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Crazy things people say...that I hope are not true!

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I was playing tennis the other day with a few friends and we were talking about the different elementary schools in our area. One of the ladies teaches at the better of them. I stated that I enjoy homeschooling and finally feel a little more confident. (This MAY be our 2nd year.) She gives a little laugh and walks away.


Then, as she is about to serve she looks at me across the net, and with a smile on her face announces that it is a shame she doesn't have my child, because she is a MUCH better teacher!


Well... imagine how hard that ball came back to her! While I'm still stunned by this comment, I'm more surprised by my reaction. I am completely worried that she might be right. What if I am doing a horrible thing? Maybe I am a bad teacher! ACK!!!

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I was playing tennis the other day with a few friends and we were talking about the different elementary schools in our area. One of the ladies teaches at the better of them. I stated that I enjoy homeschooling and finally feel a little more confident. (This MAY be our 2nd year.) She gives a little laugh and walks away.


Then, as she is about to serve she looks at me across the net, and with a smile on her face announces that it is a shame she doesn't have my child, because she is a MUCH better teacher!


Well... imagine how hard that ball came back to her! While I'm still stunned by this comment, I'm more surprised by my reaction. I am completely worried that she might be right. What if I am doing a horrible thing? Maybe I am a bad teacher! ACK!!!


It didn't happen to hit her in the head did it?

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I wouldn't worry about it. . .just because some is licensed to teach doesn't make them a good teacher. DD attended high school for about 6 months in 9th grade and once we got into home schooling and me teaching her she told all her ps friends that I was a better teacher than any of them at the ps. She told them all that they should let me teach them. . .


Don't sweat it. . .if your kids are learning from you then you're a great teacher!!



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What an incredible tacky thing to say!! Would she say that another "professional" teacher? Good grief, she has a problem, and a chip on her shoulder.


I am sure ANY teacher out there feels more confident after doing it for a couple of years. I'm sure this "friend" did, too.


Oh, boy, this has my blood pressure up!


You are fine. She is an idiot.

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How does she know she's a better teacher? What a moronic statement. Does she sit in your classroom and see the care and devotion you give to your dc? I think she's threatened by you! Sounds like a statement made in an elementary playground by children! For Goodness sake.


Just stick out your tongue at her next time, that'd be on her level. Oh, and practice your return volley. :D

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I, too, am amazed at the things people say. And I'm sorry...it's just so annoying to have to be always defending our decision to hs. I did get a little insight into this "teacher insecurity" thing this about a year ago, though. My SIL is an elementary school teacher (or was, before her 3 dc). We are very good friends and love each other dearly but we've always kind of skirted around this hs/ps thing. Well, we finally had an "issue" last year and what came out of that was her belief that by my hs-ing, it was a statement that what she spent 4 years doing (college) was completely wasted and invalid. I was floored! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought OUR decision to hs would make her feel threatened. But as I listened to her, I could HEAR what she was saying. (Interestingly, since that time, they have pulled their dc out of ps (!) and are considering private or hs (!) so we have come a long way.) However, I agree with the others who think your friend was working on her own issues of insecurity.

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"Ha, this lady has taught for 2 years! And is feeling confident and her child is succeeding - what does that say about me? I went to college for this and have been teaching for "X" number of years - and we are on the same par! Maybe I"m not as great as I think I am if it is this easy to do my job!!


(of course I am not saying it is easy) Congratulations on your hard earned confidence!! Wish me luck - I start tennis lessons tomorrow!

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This just sounds like sports time "smack talk" to me. My guess is that she was sort of teasing you and that you shouldn't take it too seriously.


:iagree: That's kind of what I was thinking....


Who won that point, btw? (If she did, then her trash talk worked, kwim?)


And, I'd suggest following elegantlion's response suggestions. :D You definitely need to develop some court smack talk of your own. ;)

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If someone had said that to me I don't even know how to express how strongly I would have responded. That is the MOST UGLY AND COMPLETELY UNCALLED FOR comment I have read in a LONG LONG time.


You *know* and *love* your child. Does she? YOU are the very best teacher of your child(ren) that ever was created on this earth. You go forward and teach that child of yours with love and confidence. Don't let anyone rob you of the joy of teaching your child(ren)--ever. You were made for it!!

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One of my dh friends with no children, was very concerned when we told we would be homeschooling our future children.


He was worried that me 'forcing' them to go to the library, might eventually make them go POSTAL.:001_huh: It was his main concern.

HUH???:001_huh: I've never heard THAT one before! Interesting......:glare:
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Be glad that your child does not have someone soooo incredibly rude, insulting, and arrogant!!!! Unbelievable!!! Her attitude should all the more encourage your homeschooling. If the teachers act this way toward you...an adult, just imagine what they do to and teach the children!

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Has she been sitting in on your classes? How on earth could she make such a ridiculous statement? How could she possibly "know" or even have a supported opinion about whether or not she might be better at teaching than you if she's never seen you teach? What does she teach, definitely not logic, hmmm???? How rude!

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I think in that situation I would have laughingly told her to just keep telling herself that. ("That" being that she is a better teacher for your dc than you are.) And then I would have aimed every return right at her head. ;)


I have an acquaintance who gives me a running commentary on my "deficiencies" every so often. In truth, they aren't deficiencies at all ;); I just choose to do things in ways that are different from her methods. It bothered me for years, until it finally dawned on me that, for some reason, my choices make her feel insecure.


You may have to move her out of the "friend" category into the "acquaintance" category; that is what I finally did with the above-mentioned friend. Life is too short to be constantly told what you are doing "wrong" in someone else's eyes.

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Maybe you should consider sending your kids to her for character training. Anti-logic and arrogance are probably very important. You wouldn't want to disable your children by bringing them up to have a good attitude. ;)

My grandfather had a special phrase he suggested we use in these situations which goes as follows: "Shut up you mad bugger, I'm sick of listening to ya!" Now I don't think he ever actually said that to anyone, but we've all felt better over the years by thinking it!



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Well, we finally had an "issue" last year and what came out of that was her belief that by my hs-ing, it was a statement that what she spent 4 years doing (college) was completely wasted and invalid. .



It is interesting to me that my sister -- who went to college and got her degree in business management -- actually found out today that she has all the credits needed to become licensed to be a teacher. She is qualified to teach right now and just has to take a test sometime before the end of the first year she is teaching.


So what does that say about the qualifications needed to teach? Pretty much anyone with a college degree probably has most of the credits they need to do this. That was kind of a surprise to me considering all the arguments I've heard about teachers being the only ones qualified to teach.



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