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What are you doing this summer?


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I know some moms hs year-round while others follow the ps schedule. So what are you doing, school wise, during the summer?


My 13 yo will read every evening, work on Spanish, and some math work.


My 8yo will continue with AAS, Why Johnny Can't Read, living-math, R&S math, and Spanish.


Hopefully we can fit this in during our busy summer!

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We will be transitioning from ps to hs. June will be completely off except for the read-alouds we are currently working on and older ds will continue violin lessons. They will have VBS and probably swimming lessons and baseball camp in June. Older ds is waiting to hear if he got a scholarship to attend a Lego Beginners (Wedo) camp at a local college. They will also go stay with dh's parents for a week. I am planning to start our new school year mid-July.

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Some kind of quiet time reading several days a week.


Listening to MOH Volume 1 and notebooking that a bit. Reading additional literature for that time period. Maybe a few projects.


Math a couple days a week along with Ipad apps for facts, etc, fun stuff. REALLY need to keep my kids fresh with math this summer!


Song School Latin (totally forgot I had this and Ella is going to do Prima Latina starting in Fourth).


Simple enough. Probably giving the kids a good three weeks of NOTHING first after our "official" year is done. Really am going to miss the structure of our days so I hope to keep "some" structure throughout the summer, besides our "true" vacation days, when DH is off.

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We'll continue with daily (well, most days) reading, writing and math at a very relaxed pace. I'll aim to do just a little most days but certainly not a full load of studies. I'm also thinking that we're going to do quite a bit of art history since we are going to have opportunities to visit several world-class art museums in the fall.

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school. It's too hot here in summer to do much of anything {especially when you use public transit}, and we are WAY behind on schoolwork.

We always school through the summer, as it is too hot to be outside. This year we are way behind on school due to a family member being critically ill the past two months, so I hope to school heavier than normal.


DC will take a few week long camps: chess, art and possibly tennis in early summer.


Fun school plans:

Finish up physics

Handle on the Arts (art program, will use daily instead of weekly)


Rest of school will be the same ole thing, though we will be starting a new Latin program.

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and we are WAY behind on schoolwork.


Us, too! We started hs'ing late Fall, and then spent time tweaking curriculum. So, we'll be hs'ing through summer, but mostly just math and language arts. We'll also do some enrichment things like swimming and art lessons.


My kids always have had a hard time getting summer off and going back to school in Fall, so even if we aren't behind I do plan to hs through summers, just maybe a bit more relaxed and taking more time off during the "regular" school year:D



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We'll keep going with math and reading.


We're finishing up SOTW 1 and I plan to do the activities from the ancients kit I bought from Hearts and Hands, so fun and hands on.


Also bought the Get a Grip Lentil kit from TOPS to use outside and do something different. And hopefully some art - always seems to fall by the wayside!

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Older dd has a volunteering job that will consume 20 hours per week of her time. Outside of that she has cello lessons, and we might squeeze in a pottery class. The only thing besides cello practice I'll require at home is reading.


Younger dd will have 2 or 3 sessions of zoo camp, a science summer camp, and will continue reading and LoF math over the summer.


They aren't doing anything that requires planning on my part so I get the summer off besides some driving and normal stuff.

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We're continuing with handwriting, reading and math (and science, until we're finished with it). We are wrapping up everything else now and adding Evan-Moor's Beginning Geography and Lollipop Logic. I would like to add bird study, but I don't think we'll have time. Maybe I can squeeze it in once a week, IDK. We start in May. :001_smile:

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We're going to begin our homeschooling journey. The kids get out of school (parochial) in mid-May and they'll just hang out until our vacation starts June 1st. We'll officially begin school on June 11th. I'm planning on doing a full curriuculm to make sure that I can really do it and still do my job well (I have an in-home daycare.). But, I've already told the girls that since we're starting school in June, we'll begin counting our days of school then, so we can take a week off to spend with an out of town aunt when she comes to visit and a week at Grandma and Grandpa's farm--then we'll take extra long breaks at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm excited to June to get here!

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we are finishing up First Form Latin and WWS I by the end of June. The kids will also be in a drama camp and older in Shakespeare Camp. We'll be going to OH/KY in a couple of weeks and plan to work in some living hx places and canoeing.


I think I'm doing The History of the Horse (BF) with a small group of 3/4th grade girls.

Beyond that I am making an extensive list of summer fun- activities, games, food, etc. along with a reading list. We bought a 4' high pool and plan to spend a lot of time splashing and gardening.


PitterPatter- have you seen MP's Bird study? It looks fun- we are going to be getting it for fall!

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We'll take a 2 week break at the start of July and then continue with math and reading, if we get anything else done it would be nice but I'm not planning for it. I usually feel pretty burnt out by the end of the year and enjoy the break from our regular schedule.

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We're having a baby any day now, so I plan to do nothing except nurse and focus on my three little ones.


The older kids will have the summer to themselves. I plan to ship them off to some playdates and dd8 will have a week of ballet camp, but they are going to have plenty of time to do as they please.

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We will finish up this year in about 3 weeks, then take about 3 weeks off and then start our summer schedule. Our tentative plan for summer is to tread water in math. I have a few CLE lu's otw that should be review, slowly continue in MM, and lots of games. We will aim to hit math 3 times a week. Lots of reading and read alouds-- I have a few dd has requested and I want to read through all the picture books from our ancients study this year for review, but not as study. I would like to work on Spanish as well-- I plan to block off a few hours a day of only Spanish in the house. I have tried it before and never stuck with it though so we shall see! :tongue_smilie:


Summer here means being in the pool every day all day, so that is our plan. We do what we can, focus on reading and read alouds with enough math to make us not go backwards. My rule for summer is we will never decline an invitation to do something for school, but no reason not to do something if we are home. :001_smile:

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We got a little behind in math, so we will be catching up. DD will have daily reading, we'll still do read alouds. We'll be doing some science using RSO Life. Also, our BSGFA for Bible. We will be taking off a week at the end of May and then 2 weeks in July for VBS and Fine Arts camp. DD will continue piano lessons too. We will be very relaxed though!

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Ds(11) will be at summer day camp. I'll try and squeeze in some reading and math.

Dd(15) will spend a month at a summer dance intensive and a month at her studio summer classes. She will also be teaching some baby classes at the dance studio.

Dd(18) will mostly be working at her regular job (health food store/juice bar) and will spend a week in Disney World.


EDITED TO ADD: Sorry, I thought your original post read, "school or other wise" not "schoolwise". I have to stop skimming.

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I'm going to try to keep it really light. I'm planning on spending 30 minutes per day on math, 30 minutes on writing and then doing a read-aloud and have plenty of audiobooks around. Oh, and 15 minutes a day on Spanish so we don't forget everything we've learned.



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My big ds will finish up pre algebra and continue working through WWS. We'll do some read alouds, books he didn't get to over the school year, because he still thinks it's a nice thing to do with mom. I don't know how much longer that will last, so I'm really going to try to savor it. Then, he'll be working on his rocketry projects, going to robotics camp, and helping out at the local urban farm. These things will be lots of fun, but they still fall into the "school" stuff category.


Little ds will start learning to read and tend to his pumpkin patch and tomato plant.


I will be purging, organizing, and planning for next year's homeschool.

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School stuff:

- finish math, if not yet done

- finish history (will definitely not be done :) )

- dedicate significant time to a typing program

- do a level of French

- possibly start Latin

- recorder


Other stuff:

- lots of read alouds, audio books, and silent reading

- swimming lessons

- do more involved projects (some on the horizon include making a solar oven, building stilts, and doing some entrepreneurial things)

- lots of outdoor play

- camping

- lots of festivals

- gardening

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We will be taking the whole month of June off from all schooling except reading. In July dd will go back to her math lessons with dh and get an early start on her Latin studies. We'll officially begin the new school year with all other subjects in September.


My own plans are to do some of my own art work in my studio plus teach a few art camps as summer courses for kids in the community. Other than these things, we'll spend a week at the beach for our vacation and hopefully get some hiking and camping in. I'm really looking forward to summer.




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My daughter (the only one currently home schooled) will continue with her reading and will continue CLE 100 and Singapore 1a and 1b until they are finished. Then she will do some type of math practice the rest of the summer.


My boys go to PS, but I have various reading, math, and writing things for the younger two to work on this summer.


My oldest will hopefully be doing the district's Independent Study Program (at no cost to us) for WA State History and Health, plus I'll add in some math review to keep it fresh. I also want to put together a book list for him since he'll be going to Pre-AP English next year (very surprised to find out they don't have mandatory reading over the summer).

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We are moving back to the U.S. from Indonesia and that seems like enough! :)


But I do hope to do some math games with the kids and give them the chance to do lots of reading. I may give them a "goal" of twenty particular books by August and see about a reward of some kind. We'll see.


I am excited about being back at a place with a local library so we'll hang out there a lot! I plan to take it easy until mid-July and start schooling when it gets too hot to go outside and play.

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Finish SOTW1 (and go back to some fun projects we missed) and move on to vol. 2.

Keep math fresh - laid back

Finish OPGTR with DS; begin with DD

VanCleeve's book of Engineering for fun

Swimming lessons

VBS at my in laws'; sil wedding;

Something for Bible - maybe the Vos story Bible


Safety stuff- I keep working on my kids learning at least my cell #- just not happening...

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We will have 9 weeks off from "regular" school...which is a really long break for us (we have 14 days of school left...woohoo!). We have a camping trip planned, we joined a local pool so lots of swimming this summer, trips to the zoo, and hope to visit some family too! We will also be working in our garden and the kids are growing their own sunflowers. In between all that I hope to do some "light" school work 2-3 days/wk with ds(7.5). I purchased a Kumon math wkbk for him and we'll participate in our library's summer book club. I have a few read-alouds planned for summer as well. I plan on using GWG some and finishing our WWW book before starting next year's book. I would love to get a jump start on SOTW but don't know how realistic that will be.


I can't wait for summer! :thumbup:

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We're moving but I'm still hoping to get something done. My oldest will start Saxon 3 Intermediate when she finishes Saxon 2 (about 30 something more lessons to go). I want to do some Latin and Greek games from CAP. I want to teach my second child cursive using LOE. My two eldest will continue some VP lit guides and my second one will fly though Phonics Museum 1. Most of this is independent work except cursive and maybe part of my daughter's math. And my second one will also drill math facts and do an abacus activity with me. My third will also do an abacus activity with me but all that will take like an hour of my time. Besides that I want to finish our Apologia Anatomy together. If possible I want my oldest two to work independently on VP SP 1815-Present and SOTW 1. I want to do Artistic Pursuits 3 with them too if possible but I'm not too worried about that if we don't fit it in.


So I'm thinking we'll start the day with Science and take a break for lunch. We'll do a quick art project and then an hour of math and cursive and the rest of the time they'll work alone. If we fly through Science and get it done in a few weeks time then maybe we can spend more time at the beach in the afternoon!

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We will also be transitioning from public-charter to homeschool. Just had my daughter do a Singapore Math placement test here at the end of 1st grade and she didn't even pass the first semester of 1st grade in SingM. So we will be focusing on getting her math on track and back up to grade level before we begin in Aug. We'll also be getting library cards and begin getting acquainted with some local resources (homeschool group, i.e.). And reading, reading, reading!

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It will be business as usual around here for the most part. We'll take a few weeks for science camp and a service oriented camp and have a few light weeks during swim lessons. We have unbearable heat here most of the summer so we will start school later each day to allow outside time and will spend lots of afternoons in the pool or in the A/C listening to audio books.

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We have completed most of our spring 2012 stuff and have started our summer stuff. We are using Moving Beyond the Page: Ages 8-10- Concept 3: Similarities and Differences, reviewing some math, and continuing with Kumon math and violin. The little man has a couple of weeks of day camp in June, but we should wrap up and move into our fall 2012 material the second week of July. We have many days that we will be taking off this fall and I need to start in July in order to complete our required 18 weeks/ 90 days before winter break. :001_huh:



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Sleeping:lol:. Well actually we have 4 weeks left of this school year and then I'm going to have my oldest do test prep for a week or two. After that. I have plans for us to do a geography study along with earth and space science. I'm going to keep it light and fun. I also will be having the kids read and do a bit of math. I'm not exactly sure yet when we will start the new school year. We usually start in July but I think we may just wait until August this year since VBS is the last week of July.

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My oldest will be going to a summer intensive for 5 weeks in late June/July, coming home for a week, then going to Greece for two weeks with my father. So, I don't think any real schoolwork will get done until the middle of August. I do have a reading list planned for him for the summer and he'll journal when he has time. I'd like to have him get a head start on math in August, but that might not happen.


Whether we decide to pull the other boys out of public school in the fall or not, they'll be reading every day and my 8 year old will be working on his handwriting. That is, if we can fit it in between hockey, baseball, soccer, dance, gymnastics and cheerleading camps. :glare:

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We're way behind this year, too, because of my high-risk pregnancy. I was on bed rest and thought we had a little longer before baby came, she wasn't due until beginning of May, but she arrived 5 weeks early, beginning of April.


So I'm going to take at least 6 weeks off to get ourselves into a routine and spend time with the grandparents who came to visit, then we'll finish our school work from this year, then go right into next year's school work. We don't live anywhere that offers fun activities for vacation months, so we might as well give the kids their vacation right now and then we'll get on a roll again once we're adjusted to little ones' schedule and my parents go back home.


To me it doesn't feel like it's ideal, but it's what needs to be done. I'm so done with trying to make this years' school work happen, that I just wish I could ditch the whole thing and jump into next years' work. But I need to persevere, and teach the kids perseverance in the process, and stick it out for this school year. We'll see how it all goes.

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We'll continue with math, language arts, history, geography, and science. The art center closest to us had shorter (and therefore, cheaper) summer sessions so the oldest is doing a class. We'll be on break from dance but we will be doing swimming, biking, and possibly some hikes. We also hope to have more time for museums and we do have a little time off planned for camping and visiting. At this point we do go year round so we can have the flexibility I need for minor health issues and taking a good deal of time off in the winter.

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Full-time school here, too. We ended up taking all of December off, and have been doing school-lite for the past 2 months with a new baby. We are way behind on some of the "fun" stuff, and a little behind on the basics. I wish I'd had the foresight a couple of years ago to stay farther ahead, rather than purposely find filler curric. to give us something to do.


My 9yo may be doing beginner band camp - he desperately wants to play the tuba.


The kids will spend a few weeks here and there at Grandma's house in the woods. I hope to somehow lighten the load when neighbors ring the doorbell to play. But overall I'm glad my dc have no concept of summer vacation.

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