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Another prayer request for dh

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My dh had to have emergency surgery this morning to remove a section of perforated colon. He has a (temporary for 2 months) colostomy now, and a great deal of infection (periontitis) to heal up. DD and I were coming home from a seminar yesterday afternoon when he called and told me he was having abdominal pain. By 11PM we were in the ER. His parents are coming in tonight or tomorrow. Please, keep him and our family in your prayers. This was his second surgery in a week, and they were unrelated. This one was a shock to us both.

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Oh, dear, Apryl. Does he have IBD? I have Crohn's, and when I was diagnosed it was a similar scenario to what your dh is facing right now. I had an ileostomy (had it reversed after 3 months) and peritonitis that almost killed me. Biopsies taken during my emergency surgery revealed that I had Crohn's.


You, your dh, and your family will be in my prayers. Please feel free to pm me if I can answer any questions for you. I know your dh is hurting right now...it's very painful. And scary.


Hang in there.


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My dh had to have emergency surgery this morning to remove a section of perforated colon. He has a (temporary for 2 months) colostomy now, and a great deal of infection (periontitis) to heal up. DD and I were coming home from a seminar yesterday afternoon when he called and told me he was having abdominal pain. By 11PM we were in the ER. His parents are coming in tonight or tomorrow. Please, keep him and our family in your prayers. This was his second surgery in a week, and they were unrelated. This one was a shock to us both.


Oh, how dreadful. You are both in my prayers!:grouphug::grouphug:


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Was his colon accidentally perforated during back surgery?

What an ordeal. Will pray.


No. It really isn't a direct result of his back/neck surgery at all, but I think his lowered immune system made it worse.


He apparently has Diverticulitis throughout his colon (we knew he had a few issues, but hadn't had them thouroughly checked out yet) It became inflamed to the point of rupture. He also has peritonitis to the point of large amounts of pus in his abdomen. We didn't know any of this was going on at all until yesterday evening. He hasn't felt well for a while..but he's been on many medications and just had surgery for his neck problems.


The docs have said that he was lucky he was brought in when he was. As it is, he has a long road ahead to fight off the infection.


ETA: please excuse typos. I'm running on about an hours sleep since Monday night.

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No. It really isn't a direct result of his back/neck surgery at all, but I think his lowered immune system made it worse.


He apparently has Diverticulitis throughout his colon (we knew he had a few issues, but hadn't had them thouroughly checked out yet) It became inflamed to the point of rupture. He also has peritonitis to the point of large amounts of pus in his abdomen. We didn't know any of this was going on at all until yesterday evening. He hasn't felt well for a while..but he's been on many medications and just had surgery for his neck problems.


The docs have said that he was lucky he was brought in when he was. As it is, he has a long road ahead to fight off the infection.


ETA: please excuse typos. I'm running on about an hours sleep since Monday night.


Poor guy! I can't imagine how much pain he must be in. :sad:


You two are adorable together!!! :001_smile:

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Poor guy! I can't imagine how much pain he must be in. :sad:


You two are adorable together!!! :001_smile:


Thanks. I love that photo.


Honestly I was completely freaked out at the level of pain he had. They maxed out the dosage on the strongest stuff they had in the ER and it wasn't touching it.


I held it together pretty good until I had to call his parents and tell them. Them I had to go where he couldn't hear me because I turned into a blubbering mess.


I'm still worried sick. It's not over by a long shot.

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Dh is doing pretty well. His fever is gone and his white blood cell count looks like it should under the circumstances. He is fighting a lot of nausea (he is in phenegren land at the moment :001_smile:) He had a rough day yesterday, and was kind of depressed last night. He seems to be doing better this morning. The doctor said it will be at least a week in the hospital. They slowly have to get his digestive system working again, and make sure the infection is under control.


Thank you for all the prayers.

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Praying for your dh.


My mom was in almost the exact same situation several years ago, so I know what you and your dh are going through. It's so scary. I remember my mom's surgeon saying that if we'd waited until morning to bring her to the hospital, it would have been too late, so we were so thankful we'd called 911 and made her go. (She'd told us she was in too much pain to go to the hospital that night, but she'd go in the morning if she felt better. :rolleyes:)


I remember how weak she was afterward, and how hard it was for her to try to eat anything, even after her intestinal functions returned -- which takes days after that type of surgery, even in the best case scenario. She did eat, though, because she knew they wouldn't let her out of the hospital until she did! :001_smile:


I also remember her being very cranky, and she was never like that. I think all the morphine affected her, as well as the fact that she felt so horrible.


Anyway, thank God you got your dh to the hospital on time. I am hoping that he will recover more quickly than my mom did, because he's so much younger than she was, but the poor guy is going to feel pretty rotten for quite a while, so try to be as patient as you can with him (and sometimes it won't be easy!)

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Another update


He had a horrible day yesterday and last night. (I think everything just hit him...he was a wreck). But after getting up and doing a lot of walking today, and having clear liquids, he is doing much, much better. I'm sitting here watching him sleep :) His NG tube is out, and he feels human again.


Thanks so much for all the prayers.

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