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2nd grade..what are your plans?


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Would love to hear others plans....so far, here is what i have:


Math: Math Mammoth 3a and LOF Elementary, Math Rider/Times Tales for facts

Grammar: Kiss and conti ue MCT Island.

Latin: continue Lively Latin

spanish: continue Salsa and GSWS.

Science: BFSU

Geography: world geo with older brother using Kingfisher and other resources

History: Sotw Ancients

Handwriting: continue cursive

Writing: not sure. Combo of bravewriter and wwe 4 most likely

Spelling: Spelling Power

Piano, tennis....

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Our plans (subject to change, especially since we will be new to this!):


Math: Singapore 2a/2b


History: SOTW 1

Geography: Evan-Moor Geography

Science: R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Life

Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser Cursive

Spelling: AAS 1 and 2

Reading: Lots of literature, maybe a lit. review or two.

Piano and ballet


That's it so far!

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Our plans are:


SL Core B+C, spread out over 2 years for 2nd and 3rd

SL 3rd grade readers & LA

Pathways readers grade 2 with workbooks


MCP Math B

Behold & See 2

Daily Grammar 2

Map Skills B

Spelling Power

ZB Handwriting 2M

SL Science DVDs

2 year trip around the world geography program I created

Brownie Girl Scouts



And yes it looks like overkill, but we school 6-7 days a week so it's not really as heavy as it looks.

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Still planning, but I think I have decided upon these:


Math: Math Mammoth 2a/b, CWP

Grammar: PLL

Science: lit-based physics (following big brother)

Geography: Pearson's "Maps, Charts, and Graphs" workbook series

History: SOTW Middle Ages

Writing: ZB Cursive, Evan Moor's Daily Paragraph Editing (& 6-Trait Writing? I'm not sure about writing yet)


Honestly, I want next year to be as literature-based as possible so I don't know exactly what it will look like. I know we will be notebooking nature studies, science, and art. It will be dd's first year home so I want her to have a light, enjoyable year. (As I told her, "Have all the fun you can in second grade. I've seen my third grade and it is hard.";))

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We plan to do:

Math: RS level C and maybe begin D

LA: Queens Language Lessons, WWE1-2, AAS1-2, Penny Gardner's Italics

Everything else: LBC - we are using the grade 1 curriculum so I can combine with my kindergartener. We are switching out the American History portion and subbing Canadian History. Otherwise we are using it for geography, world history, composer study, art study, nature study, science, health and art.

We also will be taking art lessons, skating and swimming, as well as participate in a nature club and whatever else strikes our fancy :)

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Here's what I have so far.


Miquon and MEP



BFSU and Critical Thinking Through Science

AAS 2-3


Poetry/Composer/art study ala Charlotte Mason

Telling Gods Story

A LOT of reading aloud of good, quality literature.

Gymnastics and horseback riding. We have a wonderful opportunity to go and learn at the farm where she rides, they've said we can come out everyday if we like, so that in itself will provide a wonderful education for all of us. I think I'm most excited about living life at the farm than any curriculum lol.


Possible WWE1, or maybe just do it on my own. I have The Complete Writer book, so I'll have to see if I have time to plan it all out, or if I find the workbook for cheap, I'll get that.


Also not sure on what phonics to do, if any. Dd is in VT right now, I'm hoping that when she is done or close to it, she will be reading better and we will have a better idea of where to go.


I also want some sort of handwriting workbook...I like the look of HWOT, but since I'm using WRTR, I don't think those two are compatible. Perhaps just handwriting paper? I don't know.

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Math: Singapore 2a/2b, CWP with TT3


L/A: PR 2, Core Knowledge Grade 2 lit, McGuffey Reader 2, Write Shop B (maybe), New American Cursive, Evan Moore Word A Day and Daily Language Review, Classical House of Learning Ancients book list, Memoria Press 2nd Grade supplemental reading list


Science: NOEO Bio 1 with Life Science Task Cards and Evan Moor Daily Science


History: History Odyssey Ancients 1, Intellego World History 1-3


Music: Suzuki piano lessons


P.E.: Swim Team


Language: Prima Latina 1


Art: Atelier 2


Extras: American Heritage Girls and Flower Wreath II , CCD

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Our Plan-


Math: Beast Academy 3D (whenever it comes out), Singapore 3B?, 4A?, Hands on Equations, PCM


Latin: Latina Christiana 1, Minimus


Spelling: AAS 3 & 4


Grammar: Finish FLL 3, MCT Grammar Island


Writing: Games for Writing, Writing Strands 2?


History: Finish SOTW 2, start 3


Science: Intellego Astronomy & Earth Science units, Engineering is Elementary Aerospace Unit


Typing: Read, Write, Type


Piano, Tae Kwon Do, etc.

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MM 3, LOF, (maybe BA...haven't decided)


AudioMemory Geography, States

Gods Design for Life

WWE 2,



HWOT Cursive

Lots of reading

Song School Latin

Classical Conversations for memory work

Awanas for scripture

Artistic Pursuits

PE/Gym classes



I think thats it! LOL :001_smile:

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I am still planning, but this is what we have so far:


MM 2B (finish up)-3?/ right start games



AAS finish 3-4?

Zaner Bloser transition

Sonlight core C (modified) w/ grade 4/5 readers

ES earth and space

Spanish - not sure what though...


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Not planning for 2nd grade but I just had to peak all the same. :D It's not that far away for me.


We plan to do:

Math: RS level C and maybe begin D

LA: Queens Language Lessons, WWE1-2, AAS1-2, Penny Gardner's Italics

Everything else: LBC - we are using the grade 1 curriculum so I can combine with my kindergartener. We are switching out the American History portion and subbing Canadian History. Otherwise we are using it for geography, world history, composer study, art study, nature study, science, health and art.

We also will be taking art lessons, skating and swimming, as well as participate in a nature club and whatever else strikes our fancy :)


I'm thinking I will be doing LBC Yr1 next year. Which level of Queen's are you planning? Why Queen's over PLL? I'm going to be torn between Queen's, PLL, and CW Primer for 2nd, I just know it.

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As of right now, I am planning:

Math: Singapore Math 2A/2B

Grammar/Writing: Primary Language Lessons

Latin: Song School Latin

Spanish: not sure yet, but I want to do something.

Science: BFSU or Elemental Biology - can't decide

Map Skills Grade 2

History: Sotw Ancients

Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting Transition

Literature: MCT Alice, Peter, and Mole

Spelling: Rod and Staff Spelling 2

Violin, soccer, and maybe baseball (if he doesn't play soccer in the spring too)

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We started afterschooling gr 2 in Jan. Not sure if that counts.


Here is what we do:

Math: Math Mammoth, Scholastic Algebra Readiness.

Grammar: KISS

Handwriting: Italics cursive

Writing: WWE and just started PLL (which also counts as grammar)

Spelling: Spell To Write And Read

Typing: Just started DIY typing practice using the Almena method.

Piano and Swimming.

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This is what I have planned for DD for second grade:


RightStart C, supplementing with Math Mammoth Blue series

First Language Lessons 2

Writing with Ease 1

All About Spelling 2 (Possibly 3 since we have already started 2 now)

Explode the Code 5 to whatever we get to

Cursive using Kumon books and self-made practice sheets

Five in a Row Character supplement

Biblioplan Ancients

Story of the World 1

Elemental Science Biology Grammar Stage

SALSA Spanish (Reviewing and Continuing)

Dance Mat Typing (possibly)

World's Greatest Artists Study

World's Greatest Composers Study


Plus lots of read alouds and independent reading planned


Brownie Girl Scouts

Martial Arts


Still need to iron out some details, but that's the general plan which should be started in late August.

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I write a lot of my own plans, so a lot of our subject lists look long since I can't just say "Curriculum XYZ".


Language Arts: Spelling (our own lists), WWE, finishing FLL 1 and then moving into FLL 2,


Handwriting: HWT Printing Power then moving over to Getty Dubay


History: Our own studies- American History will be studying Lewis and Clark and the Pioneers/Westward Expansion and 1 month on Elections to go with the 2012 Election. World History will be focused on Ancients using a variety of sources including SOTW 1.


Science: Let's Read and Find Out books, The New Way Things Work, The Story of Inventions, My Body, Christian Liberty Nature Reader 1, nature study starting with One Small Square: Backyard, A unit on ships and navigation, 2 experiments/projects per month and a biography of a famous scientist each quarter. Narrating and notebooking along the way.


Math: finishing Saxon 2 first semester then on to Saxon 3


Memory Work: Awana memory verses, American Presidents, history and science sentences (in the same vein as CC, but our own sentences that go along with what we are actually studying in history and science). There is also poetry in FLL that we will memorize as we come across it.


Faith: Studying God's Word A and Awana club


Fine Arts: 2-4 planned art projects per month and plenty of free art time, Suzuki violin, 1 composer biography per quarter, 1 artist biography per quarter, picture study and composer study a la CM to go along with the biographies.


French: My own written plan


Geography: continue working on mapping the globe, and then picking one continent to focus on this year (DS's choice)


Literature: still building this list, but we'll read several books together (probably finish the last 2 Narnia titles) and he'll read a lot on his own too.

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One month of Prairie Primer then 2 FIAR units. One month of PP the 2 FIAR units, etc

---at least that is the plan right now---


Deciding between LLATL Red and PLL (which we are using both right now and are trying to decide between them). I may have dd do 2 LLATL lessons per day then move her to PLL when LLATL is finished.


Rod and Staff 2


Pentime Transition

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This post is very timely as I've been obsessing about this all day! :)


So far I'm thinking:

-BJU English 2... ?? Or maybe CTGE? Not really sure yet.

-CLE Math 1 (is behind and needs to finish). Then will start CLE Math 2.

-R&S Spelling 2

-ETC Books 4,5,6

-A Reason for Handwriting B

-Nothing formal for science and history. Just some good living books for read-alouds.

-Lots of readers at his level.

-Abeka Art

-Building Thinking Skills Level 1

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Singapore 3a &3b

MEP year 3

Phonics Road 3


Story of the World The Middle Ages

I'm thinking of starting MCT but I might wait until 3rd grade.

Elementary Spanish 2 and continue with Rosetta Home School Spanish

Artistic Pursuits - Stories of Artists and Their Art - Maybe Atelier and/or Meet the Masters as well

Harmony Fine Arts

Baltimore Core Literature 2

Essentials in Writing 2 or start IEW (if not this year, we will definitely start IEW in 3rd)

Continue Suzuki Piano

Lego Simple Machines

Chess Club

One day a week at gifted and talented program in public school


Science - I am up in the air. We'll do either Easy Classical Chemistry or Elemental Science Chemistry and REAL Science Odyssey Chemistry as well.

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Math- MM finish up 2, start 3

Writing- WWE2, cursive TBA

Grammar- FLL2, maybe KISS

Spelling- SWR

History- Biblioplan Early Modern

Literature- from Biblioplan and a list of classics from me

Science- Elemental Chemistry or Ellen McHenry's Chem or something entirely different :001_huh:

Art- Drawing with Children, Discovering the Great Artists

Music- Introduction to the Orchestra, plenty of classical music, Famous Composers CDs, and maybe piano lessons

PE- football and possibly a PE class at the Y


Seriously, if anyone has recommendations for chem for a 2nd and 5th grader, that would be fabulous.

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Though I have afterschooled my children for two years, this will be my first homeschool experience. So excited, but also quite nervous. Take this list with that in mind. :)


DD going into grade 2:

Math: Miquon and MEP (already using this and loving it!)


MCT Island level

Spelling: Grammar of Spelling 4/5 (from Veritas Press)

Humanities/Geography: TOG

Elementary Greek

Science: Biology focus using RS4K, Apologia, Nature study

Logic: Mind Benders, Critical Thinking Skills

Art: Artistic Pursuits and CM Artist Portfolios

Music: Composer studies and looking for advice since piano is probably going to get dropped

Edited to add Bible (can't believe I forgot!): OT focus using Confessional Lutheran online material and My First Catechism.


Looking over this it seems like a lot . . . but I really do hope to schedule it in such a way that it gets done!

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Grammar and writing : Rod and Staff 3

Spelling: Spelling Plus continuing where we leave off this year

Literature: What Your Second Grader Needs to Know for a starting point, then we will add to it from our book collection

Math: SM 3a and 3b with IP and CWP

Handwriting: from dictation for spelling plus

History: SOTW Middle ages

Bible: finish Studying God's Word a and start b, maybe use who is God from Apologia

Foreign language.......Ds wanted to learn Mandarin, then Japanese- I want Spanish, Latin, or Greek.....I have a few months to decide....


Forgot science: RS4K Chemistry and Physics

CC on our own, cycle two. We do part of the memory work.

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Math: Saxon 2 (wish he were in Saxon 3 next year, though)

Logic: Building Thinking Skills 1 (first half)

Writing: Pre-Scripts and Classically Cursive 1 and 2, Logic of English Cursive

Latin: Latin's Not So Tough 2 or Song School Latin 2 (when it comes out)

Greek: Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek 2

Phonics/Spelling and Grammar: The Logic of English Essentials

Literature: VP 2nd grade lit and guides

Oral Reading: McGuffey Pictorial Primer

Science: CLP Nature Reader 2, Nature Friend Magazine

History/Current Events: VP Self-paced history OT/AE, God's World New Mag.

Memory Work: CC Foundations, IEW Poetry, First Catechism, AWANA, Character First

Bible: VP Genesis-Joshua (hoping for self-paced version)

Family Devotions: What We Believe Vol. 1 Who Is God?


classics as a family such as Little Britches series, Little House Series, Narnia, and missionary biographies and poetry


During the summer: Apologia Science, SOTW, Artistic Pursuits,

Activities for the AL Abacus, Five Minute Facts by Susan C. Anthony, possibly Ray's Arithmetic, Latin and Greek games from Classical Academic Press, LOE assessment review lessons, CC lapbook from wisdomandrighteousness.com

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Bible: Bedell Curriculum and Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History

Phonics- Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways and ETC plus various readers

Grammar- FLL start 2 when done with 1

Writing- Start 2 when done with 1

Handwriting- A Reason For Handwriting and copywork

Spelling- AAS

Math- Horizons 2A then TT3

History- Ancient history using SOTW 1, MOH 1, Diana Waring Ancient Civ and the Bible CD's and a bunch of other things I have. Working on scheduling this all together.

Science- Christian Kids Explore Biology




Ds needed an extra year of the 3R's this year so we didn't do any science or history. Plus this way he will stay in the same cycle as younger brother and older sister.

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I will have a 2nd grader next year! ;)


So far the plan is:


Math: TT4 + MM 4a. She's really good with math, we already finished TT3 in March, and we're currently filling in a few gaps and rounding out the year using select topics MM 3b. Also want to try Life of Fred as a supplement for both kids starting next year.


Writing: WWE2 + daily journaling


History: SOTW2.


Science: I have RS4K - Pre-Level 1. I have all 3 subjects and planned to do all 3 this year, but ended up doing only Physics. So, we'll probably dip into chemistry next year. We attend 2 homeschool science classes at the science center each month, and we were also involved with Lego Robotics Jr. League the whole fall semester (weekly 2 hour meetings) and we will probably do so again. The kids also check out science books and DVDs from the library on a regular basis. I found that these activities provided ample science where just using the RS4K periodically on the rare week we had time for something extra was fine.


Music: I planned to teach both my kids piano this year, and failed utterly. They are interested and even good at it, but for some reason when it comes to music, we end up in arguments. I'm thinking next year of getting both the kids music lessons from a 3rd party.


Language: Another failure this year, especially with this child (the rising 2nd grader). She just wasn't ready for the Hebrew, emotionally she was just checked out. We did dabble with some Latin roots for fun. This summer she is attending summer camp for 4 solid weeks that include daily Hebrew, so I'm hopeful that it'll be a nice jump start, plus with the added maturity, that we can tackle Hebrew next year with greater success.


We will do literature selections related to history. My rising 2nd grader is an extremely fluent reader and has been for a while, so we're done with phonics and all that. We will probably do FLL informally (have in the past). She's a natural speller.

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ds1 will be in 2nd next year so this is good for me to organize my thoughts


Reading-mcguffey eclectic reader 4, assigned reading from various lists


LA-fll2, wwe2, aas3 and 4, cursive copywork


math-mm 2a/2b and maybe cwp1




science-earth and space books


lit-a combo of ao,fiar,lcc and other lists


Read alouds based around science, history and other lit



fine arts-mmpt and maybe dwc


with dad-catechism and piano


enrichment-lots of outdoor time, swimming (summer), taekwondo (school year)

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I will be having my last 2nd grader next year. I cannot believe how much I obsessed about it with my first son and with my last it is just such not a big deal as he tags along in most everything.


Math: Continue w/ Rightstart C and add along with CWP 2

LA: Finish FLL 2 and do FLL 3

Rod and Staff Spelling 2 (along with SWR phonogram/ rule reviews)

May do BJU Reading 3 w/ workbook


Getting Started w/ Latin

Typing: Typing Instructor for Kids

Music Ace (would love to get him piano lessons)

Art - Undecided - he has already done all 3 K-3 Artistic Pursuits book and I'm not sure I want to do the next level yet

Science: We are doing Apologia Flying Creatures right now and they want to do the Swimming ones next. I would love to get a Life Science that my 2nd, 4th, and 7th graders could do together but have not found one I am really interested in.

History: Core 4 from Sonlight. I'm not sure how much of the reading I will have him do. He is a good reader for his age and his older brother (3rd grade) struggles with this. This year they have been sharing the SL Core 3 reading together out loud.


I see that some are doing Evan-Moor geography. I may add this if I haven't sold it. I need to go through my totes of curriculum to see what I have.

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forgot something
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We're year-rounders, so we won't have a clean start to 2nd grade, but we will be promoting on June 1. Alex turns seven today.


Our second grade lineup:


Beast Academy 3b/3c/3d

MEP 3a/b/4a for filler and consolidation


MCT Island




Continue RSO Chemistry

Continue Lively Latin 1

Continue SOTW 2

(all of these will probably be finished at end of calendar year, halfway through 2nd grade by our schedule)


UU Superheroes (religious education)

Nature study

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Math: Finish TT3, Start TT4

Spelling: AAS 3

Reading: Funnix 2, HOP Master Reader, & Book List

Penmanship: Cursive

Writing: WWE2

History: SOTW 2

Science: Elemental Science - Chemistry

Geography: The Complete Book of Maps & Geography

Language Arts: FLL3

Art: Mikes Inspiration Station & Nana's Pastel Lessons

Foreign Language: German

Faith: AWANA & Mission Friends

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Right now the line up looks like this:


MM 2 a and b

Prima Latina and Minimus



WRTR as phonics reinforcement and spelling (if I can figure the darn thing out. Yes I know Ellie, it's easy...for you!)

Science-- Elemental Science Physics

History--homemade US history 2

Ice Skating


And lots of read alouds. So far I have scheduled Pinnocchio, The Wind in the Willows, The Princess and Curdie, the Secret Garden, Around the World in 80 Days, and The Little Prince. These are the ones we will discuss and linger on. There will be plenty more that we will read "unofficially."

We'll also do art study, composer study and memory work, but I don't have those quite sorted yet.

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PLL (2nd semester)


Abeka Phonics, Science, Health and History (she read and we discussed. She really loved the health book.)


R&S Spelling


Sat in on CHOW


A few units of FIAR


Calvert Math (I do not recommend it)

RFH Transition


Typing Instructor for Kids


Apologia Who Am I? And AWANA and personal Bible Reading


It was an east year and she learned a lot.

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As of right now, I am planning:

Math: Singapore Math 2A/2B

Grammar/Writing: Primary Language Lessons

Latin: Song School Latin

Spanish: not sure yet, but I want to do something.

Science: BFSU or Elemental Biology - can't decide

Map Skills Grade 2

History: Sotw Ancients

Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting Transition

Literature: MCT Alice, Peter, and Mole

Spelling: Rod and Staff Spelling 2

Violin, soccer, and maybe baseball (if he doesn't play soccer in the spring too)

My son really loves doing map skills type books....which one are you going to be using?

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I never know what to call Ariel because she's advanced. She did second grade work last year, but would be second grade by age this year, though we call it third, but go year 'round and "promote" in January. That's probably as clear as mud...


Anyway, the first list is second grade work, the second is what she did/is doing this year:


MM 2, Two Plus Two Does Not Equal Five

All About Spelling

Jolly Grammar

Winning with Writing 2

Oak Meadow Second Grade

Great Explorations in Math and Science (Involving Dissolving, Liquid Explorations, Secret Formulas)

Getting Started with Spanish

Atelier Art 1


MM3, Timez Attack

All About Spelling

Galore Park Junior English 2, Grammar Land

Writing With Ease 2

Intellego Astronomy 3-5, Galore Park Junior Science 2

The Complete Book of US History

The Complete Book of Maps & Geography

Kumon Cursive Letters, Teach Me Joy Cursive

Getting Started with Spanish

Meet the Masters

memorizing the poetry list from Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization

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Math: Math Mammoth 3a/b

Grammar: FLL 2

Writing: WWE 2

Spelling: AAS 4

Cursive: Pentime

Logic: Critical Thinking Workbook

Reading: 30 minutes of daily reading from selected books

Science: Apologia Zoology 3 w/ Jr. Notebook

History: Beautiful Feet Early Am. History

Geo: US Geography (mainly games and books)

Latin: Song School Latin

Bible: Community Bible Study (weekly Wed. class)

Plus daily read alouds


We are leaving behind our boxed curriculum and are very excited to start with all this new curricula. My K daughter will be following along with us in science, history, geography, latin & bible. Our first year with FLL and WWE, hope we like it!!

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We are leaving behind our boxed curriculum and are very excited to start with all this new curricula. My K daughter will be following along with us in science, history, geography, latin & bible. Our first year with FLL and WWE, hope we like it!!


Why the big switch this year?

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We school year round and my son's 2nd grade year officially starts July 9th. Here's what he'll be either moving into or continuing for 2nd grade:


Grammar: Phonics Road 2

Math: Saxon 5/4

Science: RSO Earth and Space, CL Nature Readers, and for fun on Fridays K'nex Science kits

History: 2nd half of ToG Y2 (I split this across 2 years so we weren't just skimming over history)

Art: Artistic Pursuits Book 2 and Mark Kistler drawing online

Music: Classical Magic program

Logic: Gift of Logic 2 and Math Analogies 2

Writing: CW Primer

HW: Getty Dubay Italics Book D

Geography: Maps, Charts, and Graphs C along with what we get through ToG and Geoscribes geoterms (1 per week)

Language: Lively Latin and GSWL

Reading: SL Readers 4-5, Elson Reader 4 and Treadwell Reader 4

Vocab: Wordly Wise 3k Grade 2 (he wanted this, I am not sure about keeping this in though)

Literature: A family reading time, my own lists and plans along with Reading Roadmaps (TTC)


Hmm that does seem like a lot, maybe it is but that's the way it is around here, we read a LOT and he's up to it.

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My current 2nd grader is finishing up:


Rod and Staff 2nd grade: math, english, penmanship, phonics, spelling

We are halfway through SOTW4 and hope to finish it before fall

WTM 4th grade physics study

Drawing with Children

extras: girl scouts, co-op for enrichment classes, and dance classes


She started out reading Frog and Toad type books and has just finished her first American Girl book with a lot of help. She is now reading a scholastic chapter book that is not such a stretch for her and doing awesome. It has been a good year for her.

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We're for sure using:


Math Mammoth 2b/3a and Miquon

First Language Lessons 2

Writing With Ease 2

Lollipop Logic 3 and Perplexors Level A




WTM style science or BFSU

SOTW Ancients or maybe History Odyssey Ancients

Debating between sticking with Spelling Workout or switching to All About Spelling




Will continue with choir, art class and nature class, probably add in piano lessons as well

Lots of reading and library trips (We have a huge home library and I also look at Sonlight and other similar curricula's book lists for general ideas of books he might enjoy.)

Frequent field trips and park days

Would like to find an opportunity for him to have conversational foreign language lessons (Japanese? Spanish?) from a native speaker but it's been

We tend to do lots of informal art history, world geography, Draw Write Now books, games, chess, etc. Generally speaking we mostly just do formal 3 Rs and follow our own interests/rabbit trails for the rest.

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Here are my current plans for my rising second grader:

I'll be trying the MEP Second grade guide for reading, math and some other things as I can work them in.

ETC - she should be in 6 & 7


McRuffy Cursive handwriting 2

A Living History of Our World (US history) - I'm excited about this

along with the Hewitt American history reader - my older read this in second grade and enjoyed it

CLP Nature Reader 2 - she's currently reading the first book

we'll also do science with a friend which will probably be RSO Life


We'll do Greek and Norse myths with read alouds


She goes to an enrichment school once a week for science, art, music and pe. She also takes dance and judo and might start learning a string instrument with a strings orchestra group.

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Here are our current plans for 2nd Grade which starts the beginning of July

Hopefully the plans won't change too much over the summer. I already ordered it all and have it sitting in the closet waiting for him to finish up his final chapters in a few of his current 1st grade books




AAS 3+4

ETC - Books 7+8

Literature - Still putting together our book list

Singapore Math 3A and 3B with IP and CWP

RSO - Earth and Space

Prima Latina

History Odyssey - Middle Ages

Primary Logic/Logic Links

Art - Try to get through the Artistic Pursuits book that we didn't do this year


Plus - cub scouts, swim lessons, extra science classes and soccer.

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Bible-The Vos Children's Bible and Jesus Calling for Children


Writing-WWE2 & WWW2 (?)

Spelling-AAS 1&2 (debating this still, spelling has been a bust this year)

Phonics-ETC 4,5,&6 (because he likes it)

Reading-Sonlight 3 Readers

Math-MM2 and maybe MEP SM IP & CWP

History-SOTW 1 &AG w/Sonlight B possibly trying to add in MOH where I want (I hope I'm not crazy)

Science-Apologia Zoology 2 w/junior notebook

Art&Music Appreciation-Handle on the Arts Time Traveler 1


Edited by jjvimiller
forgot some of my plan :)
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Our plans for 2nd are:


Saxon Math

First Language Lessons

IEW PAL Writing

Spelling Workout

A Reason for Handwriting - Transition to Cursive

Story of the World 2

Christian Kids Explore Earth Science/Apologia Astronomy

Reading - pulling from all the lists for lots of readers & read-alouds

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Plan A -


Memoria Press 2nd Grade Package


Follow along with big brother in SOTW and Science in a Nutshell kits/Living science books.







Plan B -



Ambleside reading selections & oral narration. Copy narrations 2-3x per week.


Apples & Pears Spelling (contains enough dictation for me)


Word study - pulled from literature/history/science - analyze Spalding style.


Cursive copywork




Math - either MEP or Singapore (....it's either time or $$$:001_huh:)


Lively Latin (we already have this)


SOTW and Science with big brother.






And extras:


Learn to write the Greek letters.


Piano/Music by Mom

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Plan A -


Memoria Press 2nd Grade Package


Follow along with big brother in SOTW and Science in a Nutshell kits/Living science books.



I ordered the 2nd grade plans and may add in the memory work, recitations and copy work. We are already using Prima Latina and New American Cursive, using the MP second grade supplemental reading list and I am considering a switch to Rod and Staff math! Aside from Phonics Road 2 and our science and history we are mostly using MP core already!


I'm seriously using their 3rd grade package and saving myself a lot of headaches for 2013-2014 and will just add some science and history as I feel necessary.

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For ds I am planning:


Math: Singapore Math 2B & 3A

Lang.Arts: HWT 3 & 4, copywork, and learning to spell the 300 most common words

Writing: weekly journal and independent writing using the writing process

Literature/Rdg/History: Sonlight Core 3/D

Science: WTM-style study of earth science and astronomy

French: L'art de Lire 1 & 2

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3, Bk 1

Extra: Piano lessons, gymnastics, fall soccer, spring baseball, summer swimming

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