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Too invested in fictional characters

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Hi all,


I dragged through school this morning because last night's "Just one more chapter before bed" turned into the author killing off a bunch of main characters, one of them my favorite, and me having a mini freak-out at 2 a.m. :scared:


I can't be the only grown adult that gets so worked up over these kinds of things, especially around here. You have done this too . . . right?

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Oh, sure. :) It only happens occasionally, but when it does, I might be caught in a bit of a fog for a day or two... ;)


So, what were you reading? (I have a guess and want to know if I'm right!)


Dh wants to watch the HBO series "Game of Thrones" and I told him we could after I read the series. I've plowed through three books in two weeks and haven't gotten a whole lot of sleep. Curse you George R.R. Martin :cursing:

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Dh wants to watch the HBO series "Game of Thrones" and I told him we could after I read the series. I've plowed through three books in two weeks and haven't gotten a whole lot of sleep. Curse you George R.R. Martin :cursing:


Ha! I knew it!!!!




Mrs Mungo is right, btw...

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This is the only time I've been tempted to type OMG. Because, seriously- OMGoodness! Not only have I done that- I did that EXACT same thing LAST night!!!! Are you on book 3? I'm about 3/4 of the way through and I could NOT believe the people he killed off?!?!? WHY? If he kills many more people there's not going to be a story left!!!!!!

I wish I knew you IRL, I would totally call you and talk about this.....I was just wishing for someone to discuss this with.

ETA: There was also a time when I was reading book 2 and I just couldn't believe that a couple characters had died.......I kept reading and it turns out they didn't! (I had a sneaking suspicion, because he didn't show the scene of their deaths)

ETA2- I just saw that you had plowed through 3 books.....does that mean you're on 4? Do I have more of this favorite character killing to dread?

Edited by T'smom
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This is the only time I've been tempted to type OMG. Because' date=' seriously- OMGoodness! Not only have I done that- I did that EXACT same thing LAST night!!!! Are you on book 3? I'm about 3/4 of the way through and I could NOT believe the people he killed off?!?!? WHY? If he kills many more people there's not going to be a story left!!!!!!

I wish I knew you IRL, I would totally call you and talk about this.....I was just wishing for someone to discuss this with.[/quote']


They get killed off to narrow down the field as to who the main characters really are. That is my best guess, anyway.

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Dh wants to watch the HBO series "Game of Thrones" and I told him we could after I read the series. I've plowed through three books in two weeks and haven't gotten a whole lot of sleep. Curse you George R.R. Martin :cursing:


Ooh, I'm reading the first in this series too and it is AWESOME! Definitely bad for sleep though :)

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They get killed off to narrow down the field as to who the main characters really are. That is my best guess, anyway.

Well, yeah, but why spend so much time with developing those characters. I'm hoping that their story lines serve some purpose that I can't see yet. How far have you read?

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Well' date=' yeah, but why spend so much time with developing those characters. I'm hoping that their story lines serve some purpose that I can't see yet. How far have you read?[/quote']


I have finished all of the published books. There are 2 left in the series. According to his blog, he is only about 100 or so pages into writing the next book. It took him six years to write the most recently published book.


I think those story lines are for 1. contrast and 2. revenge motivations. There might be other reasons as well.

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Dh wants to watch the HBO series "Game of Thrones" and I told him we could after I read the series. I've plowed through three books in two weeks and haven't gotten a whole lot of sleep. Curse you George R.R. Martin :cursing:


I knew that's what you were reading. I had the same reaction, at the same time of night, too! LOL



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I suppose the fact that we get so invested in characters is a sign of a good author.


My dc have had some strong reactions to fictional characters. One ds mourned for over a week when Charlotte died (Charlotte's Web). And I mean mourned. (I had no idea he would respond so strongly to a book!) At church he was visibly sad and when asked why (he was rarely anything but upbeat and happy) he told the SS teacher that Charlotte had died. SS teacher had the class pray for ds, let him cry, hugged him, and showed compassion for this devastated little guy. When I picked him up, she hugged me and told me she was sorry for our loss, and that my ds sure loved Charlotte a lot. It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about, but I had to tell her that Charlotte was a character from the book Charlotte's Web. She thought it was hilarious once she understood because she had not asked ds who Charlotte was and just responded to the fact that little ds was sad because she had died. Oh well. I was relieved that the SS teacher thought it was funny. I am sure she told the story many, many times. And I was very careful for years after that when choosing read aloud books.


One dd didn't want to finish Little Women because Beth died and Jo married the wrong man. She was insistent that the author was wrong on who Jo married, and she couldn't stand it. She liked Anne of Green Gables series, until she determined that the author made a big mistake in choosing Anne's husband as well.


One ds told me finishing books made him sad because then the story was over and he didn't know what else would happen to the characters. He thought of many characters as friends and wished they were real. He wanted to live on Henry Huggins' street so he could be friends with him and the other characters in those books. I understand, because when I was young, I wanted to live next door to the Bobbsey Twins...:lol:

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One dd didn't want to finish Little Women because Beth died and Jo married the wrong man. She was insistent that the author was wrong on who Jo married, and she couldn't stand it. She liked Anne of Green Gables series, until she determined that the author made a big mistake in choosing Anne's husband as well.




I still think Jo married the wrong man. :glare:

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One dd didn't want to finish Little Women because Beth died and Jo married the wrong man. She was insistent that the author was wrong on who Jo married, and she couldn't stand it. She liked Anne of Green Gables series, until she determined that the author made a big mistake in choosing Anne's husband as well.


Hm. I can think of a lot of books and movies that she's going to dislike. :lol:



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Yes, and I take that as an excellent job of characterization by the author. I sometimes also feel kind of down when I finish a book or series where I really loved the characters. I find myself thinking about them and missing them, HP being a great example. I don't read much fiction but when I do it is almost always something that I get deeply involved in. Perhaps that is why I don't read much of the genre.

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I don't read that author but do have occasional issues with reading too long and having the consequences the next day. Today has been all out of sorts for me since I stayed up to read a book and without dh being here, I overslept since my own alarm clock died a few years ago. I am now going on Amazon and buying a new alarm clock.

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I have finished all of the published books. There are 2 left in the series. According to his blog, he is only about 100 or so pages into writing the next book. It took him six years to write the most recently published book.


I think those story lines are for 1. contrast and 2. revenge motivations. There might be other reasons as well.


ACK! I don't want to wait that long to find out what happens!!!! Oh, well. I got the newest Koontz at the library so I'm taking a break after #3 anyway.


I hate it when I get into a series and have to wait for the next book- more often than not, I lose interest and never finish. I never read the last of the Hunger Games trilogy.

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ACK! I don't want to wait that long to find out what happens!!!! Oh' date=' well. I got the newest Koontz at the library so I'm taking a break after #3 anyway.


I hate it when I get into a series and have to wait for the next book- more often than not, I lose interest and never finish. I never read the last of the Hunger Games trilogy.[/quote']


That is why I never started The Wheel of Time books.

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Hi all,


I dragged through school this morning because last night's "Just one more chapter before bed" turned into the author killing off a bunch of main characters, one of them my favorite, and me having a mini freak-out at 2 a.m. :scared:


I can't be the only grown adult that gets so worked up over these kinds of things, especially around here. You have done this too . . . right?


I do it, too frequently.


I tell myself that I will read just a little more. Next thing I know a whole hour is gone. At that point I tell myself that a few more minutes just to finish off the chapter. Next thing I know a whole hour is gone. At this point it is nearly 6am, so I surrender and just go to bed. It's really not a huge loss of sleep for me as I only sleep about 3-4 hours most nights due to my health, but I still like to try to sleep. Those books just drag me in and I don't want to stop. :)

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I definitely do this! I read a book about a month ago that had me sobbing, and DH came to check on me in our room. Then a week later I picked another sobber, and my heart aches and I kept thinking about the characters for weeks after. Gee, thanks to myself for reminding me of those characters again!

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Dh wants to watch the HBO series "Game of Thrones" and I told him we could after I read the series. I've plowed through three books in two weeks and haven't gotten a whole lot of sleep. Curse you George R.R. Martin :cursing:



I can't wait until GoT comes out on DVD so I can watch it! I'm re-reading the books and just started #4.


So was it A Storm of Swords? The Red Wedding was just amazing, but it hit me like a ton of bricks.

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I have finished all of the published books. There are 2 left in the series. According to his blog, he is only about 100 or so pages into writing the next book. It took him six years to write the most recently published book.


I think those story lines are for 1. contrast and 2. revenge motivations. There might be other reasons as well.



:banghead: We could be looking at a good 10 years then, because the latest one was allegedly written at the same time as A Feast for Crows. And then it took six years. :glare:

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I thought maybe you were talking about Mockingjay.






I'm still depressed about Finnick dying. I mean, you know, he had Annie who loved him and was waiting for him to return.



That was sad. But, sacrifices are made in war. You have to feel they were actually at war. It has to hurt. :(

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You know that's why I stopped reading that series years ago. He is a wonderful writer if you can handle losing all your favorite characters. The Wheel of Time series is probably my favorite. It is actually finally finished and they are working on rewrites. The bad and good thing about fantasy like WOT and GOT is that they take forever to read. I end up dreaming as if I'm in those worlds. On another note it's neat to see other women that actually read fantasy novels. I'm used to being the only woman in the fantasy/science fiction section of the book store.



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Oh this happens here too. Dh doesn't read many novels, but he'd been reading 'Veronika decides to die' to me on a road trip. At the end, I had to pull over to cuddle him, he was crying so much! Then it didn't end as he had been led to believe, so he, the mild mannered fellow, shouted at the author for messing with him like that!




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This is the only time I've been tempted to type OMG. Because' date=' seriously- OMGoodness! Not only have I done that- I did that EXACT same thing LAST night!!!! Are you on book 3? I'm about 3/4 of the way through and I could NOT believe the people he killed off?!?!? WHY? If he kills many more people there's not going to be a story left!!!!!!

I wish I knew you IRL, I would totally call you and talk about this.....I was just wishing for someone to discuss this with.

ETA: There was also a time when I was reading book 2 and I just couldn't believe that a couple characters had died.......I kept reading and it turns out they didn't! (I had a sneaking suspicion, because he didn't show the scene of their deaths)

ETA2- I just saw that you had plowed through 3 books.....does that mean you're on 4? Do I have more of this favorite character killing to dread?[/quote']


I think we're probably in the EXACT same spot! It was both Jeoff and Edumure's weddings that kept me up. That, and the all the drama with Sam and Gilly above the wall. I'm seriously itching to get the kids to bed tonight so I can find out what happens!!!





Holy Cow! That's awesome!


I suppose the fact that we get so invested in characters is a sign of a good author.


My dc have had some strong reactions to fictional characters. One ds mourned for over a week when Charlotte died (Charlotte's Web). And I mean mourned. (I had no idea he would respond so strongly to a book!) At church he was visibly sad and when asked why (he was rarely anything but upbeat and happy) he told the SS teacher that Charlotte had died. SS teacher had the class pray for ds, let him cry, hugged him, and showed compassion for this devastated little guy. When I picked him up, she hugged me and told me she was sorry for our loss, and that my ds sure loved Charlotte a lot. It took me a minute to figure out what she was talking about, but I had to tell her that Charlotte was a character from the book Charlotte's Web. She thought it was hilarious once she understood because she had not asked ds who Charlotte was and just responded to the fact that little ds was sad because she had died. Oh well. I was relieved that the SS teacher thought it was funny. I am sure she told the story many, many times. And I was very careful for years after that when choosing read aloud books.




That's adorable! :D


It is funny how people knew you were reading "Game of Thrones" :lol::lol::lol::lol:


I freaked out from that one as well.


I just cannot believe who's getting whacked and who he's allowing to live! And I can't believe who I'm coming to sympathize with! That Selgor Clegane is one really nasty dude and I'm starting to root for him just the teensiest little bit! I feel like Stockholm Syndrome by literature!


Just started book one yesterday - I guess there's not too much sleep in my near future? :)


No. No there is not. Dh got me the first book during a bout of stomach flu in an attempt to be a sweetie pie. I have spent all my down time since then reading.


I can't wait until GoT comes out on DVD so I can watch it! I'm re-reading the books and just started #4.


So was it A Storm of Swords? The Red Wedding was just amazing, but it hit me like a ton of bricks.


Yes. There was a story line I was so excited to finally see get resolved then WHAM! It's just not fair!!!!!!!:banghead:

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We ARE in the exact same place! That's what I was reading last night!!!! When I read Book 2




and thought Bran had died



I looked over at the clock and expected it to be around midnight.....It was 2:30! I was shocked, I had NO IDEA it was that late.


As for now, 35 minutes until bedtime!!!!

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We ARE in the exact same place! That's what I was reading last night!!!! When I read Book 2




and thought Bran had died



I looked over at the clock and expected it to be around midnight.....It was 2:30! I was shocked' date=' I had NO IDEA it was that late.


As for now, 35 minutes until bedtime!!!!



Hee-hee. Check in tomorrow. We can have a virtual tear fest together over what ever evilness we're subjected to tonight!

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We ARE in the exact same place! That's what I was reading last night!!!! When I read Book 2




and thought Bran had died



I looked over at the clock and expected it to be around midnight.....It was 2:30! I was shocked' date=' I had NO IDEA it was that late. [/size']


As for now, 35 minutes until bedtime!!!!




I thought Arya had.

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