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When did you let your DDs wear make-up?

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My 11 year-old has asked to start wearing make-up. She will turn 12 in the beginning of Jan, so I'm thinking of getting her powder, lip gloss, light (pink/brown) eye shadow, and clear mascara for Christmas. The bulk of her gift would be real make-up applicators and facial care items.


She does do a nice job of applying make-up, when her friends and her have played with it, so I'm not worried she'll get carried away. My main concern is that none of her friends are wearing make-up daily, yet. They are all (including my daughter) still playing with their American girls and play-acting pioneers. I don't want to let her grow up too fast, but I don't want her to feel we're being unreasonable.


So, what age did your daughters start and what did you start with?

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We start the Christmas after they turn 13, and then it's just a light powder to control shine, a neutral lip gloss, and a mascara that is closest in color to their natural color.


The rule for us though, is that if I can easily/obviously detect it on their face, they have to go back and try again, no ands, ifs, or buts. No arguments. If I notice it, they have to go back. The point of the makeup should be to augment their natural look, and as such, it should go by mostly without notice from anyone.


Eyeliner, foundation, blush, etc, aren't allowed here until age 15, and then only if they've received approval with the use of their previous makeup.


So far, so good! :001_smile:

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Mine were 11 or 12 (I have honestly forgotten!). It was just powder, neutral eye shadow, clear lip gloss and clear mascara. By 13, they were wearing the real thing lightly. One dd had acne problems that were helped by using make-up from Proactive. She got really good at using it!

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I have offered to take all of my girls to the local beauty shop for makeup lessons (and makeup shopping) for base and blush. My oldest took me up on it. In 5 years, she has almost managed to use up the Bare Minerals base she got that day. She doesn't wear it very often.


My middle dd has never had any interest.


My 13yo uses a tinted moisturizer as a concealer and she uses Burt's Bees lip gloss because her lips get really dry. She hasn't had any interest in a makeup lesson.


I can't stand the feeling of makeup. It just feels gross on my skin. I don't even own any.

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Well, because my dd is a ballerina, she knew how to put on her own false eyelashes at 11. Regular, old make-up was a little anti-climactic after stage make-up, so she kept it pretty simple until she was about 15. We let her wear lip color, concealer and light mascara at 12 or so, but her interest didn't really kick in until the middle teen years.

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Eyelash curler, blush and lip gloss at 12 for everyday. I let her play around and wear eye shadow and mascara at home on weekends but not out and about until 13.


She really likes beauty topics and last summer spent a lot of time on youtube watching Blair Fowler for makeup application tips. Occasionally I do have to suggest different colors and amounts. ;)

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My oldest dd started wearing it in 7th grade, starting with powder, mascara, and light lip gloss. During the years of make up wear she has needed a fair amount of guidance.;) Most recently, it is the spider eyes mascara which I give feedback on. At 16, she is free to have spider eyes mascara if she really wants this, but I will always give feedback about how it looks. I wear a moderate amount of make up (more now that I am older than I ever did in my youth), but it is fairly natural. (Light blush, light brown eye shadow, light lip gloss...) Hopefully, I am setting a good example with make up.:D

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IIRC, DD was allowed to wear colorless lip gloss at age 12; she added lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow at age 14, and eyeliner at age 15. She doesn't need foundation, powder, or blush because of her complexion (which, sadly, she did not inherit from me).


She watched a lot of YouTube videos on makeup. Her current favorite adviser is bubbeauty.


She knows a lot more about makeup than I do. Usually, it is hard to tell she is wearing it, but considering the amount of products she buys, and how many are strewn around her room, she wears plenty of it.

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dd wears lightly tinted lip gloss. She will be 12 next month and I will still allow the lip gloss. When she's exceptionally pale during the winter, I will add some blush. Sometimes if she's got purple bags under her eyes, I will add concealer, but hardly ever.


What does clear mascara do?


I'm thinking at 13 she can wear a touch of blush and gloss anytime she wants.

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My mom sent Diva tinted lip gloss for Christmas several years ago...she was either 9 or 10. I took it away and replaced it with clear, flavoured stuff.


She's turnin 13 next month, and has shown 0 interest in make up. Frankly, until she starts washing her face on a daily basis without being bugged, I don't see allowing it. She's having some issues w/acne, and I'm not going to allow her to put more stuff on her face until she takes responsibility for a simple skin care routine (ie washing her face morning and night).

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Outside of cheerleading or special events (like my brother's wedding) she will not wear it until she requests it and I can't see that happening any earlier than 13. For cheerleading it was stage makeup, so different. For special occasions I let her wear a sheer blush, a little gloss and a light shadow. She is much more a tomboy than a girly girl and has no interest. I have bought her "lotions and potions" as we call them (body lotion, nail polish, etc) and she has no interest in them and will not use them. Makeup itself she doesn't want, and that is just as well. I know a few girl that are 11-12 and they wear makeup everyday and I think it is too much for such a young girl. Other than waiting for her to request it, one of the conditions of makeup use is that she is washing her face daily. Currently that is not happening(not taking about after meal washing up, but actually properly washinig her face to deal with the pimples). I can barely get her to shampoo her hair properly. She is definitely not ready to add another product to mess up her complexion until she takes care of the daily hygeine stuff properly.

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This is the schedule we are following:

6th grade: light lip gloss/lip stick is allowed.

7th grade: blush

8th grade: eye shadow & mascara


My dd is in 6th grade now. She only wants to wear makeup when we are going to a party. She is not interested in daily. Since she is in the pool 4x a week for practice this is probably a good thing.

Edited by kewb
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My mom sent Diva tinted lip gloss for Christmas several years ago...she was either 9 or 10. I took it away and replaced it with clear, flavoured stuff.


She's turnin 13 next month, and has shown 0 interest in make up. Frankly, until she starts washing her face on a daily basis without being bugged, I don't see allowing it. She's having some issues w/acne, and I'm not going to allow her to put more stuff on her face until she takes responsibility for a simple skin care routine (ie washing her face morning and night).


:iagree: THat's what I said too, I should have finished the thread before I posted and then just agreed with you, would have been faster :D

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