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I am not well!

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It started with extreme nausea last night. I quit taking all pain meds thinking maybe that was it. It wasn't....though I haven't taken any more today at all. I have not felt well (in general) all day. I have a massive headache, a low grade fever (99.6ish), and a general feeling of not being well.


This is not fun. Wasn't this supposed to be a walk in the park?? LOL.




....and since I know someone is going to ask, no there are not any signs of infection.

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Have the doc call you in some Meclezine - anti-nausea. Or you can get it over the counter. I think it's Bonine.... Scopolomine patches are the bomb, if you can get those.

It will take about 3-5 days to actually get all the anesthesia out of your system, and the pain pills make you sick as well :(

Pain pills make me really sick to my stomach. It sucks :(

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Have the doc call you in some Meclezine - anti-nausea. Or you can get it over the counter. I think it's Bonine.... Scopolomine patches are the bomb, if you can get those.

It will take about 3-5 days to actually get all the anesthesia out of your system, and the pain pills make you sick as well :(

Pain pills make me really sick to my stomach. It sucks :(


The nausea seems to have subsided for the most part. I sorta feel like I'm coming down with a sore throat, but it's more general than that. I just feel.....yuck.

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Oh, bummer on the sore throat. That didn't start right away? (I'm thinking irritation from the tube)...

Watch it close, all the meds will lower your immune system, so you easily could have caught some kind of bug :(


No, this is more like swollen glands vs scratchy throat.

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You really think I should call?? I'm feeling like they're pretty insensitive & will just tell me to call back if the fever goes up or I have other signs of infection.


If they do, that's ok. It will be in their records and if it continues that will bear more weight. And if they're rude about it, tell us and we'll buzz angrily on your behalf!

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Yes, call. At this time, on a weekend, you'll just leave a message with an answering service and the on-call doctor will call you back.


My DH has called for me more times than I can count.


I've had many surgeries, and lived with a picc line for a long time too... I've had to call the on-call doc lots of times. It's not a big deal. That's why they're on call!


Write down your symptoms, and when you talk to the doc don't downplay how rotten you feel.



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Call the doctor. I had an infection after the last surgery. Your body can do a great job fighting with a low grade fever. I just felt lousy (I had just had surgery, but I felt worse on day 5 than day 2). The infection wasn't discovered until 6 weeks when the cast came off and the incision had not closed - gross, gross, gross stuff.


Call the doctor.

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Call the doctor. I had an infection after the last surgery. Your body can do a great job fighting with a low grade fever. I just felt lousy (I had just had surgery, but I felt worse on day 5 than day 2). The infection wasn't discovered until 6 weeks when the cast came off and the incision had not closed - gross, gross, gross stuff.


Call the doctor.

feel better

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Kristin, are you itching at all? Have you looked in the mirror? Is your face swelling? That is how I was feeling the morning I had an allergic reaction to a pain killer and ended up in anaphylactic shock. I thought I was getting an AWFUL cold. Pay attention to ALL possible symptoms.

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:grouphug: call.

your part of the job is to give them information so they can help you heal well and quickly.


their job is to respond appropriately to that information.


you can't do their part of their job for them, but they can't do their job at all if you don't give them the chance.


doctors i know would much rather have ten calls that weren't significant that have one patient not call when helping them would have been easier sooner rather than later. in the long run, calling now is easier for everyone.




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My mom said that she felt worse from the pain meds than she did from the pain of surgery, they made her that sick and miserable.


Thankfully, the pain meds didn't seem to affect me to adversely.


I'm feeling better today. Still the reminders that I had a migraine the last 2 days, but much better. I think this belly button incision is going to take awhile to heal and feel "normal", but otherwise I'm definitely seeing improvement :)

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