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Homeschooling Support

As a homeschooler where do you receive your support from?  

  1. 1. As a homeschooler where do you receive your support from?

    • Online group
    • Community Group
    • Co-op
    • Other

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I get most of my support from here. I have some friends that homeschool IRL, but they mostly used boxed curriculum and have different methods and reasons for homeschooling in the first place. So we are friends, but don't really get into the nitty-gritty.


Speaking of, any DFW people want to get together for coffee and talk nitty-gritty?? :D

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Mostly, this board. I also have some support IRL, but many people are doing PS-at-home programs (as opposed to independent homeschooling) or not doing anything rigorous/WTM-like. I do have a couple of friends who have dabbled in WTM kinds of things the last couple of years, but I am still sort of looked at as weird/strict/crazy for doing things like Latin and Greek seriously.

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Mostly, this board. I also have some support IRL, but many people are doing PS-at-home programs (as opposed to independent homeschooling) or not doing anything rigorous/WTM-like..


:iagree: I haven't gotten any weird vibes, but when the homeschooler I know at work asks how to help his 18 year old in community college "understand negative numbers", I do feel a little weird. Or when one of those PS-at-home moms makes it clear the entire focus of hs is to sequester the child from bad influences. Too often I hear the negatives that drive people to homeschool rather than the positives that draw one to it, and many, many are happy to have the computer do all the work.


I fear that these kids will grow up thinking of homeschooling as a lonely grind in front of a computer screen. Doesn't seem like a way to instill a "lifetime love of learning". :001_huh:

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I put other because I could not select them all. I spend a lot of time here, I get questions answered and gather LOTS of information on homeschool curriculum and methods. I also have some fun when the interesting threads come up.


We attend a co-op. The families all share the same Christian values as we do, but not necessarily the academic goals. They are friendly and a lot of fun. We have mom's night outs and a room for moms (and a couple of dads) to hang out, eat, and talk in during our kids classes. There are many very experienced HSers that I can talk to there. Plus, it's just fun to be around people IRL.


I also have a community group - small group at church. Two of the other families (out of 5 total) homeschool. We use some similar materials and our oldest kids are all 6 and in first grade. We have only been a group for 8 weeks, but so far we are really liking the fellowship and it is nice to have friends in the same place we are - both in family and education.

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Around here the homeschooling community is huge and the methods are so varied that you can talk to just about anybody. People don't expect others to be doing it a certain way.


As for asking about specific resources, I do most of that here because there are so many people here who approach education the same way that our family does.

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Here is where I get most of my practical support... curriculum suggestions and reviews, scheduling suggestions, etc. I get most of my emotional support from a group of homeschool moms that I get together with monthly for supper and chatting; sometimes we talk about schooling but mostly we just hang out and have fun. My pastor's wife has become my spiritual support; she didn't homeschool her kids but is very supportive of us and interceding for us. And my dh is my best cheerleader, shoulder to cry on, and praiser.

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I picked other because I get a lot of support here for curricula suggestions, etc, and I get a lot of IRL support from our inclusive homeschool group. We also do a variety of community classes and classes through that group, but it isn't a co-op---there just aren't enough non-Christian-focused classical educators in our area with kids my daughter's age (that I know of) to sustain one.

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I voted Other. I get mine from our local homeschool community (but just a small group of people I made friends with, not the community at large or any specific group,) through online relationships, through dh, and through friends who don't homeschool but are more supportive than many homeschoolers I know (:glare: because of the crazy way I expect my dc to learn and all.) :D

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I get most of my support from here. I have some friends that homeschool IRL, but they mostly used boxed curriculum and have different methods and reasons for homeschooling in the first place. So we are friends, but don't really get into the nitty-gritty.




I work two part-time jobs as it is, so the only resource for hs support is this forum. I love it that I can come here 24/7 and always get input or learn new things. It's the best!!




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I get tons of information from this forum, but my main homeschooling support comes from an informal group of local homeschoolers who have become dear friends. We meet once a week for PE and lunch, we plan fieldtrips and parties, and bounce ideas off one another. In addition to PE, there are splinter groups that have started a small science co-op and an art co-op.


To think that 10mos ago, I didn't know a single person who homeschooled here. We've come a long way, baby!

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This forum is my main support group. I know many homeschoolers in real life, but they tend to be too busy, legalistic, not academic enough for my taste, or some combination of the above.


ETA: I can still be friends with the above. We just don't talk academics much.


This, exactly.

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I get most of my support from here. I have some friends that homeschool IRL, but they mostly used boxed curriculum and have different methods and reasons for homeschooling in the first place. So we are friends, but don't really get into the nitty-gritty.


Speaking of, any DFW people want to get together for coffee and talk nitty-gritty?? :D


I would totally be up for that! There are a lot of homeschoolers in my area, but no one seems to be very comfortable getting into the nitty-gritty here either. I'll PM you. :001_smile:

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I can't just pick one. I organize a homeschool group in my county and I'm extremely active in it, so I get a lot of support there.


I belong to a yahoo email group for homeschoolers in my state and I get support there, as well.


Of course, I also visit this forum almost every day and get a lot of support here.


My family and some of my non-homeschooling friends are also supportive, and there are other websites that aren't "forums" per se but which I consider as being supportive.

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All of the above?


Family: My parents are very supportive and involved. My mom attends Classical Conversations with us each week and helps in one of the boys' classes. She also spends time with my youngest son a couple afternoons a week and does a little work with him. I'm hoping my dad will help me teach the boys Spanish starting in January. My younger sister (married, but no children) is very supportive and involved. She has been attending our parent-child book club. My older sister is supportive, homeschools her own children, and tutors at our CC group. Last year she was my middle son's tutor. She and I lead our parent-child book club. We spend a lot of time venting, helping, planning, and discussing with one another. Even my extended family is extremely supportive.


Online: Here. FB. On my blog. Lots of support and interaction.


Co-op/Community: I LOVE our CC group. It is family, friends, and community combined. My best friend and many of my close friends participate. And I've gained several really neat new friends through our CC group. I feel more connected at CC than at my church.

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...through friends who don't homeschool...


Actually, this is partially true for me, too. Occasionally I run into people who just are more academically-oriented, and if the topic of homeschooling comes up, they are usually supportive. My kids participated in a university medical research study a couple of years ago, and the students running it were quite interested to hear what we do ("Latin? Wow, that is so cool! You know, kids, that will come in handy for...."). And my father had a classical education in high school and college, so he is TOTALLY supportive of my teaching Latin/logic/rhetoric. It was a shock at first to hear his approval, since I'd gotten so many strange looks before that if the topic came up. And my college-professor aunt grilled me a few months ago about "What makes you think you can homeschool through high school???" But I sent her a long and detailed response, to which she favourably replied. She said she thought I obviously knew what I was doing, and that made me feel good. :D We also go to a dental school for cleanings/etc., and the students always end up asking me questions about my kids. One dental hygienist who helps the students totally grilled me one day, but she was very enthusiastic about it. Then she went around telling the other students about us!! Every time she sees me she says, "Oh, hey, it's the homeschooling lady! Hey, how's it going??" THAT is the kind of support I like - when they hear details of how we carry out a classical education, and "get" it.

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