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Did anyone here place one of the first 10 Beast Academy orders?


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I don't see those numbers posted anywhere prior to my post in this thread. :confused: Oh well, no biggie.

Sadly enough, we've got about three threads going on this topic. I salute you for not getting snared in.


I, perhaps as I am not a member of Facebook, could not see the linked photos. Ah well.


Can someone please, pretty please compare the Scope&Sequence of BA with that of either Singapore, MEP or Math Mammoth?

The preassessment pages


indicate the child should know more than what's covered in MEP year 2, as far as I can see. My son is in the late 60s lessons of MEP Y3 and is doing three digit addition and place value to lead to the traditional vertical algorithm (I think). I may finish Y3 first? I am really unsure. I look forward to figuring this out too.

Edited by stripe
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I haven't ordered yet, but I'm considering it.



I don't think my dd will be ready for it until the second half of 3rd grade (which won't be for like 10 months). Until then, I anxiously await hearing reviews and what everyone thinks of them.


Sadly enough, we've got about three threads going on this topic. I salute you for not getting snared in.


I, perhaps as I am not a member of Facebook, could not see the linked photos. Ah well.



The preassessment pages


indicate the child should know more than what's covered in MEP year 2, as far as I can see. My son is in the late 60s lessons of MEP Y3 and is doing three digit addition and place value to lead to the traditional vertical algorithm (I think). I may finish Y3 first? I am really unsure. I look forward to figuring this out too.


I couldn't see the photos either. :sad:


ETA: Wait a minute....strike that, reverse it. I logged into my dh's FB and could then see the pictures. Wow....looks exciting! I hope they'll have enough books for everyone. LOL!

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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I will admit, it would be kind of cool if they did a "Special numbered 1st edition" or something, like they do for art prints. One of my friends (who's a comic book collector) looked at the BA sample and commented that I should put it into an acid-safe bag-he could easily see BA catching on with the comic book collector crowd :). If so, our 1st edition copies could end up worth millions :tongue_smilie:.



I'm a little bemused that I apparently ordered earlier than anyone else who has posted on the WTM boards so far (which really shows where MY priorities lie-we're leaving for FL later today, and the day I'm trying to pack and get ready, I'm online stalking a math book. Of course, my DD DID pack "Painless Pre-Algebra" for light reading on the trip....).

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The preassessment pages


indicate the child should know more than what's covered in MEP year 2, as far as I can see. My son is in the late 60s lessons of MEP Y3 and is doing three digit addition and place value to lead to the traditional vertical algorithm (I think). I may finish Y3 first? I am really unsure. I look forward to figuring this out too.


I had the same feeling, that we'd been studying all the "wrong" things. We've been teaching the vertical algorithm this past week to get her up to speed, but I wish they'd released the pretest weeks ago so that we could have done deeper preparation for that. We'll see how she does with the pretest.

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I had the same feeling, that we'd been studying all the "wrong" things. We've been teaching the vertical algorithm this past week to get her up to speed, but I wish they'd released the pretest weeks ago so that we could have done deeper preparation for that. We'll see how she does with the pretest.


SM didn't do much with odd/even numbers. I will spend some time playing with that concept. We won't tackle the pretest until this weekend, but I would love to share and hear eveybody's experience with it.

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I am BY FAR the geekiest...I didn't even order this and I STILL read this entire thread-lol! (and every other thread;))


I refuse, REFUSE, to get sucked into BA. Ds9 is already doing portions of SM3, MEP3, MM3, CLE3, and Primary Challenge Math.


I do NOT need another 3rd grade math curric. I will sit on my hands and not order and live vicariously through all of you. (Psst...please post lots of reviews and comments when you get it :))

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SM didn't do much with odd/even numbers. I will spend some time playing with that concept. We won't tackle the pretest until this weekend, but I would love to share and hear eveybody's experience with it.


:iagree:Us too. We are definitely going to do some work on even/odd. That wasn't in any of the scope & sequences we were using.

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The preassessment pages indicate the child should know more than what's covered in MEP year 2, as far as I can see. My son is in the late 60s lessons of MEP Y3 and is doing three digit addition and place value to lead to the traditional vertical algorithm (I think). I may finish Y3 first? I am really unsure. I look forward to figuring this out too.


Thanks for this info. I look forward to hearing more info from you and others.


(Psst...please post lots of reviews and comments when you get it :))


Yes, please!

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SM didn't do much with odd/even numbers. I will spend some time playing with that concept. We won't tackle the pretest until this weekend, but I would love to share and hear eveybody's experience with it.


:iagree:Us too. We are definitely going to do some work on even/odd. That wasn't in any of the scope & sequences we were using.


My dd loved learning odd and even from Mathtacular. How they initially teach is to slap and clap. You slap you lap for number 1, clap for number 2, etc. Each slap is odd and each clap is even. For some reason....this worked like a charm for dd.

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:iagree:Us too. We are definitely going to do some work on even/odd. That wasn't in any of the scope & sequences we were using.


I am going to use the pretest solution for problem #14 as a guide. Although he can identify what an even number is (from PS), he can't do more with it.

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Right Start covers odd/even in both B and C.


I was order #33.. I am nearly always at my computer at that time of day, but DD got a bad scratch from one of our cats and we had to go to the doctor to see if she needed stitches! (Luckily, no, just steri-strips and antibiotics.. will have a scar though..)


We went out for pizza after the visit, and I geekily checked on it from my iPhone and ordered from the restaurant.


We'll remember the scar as the BA day! :)

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SM didn't do much with odd/even numbers. I will spend some time playing with that concept. We won't tackle the pretest until this weekend, but I would love to share and hear eveybody's experience with it.


We covered odd & even extensively in MEP. Also, as an MEP user, I think the word problems on the second page look easy compared to what we're used to, and the number problems on the first page might be challenging. I think that others have said the reverse.


I'll post Alex's reactions to the pretest on the guinea pigs thread, when we get to it. Should be tomorrow.

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DS did great with the pretest...he needed a little help in understanding what exactly they wanted, but otherwise I thought it was looking harder than it actually was. Once we sat down with it, it made much more sense :D DS has spent time working on Odd/Even numbers, however, so for kids that haven't worked on them at ALL, those problems might be a little harder...

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We covered odd & even extensively in MEP. Also, as an MEP user, I think the word problems on the second page look easy compared to what we're used to, and the number problems on the first page might be challenging. I think that others have said the reverse.


I'll post Alex's reactions to the pretest on the guinea pigs thread, when we get to it. Should be tomorrow.


Yes, about right, so I guess MEP and SM combination is the one to beat. :D

We are lucky my kid learned odd/even numbers at PS, so at this point I think only problem #14 will be a no go. I will be surprised if he misses anything else.

You post is making me reconsider MEP. I really liked it when I first looked at it and even printed out things, but I guess as an afterschooler, ended up going for easy (open and go SM).

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I was order 20-something....22, I think. Mine is coming regular mail, not priority. I paid with a PayPal echeck, too, so that will delay it an extra 3-5 days. :-(


We covered odd & even extensively in MEP. Also, as an MEP user, I think the word problems on the second page look easy compared to what we're used to, and the number problems on the first page might be challenging. I think that others have said the reverse.


I'll post Alex's reactions to the pretest on the guinea pigs thread, when we get to it. Should be tomorrow.

I'm happy to hear this! It means that my combo of MEP and MM should do a good job of covering all of the necessary topics for a great elementary math education with my second son. My eldest did a bit of MEP before switching to MM and I really wish we had stuck with MEP, too. He is currently working on MM2B. I think we need to do a bit more work before we start BA, though. We started the pretest and he had some trouble. I told him we would review a few things before trying again. I have a feeling that my mathy 6-year-old is going to want to do extra math every day so he can catch up to his brother!

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I am BY FAR the geekiest...I didn't even order this and I STILL read this entire thread-lol! (and every other thread;))


I refuse, REFUSE, to get sucked into BA. Ds9 is already doing portions of SM3, MEP3, MM3, CLE3, and Primary Challenge Math.


I do NOT need another 3rd grade math curric. I will sit on my hands and not order and live vicariously through all of you. (Psst...please post lots of reviews and comments when you get it :))


DD is currently doing MM, CWP, XtraMath, and Dreambox. We tried Primary Challenge Math but she wasn't quite ready. She took one look at the samples and asked if we could do BA too. I asked when she would have time. :) Our plan for next year is to drop CWP and add BA knowing that math will take more time.

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I'm happy to hear this! It means that my combo of MEP and MM should do a good job of covering all of the necessary topics for a great elementary math education with my second son. My eldest did a bit of MEP before switching to MM and I really wish we had stuck with MEP, too. He is currently working on MM2B. I think we need to do a bit more work before we start BA, though. We started the pretest and he had some trouble. I told him we would review a few things before trying again. I have a feeling that my mathy 6-year-old is going to want to do extra math every day so he can catch up to his brother!


We did it the opposite way -- we started with MM and just started adding in MEP. I also feel that the two combine easily. I think we're going to hold off buying it as dd is only in MM 2A and we probably wouldn't be ready for BA until the fall. But that gives me a good amount of :lurk5: time to read others reviews.

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