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I could use a little lifting up in prayer cc

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Standin' in the need...:001_smile:


Ds20 is finally seeing he needs to change his life. Things have been...well, going. Not well, not horribly. We found a house that has a room for rent, and he went to look at it tonight.




If you could pray he finds a job, decides to continue/get "real" with treatment, finds a place to live, and mostly,


for his heart to heal. He feels this is not his home. He is so disconnected to us. That hurts. He doesn't share our faith, and his motto really is Do As Thou Wouldst. (or whatever the proper saying is). It doesn't work for him, really. We don't push our faith on him at.all, but he is connecting living a responsible life (job, place to live, being a good person) with religion--sort of broadening out our Christianity to include any sort of positive value.


I am hurt by his saying he doesn't belong here with us (but we do want him to move out--just not because he feels alienated but because he's 20 and that's what adults do, they get their own places and start their own lives). He told me today that he hates his life and knows he needs to start living a life (not just video games, staying out and staying up til 5am, etc.). He's just very unmotivated and stuck, but also knows he isn't happy and WANTs to be motivated.


He's afraid. I just want to hug it away, and I can't. I can't and it hurts.


Anyway--this is all jumbled up. Just--please cover him with prayer. Plead the blood, Dear Sisters.

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