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What do you think of facial piercings?

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Is it the norm nowadays? What about piercing the space between the nose and mouth - or slightly over toward the cheek?

How would you respond to an adult child doing this?


I don't like it, I don't think I will ever get used to it - am I turning into an old fuddy-duddy? :glare:


Facial piercings = ew:ack2:


Sorry :(

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I agree, obviously some people hate it, lol.


Mrs M: Yes, well I guess some of the exquisite jewel specks that are worn in the nose are quite unobtrusive, anyway. Like it, or not, it's an increasingly widespread trend that's out there.

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This thread has been eye-opening.


I've wanted to get my nose pierced for years. I just want a small, jeweled stud...I think they look beautiful.


I had almost convinced myself that after the baby is born, I would find the courage to actually go through with it. But...


After reading all of the responses here, I'm now really worried about what people would think. I thought piercings like that had become commonplace enough that people wouldn't think twice about it. I didn't realize so many found it revolting.


I'm a fairly conservative person, in beliefs and appearance, and so are most of the people I know. So, I'm guessing they would probably judge pretty harshly if I went through with it.


I guess I just lost my courage!

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I don't like it. I don't like tattoos, piercings other than normal earrings, or any weirdness. I wouldn't hire people with them, either. Now if you have a tattoo no one sees, that wouldn't bother me. But otherwise, I think piercings and tattoos are symbols of rebelliousness or in some cases, criminality, and not something I would want in my employees.

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This thread has been eye-opening.


I've wanted to get my nose pierced for years. I just want a small, jeweled stud...I think they look beautiful.


I had almost convinced myself that after the baby is born, I would find the courage to actually go through with it. But...


After reading all of the responses here, I'm now really worried about what people would think. I thought piercings like that had become commonplace enough that people wouldn't think twice about it. I didn't realize so many found it revolting.


I'm a fairly conservative person, in beliefs and appearance, and so are most of the people I know. So, I'm guessing they would probably judge pretty harshly if I went through with it.


I guess I just lost my courage!




Well, actually you might find that if you had a tiny nose stud, half the people you talked to wouldn't even notice it! (and maybe most of the other half wouldn't say anything, either!)


I guess it's a question of, you must know whether you like it enough.

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I don't like it. I don't like tattoos, piercings other than normal earrings, or any weirdness. I wouldn't hire people with them, either. Now if you have a tattoo no one sees, that wouldn't bother me. But otherwise, I think piercings and tattoos are symbols of rebelliousness or in some cases, criminality, and not something I would want in my employees.




Well, okay!


Actually you may find that for today's teen, who may have a mom with a nose stud and tattoo, if s/he gets them also it might not be because of rebelliousness, but anyway.


A lot more people that most realize do have hidden tattoos, you are right.


(Some ppl would also discreetly contemplate a tattoo only if it were to be in a placement where it could be kept hidden if necessary.)

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Facial piercings and tattoos are very distracting. I have always believed it to be a fault of my own, but I have a difficult time paying attention to our conversation when I'm speaking with a person who is pierced or tattooed on the neck or face.

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Facial piercings and tattoos are very distracting. I have always believed it to be a fault of my own, but I have a difficult time paying attention to our conversation when I'm speaking with a person who is pierced or tattooed on the neck or face.




Actually, nape of neck has become quite a popular placement. (Also, a tiny one behind the ear is quite widespread.) Both would be described as discreet and not 'in your face'.

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Actually, nape of neck has become quite a popular placement. (Also, a tiny one behind the ear is quite widespread.) Both would be described as discreet and not 'in your face'.


Right! I meant the throat and the sides of the neck (peeking out from a young man's collar).

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Right! I meant the throat and the sides of the neck (peeking out from a young man's collar).




Okay, yes. Because I guess the discreet, tiny nape of neck tattoo, together with a jewel nose speck, could actually be an almost genteel look for a Midwestern pastor's daughter (or wife!).

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I would love to get my nose repierced, but I don't see that happening at this point in my life.

I don't mind facial piercings in general. I'm not a fan of the bridge of the nose. It just looks like it would hurt and I wear sunglasses way too much. I live in the desert. Sunglasses are a must!

To each their own. If it's not hurting anyone else, go for it. I told my boys they have to be 16 for facial piercings. They can get their ears done whenever they want but no spacers.

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I would love to get my nose repierced, but I don't see that happening at this point in my life.

I don't mind facial piercings in general. I'm not a fan of the bridge of the nose. It just looks like it would hurt and I wear sunglasses way too much. I live in the desert. Sunglasses are a must!

To each their own. If it's not hurting anyone else, go for it. I told my boys they have to be 16 for facial piercings. They can get their ears done whenever they want but no spacers.




I guess you mean like eyebrow, etc, at 16 for them.


Sometimes boys aren't always aware that mom would take them to do their ears if only they would ask, (but usually it's the other way round: they want it but mom or dad say no!)

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Is it the norm nowadays? What about piercing the space between the nose and mouth - or slightly over toward the cheek?

How would you respond to an adult child doing this?


I don't like it, I don't think I will ever get used to it - am I turning into an old fuddy-duddy? :glare:


I would not go so far as to say it is now the norm, but it definitely is no longer necessarily a countercultural symbol.


Re piercing between nose and mouth or cheek: I think that the dangers are overstated usually by those who have difficulty with others bucking the appearance status quo.


I had no response one way or the other when some of my teens and young adults had facial piercings; I was satisfied that they were happy with them. The rings and studs can be removed as needed to be appropriate in certain situations.


I am not interested in facial piercings for myself; I am content with the one hole in each ear. Further, I have no interest in body modification in general.


Are you an old fuddy duddy? I don't know. I guess you would have to consider your viewpoints on a variety of ideas to determine your fuddy-duddiness quotient.

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I find them aesthetically unappealing at best and outright repulsive at worst. However, I care not whether other people choose to wear them. I am in fairly close type of relationships with some people who have them and it does not affect the least my warmth towards them. I still find it ugly, pointless and maybe even teenager-ish if it is a kind of a "statement", but my indifference prevails.

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This thread has been eye-opening.


I've wanted to get my nose pierced for years. I just want a small, jeweled stud...I think they look beautiful.


I had almost convinced myself that after the baby is born, I would find the courage to actually go through with it. But...


After reading all of the responses here, I'm now really worried about what people would think. I thought piercings like that had become commonplace enough that people wouldn't think twice about it. I didn't realize so many found it revolting.


I'm a fairly conservative person, in beliefs and appearance, and so are most of the people I know. So, I'm guessing they would probably judge pretty harshly if I went through with it.


I guess I just lost my courage!


Well, you could consider a small tasteful nose jewel to be a tool for warding off people who judge you on appearance instead of character.

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I don't like them. I don't even like that several of my girls have pierced ears. Only one still wears earrings--the other two's ears have closed back up.


Yuck to the facial stuff.


Margaret in CO:


Well, I'm guessing that you don't have ear piercings either so I suppose if you don't like them on your girls, like you say, it kind of fits logically, maybe.


Of course many young people have facial piercings and multiple sets of ear piercings (as do some of their moms, which, again, kind of fits logically, too).

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Tattoos and piercings elicit very little response from me. The only ones that bother me are tongue piercings. I don't care to see that. I will avert my eyes from large gauged holes/ear thingies. Everything else is fine.


I have pierced ears. 2 holes in one ear and one hole in the other. I got the second hole so that I would have a place to use all the remaining onlies leftover when I have lost one of the earrings in a pair. :lol: I am a very practical person that way. :tongue_smilie:

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Tattoos and piercings elicit very little response from me. The only ones that bother me are tongue piercings. I don't care to see that. I will avert my eyes from large gauged holes/ear thingies. Everything else is fine.


I have pierced ears. 2 holes in one ear and one hole in the other. I got the second hole so that I would have a place to use all the remaining onlies leftover when I have lost one of the earrings in a pair. :lol: I am a very practical person that way. :tongue_smilie:




Well, I see. Tongue does have dental implications, although some of the retainers are quite flexible, and not damaging.


But anyway I guess that, in terms of your own theorizing and preferences, logically you wouldn't eventually have a problem if your next generation also wanted ear doubles like mommy.

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I would not go so far as to say it is now the norm, but it definitely is no longer necessarily a countercultural symbol.


Re piercing between nose and mouth or cheek: I think that the dangers are overstated usually by those who have difficulty with others bucking the appearance status quo.


I had no response one way or the other when some of my teens and young adults had facial piercings; I was satisfied that they were happy with them. The rings and studs can be removed as needed to be appropriate in certain situations.


I am not interested in facial piercings for myself; I am content with the one hole in each ear. Further, I have no interest in body modification in general.


Are you an old fuddy duddy? I don't know. I guess you would have to consider your viewpoints on a variety of ideas to determine your fuddy-duddiness quotient.




Well, you seem to have figured it out very well about your teens and young adults.


And you know, these days, one hole in each ear is almost an act of avant-garde minimalism, isn't it? :)

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Well, I see. Tongue does have dental implications, although some of the retainers are quite flexible, and not damaging.


But anyway I guess that, in terms of your own theorizing and preferences, logically you wouldn't eventually have a problem if your next generation also wanted ear doubles like mommy.



I wouldn't make a big deal of anything already done. If my dc got a tongue ring I would request that they not show it off. Otherwise I'll roll with whatever. If my opinion were sought and they felt that something just had to have a hole, I would steer them away from the tongue and perhaps toward the eyebrow :tongue_smilie:.

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This thread has been eye-opening.


I've wanted to get my nose pierced for years. I just want a small, jeweled stud...I think they look beautiful.


I had almost convinced myself that after the baby is born, I would find the courage to actually go through with it. But...


After reading all of the responses here, I'm now really worried about what people would think. I thought piercings like that had become commonplace enough that people wouldn't think twice about it. I didn't realize so many found it revolting.


I'm a fairly conservative person, in beliefs and appearance, and so are most of the people I know. So, I'm guessing they would probably judge pretty harshly if I went through with it.


I guess I just lost my courage!


I had no idea so many people thought ALL facial piercings were unattractive!


I don't wear jewelry besides my wedding band. I got my ears pierced as a girl, but haven't even worn earrings in several years now. However, there is still a part of me that would love to have a tiny stud in my nose. I think plenty of my girlfriends would be surprised to hear me say that; but I just think they're cute! Dh would NEVER want me to do that, however.


I also think a small eyebrow ring can be cute. So, one small stud on the side of the nose, or one small eyebrow ring, I think it's cute. Anything more I think is distracting.


But no, I wouldn't want my boys to get a facial piercing. Yes yes, I see the double standard...

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I wouldn't make a big deal of anything already done. If my dc got a tongue ring I would request that they not show it off. Otherwise I'll roll with whatever. If my opinion were sought and they felt that something just had to have a hole, I would steer them away from the tongue and perhaps toward the eyebrow :tongue_smilie:.




So eyebrow would be okay for them, as far as you are concerned. Eyebrow certainly seems to be a popular one these days; sometimes it's a ring and sometimes a barbell, depending on the preference.


Anyway I guess you're almost waiting or expecting to hear a decision from them some time about the earrings, when you would already be prepared to take your sons to have it done.


(Not every mom would be as fashion-sensitive, I guess.)

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Actually I have a natural Monroe. It is fetching or so I have been told.




Do you know if natural monroes are ever feasibly turned into artificial, pierced ones, with the addition of a tiny jewel? (Not that you should do anything that wasn't on your initiative, of course.)

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Right. Eyebrows, nose, labrettes (not lovin' the damage they do to teeth though), etc. I ask them every once in awhile if they want their ears pierced. It's not forbidden fruit, so they don't care. Ha! My dh had 2 holes in each ear when we met. He would have them still if he hadn't gone the "I have to look professional for work" route.

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Right. Eyebrows, nose, labrettes (not lovin' the damage they do to teeth though), etc. I ask them every once in awhile if they want their ears pierced. It's not forbidden fruit, so they don't care. Ha! My dh had 2 holes in each ear when we met. He would have them still if he hadn't gone the "I have to look professional for work" route.




I see, so you already offered to take them to have their ears done. Well, I'm sure they appreciate you asking, even if they haven't taken you up on your offer yet.


If they eventually do, I suppose you would recommend both ears for boys? because this seems to be the route taken now, rather than just one.

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