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What causes SEVERE itching?

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I mean, indescribable itching. Its been going on for 2 years ish. My whole body is very itchy alot (MUCH more than normal) but my legs get so INTOLERABLY itchy. I mean to the point they are bloody when I am done. Its not dry skin. Its not under hydration. No new soaps or anything to cause an allergic reaction. I honestly do not know how to describe this itching. Its horrible because even when I'm itching it doesn't help sometimes. It gets to the point at times where anything that slightly touches my legs will start it. What could be causing this? It is so bad that sometimes I am almost to the point of tears :confused:

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Do you shave your legs? I got to the point a few years back where the hair growing back in felt like that for a couple of days. And since I was wearing hose and skirts pretty often, I really needed to shave every 2-3 days to be able to avoid static cling, so I almost always felt itchy. I ended up switching to having my legs waxed, because then the hair is soft as it grows back in.

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Do you shave your legs? I got to the point a few years back where the hair growing back in felt like that for a couple of days. And since I was wearing hose and skirts pretty often, I really needed to shave every 2-3 days to be able to avoid static cling, so I almost always felt itchy. I ended up switching to having my legs waxed, because then the hair is soft as it grows back in.




I do, but when they get like this I can't because its to bad to. I have even gotten to the point where I couldn't wear pants because that even was to much to bear. Its not just my legs. My whole body gets that feeling but my legs are the worst.

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Menopause does this.


Feels like a army of red ants biting under the skin.


I seriously thought I had something like scabies. Nope. Estrogen drops.



Yes, that describes it though. I have actually looked up scabies symptoms (THANK GOODNESS I didn't fit that!!! )



:crying: Not yet. Seriously?? I'm to young for that-- I hope!!!

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Scabies. They are very contagious. Has anyone else you live with come down with itching ? Have you been to a doctor ? I was miserable for months and was prescribed first antihistamines, then steroids, then tranquilizers. Finally my boyfriend (this was many years ago) started itching too and his doctor looked at a skin scraping under a microscope and dxd him, then I was able to ask for a doctor to check me for the same thing - bingo. One night of lindane lotion cleared it all up. And then I remembered the friend from out of state who had come to visit, who was on steroids and had to sleep with socks on her hands due to an itchy skin condition - I had loaned her a pillow and comforter and she had slept on my couch.

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Have you seen your doctor? My doc gave me some very strong antihistamine pills that knock out my itching quickly. There are many things that can cause it.


Have you done any remodeling or built a new home during the last few years? I am highly allergic to the glue in chip board that is used on the exterior of houses, and my hair falls out, I get itchy, and I am 'out of it' when I come in contact with that. Too bad we figured that out after we had a room in my enclosed using that stuff. :glare: It was a rough year.

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Scabies. They are very contagious. Has anyone else you live with come down with itching ? Have you been to a doctor ? I was miserable for months and was prescribed first antihistamines, then steroids, then tranquilizers. Finally my boyfriend (this was many years ago) started itching too and his doctor looked at a skin scraping under a microscope and dxd him, then I was able to ask for a doctor to check me for the same thing - bingo. One night of lindane lotion cleared it all up. And then I remembered the friend from out of state who had come to visit, who was on steroids and had to sleep with socks on her hands due to an itchy skin condition - I had loaned her a pillow and comforter and she had slept on my couch.




I looked and it doesn't fit. Itching isn't more at night, no rashes, no lines on my skin (except from itching when its that bad) It comes and goes and sometimes to the point its non-existent for a few days even.

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Have you seen your doctor? My doc gave me some very strong antihistamine pills that knock out my itching quickly. There are many things that can cause it.


Have you done any remodeling or built a new home during the last few years? I am highly allergic to the glue in chip board that is used on the exterior of houses, and my hair falls out, I get itchy, and I am 'out of it' when I come in contact with that. Too bad we figured that out after we had a room in my enclosed using that stuff. :glare: It was a rough year.


No but I think after what RoughCollie linked I am gonna make an app


It can be a symptom of liver or kidney disease. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/itchy-skin/DS00847




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Eczema...laundry soap.


I have no visible eczema rash most of the time. My legs itch constantly. When it is really bad, I start to get the beginning of a rash, but I treat it right away because it gets any more miserable. For me, increased itching means the laundry soap didn't get rinsed out of my clothes well enough despite using very little and a double rinse. It's worse on my legs because jeans don't rinse as well and they touch my legs all day.


I shave every other day. If I don't, the regrowth makes the itchiness get really bad.


I use Eucerine original creme every day on my legs. I use hydrocortizone cream when I need it but try to avoid it. Benedryl cream helps some too.

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Food allergies/intolerances---usually dairy or wheat. I was on antihistamines for YEARS because I couldn't figure it out. Once I cut out the offending foods, no more itching. For me, it's more intolerances than allergies. I made the changes 2 years ago and haven't itched since unless I cheat...and then it's really bad. Just a thought.

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Food allergies/intolerances---usually dairy or wheat. I was on antihistamines for YEARS because I couldn't figure it out. Once I cut out the offending foods, no more itching. For me, it's more intolerances than allergies. I made the changes 2 years ago and haven't itched since unless I cheat...and then it's really bad. Just a thought.


In that vein, maybe it's candida?


(Hope so - definitely less worrisome than liver and kidney issues!)

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That's so awful!:grouphug:


Once I had a reaction to sulpha drugs that caused this. When they were trying to figure out what it was, the dr said he was looking for cancer, liver failure, gall bladder issues, and I think MS (don't quote me on the MS, though). Anyway, it took several months for the sulpha drugs to get out of my system. It was miserable. I can't imagine it would stay in your system for 2 years, though. Have you been treated for a UTI lately?


I *think* latex allergies can cause severe itching, too.

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Oh, I know what you are going through! Have you tried Bendaryl at night and use Benadryl cream during the day for sanity? I would get it really bad on my legs and then certain "hot spots" on my body that would itch and then break out into bumps and be very red. The cream helped me not tear my skin off and the Benadryl help eased itching so I could sleep. When I got pregnant it seemed to go away for the most part though I have had maybe one or two flare ups. :/. Weird, I know. I was trying to track food and see if that was the issue.


Do you have bad reflux or any other GI symptoms? I am wondering if my itching is related to that since the itching seemed worse when I would get swollen in the stomach or/and have reflux, even though taking Pepcid.


Not much help. If you have insurance ask a doctor for some tests. Then let me know. :). I was going to get some testing done then got pregnant. All this is on hold. I am actually hoping it doesn't return because it is jut awful! :grouphug:

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I think I FINALLY figured out that I'm allergic to tylenol. I was taking percocet and finally made the connection that I had itching on the days that I took more than one. Percocet can cause itching. Then I got a sinus infection. The decongestant that I took had tylenol in it. And the itching started again. The common denominator is tylenol. It took us almost a year to figure it out. I journaled everything I ate, laundry detergent changes, medications, weather, etc. And finally figured out the pain medicine. THEN when I went off it and got the cold, I made that final connection. Now, I need to find a pain medicine that doesn't have tylenol in it. That I can take on a semi-regular basis.

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That's so awful!:grouphug:


Once I had a reaction to sulpha drugs that caused this. When they were trying to figure out what it was, the dr said he was looking for cancer, liver failure, gall bladder issues, and I think MS (don't quote me on the MS, though). Anyway, it took several months for the sulpha drugs to get out of my system. It was miserable. I can't imagine it would stay in your system for 2 years, though. Have you been treated for a UTI lately?


I *think* latex allergies can cause severe itching, too.


No last time was when I was pregnant with dsK


I think I FINALLY figured out that I'm allergic to tylenol. I was taking percocet and finally made the connection that I had itching on the days that I took more than one. Percocet can cause itching. Then I got a sinus infection. The decongestant that I took had tylenol in it. And the itching started again. The common denominator is tylenol. It took us almost a year to figure it out. I journaled everything I ate, laundry detergent changes, medications, weather, etc. And finally figured out the pain medicine. THEN when I went off it and got the cold, I made that final connection. Now, I need to find a pain medicine that doesn't have tylenol in it. That I can take on a semi-regular basis.



:001_huh: Now that is something to think about. You can develop allergies like that at any time can't you? Though it wouldn't be tylenol because we RARELY use it but there are other things. Time to start journaling everything for a while!

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Sounds like scabies - oh no, never mind. Scabies doesn't last two years.


I was having itchiness at night and looked it up.

Something I found was that itchiness can be an early or pre-menopausal symptom.

Edited by Xilka
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For me? Laundry detergent or fabric softener. They frequently "new and improve" detergents, so it could be a detergent you've always used. I do best with the Seventh Generation detergent and softener. I can't even use Tide Free or Cheer Free.


That's probably because even the "free" detergents have sodium lauryl sulfate in them. :glare: That's why I use All Free liquid and only a tiny amount and always a double rinse. It's still a problem sometimes.


I haven't found a detergent without SLS, though I haven't looked at the natural food co-op yet.


Toothpaste bothers me, too, because it has SLS in it. I found one without it and I haven't had swelling in my mouth since.

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My dad has this, he's just got extremely sensitive skin and works with a lot of chemicals. He takes what he calls his itch pills, which knock him out at night so he can sleep. He doesn't use them often, because they make him groggy the next day too, but sometimes it's the only thing that makes it bearable. I'm not sure what they are, but I know it's a prescription from a doctor.


I'd definitely get it checked out in case it's one of the more serious liver or kidney problems.

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No but I think after what RoughCollie linked I am gonna make an app


I think that's a good idea. I had a pregnancy-induced liver disease (cholestasis of pregnancy ) when I was pregnant with the boys and if the severe itching you are talking about is anything like mine was, it needs to be checked out. My itching was so bad that I have scars from scratching, and it was literally like being tortured for months. The instant DS3 was born, it went away, like magic.


If you do have a liver or kidney problem, nothing you do topically will help. The itching is caused from inside your body.


That does not mean if topical treatment or home remedies don't help it is something more serious, of course. You could have a contact allergy or be allergic to something, for instance, and those remedies could still not be helpful.


So don't worry, just get it checked out.

Edited by RoughCollie
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That's probably because even the "free" detergents have sodium lauryl sulfate in them. :glare: That's why I use All Free liquid and only a tiny amount and always a double rinse. It's still a problem sometimes.


I haven't found a detergent without SLS, though I haven't looked at the natural food co-op yet.


Toothpaste bothers me, too, because it has SLS in it. I found one without it and I haven't had swelling in my mouth since.


Actually, I can use the Seventh Generation detergent, and it has SLS. I have trouble with toothpaste and detergent. BUT, I think I have figured out that it is the whiteners that break me out. I use an SLS-free toothpaste, but it is also free of a bunch of other stuff.

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I don't know if this is your cause but I have too much bile acid salts, apparently. I get uncontrollable itching in my arms and legs, sometimes the side of my face and on my back...of course in the spots I just.can't.reach!

I take a medicine called cholestyramine. I only take it if I have a few bouts of the runs (which is also caused by too many bile acid salts) or if I get the itches more than twice a day...then I know it is building up.


The medicine has a plugging up effect so I don't like taking it often.


I think thryroid can also cause some issues.

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Menopause does this.


Feels like a army of red ants biting under the skin.


I seriously thought I had something like scabies. Nope. Estrogen drops.



:lol: And I chalked my actual scabies infestation up to menopause!


I agree with getting blood tests. Primary biliary cirrhosis presents this way.

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just wanted to mention that I had that insane itching (scratching my legs 'till they bleed) when we used Ivory soap. I have found that the only soap I can use - and I can't use body washes of any other brand, either - is Dove.

That's it. Otherwise I'm tortured......

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