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The spiders are driving me nuts!

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I have killed more poisonous spiders than i care to think about in the last 2 weeks. Just this morning there were 2 crawling along the floor on their merry way before i squashed them. We have the pest guy booked for the 15th. I'm not sure how i am going to last!


The kids when out to play earlier and while under the patio 2 spiders dropped down from the patio right infront of us and i squished them too.


Ugh, i hate spiders. They are in my washing, they are in my vacuum after i have vac'd, they are everywhere, yuck!


I'm terrified someone is going to get bitten, especially Possum as they seem to be crawling along the ground more and more.

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My dd#1 adamantly says she will never visit Australia because of the spiders. Are you in Sydney and are these the deadly spiders? Because if that is the case, I would either find new exterminators who could come out immediately or I would relocate until they did come out. (I am not an arachnophobic like my dd but I do put limits on interactions with deadly spiders).

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I've tried every pest company in town and no one can come sooner. We are on their cancellation list incase someone pulls out at the last minute.


We are in Western Australia so, not near Sydney but the spiders certainly are poisonous and can be deadly. I've killed red backs and white tails, there are plenty of others but not as poisonous. It's the white tails that crawl around inside and i've found in the washing. I just squashed another one!


No chance of relocating even in the short term. I've got a flyswot out and the kids are on the lookout. Ugh, yuck!

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You're one brave woman, Amber. :grouphug: I'd be totally freaking out. :willy_nilly:


I don't do spiders very well. I like to think I'm not arachnaphobic but when push comes to shove and I'm confronted by one I've been known to squeal and shriek like a little girl. :blush: I didn't even meant to. It just happened. :tongue_smilie:


I can only imagine how big the spiders are out where you are. Ugh. :w00t:

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I can only imagine how big the spiders are out where you are. Ugh. :w00t:


Nah, she's talking about the small ones. Nasty small ones. Nastier than most of the big ones, actually.


:grouphug: to you Amber. I've had to deal with a few huntsmen lately, and that was almost more than I could cope with, because I'm so wussy!



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I will have a look when i am out tomorrow. I sprayed some regular stuff under the patio today.


Those white tails are BAD. They love clothing and the ground and i only seem to be finding ones about the size of a 50c. Not sure where they hand out when they are little! Chicky bought me a dress up to put on her and one dropped out. OMG! Seriously going to go nuts, everytime i see something move or feel something strange against me i'm thinking SPIDER!!!


Rosie, i had a Huntsman in my washing the other morning. Gave me the fright of my life!


You know since we moved here we have watched the neighbour high pressure clean his patio and gutters. We thought he was neurotic, but now i know why. He was riding his home of the nasty spiders. Probably more effective than spraying too as he seems to do it every other week. Maybe i'll buy DH a kartcher for Christmas LOL.

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Holy mother of :svengo:



And I'm not spider phobic in the least. But really. Those are SCARY!


And really, you people have concerns about North American BEARS?? Bears rarely fall out of your washing or crawl up your pantleg.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I feel for you. We lived in a house once that had a black widow problem in the garage and back yard. I had an exterminator come out every 3 months to spray for them, but still... it was when my girls were babies and I always worried about them. The only thing that kept me from utterly freaking out was understanding that black widows are really very shy and will avoid people as much as possible. I taught my girls to be afraid of spiders though, and to not touch them and come find me immediately if they saw one. What else could I do?

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Just yesterday I had to squish a daddy long legs. He was heading up my refrigerator at a pretty quick clip. Just as I was goin' for him, the papertowel slipped a little and........I touched him with my hand. :svengo:


A few times a year we'll get a big fat juicy one in here. :eek: :ack2:


I can.not imagine dealing with poisonous ones. :gnorsi:



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You know since we moved here we have watched the neighbour high pressure clean his patio and gutters. We thought he was neurotic, but now i know why. He was riding his home of the nasty spiders. Probably more effective than spraying too as he seems to do it every other week. Maybe i'll buy DH a kartcher for Christmas LOL.


Maybe they are leaving his house and coming to yours. I would get the outdoor spray and use it every day and double the amount after he washes.

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Ugh. :grouphug:


Are glue type spider traps (or the glue traps used for mice) available in Australia? We've got nasty poisonous recluse spiders here who can wander into beds, clothing, etc. like it sounds the white tails do. The best thing for catching those are the sticky traps. I used to put one under each bed frame post and around the dressers too until I knew this house was spider free. We would, well I still do and probably always will, shake out clothing and blankets too.

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zip loc baggies? it may sound odd and laborious, but really not so much....


can you put undies, etc in ziploc baggies? hang all clothes that you'll wear until the exterminator comes inside out? then you put them right side out, and check for spidies? if they're hanging, its less likely than in drawers i think.... it would take a while to set up like that, but would make me feel better.....


or just throw everything anyone is going to wear in the dryer (dry) for 15 minutes on high?


ugggg..... you've had a few too many for my liking!


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:grouphug:We have too many black widows here in TX; but the wolf spiders, though very threatening looking (the size including legs is the span of a dessert plate), are not dangerous.

I did look up online your Australian spiders, the huntsman moves fast and is non-aggressive. The white tails can give a bite that can cause problems, but not death. Gangrene from it is probably rare.

Take a deep breath...and squish. Always have a shoe on or nearby.

I am more afraid of scorpions, they moved very fast across our floors. Spring and fall are the worst times for spider sightings.

Brown recluse spiders can cause major health problems if not treated quickly. I know a young girl, 12, who was bitten by one and her arm became very swollen and discolored before they realized what was going on.

On the US east coast, one son had gotten a gecko, it escaped, we assumed he died. However, we didn't have any spider problems, I'm very serious. Gecko was spotted, dh caught him, gecko died the next day, and our spider problem returned not long after. So, maybe a gecko running around the place would help?

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:grouphug:We have too many black widows here in TX; but the wolf spiders, though very threatening looking (the size including legs is the span of a dessert plate), are not dangerous.


Dessert plate!


Why am I still reading this thread? :svengo:

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Maybe they are leaving his house and coming to yours. I would get the outdoor spray and use it every day and double the amount after he washes.


Yep, I spoke to DH about it last night. Now we have figured out why he pressure cleans the way he does it makes sense. I'm sure they are coming to our house! Doesn't help the amount of garden we have right up to the house. It was here when we moved in and is too much to completely remove but we do keep it trimmed back. The neighbours are originally from New Zealand so probably just as scared of spiders as most of you. No wonder they pressure clean!

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I did look up online your Australian spiders, the huntsman moves fast and is non-aggressive. The white tails can give a bite that can cause problems, but not death. Gangrene from it is probably rare.


The huntsman sound a bit like your wolf spider. They get quite big and look nasty but are harmless. They like to eat flies and i don't mind them, but when they jump out of your washing... you get a fright!


With the white tails the ulceration from the bite is quite serious and not rare. 3 friends have massive deep scars on their arms and legs from white tail bites. It eats away at your skin, and whilst it probably wont kill you it will scare you and there isn't much the Drs can do to stop it's progression. 1 friend has needed skin grafts to deal with the aftermath.


Red backs thankfully like to stay outside. Most of the time they hide away. These ones can kill you but the venom is slow acting and you can get to hospi and get meds before your feeling too bad.


We have about a dozen other types of non venomous non threatening spiders which are hanging around the house but they stay in their webs and don't bother you. If i was to go outside and count we've probably got about 200 spiders around the windows, gutters etc outside.


Mount washmore in the spare room needs tackling in the next couple of days i wonder how many spiders i will find in it! Will have a shoe on standby.

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