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Okay, so what's your least favorite word?

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What word do you really just hate the sound of (nevermind the meaning if you can). What word just makes you cringe?


My least favorite word is blog. Blahg. Sounds like a man vomiting. (I do so love to blog though.)


Other least favorite word... Guelph (in Ontario). Sounds like a cat vomiting.


And I think moist, ointment and pustule are right up there too.

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The f word. I HATE hearing teenagers walking by saying that every other word!!!!!


I don't like hearing people, like, say like, you know, like, every other, like, word or so, like that's so, like annoying! But I'll take that ANY day over that other word!!!

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Oooohhh! Great Nan, I was thinking the same thing!


I hate the words bulkhead, trousers and Paducah. Paducah sounds like the noise that you make when you get the wind knocked out of you!


Have you ever been to Paducah, TX? You'd hate the word even worse after that experience.

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I really dislike words people make up to replace words they think are vulgar. We had a neighbor who used to say foof instead of fart and petunsky instead of butt. Ridiculous!


I don't like the word panties. I prefer underwear.


I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I don't like the word interstices. It sounds like an infection with really nasty green pus. Really. It's completely illogical, but there it is.


I know there are more. I must be tired tonight.

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Womb. I hate that word. It sounds like wound. I have a wound in my womb.


Dh hates the words mammary and mammogram. :001_huh:


LOL You'd think he'd love those words for what they represent! :smilielol5: But then I really hate the sound of the words scrotum (but don't worry, Prairie Air... we don't make up alternatives! LOL... I know what you mean! And I agree. They are not panties. They are underwear or undies!) and epididymis also, so I guess I take it back. :blink: I'm so sorry. I suppose there are a number of body words that sort of turn my stomach!

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It's odd, but I hate the word "lick". I'm sure there are more, but I'm sleepy.


PrairieAir, we don't make up words for things but... when I was in labor, I apparently told my nephew that everyone within a 5 mile radius had seen my "hoo hoo". I've never used that term for ANYTHING in my life. (My nephew is 27 w/2 ds of his own, like a brother to me.. he was there in case DH passed out.) Everyone laughed about that.

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Budget. I hate it and all that it represents.


No. I hate that one too.


Decaf. Sends shivers down my spine.


And here's a real one:

Uvula. My mother is/was a dental assistant and she always taught us the real words for things like that. But uvula is not a pleasant word to say. Ewww.

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Well, okay, it's not all euphemisms. It's the overly prissy ones. Hoo hoo doesn't bother me. The alternatives to scrotum don't bother me. But when someone goes overboard to avoid sounding vulgar, it somehow sounds even more vulgar to me than the word they're trying to avoid.

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Well, I can't spell it out here b/c it is so very vulgar and disgusting. Let's just say that it is the first syllable of the word country. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I hated when high school boys would use that word referring to a girl they didn't like. Blech. I'm cringing right now as I type.

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I hate it when people use internet abbreviations in actual conversation. My neice will actually say "double u T F" (I didn't know if I'd get in trouble for typing it here) when she is talking.


I know that's not technically a "word", but I still hate to hear it.

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Well, I can't spell it out here b/c it is so very vulgar and disgusting. Let's just say that it is the first syllable of the word country. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I hated when high school boys would use that word referring to a girl they didn't like. Blech. I'm cringing right now as I type.


That is truly my least favorite word.. but I wasn't able to figure out a way to state that here... I'm glad you did it for me.

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Well, okay, it's not all euphemisms. It's the overly prissy ones. Hoo hoo doesn't bother me. The alternatives to scrotum don't bother me. But when someone goes overboard to avoid sounding vulgar, it somehow sounds even more vulgar to me than the word they're trying to avoid.


Well, I can't spell it out here b/c it is so very vulgar and disgusting. Let's just say that it is the first syllable of the word country. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I hated when high school boys would use that word referring to a girl they didn't like. Blech. I'm cringing right now as I type.

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Hate it. Yeah, buddy. And what word are you making into a contraction?


(I know. I know. I sound like the grammar police. Wanna see my badge? ;))


Oh, and I don't like the word fart. LOL. It seems so Animal House-ish (and I even love Animal House). When my kids were little, both used to say, "Air came out of my bottom." I had to giggle internally every time they ever said that. I never gave them the correct terminology. Alas, they learned 'fart' from their cousin. Guess that's what older cousins are good for... :lol:

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Well, okay, it's not all euphemisms. It's the overly prissy ones. Hoo hoo doesn't bother me. The alternatives to scrotum don't bother me. But when someone goes overboard to avoid sounding vulgar, it somehow sounds even more vulgar to me than the word they're trying to avoid.


Oh yes! I get you completely! Are you thinking of "va jay jay" maybe? Or I've heard moms in the bathroom say, "Did you wipe your ta ta." Ewww! Why? LOL Or maybe "peeper" and "dingdong"? Euphemisms sometimes stop sounding like euphemisms and just sound... dumb!

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PrairieAir, I reread your post in the quote above and wanted to add that I once got sent home and banned from another little girl's house because I said "butt" instead of "behind". They said I used foul language and was a bad influence.


My Mom outlawed the word "butt" in our house and as kids we always pestered her as to why it was banned. She could never really answer. Finally she said, "Because it sounds too much like buttocks." :001_huh::lol: She wasn't amused when we reminded her that that word was in the dictionary. She doesn't mind that we call it that now... in fact, I think she does too! LOL She also hated the word fart with a passion!

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I hate it when people use internet abbreviations in actual conversation. My neice will actually say "double u T F" (I didn't know if I'd get in trouble for typing it here) when she is talking.


I know that's not technically a "word", but I still hate to hear it.


You know what's really awful. One time I found myself thinking the letters "LOL" instead of actually laughing. Disturbing isn't it? :001_huh:

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I hate when people use the word "bum" instead of butt.


"Oh I fell on my bum."


What? You fell on your vagrant person? Did you hurt him?


Don't come to Canada (or Great Britain) then! LOL That's what most everyone calls it here! I actually now prefer bum to butt. It sounds softer! :lol:

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a word that should be used as an adjective in front of the word "cat" (it starts with a "p") but is used to mean something else. Hate, hate, hate, it!!!!


Yes! This is my least favorite word too! I'm shivering. I don't like fart either, but I've had to come to accept it in my house. DH and I don't see eye to eye on that one.


I know there are more . . .

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Oh yes! I get you completely! Are you thinking of "va jay jay" maybe? Or I've heard moms in the bathroom say, "Did you wipe your ta ta." Ewww! Why? LOL Or maybe "peeper" and "dingdong"? Euphemisms sometimes stop sounding like euphemisms and just sound... dumb!


Just scanning "ta-ta peeper dingdong" cracked me up! :lol::lol: Say it five times fast. :tongue_smilie:

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The substitute word for bre@sts that rhymes with the individual bumps that make up acne. (Yeesh...was it really worth all that just to avoid using *it!?)


Sucks makes my butt clench


Tinkle. My mother says, "Do you need to tinkle?" Oh, Lord, mother. Just. Say. Pee.


Irregardless irritates me...irrationally :D


Baby chicks It's terribly redundant


Connie Lynn Gus (You figure it out)

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The substitute word for bre@sts that rhymes with the individual bumps that make up acne. (Yeesh...was it really worth all that just to avoid using *it!?)


Sucks makes my butt clench


Tinkle. My mother says, "Do you need to tinkle?" Oh, Lord, mother. Just. Say. Pee.


Irregardless irritates me...irrationally :D


Baby chicks It's terribly redundant


Connie Lynn Gus (You figure it out)


Oh man! I love your list!! :lol:

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CONVERSATE. It's not a word. Hearing that non-word is like listening to nails on a blackboard. It inspires a deep, irrational hatred in me which can only be relieved by shouting, "It's not a word! It's not a word! Say 'converse!' Conversate is not a word!"



Oh, did I mention that conversate is not a word?

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The substitute word for bre@sts that rhymes with the individual bumps that make up acne. (Yeesh...was it really worth all that just to avoid using *it!?)


Sucks makes my butt clench


Tinkle. My mother says, "Do you need to tinkle?" Oh, Lord, mother. Just. Say. Pee.


Irregardless irritates me...irrationally :D


Baby chicks It's terribly redundant


Connie Lynn Gus (You figure it out)



laughing024.gif Those are great!

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I really hate when women call their parts their vajayjay. What the heck?!


Oh, and remember when sport utility vehicles were first becoming popular and people didn't know what to call them yet? A lot of people said SUV but a lot of people said "sport ute"? I guess I'm not the only person who thought "ute" was the dumbest word ever, since SUV became the standard instead.

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I really dislike words people make up to replace words they think are vulgar. We had a neighbor who used to say foof instead of fart and petunsky instead of butt. Ridiculous!




Oh yes! I get you completely! Are you thinking of "va jay jay" maybe? Or I've heard moms in the bathroom say, "Did you wipe your ta ta." Ewww! Why? LOL Or maybe "peeper" and "dingdong"? Euphemisms sometimes stop sounding like euphemisms and just sound... dumb!



Oh, that just made my night!



I'm that way with 'nauseous'. "It makes me nauseous." "Really? It causes you to be nauseating to others? Or do you mean it makes you nauseated?"


I actually said this to someone once and ended up in a room full of blank stares.:lol:



OK, the ones that annoy me the most are any form of the verb got (esp. gotta), gonna and 'had tooken'.


No joke, I hear the phrase 'had tooken' come out of people's mouths and it makes my head spin.


But my #1 least favorite word... Frackin.

One day my husband started saying it and it caused an emotion to well up in me that I had never felt before. The word literally made me angry on some visceral level, I can barely look at it, I have no idea why. He would use it in public and I would freak. He thought it was so hilarious:glare: Eventually, he stopped using it, and I found out it was from Battlestar Galactica, how they got away with swearing, but the word still bothers me.



lol... foof:lol:

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Hate it. Yeah, buddy. And what word are you making into a contraction


"Am not," with a Cockney accent. I always hated when teachers would say, "Ain't ain't a word." It's clearly a word, and it dates back to at least the early 1700s. The reason it's improper is because it's in Hagrid's dialect, not the Queen's dialect.

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