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Pray Hard, Please...

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Apparently, the police screwed up his crim check, it needs to be redone.


And they've asked for a 3rd reference.


Wolf can't get ahold of the one guy he used to work w/, so he's talking to someone else that can give a personal (not work) reference, and I'm going to encourage him to list both men and specify one's employment, one's personal.


Please pray this gets straightened out, turns out all positive, and we get the go ahead.

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Does anything Ever go easy for you? It seems like you and Wolf just keep getting stress dumped on you, over and over! I really hope this works out for him. It gets hard to keep fighting sometimes when you keep getting knocked down for stupid reasons. :grouphug:

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What did the police do to screw it up? I know the last time I had mine done in the city I had to be finger printed because they thought I had a crim record. The finger prints cleared me but cost me my field placement. I hope that they get it right this time AND they better not be charging him a second fee for their screw up.


As for the references I hope he gets a few lined up quickly and that he can get a hold of the guy for the work reference as that one is more important than the personal, but I agree putting both and in what capacity they can give a reference for would work.

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Thanks everyone!



Does anything Ever go easy for you? It seems like you and Wolf just keep getting stress dumped on you, over and over! I really hope this works out for him. It gets hard to keep fighting sometimes when you keep getting knocked down for stupid reasons. :grouphug:

No. No, nothing ever goes easily or smoothly :lol:

Apparently, the crim check was kicked back b/c they put the stamps in the wrong line :001_huh::glare:


I suspect the issue w/the reference check is that the one fellow is learning disabled/somewhat delayed. He's an excellent worker, can absolutely vouch for Wolf's work habits, ethic, etc...but, honestly, if you don't know him, he sounds stoned or something. Very slow in speaking, can mumble, takes a bit to organize his thoughts, process what's been asked, etc.


Plus, he seems to think Wolf walks on water, so might have overamped on how wonderful he thinks Wolf is :lol:


I'm betting that is the issue, and why they requested another work ref.

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"Family Day"

aka...we can't possibly have both Feb AND March w/out a holiday! Make a holiday!


Honestly...Jan, New Years, Feb Family day, Mar...nada...(unless you count Spring Break for schools) Apr, Easter, May Victoria Day, June, nada, July Canada Day, Aug Civic Holiday, Sept Labour Day, Oct Thanksgiving, Nov Rememberance Day, Dec, Christmas and Boxing Day.


Two months without a Federal Holiday...until they come up w/two more...:glare:

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