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Inexpensive all-natural, non-toxic shampoo, conditioner, etc.?

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I'm trying to eliminate as many toxins in my body as possible. Now I'm looking into health and beauty products and all I'm finding online is very expensive stuff I cannot afford. Does anyone here know of a brand of products that are non-toxic and that are affordable for folks on tight budgets?


I am willing to make my own, but so far all I've found in the shampoo department is washing my hair with baking soda. I would like to find something with a more traditional application and texture to it, iykwim.:) I have damaged hair that tends to frizz out of control.


I'm also looking for toothpaste, deodorant, etc.

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Dh and I have been using shampoo bars for the last several years. I buy mine from Chagrin Valley:



The bars may seem a little expensive, but I cut them into 1/4s and that lasts quite awhile (I haven't kept track, but I have long hair). It does take a little getting used to vs regular shampoo (and took my hair about a month to feel right again), but I don't have to use conditioner and my hair is tangle free (and I have dry hair). I ended up using these because I was also searching for something affordable and more non-toxic.

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Research going without shampoo. I used to just use baking soda but got lazy while on vacation and used shampoo. Now I would have to get my scalp back in balance. But, once you get the oils in your skin adjusted, it works.


I tried this and it was a disaster. 4 months of gross hair. I think it might depend on what kind of water you have.

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I haven't tried this yet, but as a tried-and-failed no-poo'er :lol:, I think this looks intriguing. Not sure what the cost breakdown is, but it might be worth a shot. http://www.crunchybetty.com/not-ready-for-no-poo-try-sorta-poo-with-coconut-milk-and-castille


Wow! That looks great. I need to look for an easy DIY shampoo, but I am not sure that making shampoo every week would be a good option for me with two small kids. :lol: In case I accidently give them shampoo for breakfast instead of milk. ;)

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I like Giovanni.


I'm part of a group that buys wholesale from Frontier. Orders over 250 ship for free. They carry most of the well-known natural brands, essential oils, vitamins and supplements, coconut oil, teas, spices, etc. It is $10 to form a buying club and then you end up getting stuff for basically wholesale prices. With a few friends it works out well because we can easily qualify for free shipping.


The 6.xx bottle of Giovanni comes down to a little over 4 bucks a bottle.


If you want to try Giovanni, Target in my area carries it, and I think I saw it at WM once.

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Jason's Sea Kelp Shampoo and Conditioner. Love it! It's not the absolute cheapest, but wayyyyyy cheaper than the million of other products I've tried (natural and not) that made my hair frizzy or greasy or dry or otherwise undesirable.


I tried no poo for a month and it was awful. Maybe I didn't do it right - it sure sounds like it should work.

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Well I tried for nearly 2 months and did not have any success!! :confused:


I tried:

Baking soda mixed with water

Castille soap watered down a bit

Apple cider vinegar rinse


I tried each method for several weeks to give my hair time to get used to it, but my hair always felt more oily and dirty, which I have never had a problem with before!!?? I typically have very normal hair so the oily dirty feeling was not something I could get used to.


I also tried coconut oil for deodorant. :lol: didn't work. :001_huh:


I do, however, love the Castille soap (bonners) for my face and skin!

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Here's a link to the Environmental Working Group's database on cosmetic products:



You can look up many products and see how they're rated for ingredient hazard/toxicity.


Thanks for this!


I've been no poo for several years now. I occasionally use the baking soda and apple cider vinegar stuff.



I do occasionally use conditioner.


I did buy a bar of natural conditioner at the HEAV CONVETION>


Did you buy this from Virginia Soaps & Scents? I bought some of their soap but didn't notice the hair products. I just went to their website and see that they have shampoo, conditioner and natural deodorant too. Think I may order from them since I know I already like their soaps.




I'll keep my eye open when I'm shopping at BJ's, too (we don't belong to Costco) - they probably have a product similar to the Kirkland's that was mentioned earlier.


Thanks, everyone, I didn't realize there was so much available out there.

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Did you buy this from Virginia Soaps & Scents? I bought some of their soap but didn't notice the hair products. I just went to their website and see that they have shampoo, conditioner and natural deodorant too. Think I may order from them since I know I already like their soaps.


I think that was the name,


I got the salt crystal deodorant thing too.


I just got the conditioner since I like the no poo.

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If you're near a Whole Foods store, they have shampoo and conditioner in their 365 store brand that's economical and healthier.


Nope, not near Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. Dd19 and I were just joking that we live in the 7th richest county in the entire country (according to the last census) but we don't even have a mall. There is nothing here. It is all 25 miles north in Woodbridge or 25 miles south in Fredericksburg. What's up with that???:D

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I no-poo, but I do add a few drops of Dr. Bronner's peppermint about once every few weeks for the scent. I also use Dr. Bronner's as soap and to clean my floors. Some people use it as toothpaste.


If you plan to use it as shampoo, it will last for so long because you dilute it a lot.


I love Dr. Bronner's. =)

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I've been using Dr Bronner's pure castile liquid soap for almost 2 years and I love it. I buy the 32 oz bottle and dilute it one to one, so for about $15.00 I get two 32 oz bottles of fantastic, organic, 100% natural shampoo. Sometimes I'm able to get it on sale at Fred Meyer's for $11.00! One bottle lasts me about 3 months! It's super gentle, suds up nicely, smells great and leaves my hair squeaky clean. I also use it for a body wash, so I've been able to get rid of bar soap. This is not a thick product, so I put it in a spray bottle and spritz it on.

I've yet to find a cream rinse that I'm very happy with, but at least I have the shampoo part taken care of. :)

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Even though you are used to the feel and action of shampoo, please do consider baking soda. Here's what I do: mix 1-2 tsp of baking soda in a 4 oz. snack cup with very warm water. After wetting my hair, I work the baking soda solution into/onto my hair and scalp, massaging vigorously. Rinse. I use a few tsp of ACV mixed with water as a conditioner, but I have short, untreated hair. I would not hesitate to use another conditioner if my hair were longer or treated. After 2 solid years of this, my hair and scalp are in better shape than before─no more dry flakes, and much less itchiness.

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