Air came out of my bottom." I had to giggle internally every time they ever said that. I never gave them the correct terminology. Alas, they learned 'fart' from their cousin. Guess that's what older cousins are good for... :lol:


I cannot stand that word! My kids used to say their tushies (sorry, Jenni!)"burped". Still gross, but better than the minor f-word!

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