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iPad + Notability is rejuvenating my homeschool

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I am not sure if I should even admit this, but I have so much curricula sitting on my computer in PDF form because I didn't want to keep another binder around or pay to have it printed up and spiral bound. Good stuff: Lively Latin, Trail Guide to World Geography, Miquon Math, Basic Not Boring workbooks. Last night I did the first few pages of Lively Latin in Notability and felt the whole homeschool revolve. Thank you thank you thank you Bill!

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I am not sure if I should even admit this, but I have so much curricula sitting on my computer in PDF form because I didn't want to keep another binder around or pay to have it printed up and spiral bound. Good stuff: Lively Latin, Trail Guide to World Geography, Miquon Math, Basic Not Boring workbooks. Last night I did the first few pages of Lively Latin in Notability and felt the whole homeschool revolve. Thank you thank you thank you Bill!


The ability to easily "write" on PDFs on a tablet is going to be transformational methinks. Years from now this will sort of thing will likely be taken for granted, but we are participating in a technological shift. I think it is exciting.


Say, do you have an iPad 1 or iPad 2? If you have an iPad 2 can you zoom into PDFs using the pinch-to-zoom finger movement (or not)? This is the one feature of this otherwise great app I find lacking when working in small spaces.


The developers say they are working on it. But it was suggested pinch-to-zoom might already work on the iPad 2, but I don't know if that is really the case (or not).


I'm glad you are finding Notability useful :001_smile:



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I have a 2. I'm pretty sure I was able to zoom, but I'm not sure it was with the pinching gesture. The kids are awake and this is a Winter Solstice surprise so I can't get it down to check. I will look after bedtime.


I feel a little bit too skeptical about civilization's ability to sustain this level of consumption, but I agree with you otherwise. Using electronic tablets like paper is as big a shift as using paper and pencils instead of clay tablets and wedges, and the whole world is going to feel it down to the third world and for generations on and on, I am sure.

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Just to clarify, do you let them fill in the blanks on the iPad? For example, if I had the SOTW activity sheets in PDF would I be able to let them fill them in on PDF form? I'm intrigued by this but at the same time, I kind of le having their papers in a notebook to show what we've done.


BTW I've had my iPad just a few days. Used it yesterday for math facts, letter of the day, and to pull up maps for SOTW. It's incredible!

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Just to clarify, do you let them fill in the blanks on the iPad? For example, if I had the SOTW activity sheets in PDF would I be able to let them fill them in on PDF form? I'm intrigued by this but at the same time, I kind of le having their papers in a notebook to show what we've done.


BTW I've had my iPad just a few days. Used it yesterday for math facts, letter of the day, and to pull up maps for SOTW. It's incredible!


I have not used the SOTW activity sheets, but yes, this app allows a person to use their finger or iPad stylus and "write" or "highlight" on top of the PDF.



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How do you "write" on the iPad? Do you use your finger or ???


Yes, one can use ones finger or an iPad compatible stylus (I don't have one of these). The "tools" of the app allow one to change the color and thickness of the lines and there are two modes for opacity. One is fully opaque (normal writing) and the other is a semi-transparent "highlighter" mode. The highlighter mode has proved a boon when children are asked to color objects as the underlying object is not obliterated.



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Yep, anything you can do on a piece of paper except maybe fold it you can do on the PDF -- scribble, color, highlight, underline -- all with your finger or a stylus.


Also, say you have three kids using the same PDF. You can save one as the ten-year-old's, one as the eight-year-old's, and one to use with the six-year-old in the future. Then you can go back and look at their work. Or you can print it out and put it into a binder all worked up and marked.

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Yep, anything you can do on a piece of paper except maybe fold it you can do on the PDF -- scribble, color, highlight, underline -- all with your finger or a stylus.


Also, say you have three kids using the same PDF. You can save one as the ten-year-old's, one as the eight-year-old's, and one to use with the six-year-old in the future. Then you can go back and look at their work. Or you can print it out and put it into a binder all worked up and marked.


That's a great idea!

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I think some who've used Notability have also used Goodreader, so I'm asking if there is any reason why I should switch from Goodreader to Notability. I'm completely happy with Goodreader (including my son who loves to write on his pdf school books and pinches to zoom all the time to do so).

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Note to self (and anyone else who may be reading): board member "Stripe alerted us sometime back the textbooks from the Indian National Education Ministry (NCERT) were available for (free) download at Notemonk.




I have only used the math (Math Magic) and English (Marigolds) at the early levels, but both are delightful. We have until now only used them orally, but I need to pull them into Notabliity. Others might want to poke around. Asnthe years progress they have chemistry, physics, economics, and all sorts of textbooks. I've only seen the elementary math and English, but they are charming.


The "levels" to me seem like Indian 1 might equal US K and so on, but you all can figure that out.



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I think some who've used Notability have also used Goodreader, so I'm asking if there is any reason why I should switch from Goodreader to Notability. I'm completely happy with Goodreader (including my son who loves to write on his pdf school books and pinches to zoom all the time to do so).


My feeling is Goodreader is still a much more full featured PDF "reader." But a lousy app for "annotating."


Notability is an app that has not fully matured yet (but the development team is amazingly responsive). It does not have all the reading "features" of Goodreader, but for being able to write on PDFs it is a breakthrough application.


I have noted that the one flaw for me is one can not zoom into the PDFs (at least on an iPad 1) yet. To write in small spaces one needs to use a separate "zoom box." This is a little clunky. But overall this is a pretty great app. And if they figure out the pinch-to-zoom this will be a dream.


If it is still on sale for 99 cents grab it! Also get the free Dropbox app as these seems to be the easy way to get PDFs into Notability.



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I downloaded the nat geo world atlas and was using it. I wish that I could highlight rivers and areas like we do on the SOTW. The nat geo maps are really nice, just wish the app had more functions. I would love to find a map program that has old world maps as well.


Pretty sure you could do that in Notability if you have the maps in PDF form. Uncle Josh, Trail Guide, OTM Press, Enchanted Learning and Homeschool in the Woods all offer PDF maps for download. HITW has "Olde World Style" available for download. Just trace the river with your finger after selecting blue.

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I have PDF Expert, and it allows for similar functions (though is more expensive than Notability right now). LOVE IT. I'm in grad school and have tons of articles to read. Saves on printing. I can highlight, make notes, etc.


Now to add a stylus to my Christmas list....:)

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I will be buying and testing Notability today. I also have tons of pdf curriculum. I think the ipad could be revolutionary for us, but I still need a workaround for flash. We’ve been having great success with Intellego unit studies, but some of the links are for flash based websites. I've seen one or two apps, but haven’t tried anything yet. We’ve been using a whiteboard app for math, and ds is much better using that with a stylus than with pencil and paper, so I have high hopes. Now if I could only get him to stop chewing the tips off of every stylus I buy...:glare:


I recently installed Dropbox on my computers, laptops, phone, ipod, and ipad2. I noticed there is a monthly fee for more storage. I’m not sure how quickly I will reach that, or if I even will, but it seems a bit pricey. I really love using it, but is there something similar without the monthly charges?

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I have PDF Expert, and it allows for similar functions (though is more expensive than Notability right now). LOVE IT. I'm in grad school and have tons of articles to read. Saves on printing. I can highlight, make notes, etc.


Now to add a stylus to my Christmas list....:)


I have pdf expert too and like it for some things but notability is better for writing. In PDF expert the writing doesn't look or feel as natural. PDF expert works better for me if I want to type on a document. They are both good apps but I use them for different functions.

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So, what's the best stylus?


I like these from Amazon




It doesn't necessarily work better than the $20 one I bought at Best Buy but it's just as good and because it plugs in to the headphone jack we've managed to keep up with it. We lost the Best Buy one in less than 24 hours.:confused:

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Me, too! :D How do you all figure this stuff out??


The thing about the ipad is that it's very user friendly. The first time dd6 picked it up she just knew how to move around and make things work. It's very intuitive. There are also numerous threads on here with ideas for apps and how do do various things that others have already figured out which makes it even easier.

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I have an android and I just installed Evernote on it and I love it! It's free :D and you can use your finger or stylus and write in answers, etc.


Evernote also offers Skitch. Based on my reading it would be better to convert to jpg to use skitch to do this, but it can work.


I love Android, I hope Notability is already working on a version for it. I really respect the companies that have stayed ahead of this tech curve like Evernote.

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I have not used the SOTW activity sheets, but yes, this app allows a person to use their finger or iPad stylus and "write" or "highlight" on top of the PDF.




Oh my gosh! Seriously??? I'm so excited. I have an Ipad 2, but I'm just waiting for someone from Apple to come by in an unmarked white van and take it away. "You really don't deserve this ma'am. You're making our company look bad. You're a poser. Give it back." :D


I think I even have the Notability app. *squeal*


Now I just have to figure out how to make it all work. :glare:

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Oh my gosh! Seriously??? I'm so excited. I have an Ipad 2, but I'm just waiting for someone from Apple to come by in an unmarked white van and take it away. "You really don't deserve this ma'am. You're making our company look bad. You're a poser. Give it back." :D


I think I even have the Notability app. *squeal*


Now I just have to figure out how to make it all work. :glare:


You are going to dig this!



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