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a 4yr old needs to practice writing 1 hour a day


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Guest IdahoMtnMom

Yep... that's what my mom said to be today. My 4 year old needs to be sitting down and practicing his writing at least 1 hour a day and I am not doing enough with him. After all, she sent me to a progressive preschool and I learned a lot more than he is. UGH. and Double UGH.

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Yep... that's what my mom said to be today. My 4 year old needs to be sitting down and practicing his writing at least 1 hour a day and I am not doing enough with him. After all, she sent me to a progressive preschool and I learned a lot more than he is. UGH. and Double UGH.


When mom is old, and her hand hurts from arthritis, and her mind is different than it used to be because of the breakdown of neural pathways, tell her the same thing. You know, to build up her skills. :glare:


It's no different. 4 year olds are not *capable* of that amount of focused fine motor, formal academic skills. Their physiology makes it impossible.

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Yep... that's what my mom said to be today. My 4 year old needs to be sitting down and practicing his writing at least 1 hour a day and I am not doing enough with him. After all, she sent me to a progressive preschool and I learned a lot more than he is. UGH. and Double UGH.


Yes, and tell her grandmothers need to be wearing happy clown suits and make balloon animals. Get on the stick, here's the # for a clown school.





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I absolutely agree that 4yos need an hour of writing practice per day. It should look like this:


10 min. of putting beads on a string, legos, polly pockets, or similar to develop fine motor skills for future handwriting skills


20 min. imaginative play with props and costumes to develop the cognitive ability to plot and imagine


30 min. listening to a parent read aloud to develop an ear for great writing


Do that and then look mom in the eye and say "of course he practice writing for an hour per day!"

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I am not totally surprised. My mom says I was the most prepared Kindergarten student ever. I had preK for 2 years, ages 3 and 4. I have no idea why they called it preK though. That was 40 years ago.


However, I can't say my preparation was a total success. I distinctly remember having an argument with my Kindergarten teacher about the letter W. It is pronounced double U, which meant it was 2 letter U's side by side. It made perfect sense to me but she told me I was wrong and insisted it was only ONE letter and not two. :lol: I was so angry that she didn't understand what I was saying!


Oh, and I'm sure I couldn't write at age 4. I remember the day I got my first library card. I am positive I was in Kindergarten. I finally learned how to write my name which was the requirement for a card. I wrote it so big that the librarian laughed at me and told me she thought my signature was the best in the whole wide world! :D

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I absolutely agree that 4yos need an hour of writing practice per day. It should look like this:


10 min. of putting beads on a string, legos, polly pockets, or similar to develop fine motor skills for future handwriting skills


20 min. imaginative play with props and costumes to develop the cognitive ability to plot and imagine


30 min. listening to a parent read aloud to develop an ear for great writing


Do that and then look mom in the eye and say "of course he practice writing for an hour per day!"



Just throw in some coloring, playdoh, and finger paint and you have it made.

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I absolutely agree that 4yos need an hour of writing practice per day. It should look like this:


10 min. of putting beads on a string, legos, polly pockets, or similar to develop fine motor skills for future handwriting skills


20 min. imaginative play with props and costumes to develop the cognitive ability to plot and imagine


30 min. listening to a parent read aloud to develop an ear for great writing


Do that and then look mom in the eye and say "of course he practice writing for an hour per day!"





Though I'm lucky if I can get him to do 20 minutes a day of these kinds of things.

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Yep... that's what my mom said to be today. My 4 year old needs to be sitting down and practicing his writing at least 1 hour a day and I am not doing enough with him. After all, she sent me to a progressive preschool and I learned a lot more than he is. UGH. and Double UGH.


Wow, that's just crazy talk.

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What would she say about me - my 4yo can't even hold a pencil correctly :001_huh:


I'd love for your mom to come have a session of handwriting with my 5yo - it won't be your mom who wins that battle :lol:


To be fair - my DD does spend an hour a day doing handwriting - it takes her a whole hour to write one letter :glare:

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Response from Mean Me: Find a gigantic textbook on Child Development (ya' know...the ones we used in college) and wrap it up for her Christmas Present.



Response from Funny Me: HA! :001_huh: Oh...you were serious...



Response from Nice Me: How's that bean dip...

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I was just thinking I wish my 4yo would desire to practice her writing more. I could see maybe 30 minutes total, in short increments throughout the day - if they know enough to understand what they are writing and why.


But the fact is, some kids won't have great handwriting no matter how much they practice (even if they do all those cool exercises). I'm sure your mom knows this.

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To be fair - my DD does spend an hour a day doing handwriting - it takes her a whole hour to write one letter :glare:


I was just thinking of when my oldest turned four and had just started vision therapy. She could not even write one recognizable letter. It would have been pure torture to make her write for an hour a day. (Torture for me, that is. Child abuse for her.)

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