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I feel like CRYING...more immigration woes

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I just need to vent, whine, cry... Whatever. Trying to get an immigrant visa for my daughter has been such a long and emotionally draining experience. The paperwork, the money, the obscure details... I am so over it.


Every time we think we are near the end, the U.S. government throws us another curveball.


We have an appointment on Jan. 10 at the embassy for her "interview" and if all goes well we "should" get a visa for her so we can go to the states for a visit and she will FINALLY get to meet her family.


But before she could get this appointment she had to have a BOATLOAD of vaccinations...not just the regular schedule, but a whole bunch of the ones that are usually optional for a child. She has been stuck so many times. And we had to cram them all in a much shorter time than I would normally do.


I have been so scared that she would have a negative reaction from all these shots but luckily, she has been ok (although she did get a really high fever from one of them).


At any rate, we finally got them all and took her to the embassy-approved doctor for her final check up and he tells us that the U.S. has now added ANOTHER vaccination to the schedule.


I know it isn't the end of the world but for some reason it was all I could do to not burst into tears right there. ANOTHER vaccine?!? And another follow up visit. And more paperwork. And more money. And more waiting.


I just can't bear to see her little face scrunch up with tears AGAIN. The last time we took her she started crying as soon as we pulled into the parking lot. She has had so many shots in the last 6 months. It makes me sick to my stomach.


I know it isn't the worst thing. I know people face worse problems. I know it will all be worth it in the end. BLAH BLAH BLAH


I don't care about all that right now. All I care about is my poor little overly-vaccinated baby girl. I need this to be over.

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my poor dd had all kinds of vaccinations in China. They even left scar tissue, and there were a LOT of tiny hard balls of scar tissue. We got back to the states and they wanted to vaccinate her. I said NO WAY, check her titers. She had NOTHING in her system and had to be vaccinated all over again, and at an accelerated rate! I remember that pain, all those needle sticks, all the crying, the fevers. It was AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her TB vaccination given in China was an open, oozing wound for almost a year after I got her.


I feel for you. It is SO hard to watch a tiny little one go through all that pain. But I know it has to happen. We had to sign papers saying we would vaccinate in order to adopt.


My dd is fine now and doesn't fear doctors like she used to. She's almost 9. I'm sure your dd will also lose her fears. She'll forget all of this!

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(I just looked at your blog for the first time since you adopted your daughter and was amazed to see that you no longer have a baby girl. She's gotten so big! What a beautiful family you have!)


Forget the kids...everyone should go look at Heather in a sari!


You look amazing!!!


I hope everything works out with your DD! :grouphug:

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I am so sorry...it does sound so very close, now!! I know a little about the long and very, very frustrating visa/immigration process. My son married a young lady from Canada, and once she applied for her visa, she was not even allowed in the U.S. for 1.5 years (even for a quick visit), until it was approved. My son had to go through so many hoops to get that visa. And this is just from Canada!


My daughter is marrying a wonderful young man from Costa Rica. He tried to get just a tourist visa, twice, to come up for a week and visit my husband after he'd had his stroke. He was denied, even though he had a good job in Costa Rica, a home, etc. (In other words, he wasn't at risk to try and immigrate here illegally.) I can't imagine how difficult it will be for him to get a residence visa to live here... We've heard it will take years!


Our daughter-in-law was granted her visa on the same day as her final interview; hopefully it will go the same for your sweet daughter!

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Forget the kids...everyone should go look at Heather in a sari!


You look amazing!!!


I hope everything works out with your DD! :grouphug:


Thank you! But I have to give my amah the credit... She designed the sari, bargained for the price and dressed me. I can only imagine the tangled mess I would have been if I tried to put that sari on by myself! :lol:

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