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Straw Poll, political party

Which political party to you most closely align with?  

  1. 1. Which political party to you most closely align with?

    • Republican
    • Democrat
    • Independent
    • Other

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Once when I was young and impressionable I would have voted republican in this poll but I have over the decades (and in part from lobbying and even after holding office as a republican) come to believe that all of them will say what ever they think you want them to say that will get them voted in. I ran as committeeman when Hastert pull in the favor of getting some health care bills through congress. What I saw there was enough to get me to say :tongue_smilie: YUCK Although being committeeman did get me two White Christmas cards :D


I voted other because I am now a member of the kitty party please refer to the McCain thread ;)

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I am a progressive republican, or a centrist democrat.


I do believe in having a small progressive government with minimal taxes and overhead and I believe in saving the environment and cutting out our dependence on oil from the middle east :)


I plan to vote for Obama in '08. Not that anyone would be surprised :lol:

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My dh claims to be a Monarchist as well!! :lol:



You know, there's a story from several years ago (I'm sure it's an urban legend) that some people living in Washington, D.C. (maybe even the city council?) sent the Queen of England a letter requesting to be let back into Great Britain. Supposedly, their reasoning was as long as they were still "fighting" the whole taxation without representation issue, they preferred to be part of Britain. :001_huh:


The story doesn't say if Her Majesty replied.:lol:

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But I wondered if you guys had found http://politicalcompass.org/ A good teaching tool for your kids, and certainly useful if you are of voting age and don't know what you really think. According to their FAQ heaps of people will re-take the test if they don't like their results. My dad took it and found that he was actually slightly to the left, but is still convinced that he's slightly to the right.



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Libertarian, but I'm pro-life, so that can be a big issue. But otherwise I agree with them fairly closely.


It is my understanding that the LP does not take an official stand on abortion. There is quite a large pro-life contingent in the LP, and their last pres. candidate, Michael Badnarick (I think I spelled his name right), was in support of allowing fetal adoptions and wanted to see more research into fetal transplants, partly in an effort to reduce the number of abortions performed.

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I'm in the "libertarian left".... my dot is literally in the little triangle made by Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama (Gandhi is one chart up, NM and the DL together on the final chart). I am totally happy and proud to be right with that group, even though we're such a minority on the board ;)... so there!

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I'm in the "libertarian left".... my dot is literally in the little triangle made by Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama (Gandhi is one chart up, NM and the DL together on the final chart). I am totally happy and proud to be right with that group, even though we're such a minority on the board ;)... so there!


I just took that quiz and I was right under Ghandi, too. I told dh my results and his response was "whoa, big shocker!" (dripping with sarcasm) LOL! I am registered independent.

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I believe in a small federal government and a "live and let live" legislative attitude. IMO, we should keep legislation to a minimum unless it prevents/criminalizes an action/behavior that harms someone's life, property or freedom.


I seem to be one of the few who feel this way, though. Lately, it seems that both Democrats and Republicans like large government and lots of legislation. <sigh>



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I believe in a small federal government and a "live and let live" legislative attitude. IMO, we should keep legislation to a minimum unless it prevents/criminalizes an action/behavior that harms someone's life, property or freedom.


I seem to be one of the few who feel this way, though. Lately, it seems that both Democrats and Republicans like large government and lots of legislation. <sigh>





Ya, so much for the contract with America, that sure did pan out great. The guys who only staid in one or two terms did great but the rest of the republicans sure went the hybrid route and spent and spent and spent and.............. and enlarged and enlarged and.......

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I'd quibble with some of the assertions and options, but I've been a political quiz junkie for a while.


FWIW, it pegged me as on the line between Libertarian & Authoritarian (a hair more Libertarian), and as far "right" economically as Milton Friedman. Yay for Uncle Milt!


Upon consideration, that's probably about right for this free-market Catholic Monarchist. :D

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I took the quiz a few weeks ago and came out a bit right of center. No big surprise.


Um, I came out to the left.


Economic Left/Right: -2.62 (to the left)

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.00



This can't be right. I am a conservative. I am a conservative.


Someone tell me I am still a conservative before I hyperventilate.

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That quiz put me left on the left-right scale and libertarian on the libertarian-authoritarian scale -- which puts me, IMHO, in very good company: the same quadrant as Gandhi and the Dalai Lama. :thumbup1:


I'm in the "libertarian left".... my dot is literally in the little triangle made by Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama (Gandhi is one chart up, NM and the DL together on the final chart). I am totally happy and proud to be right with that group, even though we're such a minority on the board ;)... so there!


I just took that quiz and I was right under Ghandi, too. I told dh my results and his response was "whoa, big shocker!" (dripping with sarcasm) LOL! I am registered independent.


I'm in with you guys too:us and the dalai lama.....and how come there's only two examples below the line anyway???

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Um, I came out to the left.


Economic Left/Right: -2.62 (to the left)

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.00



This can't be right. I am a conservative. I am a conservative.


Someone tell me I am still a conservative before I hyperventilate.


Labels don't matter, Kelli. Walking lockstep with a party or a movement isn't important. Being a thinking person and evaluation issues one by one matters.


It's like weight -- who cares what you weigh as long as you look good in your clothes? Who cares what your label is as long as your conscience is clear and true?



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I'm in the "libertarian left".... my dot is literally in the little triangle made by Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama (Gandhi is one chart up, NM and the DL together on the final chart). I am totally happy and proud to be right with that group, even though we're such a minority on the board ;)... so there!


Me, too. I am in that same place, almost directly on top of the Dalai Lama. I always thought you would be the pastor in a church I would like...

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Labels don't matter, Kelli. Walking lockstep with a party or a movement isn't important. Being a thinking person and evaluation issues one by one matters.


It's like weight -- who cares what you weigh as long as you look good in your clothes? Who cares what your label is as long as your conscience is clear and true?





I have been a conservative all my adult life.


I'm having an identity crisis.


I don't know who I am anymore!:willy_nilly:


Well, I am still this :patriot: anyway!

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I have been a conservative all my adult life.


I'm having an identity crisis.


I don't know who I am anymore!:willy_nilly:


Well, I am still this :patriot: anyway!


I feel your pain, fellow patriot. I was lying in bed literally weeping about that this week. :nopity:


Heck, I think I need a whole chamber quartet.


:nopity: :nopity: :nopity: :nopity:

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I'm in the "libertarian left"....
Me too... I'm a little south of Gandi, right smack on top of the Dalai Lama.
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I'm in with you guys too:us and the dalai lama.....and how come there's only two examples below the line anyway???



HEy! Move over.....I'm sharing that space too! :-)

Ahhh.....rubbing elbows with the Dalai Llama? And Nelson Mandela? Wow.....I'm in awe. :001_smile:

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And isn't there anyone else in the libertarian-right quadrant? (Pretty much where I thought I'd land - although not quite as libertarian (-.62), but moderately conservative (3.75)


What an oddball.:D

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