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Big Whine ... Please hug me

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January has been very hard for some reason.


Yesterday was the worst. I'm discouraged.


1) Ds is having horrendous math struggles. After talking to some wise moms here, at least I have a plan, but it's still discouraging.


2) Yesterday, dd and ds broke the lamp in their bedroom. The fourth lamp in two years.


3) Last night, I had to send dd17's friends home because they were all hanging out on the porch, using obscenities in voices loud enough that the neighbors could hear. I was mortified. Dd loudly used the F-word!


4) I filled in our Google calendar for the rest of January and February and wanted to cry. Between kid and family activities and my part-time job, I don't have a single day between now and the end of Feb. where I have nothing to do. Including weekends.


5) Dd asked me on Monday what day next week was good for her to schedule her school project that I am supposed to attend. I told her what days. She scheduled it for Friday of this week, which is not good for me, and then got majorly offended when I pointed that out to her.


6) The private, classical, plays-nicely-with-homeschoolers school I wanted to have dd-4th take a class at next year rejected us because we are not Christian.


7) The awesome science club I wanted to put dd in turned out to be too expensive for us.




I know these are all (except ds's math issues) small things. I'm just feeling overwhelmed.



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I'm sorry! :grouphug:


I am not happy when I am overly busy. We are hitting a very busy season in our family. Right now is the middle of boys gymnastics competition season and my daughter's piano competition season. My husband's job is demanding so much from him right now. My beloved of dog of 13 years has cancer and I am stressing out about leaving her when we have to go to these upcoming events for the kids. Some of them will be overnight and she hates being boarded at the vet. Working on some alternatives.


Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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Big squishy hugs to you :grouphug:


I don't know if it helps, the old, 'misery loves company' bit, but yesterday I dealt w/both Workers Comp AND Revenue Canada (our version of the IRS). I have to do 25 job contacts a week now (even though everyone admits that no employer will hire me) so that I can get pd in full for another 12 wks, after which they cut my income in half until the appeal is heard...a year from now :glare:


Then, CRA wants me to prove my kids have existed and been in my care since Jan 2006 - now. :001_huh: Which gets interesting, since several of the demanded documents aren't freaking possible. When I explained to the woman on the phone that neither of the Littles have ever been in daycare OR school, she didn't know what to do, other than repeat I had to fill in the forms...And our old family Dr closed up, so I can't get a letter from him either...


It's a flipping gong show.


So, big hugs and empathy on Jan being tough. :grouphug:

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Big squishy hugs to you :grouphug:


I don't know if it helps, the old, 'misery loves company' bit, but



I am there with you! :grouphug:


  • We had to put our dog of 15 years down the first week of January.
  • We went on a 10 day house hunting trip to PA for dh's new job and found 2 possibilities- both have fallen through.
  • DH is now up there working and we are still here - 10 hours away



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And, really the whole scheduling this Friday might have put me through the roof. Why bother talking to me if you are going to totally disregard what I have to say? :toetap05:


Yup. That and the "I'm done with my Wednesday afterschool internship" (told to me at the start of winter break). So me, Monday: "I have to work Wed evening, so make sure you come straight home from school." Her: "BUT I HAVE MY INTERNSHIP! I CAN'T MISS IT!!!" :confused::confused::confused:


She claims that she meant she was done with it for break. Um, yeah, you wouldn't have a school-sponsored afterschool thing when there isn't school ... to me, done is DONE.


Thanks for all the commiseration, everyone!



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January has been very hard for some reason.


Yesterday was the worst. I'm discouraged.


1) Ds is having horrendous math struggles. After talking to some wise moms here, at least I have a plan, but it's still discouraging.


2) Yesterday, dd and ds broke the lamp in their bedroom. The fourth lamp in two years.


3) Last night, I had to send dd17's friends home because they were all hanging out on the porch, using obscenities in voices loud enough that the neighbors could hear. I was mortified. Dd loudly used the F-word!


4) I filled in our Google calendar for the rest of January and February and wanted to cry. Between kid and family activities and my part-time job, I don't have a single day between now and the end of Feb. where I have nothing to do. Including weekends.


5) Dd asked me on Monday what day next week was good for her to schedule her school project that I am supposed to attend. I told her what days. She scheduled it for Friday of this week, which is not good for me, and then got majorly offended when I pointed that out to her.


6) The private, classical, plays-nicely-with-homeschoolers school I wanted to have dd-4th take a class at next year rejected us because we are not Christian.


7) The awesome science club I wanted to put dd in turned out to be too expensive for us.




I know these are all (except ds's math issues) small things. I'm just feeling overwhelmed.





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