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Laundry detergent?

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For years I've bought an eco-friendly laundry detergent from Sam's Club and I've been happy with it, but I'm beginning to think that it's time to try something else. Dh's shirts are yellowed at the armpits and grimy looking around the collar. I'm constantly getting grease/oil stains on my own clothes that don't come out easily.


Any suggestions? I really don't like scented laundry products at all so it needs to be something that comes in an unscented/free&clear version. Tide maybe?

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I love Purex. It works as well as Tide but is much cheaper. My dd loves the Purex Naturals Linens and Lillies scent because it's pretty mild, but they do have a Free and Clear detergent too. Oh and Purex works in both HE or traditional machines, so no need to worry about whether you grabbed the HE or not.

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Amway's SA8, as well as the fabric softener and other laundry additives. Environementally sound (which Amway was doing before it became popular), economical, no fragrance (the original "fragrance;" there are three altogether, and the other two are a little stronger). I've been using Amway laundry products for over 35 years and have always been extremely pleased.


I started using SA8 when I bought my first washing machine. I had been using whichever laundry detergent (and fabric softener) looked good at the moment. Mr. Ellie, bless his heart, had some sort of, um, lower-body rash, such that he would wake me at night scratching. He'd had it since high school, all through his Air Force tour of duty, and had been to the doctor several times. They all had different diagnoses, and none of their drugs helped. So imagine how I felt when I realized after several months of using SA8 that Mr. Ellie was no longer agonizingly scratching during the night. And it turns out that he can only use Amway's bath soaps and deoderant. So there you go. :)

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After years and years of going with the cheap brands....I've finally relented that there really is no replacement for Tide.


I try to do natural products for many things, but have stuck with Tide Free (powder) for years and years. It does a good job and I use less than half of what it recommends on the box.

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Yes, but then you have to deal with an Amway rep who hard sells you to keep ordering and "Oh, just calling to see if you have tried X product" along with a 20 minute schpeil about how you need to buy, buy, buy....or better yet, become a rep yourself and hound your own friends and relatives.


Sorry, but I am a bit bitter on the whole thing after TWO bad experiences, thinking the first was just a hard sell person and the 2nd person seemed more laid back.....NOPE!




Amway's SA8, as well as the fabric softener and other laundry additives. Environementally sound (which Amway was doing before it became popular), economical, no fragrance (the original "fragrance;" there are three altogether, and the other two are a little stronger). I've been using Amway laundry products for over 35 years and have always been extremely pleased.


I started using SA8 when I bought my first washing machine. I had been using whichever laundry detergent (and fabric softener) looked good at the moment. Mr. Ellie, bless his heart, had some sort of, um, lower-body rash, such that he would wake me at night scratching. He'd had it since high school, all through his Air Force tour of duty, and had been to the doctor several times. They all had different diagnoses, and none of their drugs helped. So imagine how I felt when I realized after several months of using SA8 that Mr. Ellie was no longer agonizingly scratching during the night. And it turns out that he can only use Amway's bath soaps and deoderant. So there you go. :)

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Yes, but then you have to deal with an Amway rep who hard sells you to keep ordering and "Oh, just calling to see if you have tried X product" along with a 20 minute schpeil about how you need to buy, buy, buy....or better yet, become a rep yourself and hound your own friends and relatives.


Sorry, but I am a bit bitter on the whole thing after TWO bad experiences, thinking the first was just a hard sell person and the 2nd person seemed more laid back.....NOPE!



Or you could get it from me, on-line at my site. I don't usually promote myself like this, but under the circumstances, I do. I don't do hard sells. Either you want to buy the product or you don't. Either you want to try something new or you don't. I just want people to have clean laundry. :D

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After years and years of going with the cheap brands....I've finally relented that there really is no replacement for Tide.




I use the free and clear. The clothes are cleaner, plus they don't look so faded and worn either. I can find various detergents that will clean our stuff adequately, but they tend to really do a number on the dyes in the fabrics. Guess I'm just a sucker for optical brighteners.

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I use Seventh Generation with a little Clorox 2, but we're allergic to Tide (including Tide Free, I think maybe it is the whiteners).


We have the same problem with Tide. I makes everyone itch. I know it does a good job cleaning the clothes, though.


For the past few years, we have used Wisk Free. Lately though, it just seems as if the clothes do not smell very fresh. After just a few weeks on a shelf, the linens and tee shirts have a very musty, nasty smell. I thought it might be my old front loader machine, but I have a brand new fancy one now and I am still having the same problem. I may have to look for a new washing liquid myself.

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All Free and Clear.... works on exploding diaper, machine grease and lots of other nasty stuff.... basically whatever dd and dh spills on thier clothes


This is what I use also. I really like it except that I have a tendency to get grease splatters on my good shirt when I cook and they don't come out with just this detergent.:glare:

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We have the same problem with Tide. I makes everyone itch. I know it does a good job cleaning the clothes, though.


For the past few years, we have used Wisk Free. Lately though, it just seems as if the clothes do not smell very fresh. After just a few weeks on a shelf, the linens and tee shirts have a very musty, nasty smell. I thought it might be my old front loader machine, but I have a brand new fancy one now and I am still having the same problem. I may have to look for a new washing liquid myself.


I can actually use the scented versions of Seventh Generation. :)

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I make my own. Works great!


1 bar of Fels Naptha soap (microwave until puffy, let cool and crumble)

1 1/2 c borax

1 1/2 c. washing soda


Mix well, store in an airtight container. Use 1-2 TBL per load. I triple it and it lasts forever.


I use Purex Free and Clear on diapers, 1/4 cap.


Vinegar in the fabric softner dispenser for all loads.

Edited by raceNzanesmom
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Dreft stain remover is the best I found also for grease (machine) and nasty output made by baby. Yup I used dreft stain remover and All Free and Clear when DD was a baby and Dh worked at a metal fab shop (Lippert Components and Elixer Industries). Now that dd is potty trained and dh now works as a junior dental lab tech (he's working on certification) I just use the All.

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I use Seventh Generation with a little Clorox 2, but we're allergic to Tide (including Tide Free, I think maybe it is the whiteners).


This is what we use, as well. I'm mostly satisfied, but I admit it's not awesome for stains, especially the armpit kind.

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We have skin issues. We currently use liquid Costco environmentally friendly stuff because I am not permitted to use powders here. But, I love BIOKleen powder with the orange scent. Yummy. You can get huge containers at amazon. You use just a little scoop for a load. Love it. I am using it as soon as we move:lol:


We had a water softner at one time. That thing was awesome. I would recommend one if only for the washing machine.

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