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According to the Today Show, anyone who thinks Duggar baby #20 wasn't a great idea...

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As someone who went through multiple miscarriages, severe Pre-eclampsia, a micropreemie who didn't survive, and a lot of fear, all to have one living child, I admit I AM a bit jealous. Not so much for number 20 (having had PE, and having had a pregnancy after losing a baby to PE, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy-it's a terrifying experience) but simply because she seems to be able to get pregnant at will and even a complicated pregnancy comes out well. I don't want 20-but I wish I could have had 2 or 3, which at this point, looks very unlikely.

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Yup, me too. But if I added 16 more people to my house, I would have to move out. Possibly to the Betty Ford clinic.

I hear you!


I'd just like to get my house, with only six ppl living here, running as smoothly as hers appears to!


I will say, however, that the comments I've received about having baby #5...I don't know how Michelle hasn't gone postal on strangers somewhere along the way.


I've been asked if I'm trying to compete with the Duggars, or if 5 kids is some 'weird religious thing'. :glare:

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Are we really going to make fun of their clothes and Mr. Duggar's name?


I'm sure it's not jealousy for most people, but there is something about them that brings forth very strong emotion.


I, too, am totally jealous of Michelle's calm demeanor. I was not convinced it was real until I saw them speak in person. They are very genuine and Michelle has a very sweet and honest spirit about her that I don't think can be faked.


Oh, and if I am ever on a national TV show, you may all feel free to make fun of my clothing because I'm style-challenged and freely admit it :D

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Are we really going to make fun of their clothes and Mr. Duggar's name?


I'm sure it's not jealousy for most people, but there is something about them that brings forth very strong emotion.


I, too, am totally jealous of Michelle's calm demeanor. I was not convinced it was real until I saw them speak in person. They are very genuine and Michelle has a very sweet and honest spirit about her that I don't think can be faked.


Oh, and if I am ever on a national TV show, you may all feel free to make fun of my clothing because I'm style-challenged and freely admit it :D


Well said!

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Are we really going to make fun of their clothes and Mr. Duggar's name?



Yes, really. You can thank the Today Show for the third grade level maturity, with it's "yer jus' jeeaaalous" shot over the bow.


In my book, very absurd claims deserve very silly responses.

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I am not 100% certain its simple 'jealousy'- I think the Duggars' have a lot of 'haters'.


But I, for one, DO believe that there are a lot of people who deeeeeeeeeep down wish their home/family life was more like the Duggars.... whether it be Michelle's demeanor, financial situation, fertility, notoriety, strength of beliefs, country or big-family lifestyle, marriage, well-behaved/respectful children...IMHO, there are things to admire about the family even though we might make different choices.

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20 kids? That's my worst nightmare. Right after being married to a guy named Jim-Bob from Arkansas.


:lol: Yeah, I rekon! I'm glad he's got somebody to share his life with, but more glad it isn't me!


I've spent five years so far as a sleep deprived idiot, I can't imagine deliberately doing anything to prolong this stage. :001_huh:



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Yes, really. You can thank the Today Show for the third grade level maturity, with it's "yer jus' jeeaaalous" shot over the bow.


In my book, very absurd claims deserve very silly responses.


I agree the Today Show's analysis was very shallow . . . but why make fun of the Duggar family for the Today Show's immaturity.

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I hear you!


I'd just like to get my house, with only six ppl living here, running as smoothly as hers appears to!


I will say, however, that the comments I've received about having baby #5...I don't know how Michelle hasn't gone postal on strangers somewhere along the way.


I've been asked if I'm trying to compete with the Duggars, or if 5 kids is some 'weird religious thing'. :glare:


When we announced our pregnancy with Lily (our very first pregnancy ever mind you) our music minister who is a very funny guy and I know meant no offense whatsoever says from the stage, "I think your quiver is full now!" Before I lost number 7 I remember thinking I'm really glad we don't go to that church anymore.

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I agree the Today Show's analysis was very shallow . . . but why make fun of the Duggar family for the Today Show's immaturity.


Why not?


In any case, my comment about "Jim-Bob from Arkansas" is not meant in jest at all. I was perfectly serious when I stated that it would be a horrible, horrible nightmare to be in Michelle's shoes.

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:iagree: I have never heard the Duggars say anything negative about the people who are so quick to judge them. Maybe I missed something but from what I've seen they are very gracious people.



That's a no-brainer. Their judgment of everyone who is non-Duggar-like is implicit in their very stance on...well, everything. They don't refrain from going to the movies, or allowing their kids to join various clubs, play organized sports, dress in non-homogenized clothing, and so forth, out of a great approval for surrounding society.


Every episode starts with an intro, that is in fact, a rejection of the majority culture, and those who embrace, live in it, etc.

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I watched their show last night, because it came on after "Muslims in America", and it annoyed me for the first time when I realized her baby is on Formula. I don't know why that irritated me, but I wondered if she doesn't cut breastfeeding short so that she can get pregnant quicker. (I do understand that breastfeeding is not a fool proof way to breastfeed but still)


I also think her uterus has already rebelled by having her last child so premature. I wonder if it can hold another child, and if not, then the possibility of having another premature child increases. I don't think it is fair to all of the other children to know that your risking having a child with special needs, when you are already stretched so thin.


On the positive side I love that the kids are close to one another and the kids can't miss what they have never had, individual attention.

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That's a no-brainer. Their judgment of everyone who is non-Duggar-like is implicit in their very stance on...well, everything. They don't refrain from going to the movies, or allowing their kids to join various clubs, play organized sports, dress in non-homogenized clothing, and so forth, out of a great approval for surrounding society.


Every episode starts with an intro, that is in fact, a rejection of the majority culture, and those who embrace, live in it, etc.


Really? I don't get that at all. I think it's just an intro into how they live their lives. I've never once heard them say, "Everyone should live this way." I think the way they treat their niece who is the exact opposite of them is indicative of their graciousness.

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That's a no-brainer. Their judgment of everyone who is non-Duggar-like is implicit in their very stance on...well, everything. They don't refrain from going to the movies, or allowing their kids to join various clubs, play organized sports, dress in non-homogenized clothing, and so forth, out of a great approval for surrounding society.


Every episode starts with an intro, that is in fact, a rejection of the majority culture, and those who embrace, live in it, etc.


Why view it as a judgment? Can't it just be a personal decision they've made for their family without it being a judgment on someone who lives differently?


I'm suspecting that you've hit on the substance of much of the criticism of the Duggars.


We have choosen to live our lives in a way that's very different from our neighbors but those decisions aren't a judgment on them at all, it's just that our choices are different than theirs. My choices aren't the same as the Duggars but are very dissimilar from many of those made by the people around me. Neighbors, co-workers (of my dh), even people in our church wouldn't agree with many of our choices - homeschooling is the big one but there are others. I feel no judgment on *them*, in fact, I usually don't even think about those differences unless asked for advice on a specific issue. In that instance I might present what our decision would be but I don't think that would necessarily indicate a judgment on their choices, would it?

Edited by JanOH
I didn't want to kill a kitten :)
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Really? I don't get that at all. I think it's just an intro into how they live their lives. I've never once heard them say, "Everyone should live this way." I think the way they treat their niece who is the exact opposite of them is indicative of their graciousness.


Sure, they treat her, and other different-thinking people just fine.


However, as has been mentioned many, many times--we don't see the Duggars 24/7. And, as a result, we are not privvy to what they talk about when off-camera, and just chatting with friends.


If they have strong preferences (and they do), then they also have aversions. Off-hand, I'd predict that just like the thought of stepping into Michelle's life makes me shudder, she'd shudder just as hard at the thought of parenting a gay child, or working at a Planned Parenthood clinic, or heck, shopping at a Whole Foods store regularly.


You get me? I've watched Michelle and Jim-Bob enough to detect that hard-core intractable attitude under the veneer. Yes, they're gracious on TV. But, how does that equate to you and others assuming that they must never negatively criticize others' choices? Everything they do and say would indicate that they have very strong, very negative feelings about certain types of people in in society.

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I'm jealous of the Duggars :blush:


I really wish I could have more children as easily as she does and I really wish all my kids were as healthy as hers.


I also wish I had her patience and her "whatever else she does that make her kids all seem so great".


I also wish I had her house :lol:


I think they are a nice family who are really blessed with all those lovely, healthy children - I mean she has almost 20 kids and not one of them is autistic or has any sort of disorder that is so common these days. They have really lucked out in their lives.


I wish my life could have been half so blessed.


I'm also jealous about how young Michelle looks and how healthy she is after having all those kids. I've aged in spades and look so haggard after having just three and I have so many stinking health problems.


Yep she is one lucky lady.

Edited by sewingmama
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Why view it as a judgment? Can't it just be a personal decision they've made for their family without it being a judgment on someone who lives differently?



Why are you asking such rhetorical questions? There's nothing to "view" about it. It is a personal decision and it is a judgment, at the same time. Because, you know, a choice implies both an acceptance and a rejection both. Any person capable of critical thinking knows this.


The more pertinent question is, why hasn't anyone remade Monty Python's "Every Sperm is Sacred" number featuring the Duggars?

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That's a no-brainer. Their judgment of everyone who is non-Duggar-like is implicit in their very stance on...well, everything. They don't refrain from going to the movies, or allowing their kids to join various clubs, play organized sports, dress in non-homogenized clothing, and so forth, out of a great approval for surrounding society.


Every episode starts with an intro, that is in fact, a rejection of the majority culture, and those who embrace, live in it, etc.



Using that logic, I suppose any parent with a kid in public school should be openly hostile and insulting to me since, after all, I have "rejected" that part of modern culture.


Maybe you can explain, because I see nothing but unabated judgment from these comments. And I barely know who the Duggars are.



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Using that logic, I suppose any parent with a kid in public school should be openly hostile and insulting to me since, after all, I have "rejected" that part of modern culture.


Maybe you can explain, because I see nothing but unabated judgment from these comments. And I barely know who the Duggars are.




No, using my logic, you can suppose exactly what I stated in answer to the supposition that the Duggars never speak negatively about other people's choices, and so therefore must not be judging them negatively.


You are employing a fallacy, false continuum, to derive your conclusions from what I previously stated.


Furthermore, the judgment I'm perceiving of late is from a few who either admire, or identify with the Duggars, and so feel the need to chide or use poorly concealed attempts to shame those of us who express incredulity at being called jealous of the Duggars.


Bad form, m'dear Holmes! This thread is for laughs. Scowl all you want, but you can't stop the stream of consciousness here that finds bladder-abuse-through-nation-building a really, really disturbing thing to want to emulate.

Edited by Aelwydd
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That's a no-brainer. Their judgment of everyone who is non-Duggar-like is implicit in their very stance on...well, everything. They don't refrain from going to the movies, or allowing their kids to join various clubs, play organized sports, dress in non-homogenized clothing, and so forth, out of a great approval for surrounding society.


Every episode starts with an intro, that is in fact, a rejection of the majority culture, and those who embrace, live in it, etc.


Well then, by the same logic, we are ALL judgmental in that our choices reflect our beliefs and thereby our 'stance' on things, so I never need say a word because my actions are doing the work for me.


I don't have a huge issue with that line of thought- simply apply it universally. ;)

Edited by LarlaB
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Why are you asking such rhetorical questions? There's nothing to "view" about it. It is a personal decision and it is a judgment, at the same time. Because, you know, a choice implies both an acceptance and a rejection both. Any person capable of critical thinking knows this.


The more pertinent question is, why hasn't anyone remade Monty Python's "Every Sperm is Sacred" number featuring the Duggars?


So the proposed solution is what? We all need to act exactly as our neighbors and acquaintances do so as not to offend them? That is so weird! Unless the Duggars have said something offensive towards those who believe differently than they do, it's hardly fair to just assume they would. You can disagree with someone's choices without being offensive to them. Really, is it such a horrible thing to disagree and have an opinion?

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No, using my logic, you can suppose exactly what I stated in answer to the supposition that the Duggars never speak negatively about other people's choices, and so therefore must not be judging them negatively.


You are employing a fallacy, false continuum, to derive such a meaning from what I previously stated.


Furthermore, the judgment I'm perceiving of late is from a few who either admire, or identify with the Duggars, and so feel the need to chide or use poorly concealed attempts to shame those of us who express incredulity at being called jealous of the Duggars.


Bad form, m'dear Holmes! This thread is for laughs. Scowl all you want, but you can't stop the stream of consciousness here that finds bladder-abuse-through-nation-building a really, really disturbing thing to want to emulate.



Oh boy. I never open Dugger threads because a) I don't care; b) I don't know who they are because I don't watch much t.v. But looking at the length of any thread that employs their name I assumed they sparked some debate.


Obviously they spark some passion in you, that's for sure, and I'm not about to read through countless pages to find out why. No, I don't think anyone who disagrees with their lifestyle is jealous, if that's what's driving you insane. I do think you can disagree with their choices without seeing it as a rejection of modern culture, which was my point. No fallacy here, my dear. We can choose to see others choices as a rejection of your views, or you can see them as, well, just their choices.



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So the proposed solution is what? We all need to act exactly as our neighbors and acquaintances do so as not to offend them? That is so weird! Unless the Duggars have said something offensive towards those who believe differently than they do, it's hardly fair to just assume they would. You can disagree with someone's choices without being offensive to them. Really, is it such a horrible thing to disagree and have an opinion?



Stop. Rewind. Go back and read the post I was responding to. The one where it is supposed that the Duggars must never judge or criticize other people, simply because they haven't done so expressly in their heavily edited, time-constrained program.


Then, come back to this post, where at this point, I will say it is absolutely not a horrible thing to "disagree and have an opinion," and in fact, have been defending such a stance for the last few pages. But, to get that and my meaning, you need to go back and re-read, because it is obvious you are expecting me to defend a stance I haven't taken.



Basically, it boils down to this: someone got annoyed because some of us are laughing it up at the Duggars' expense. I am saying, the Duggars, with their own strong opinions and not-so-subtle rejection of values, and with their lucrative show and huge media platform--they can afford it. That they likely have their own pow-wows that involve comments about how relieved and pleased that they are not leading other people's lives.

Edited by Aelwydd
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Well then, by the same logic, we are ALL judgmental in that our choices reflect our beliefs and thereby our 'stance' on things, so I never need say a word because my actions are doing the work for me.


I don't have a huge issue with that line of thought- simply apply it universally. ;)




So the proposed solution is what? We all need to act exactly as our neighbors and acquaintances do so as not to offend them? That is so weird! Unless the Duggars have said something offensive towards those who believe differently than they do, it's hardly fair to just assume they would. You can disagree with someone's choices without being offensive to them. Really, is it such a horrible thing to disagree and have an opinion?


And yes.

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I'm jealous of the Duggars :blush:


I really wish I could have more children as easily as she does and I really wish all my kids were as healthy as hers.


I also wish I had her patience and her "whatever else she does that make her kids all seem so great".


I also wish I had her house :lol:


I think they are a nice family who are really blessed with all those lovely, healthy children - I mean she has almost 20 kids and not one of them is autistic or has any sort of disorder that is so common these days. They have really lucked out in their lives.


I wish my life could have been half so blessed.


I'm also jealous about how young Michelle looks and how healthy she is after having all those kids. I've aged in spades and look so haggard after having just three and I have so many stinking health problems.


Yep she is one lucky lady.



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Obviously they spark some passion in you, that's for sure, and I'm not about to read through countless pages to find out why. No, I don't think anyone who disagrees with their lifestyle is jealous, if that's what's driving you insane. I do think you can disagree with their choices without seeing it as a rejection of modern culture, which was my point. No fallacy here, my dear. We can choose to see others choices as a rejection of your views, or you can see them as, well, just their choices.




What drives me insane is having people come into a discussion, refusing to "read through countless pages" and then expecting me to defend a strawman's argument.


I'm not taking this thread seriously. Other posters here are, however. I'm saying, stop with the "Oh pooh, they're such nice people, why are you laughing at them?" line of argument, because it was a silly thread, that evoked silly responses.


But don't take my word for it in this post. Read the thread yourself. Or not.



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Stop. Rewind. Go back and read the post I was responding to. The one where it is supposed that the Duggars must never judge or criticize other people, simply because they haven't done so expressly in their heavily edited, time-constrained program.


Then, come back to this post, where at this point, I will say it is absolutely not a horrible thing to "disagree and have an opinion," and in fact, have been defending such a stance for the last few pages. But, to get that and my meaning, you need to go back and re-read, because it is obvious you are expecting me to defend a stance I haven't taken.



Basically, it boils down to this: someone got annoyed because some of us are laughing it up at the Duggars' expense. I am saying, the Duggars, with their own strong opinions and not-so-subtle rejection of values, and with their lucrative show and huge media platform--they can afford it. That they likely have their own pow-wows that involve comments about how relieved and pleased that they are not leading other people's lives.


I had read the posts but I must need another cup of coffee. I understand what you were saying now. I thought reason had finally left the boards completely. :001_smile:

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What drives me insane is having people come into a discussion, refusing to "read through countless pages" and then expecting me to defend a strawman's argument.


I'm not taking this thread seriously. Other posters here are, however. I'm saying, stop with the "Oh pooh, they're such nice people, why are you laughing at them?" line of argument, because it was a silly thread, that evoked silly responses.


But don't take my word for it in this post. Read the thread yourself. Or not.




You can use as many :lol::lol::lol: as you want, but I do think you are taking this thread seriously. Too. unbelievably. seriously.



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:iagree: I have never heard the Duggars say anything negative about the people who are so quick to judge them. Maybe I missed something but from what I've seen they are very gracious people.


Aelwydd, subtle difference in your reply vs what pp actually said. She said "I have never heard them say anything negative about people..." but did NOT say "the Duggars never judge or criticize other people...", which is thought process what you've been responding too. Those statements are similar, but different. K?

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Aelwydd, subtle difference in your reply vs what pp actually said. She said "I have never heard them say anything negative about people..." but did NOT say "the Duggars never judge or criticize other people...", which is thought process what you've been responding too. Those statements are similar, but different. K?


Yet that's the inferred meaning. Else, why was it offered in support of JanOH's post questioning why folks were laughing about Duggar-related things like names and clothing?


I just took her comment in context and at face value. I posted my rebuttal. Then Momof5 posted something about something and I said something back, and I lol'd at something else, and came back and posted this. The end.

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But it wouldn't look much like the Duggars. I can't imagine wanting those things and also wanting to make my minor children be on display in a reality show. I can't imagine wanting my children to become household names. It's so peculiar. I can't imagine what these people are thinking, and the number of children they have is not at the top of my list of the things about them I find deeply disturbing.

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What I find most hilarious about the whole "jealous" idea is that how could it possibly be? I mean look around, how many people are even having more than 2 kids, let alone 20!! So saying people are jealous is completely ridiculous! I've got 12 kids and while I would take more if the Lord wanted to send them I dare say I'd do it because I HAVE to have more because the Duggars are having them!! I say whatever works for them!

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I guess I feel as though they are not really doing the parenting anyway. I remember an episode where after a certain infant stage, the baby gets its older "buddy", and the buddy is responsible for the new little one.


From a practicality standpoint, I get it. But how is that really parenting your kids? Isn't it really kids parenting kids?


This thread is literally L-O-L. The passion is unmatched.

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As a feminist, I find it so darn odd that anyone would think that other women are "jealous" of these people. Ew. I have value as a human being that goes BEYOND my goodie-box. :D

The mom in that show disgusts my DH. I don't want to disgust my husband.


And yes, the name "Jim-Bob" would be a deal breaker for me. I doubt there would have been a second date if DH had insisted I call him, "Jim-Bob." Why don't you just save a step and say, "Hey, my name is Redneck?!" Nope. I am not jealous of that. If I wanted that, I'd just have stayed married to my first husband. :lol:


I can imagine myself yelling, "Hey, Jim-Bob, toss me that there rifle!" I cannot imagine whispering anything intimate starting with, "Jim-Bob, could you..." Just ew. It is Scarlett shuddering at the idea of me licking her level of EW...

It's so very wrong on so very many levels. :lol:

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... I am not jealous of that. If I wanted that, I'd just have stayed married to my first husband. :lol:



Hey, were you also married to MY first husband? :lol:

(in all fairness, despite MAJOR - as in opposite - views on pretty much everything, Jim-Bob is a much better catch than my ex.)


(and then I just watched my husband sneak up on the dog in the dark... Yeah, he might be on the market, too. :lol: I'll keep the big goofball, but the dog might put him out.)

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Stop. Rewind. Go back and read the post I was responding to. The one where it is supposed that the Duggars must never judge or criticize other people, simply because they haven't done so expressly in their heavily edited, time-constrained program.


Then, come back to this post, where at this point, I will say it is absolutely not a horrible thing to "disagree and have an opinion," and in fact, have been defending such a stance for the last few pages. But, to get that and my meaning, you need to go back and re-read, because it is obvious you are expecting me to defend a stance I haven't taken.



Basically, it boils down to this: someone got annoyed because some of us are laughing it up at the Duggars' expense. I am saying, the Duggars, with their own strong opinions and not-so-subtle rejection of values, and with their lucrative show and huge media platform--they can afford it. That they likely have their own pow-wows that involve comments about how relieved and pleased that they are not leading other people's lives.


I'm sorry. I guess what I meant is that most people are so vocal in their negative judgments of the family, yet the Duggars to my knowledge have handled the comments with grace. I did not mean to imply that they never say anything about it all behind closed doors. I don't know what they say behind closed doors. My experience with the Duggars like most people is all from T.V. and a few friends I have who have met the family in person.

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It's an entertainment program. They're on television. TV gives a distorted perception of "reality" at best. Even on (especially on?) "reality shows." So, comments on them, good, bad, funny, "jealous," -- it's all part of the entertainment that this show is supposed to provide. Otherwise, why does it exist? Just to invade the kids' privacy or pay for school?

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