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Cold snap

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We're looking at a high of 88 today and down to 66 tonight. I wouldn't mind if it would cool off just a bit - trying to clean out our attic and being nearly 8 months pregnant in this heat is tough!


Plus I loooove fall and can't wait for the temps to drop so we can enjoy hot cocoa, campfires, sweatshirts, Uggs, etc. :001_smile:

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We are in midwestern MN. It's currently 48 degrees. Our high is supposed to be 51 today. Tonight it is supposed to get down to 28 degrees. We are busy getting things out of the garden. Wish it could have waited another week or two so the peppers could have ripened. Oh well, I'm glad it has cooled down some though.:)


We're in Douglas County. You can PM me if you're close, I'm dying to meet other homeschooling families. :001_smile:


I love the weather now. Finally I can wear a long-sleeved shirt without risking heat stroke.

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I wish there were some way to send you some of our heat & you could send us some of your cold. I am so ready for Fall weather. Yesterday was over 90, today it is already 80+ at my house. Interestingly weather.com says today is currently 79 degrees and today's high will be 72 degrees. I guess they don't change their prediction when they are wrong.


Amber in SJ

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