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Over 4 years of FREE Reading Eggs!!

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Can someone please talk me into this? I liked Reading Eggs for a supplement for my 4yr old (the 6yo started at the last level on the trial so not sure it'd do her any good). However, I have a real issue with the idea of just taking 4 years, or even one!, of it that wasn't offered by the company. It seems that if multiple boards worth of people are just taking years of it....So tell me why this is okay? So I can just do it already?

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Can someone please talk me into this? I liked Reading Eggs for a supplement for my 4yr old (the 6yo started at the last level on the trial so not sure it'd do her any good). However, I have a real issue with the idea of just taking 4 years, or even one!, of it that wasn't offered by the company. It seems that if multiple boards worth of people are just taking years of it....So tell me why this is okay? So I can just do it already?


When a company has a huge button for promo codes on its home page, this means that they accept the possibility of something like this happening, and this is built in into their marketing strategy.


I signed up and paid for the entire year, after hearing from everybody how great the program was, and that there were promo codes circulating. At that time I didn't search for a promo code, and just paid straight out.


I do think that 4 years worth of codes is rather extreme (though I did take advantage of it), but on the other hand, if this was a problem, they would've expired their coupons. No one is stopping them from not allowing the codes, right?

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Thanks for sharing!!


Boo. It only allows you to have 4 kids per account. :tongue_smilie: I have more than 4 kids. :w00t: :001_huh:


Make an account for your DH and put the other kids under him. ;)


You'll just have to enter the codes twice.


My 2.5 year old tried the first lesson. He loved it! :D I was surprised he had NO problem finding 'm' and 'M', even amongst other letters. He got a few wrong on the words that start with /m/, but that was to be expected, since well... he's 2. :tongue_smilie: He still enjoyed it!


My 7 year old is doing the Eggspress, and that actually challenged him. He tested into level 5.1, and I'm guessing the levels are grade levels? They were talking about inference from a passage and what function a sentence has in a passage - stuff he'd never seen, of course. This will be a good challenge.


I'll start the 5 year old on the reading section tomorrow. I'm curious to see how he does on the reading test. He's very much at the sound-everything-out stage, so I suspect he'll place fairly low on the map.


Btw, if you score 40/40 on the reading test, it puts you on map 8 (out of 12), so don't bother if your child is already reading fluently. We tried it. :lol:

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Is anyone else worried that somehow tomorrow someone will figure this out at Reading Eggs and take all of our free time away??


Worried? Nah. The thought crossed my mind but if that's the case, I'm don't have any less than I had a few hours ago. :)


This thread was really timely and I hope they don't, however. I am almost done my 2 week free trial and was going to pay for the program. Free is much better. :D

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Is anyone else worried that somehow tomorrow someone will figure this out at Reading Eggs and take all of our free time away??


Last year when RE got upset at Homeschool buyers for offering a subscription for $16 they cancelled the offer but those of us who had already paid the $16 were allowed to keep the years subscription.


I'm not worried about them taking the free hours -I'm worried they will cancel my whole subscription if I try it -I still have 8 months left.

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Last year when RE got upset at Homeschool buyers for offering a subscription for $16 they cancelled the offer but those of us who had already paid the $16 were allowed to keep the years subscription.


I'm not worried about them taking the free hours -I'm worried they will cancel my whole subscription if I try it -I still have 8 months left.


I was so upset I missed that last year. I was just about to sign up (and had called HSBC to confirm it wasn't ending) but since my ds hadn't started K yet (I was busy getting the older kids going before doing a big kick-off for K), I thought I'd wait one week.


When I went back a couple days later, the deal was gone. :glare:


I know HSBC had no idea it was ending so soon but I was so upset at myself for waiting those 4 or 5 days. :banghead:

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However, I have a real issue with the idea of just taking 4 years, or even one!, of it that wasn't offered by the company.


The PROMO codes ARE offered by the company.


In Australia there is a kids newspaper that comes out every month and in nearly every issue they publish a new promo code for a varying number of weeks. If I had known you could add them to your current subscription for more time I would have done it by now. Now every month when I get the newspaper I can add 4 extra weeks (or whatever it is) :D


The promo codes also come with the books you can buy -I have bought a few of them and again -never used the promo codes because I thought they were for new subscribers.


The people on babycentre probably got them from these legitimate sources and pooled them. :)

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I was so upset I missed that last year. I was just about to sign up (and had called HSBC to confirm it wasn't ending) but since my ds hadn't started K yet (I was busy getting the older kids going before doing a big kick-off for K), I thought I'd wait one week.


When I went back a couple days later, the deal was gone. :glare:


I know HSBC had no idea it was ending so soon but I was so upset at myself for waiting those 4 or 5 days. :banghead:


Well it worked out well for you in the end -now you have a better deal then those who managed to get it ;)

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Thanks I figured it out...but I'm still not sure how honest it is. I don't want to take advantage of this company.



I used enough codes to essentially have a 6 month free trial. I couldn't bring myself to use more, seemed wrong to be swindling them out of subscription fees for 4 years. I understand that the codes were legit but they were developed to offer 3 or 4 weeks extension to subscription or trial not for 4 years free. Because the codes were created by the company and do not have expiration dates or limits to the # you can use I know that they are legally fine for using. I just morally felt it was stealing to be using so many. I figured a 6 month trial gave enough time to see if the kids will really benefit from it and enjoy it. If I am seeing improvement in ability etc then I will buy a proper subscription.


FTR not judging anyone, just the way I felt about it. I am sure it is all on the up and up and I am just over thinking it but I am happy with a 6 month trial.

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Thanks so much! Our Subscription just ran out and we were struggling with renewing or not. This has helped us so much. Thanks again.




For those that are looking where to find out how long you have, click on the name of your child and underneath is says *subscribed until April 2016.

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My kids absolutely love Reading Eggs! We are subscribed until Aug 31, 2012, and after submitting 12 weeks worth of codes for both kids (and logging out and back in), it's still showing our subscription expires Aug 31st.


If it works, it'll be fantastic. I'm definitely renewing in August if the free codes no longer work. :D

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My kids absolutely love Reading Eggs! We are subscribed until Aug 31, 2012, and after submitting 12 weeks worth of codes for both kids (and logging out and back in), it's still showing our subscription expires Aug 31st.


If it works, it'll be fantastic. I'm definitely renewing in August if the free codes no longer work. :D


If you refresh the page it will update the dates. It did that to me too so after a couple codes I would refresh the page to make sure it had worked and it did.

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Looks like someone over there figured it out. I got a bunch entered for one kid, but as I went down the list they stopped working. By the time I got to the second kid only the first two codes worked.


I wonder what they'll do about it?!

:iagree: Me too! Darn it.. and DS3 just started playing and LOVES it! Wish I had taken the time to enter them all this morning when I first saw this. If anyone runs across any more. please post! Thanks

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Very nice of you to post this. We love RE. Our trials expired a couple days ago.


Sadly none of the codes worked for us. We've had about 4 months of RE free, I am just waiting on getting a deal like they had this past August and I missed it. :( Just can't afford how much they are asking per child for a year.

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