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why do little kids shove things up their noses!?

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My two-year-old shoved a safety pin up her nose this morning (at church!). :glare: It was (thankfully) closed. I could see it, but could not reach it. Then, by the time we got tweezers from the car, I couldn't see it AT ALL. I was hoping it had fallen out between the time that I could see it and the time I couldn't, so we were retracing our steps looking for a tiny golden safety pin. We had walked only the length of one hallway when Ellie started to gag, cough and sputter...and the spit the safety pin out into her hand! :001_huh: My older kids were awed and amazed that she could do that!


I'm just happy I didn't have to take her to the emergency room! This is the daughter that I just took to urgent care and then the doctor because she placed her finger in a moving shopping cart wheel and now has ripped and torn up the fingernail and its bed. She's a very bright child, but she is NOT invincible! :glare:

Edited by blondeviolin
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I am so thankful my 2yr old hasn't mastered the art of sticking things up his nose. One of his older sisters did it quite frequently until after sticking a piece of sponge up it and it staying there for sometime until after several visits to the dr for her bad bad breath, it was dragged out.


And btw, I think that is a pretty marvellous trick, coughing it out. Hehe.

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When dd was 2 years old, she dropped one of those really little screws used fro outlet covers into her ear! The er doc wouldnt touch it, they waited for ent to do it.


Ds shoved a lego head up his nose and recently paper (my wonderful father taught him how to make spit balls, so ds took it further and tried making booger balls!).

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My oldest did this when she was 2. I told her not to EAT the berries from the bush outside, so instead she stuck them up her nose. It was on a Sunday and the emergency line at the ped's office said she could inhale them and that would be bad, so we did have to go to the ER. The doc who helped get them out said more than once he had come home from work only to have to turn around and go back because one of his own kids had stuck something in his nose. Just a kid thing with some of them, I guess.


My middle one stuck a kernel of popcorn in his ear. The ped used a water pik to get it out, so it was less tramatic than the berry in the nose.

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I'm glad it turned out well. My DD went through a short state of putting lego's up her nose. We only had 1 that required a visit to the ENT and it took all of 10 seconds to remove. The others she was able to sneeze out and one was positioned so that dh could reach it with tweezers. Thankfully that stage was short lived.

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Ds (probably with help from dd) has been to the er twice with foreign bodies in body parts. The first was a bead in his nose that was there for at least 2 days before I discovered it. The other was a piece of styrofoam shoved in his ear canal that required a trip to the emergency ent for removal because the er could not safely take it out....then after all this dd shoved a piece of styrofoam in her ear just 2 nights ago thank goodness it was easily grabbed and removed with tweezers. Now if I could just figure out where the kids were finding little pieces of styrofoam from.

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I don't know why they do it. I do remember the story that parents used to tell their children of the mother who would leave home and the last instructions she always gave were, "And don't stick beans up your nose." Of course they did. I don't remember how the story ends.




I'm glad your daughter is ok!

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Glad she is ok!


As for why I have no idea! My dd shoved a bead up her nose at 3, and I had to take her to the ER. The doc checked her ears too, because he once pulled 21 beads out of one kid during a visit. :001_huh: It took a long time to get the crazy bead out due to fear of it going into her lungs. The story of the child he had just opened up to get the small pony hair brush out of her lungs did not give me the warm fuzzies as he was fishing for the bead (he did not cause the brush to fall, but still a scary thought).



Apparently I did not learn my lesson that time, because my middle child did the same thing when he was 4, but a good sneeze took care of that one. :D

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Mine never did (at least not yet), but I remember my brother seemed to be addicted to doing it as a child. He did it over and over around age 2 and 3. Once, he shoved a big red bead up his nose and the daycare people called my mother to rush him to the er because they thought it was some sort of horrible nosebleed. My mother was less than amused when she realized it was yet another thing shoved up his nose.

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Wow, she coughed it out? That's amazing! Glad she is OK.


Yeah, when my oldest was 3 she shoved a pencil eraser up her nose at church. We were going to leave on a plane trip in just a couple of hours! :willy_nilly: Luckily she sneezed it out before too long.

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All 5 of my kids have shoved a plastic bead up their noses at the 2-3 year old age.

I guess it's so pretty and colorful that you just have to put it up your nose?:001_huh:

My youngest just did this a few weeks ago when we started making crafts for Easter. I managed to pull the bead out with tweezers. Not easy since her nostril is sooo tiny. Then the next day she tried to do it again!:glare:

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When I was four, I informed my mother that when I stuck little bits of colored construction paper up my nose, when they came out, they no longer were the color they were going in. Amazingly, she didn't seem as thrilled with that revelation as I was.

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Mine never did put things up their noses, but a good friend has the craziest story about this. One of her friends noticed something peeking out of her toddler daughter's nose...something GREEN. Turns out the child had shoved a bean up her nose and it stayed there for a day or two and SPROUTED. The tiny leaf was protruding from her nostril.

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Up the nose, then spit it out? Wow! That's a talented little kiddo! :D


Yeah, the nose seems like a favorite spot for littles! My dd at 2 put a marble up there. Every time is started to slip, she would sniff it back up!! Finally, I was quicker than her, and blocked it and got it by squeezing the top of her nose with my fingers. Unbelievable.

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Here's a little piece of advice from dd's pediatrician:


Lay child on his/her back, place finger to close the clear nostril. Place mouth over child's mouth (as if to do mouth to mouth) and blow gently. The item will shoot out of the nostril.


I have used this technique twice on dd and it worked like a charm each time.

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I think usually they do it just to see what will happen. :tongue_smilie:


I've told the story on here before about how I put a peanut up my nose when I was 3 or 4. I don't know why I did it. But I do remember my parents and grandparents trying to pick it out with tweezers. It was traumatic; they made my nose bleed. :001_huh:


Of course I decided to do it while we were visiting grandma and grandpa. :lol:

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Ds (probably with help from dd) has been to the er twice with foreign bodies in body parts. The first was a bead in his nose that was there for at least 2 days before I discovered it. The other was a piece of styrofoam shoved in his ear canal that required a trip to the emergency ent for removal because the er could not safely take it out....then after all this dd shoved a piece of styrofoam in her ear just 2 nights ago thank goodness it was easily grabbed and removed with tweezers. Now if I could just figure out where the kids were finding little pieces of styrofoam from.


Just an idea, but check your couch cushions.


One of ours has a small tear in the bottom from a tiny end of spring sticking up and poking a hole in it. I've found random bits of foam floating around the livingroom before. It's not styrofoam, but soft foam.

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