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I don't see another thread started, so here goes...


We have about 2" already and they are forecasting 3 to 6+. This is apparently the first real snowfall in October since the big one On October 10, 1979 (which I remember well...:tongue_smilie:)


The kids are suiting up and heading out...

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I was surprised. I haven't ordered Aidan's snow boots yet, but at least he has a waterproof coat. Now that he's been out twice since 9 a.m., he is alternating between watching it snow and begging to go out. Oh gee, he is *moaning* pitifully and wagging his tail. His head is in my lap.


DH is looking for the brush thing to clean off the car windows. I have not started preparing for winter, and that onerous task just jumped to priority #1. We are expecting an inch of snow ... hardly worth cleaning off the car for.


It's hard to believe that tomorrow the high will be 50. The weatherman better be telling the truth! I'm getting a bit worried because it has been snowing harder than I'd expect for only 1" to accumulate.


This is the first time I've seen snow-covered corn fields.

Edited by RoughCollie
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We're either supposed to get 6-10" or 10-15". It was supposed to start at 2 am but just started about an hour ago, around 8:30. They're expected a lot of downed power lines because there are so many trees that are still full of leaves. We have a maple that hasn't even started to change colors yet. This is all after 2 major floods a month ago where people had their houses condemned and our neighbors had 8 feet of water in their basements. I'm not looking forward to the winter!!

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Some quotes from the Guheert residence this morning:


DS7 to MomsintheGarden after seeing the snow this morning and coming into the bedroom: "Mommy, you were WRONG!!"


MomsintheGarden to the children who have all grown a lot this year and who were trying to find snow pants to wear: "No having fits while finding what fits!!" :D

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We live in NH and are expecting 6-10 starting a little later. I am NOT a happy camper! We tend to lose power FOR DAYS if someone so much as sneezes in the wrong direction, and not to sound totally selfish, but I really do not have time for this nonsense this week.


For Pete's sake..we have trick or treating Monday, all sorts of appointments this week, my daughter's birthday Friday. My dad is having a hip replaced next week. aaaaahhhhhh!


Oh, and I have two sick kids.


Oh, and can I whine that dh STILL hasn't taken one of the A/C's out?


Hmmm...I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!!:lol:

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We live in NH and are expecting 6-10 starting a little later. I am NOT a happy camper! We tend to lose power FOR DAYS if someone so much as sneezes in the wrong direction, and not to sound totally selfish, but I really do not have time for this nonsense this week.


We moved to NH over the summer. I'm starting to wonder if that was such a good idea. ;)


I don't even own boots. My dh is laughing at me. He wants snow so he can ski. I am not looking forward to trekking through snow banks to go trick or treating! :glare:

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I just came in from doing chores and it's absolutely gorgeous outside. We have an inch or two of snow with huge flakes coming down, yet one can still see bright green grass under red and yellow - sometimes green leaved trees.


It's our area's first Oct snowfall since 1972 and the largest one ever if we get more than the 2.1 inches they had in 1925.


I'm loving it. It's a lot like stopping to smell the roses to me - so pretty! I tend to like living through record breaking events and this sure beats heat waves in the 90s or higher that sometimes happen in summer.


Of course, it's also easier to enjoy knowing it's all supposed to melt tomorrow and/or Monday!

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I just came in from doing chores and it's absolutely gorgeous outside. We have an inch or two of snow with huge flakes coming down, yet one can still see bright green grass under red and yellow - sometimes green leaved trees.



Oh no! Snow accumulation on leafed trees can lead to limbs falling and taking down power lines. Are you prepared for outages?

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This is about the meanest thread of the day. :glare:


JK. But really, I am sooooooooooooo not ready!!!


If it were the weather just turning colder, and myself to deal with, well I still wouldn't like it but it would easier. With the kids, I have to make sure they all have cold weather clothes that fit, figure out the best place indoors to set up a "mud room," get the garage unpacking finished (recent move) so we can pull both cars into it, and this year, make sure my now-driving eldest has a proper emergency kit in his car. Oh yeah, time also to check his tires.


So, I still think you're mean for making my thoughts go there this beautiful, sunny, sorta-cool fall morning, but I guess it's a good thing because I have some preparations to get busy about. Thanks? Thanks!



ETA - Forgot to say that I hope you all stay warm and enjoy some great read-aloud-with-cocoa-and-snuggles time when the white stuff flies. Please do check your trees; if the leaves have not all fallen, it will make snowy branches heavier and more likely to crack off the trees.


But don't ask my kids how *they* feel. They will get excited and tell you how fantastic snow & ice are. :001_huh:

Edited by AuntieM
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Oh no! Snow accumulation on leafed trees can lead to limbs falling and taking down power lines. Are you prepared for outages?
Yep, the power has been flickering off all day. It has come back on each time so far...


If I can find my CompactFlash card reader I'll upload some pictures...

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Oh no! Snow accumulation on leafed trees can lead to limbs falling and taking down power lines. Are you prepared for outages?


We're always ready with a generator and gas for it (as well as knowledge in how to use it). I give credit to my dad who was always prepared the same way. When one lives outside the major areas (that would get fixed first), a generator is a need more than a want. ;)


Power has been fine here - so far. Even a summer storm can take our power out. I think gremlins are responsible sometimes too.


It's really gorgeous outside...

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Just plain not ready :glare:



Going outside in a bit to do a little cleanup. Got to get the goats/chickens into the barn and make sure they are snuggled in.



Hoping we don't lose power, although we have plenty of wood for the stove and jugs of water if we do.

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We moved to NH over the summer. I'm starting to wonder if that was such a good idea. ;)


I don't even own boots. My dh is laughing at me. He wants snow so he can ski. I am not looking forward to trekking through snow banks to go trick or treating! :glare:


Not sure where you are in NH, but all I can tell you is this: PSNH sucks. Buy a generator!!! (we haven't yet, and REALLY need to!!) Other than that, I love NH.


During the ice storm of 08, we lost power for 8 days. During the wind storm of '10, we lost it for 5 days. During so called "Irene" we lost it for 3 days.

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MomsintheGarden to the children who have all grown a lot this year and who were trying to find snow pants to wear: "No having fits while finding what fits!!" :D


We played this game too. During breakfast I dragged all the snowsuit bins from the basement into the living room. I managed to get everyone into warm clothing, but there is a lot of stuff that won't fit anyone. I'll tell my husband that it's time to have more kids so all this clothing won't go to waste!

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Unexpected snow entails a lot of work I'd rather continue procrastinating about. I was planning to wait until Nov. 1.


We worked hard yesterday getting the outside ready for this. I gathered the leaves and hubby put the gazebo parts in the basement. Fortunately we'd already had the pool closing scheduled for yesterday. My foyer and kitchen window sill are both now full of potted plants, flowers and herbs that I had to bring in.

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My boys had football playoffs this morning. The snow covered the turf field and we couldn't see any of the lines. Cold and windy, but so fun. Feels more like Minnesota than Maryland.


My DD said Iit's weird that we have snow before we have had enough leaves fall to pile and jump in."

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I am not ready for snow yet, we didn't even have a fall! It went from a really hot summer, to 2 weeks of fall and now winter? what is going on with the weather lately, I think I need to have a little chat with God about this one...:D


My mom already brought out our winter stuff, we stocked up on hot chocolate and pumpkin black tea, and some good movies. We are supposed to start getting snow tomorrow.:001_huh:

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In spite of the inches accumulating outside I refuse to accept that it is snowing. No one has snow boots. The gutters need to be cleaned. Trees in the backyard are touching the ground. The occasional loud snap of one of the branches on those trees as the snow weighs it down.

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We've got about 8 inches already, and the kids are on their second suit up. For the first time in many years, I'm going to have to head out and collect more coats! They've grown out of my never ending supply. And, though I thought this day would never come, we actually need more scarves. My knitting needles will be click-clacking shortly!


The bad part about it is that the leaves weren't all the way off the trees, and branches are already snapping.

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Not sure where you are in NH, but all I can tell you is this: PSNH sucks. Buy a generator!!! (we haven't yet, and REALLY need to!!) Other than that, I love NH.


During the ice storm of 08, we lost power for 8 days. During the wind storm of '10, we lost it for 5 days. During so called "Irene" we lost it for 3 days.


Oh no. We'll definitely have to get a generator then. It's too late for his storm, so I'll just have my fingers crossed.


We love NH so far, but we haven't experienced winter up here yet!

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