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I have good news that I have been hesitant to share...

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Thank you everyone for the blessings and well wishes! :grouphug:


There really isn't much of a story. We are both low-key people, so it was very low-key. We'd been talking about getting engaged for awhile now. On Saturday, we were at the mall and he brought me into a jewelry store and told me to pick out my engagement ring. :lol: He had already told his mom before he left that he was "proposing" to me, though, so she couldn't wait for us to get back to their house and then my mom came over. Yeah, we're very boring :D




Awww . . . :)

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I got married when I was 20 (I graduated college a year early so I was almost done at the time. I got married during my senior spring break lol) so you'll hear nothing mean-spirited from me! :D Congrats! Your ring is beautiful!


My 6th year anniversary is almost here...Young marriage is not always doomed to fail despite what some would love to believe. :)

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Dh and I were married when he was 24 and I was 19. That was 18 years ago! So yep it absolutely can work. You just have to know that you are both still maturing and be patient with one another. The brightest side is that you got him young and have a lot of years to train him right! ;) Congrats!!

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Thank you everyone for the blessings and well wishes! :grouphug:


There really isn't much of a story. We are both low-key people, so it was very low-key. We'd been talking about getting engaged for awhile now. On Saturday, we were at the mall and he brought me into a jewelry store and told me to pick out my engagement ring. :lol: He had already told his mom before he left that he was "proposing" to me, though, so she couldn't wait for us to get back to their house and then my mom came over. Yeah, we're very boring :D



Congratulations! It's a beautiful ring and you make such a cute couple.


We are very low-key people, too, and ended up engaged in quite the same manner as you. We just hadn't been together as long :D. We also had a very simple wedding on my in-laws' lawn. It will be 18 years this May.


Best wishes!

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