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Homeschooled Siblings' Relations/Interactions...a quick fill-in-the-blank inside


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Just a random curiosity of mine. I'll make this quick and easy with this fill-in-the-blank. I'm listing the same "thing" twice in case people quote and want to tell about more than one sibling set. :bigear::001_smile::bigear:



I have ____(#) children ranging in age from ____ to ____ years old.


Among my kids, my (age)____________

year old (daughter/son)_____________

gets along (choice adjective) ________

with his/her (age)__________________

year old (brother/sister)_____________

because(your thoughts) ____________.



Among my kids, my (age)____________

year old (daughter/son)_____________

gets along (choice adjective) ________

with his/her (age)__________________

year old (brother/sister)_____________

because(your thoughts) ____________.

Edited by BethG
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Just a random curiosity of mine. I'll make this quick and easy with this fill-in-the-blank. I'm listing the same "thing" twice in case people quote and want to tell about more than one sibling set. :bigear::001_smile::bigear:



I have _2___(#) children ranging in age from __9__ to __14__ years old.


Among my kids, my ___9_____(age)

year old ____dd____(daughter/son)

gets along ___fairly well_____(choice adjective)

with his/her ____14____(age)

year old (brother/sister)____brother____(brother/sister)

because __I have to (her words) and I love him (more of her words)______(your thoughts).



Among my kids, my ____14____(age)

year old ___son_____(daughter/son)

gets along ___fairly well_____(choice adjective)

with his/her ____9____(age)

year old (brother/sister)_____sister___(brother/sister)

because ____occasionally she manages to not be so annoying (his words) she's usually a nice person (more of his words)____(your thoughts).



Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Just a random curiosity of mine. I'll make this quick and easy with this fill-in-the-blank. I'm listing the same "thing" twice in case people quote and want to tell about more than one sibling set. :bigear::001_smile::bigear:



I have __3__(#) children ranging in age from __6__ to _12___ years old.


Among my kids, my (age)_____9_______

year old (daughter/son)____son_________

gets along (choice adjective) __very well______

with his/her (age)_______6 and 12___________

year old (brother/sister)_______brothers______

because(your thoughts) ___they have common interests_________.



Among my kids, my (age)_____12_______

year old (daughter/son)_____son________

gets along (choice adjective) _reasonably well_______

with his/her (age)________6_________

year old (brother/sister)___brother__________

because(your thoughts) _he doesn't very him as competition yet.___________.



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My kids are 6 and 11, mixed genders; they get along very well because ... I don't know why, and I don't want to question the universe lest it shakes things up out of my favor!


Both kids have pretty laid-back personalities, plus we have a large and close extended family so they're accustomed to all of the usual things that cause squabbles: sharing, taking turns, not getting one's way, etc. That, and the first words we teach them besides our term for "grandmother" is "Life's not fair!" They don't fight over that because they don't want the accompanying (boring, verbose) lecture and tagline reminder :D they also see me regularly interacting with my siblings, and I think they want the same relationship with theirs. We let the small things go, and focus on relationships more than things/feelings. It's not the same way they see their dad interacting with his one sibling, (infrequently, not close, feelings/things take priority over relationships) and I really think they prefer my side's approach to family. I hope so, anyhow. They're also still young, so we'll see how it all works out - especially once puberty and hormones hit LOL.

Edited by eternalknot
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I have _6___(#) children ranging in age from __3__ to __17__ years old.


Among my kids, my (age)____6________

year old (daughter/son)______daughter_______

gets along (choice adjective) __very well______

with his/her (age)__________8________

year old (brother/sister)______brother_______

because(your thoughts) ____I have no idea________.



Among my kids, my (age)______17______

year old (daughter/son)______son_______

gets along (choice adjective) __well______

with his/her (age)_________11_________

year old (brother/sister)_____sister________

because(your thoughts) _____I have no idea_______.


The 6 & 8 year olds are best buddies and the 17 and 11 year olds aren't buddies but they are the two that seem to goof off together and clown around together the most, kwim?


I don't know how that came to pass.

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Not cutting and pasting because in our situation it's easier not to. :)


I have 5 kids ranging in age from 13 to almost 4.


My 13yo and 11yo love each other because they have to I think. Because of a few situations, they don't have many other friends right now. But due to some personality quirks and LDs, they annoy the heck out of each other and typically fight like cats and dogs, and always have. I hate it.


Everyone else gets along pretty well with what I consider the normal range of fights and "he breathed on me" moments. :tongue_smilie:

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I have __3__(#) children ranging in age from _17___ to _11___ years old.


Among my kids, my (age)___11_________

year old (daughter/son)____daughter_________

gets along (choice adjective) __lovingly______

with his/her (age)___17_______________

year old (brother/sister)__brother___________

because(your thoughts) She respects him and adores him and he things she is adorable. .



Among my kids, my (age)__11__________

year old (daughter/son)___daughter__________

gets along (choice adjective) _in a good-natured but contentious way_______

with his/her (age)_____15_____________

year old (brother/sister)___brother__________

because(your thoughts) _they love each other, but they are both competitive and dd is looking for attention when she tries to rile her older brother.


Among my kids, my (age)____15________

year old (daughter/son)____son_________

gets along (choice adjective) _fabulously_______

with his/her (age)____17______________

year old (brother/sister)___brother__________

because(your thoughts) _they are like twins born 2 years apart. Ds15 has always wanted to be with his older brother, from the day he was born. Ds17 has been taught that his younger siblings are precious.

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I have __3__(#) children ranging in age from _14___ to __20__ years old.


Among my kids, my (age)_____14_______

year old (daughter/son)____son_________

gets along (choice adjective) __ok______

with his/her (age)_______20___________

year old (brother/sister)___sister__________

because(your thoughts) ____They are both quirky/nerdy/twitchy and have a similar sense of humor and temperment, and dd is mature enough to deal with many of my sons annoying habits.________.



Among my kids, my (age)____18________

year old (daughter/son)____dd_________

gets along (choice adjective) ___not that great_____

with his/her (age)_______14___________

year old (brother/sister)_____brother________

because(your thoughts) ____he is 2e & quirky (see above), and she is totally the opposite and takes everything he does personally. sigh. we work on this, but it hasn't been easy. They are both musically gifted and extremely competitive with each other________.






Among my kids, my (age)____20________

year old (daughter/son)_____dd________

gets along (choice adjective) ___swimmingly for the most part_____

with his/her (age)______18____________

year old (brother/sister)____sis_________

because(your thoughts) _____they are total opposites, so much so that there is NO competition, and they appreciate the gifts that each other brings to the relationship. 20yo dd is ultra logical/geeky/mathy/engineering major in college. 18yodd is ultra artsy, feminine, musical, crafty, non academic. Leaning towards fashion or interior design or merchandising. _______.

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Just a random curiosity of mine. I'll make this quick and easy with this fill-in-the-blank. I'm listing the same "thing" twice in case people quote and want to tell about more than one sibling set. :bigear::001_smile::bigear:



I have __3__(#) children ranging in age from __6__ to __14__ years old.


Among my kids, my (age)_____14_______

year old (daughter/son)______dd_______

gets along (choice adjective) ____fairly well____

with his/her (age)______11____________

year old (brother/sister)__brother___________

because(your thoughts) _____they do_______.



Among my kids, my (age)____11________

year old (daughter/son)_____ds________

gets along (choice adjective) ___reasonably well_____

with his/her (age)_______6___________

year old (brother/sister)____brother_________

because(your thoughts) ______they do______.


I'm not dumb enough to imagine that they get along well because of anything I've done. ;) We try to maintain a cooperative culture in the family, but I really think it's a roll of the dice how well sibs get along.

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The fill in the blanks confuse me! I think I read in chunks and I'm having trouble seeing the forest for the trees.


My girls all get along beautifully because I've been telling them since they were babies that they are best friends. They believed me. The younger ones even talk about "sleepovers" in each others' rooms.


My 6yo and my 3yo currently cannot be in the same room together, however. Collin is a sweet and gentle, sensitive boy with a quick temper. Keira thinks it's fantastic entertainment to push every one of his buttons. She loves to poke the beehive.

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I have ____(#) children ranging in age from ____ to ____ years old.


Among my kids, my (age)____11 yo

year old (daughter/son)____son_________

gets along (choice adjective) ___sometimes well, often not_____

with his/her (age)________8,almost 9 yo__________

year old (brother/sister)____brother_________

because(your thoughts) ___he loves him like crazy, they are best friends, but he has very little patience__and his younger brother can be very annoying._______.



Among my kids, my (age)___8,almost 9 yo_________

year old (daughter/son)______son_______

gets along (choice adjective) __inconsistently______

with his/her (age)_______11 yo___________

year old (brother/sister)_____brother________

because(your thoughts) __he looks up to him, but his brother is moody and difficult and younger ds has a short fuse__________.

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I have ___9_(#) children ranging in age from _3___ to __22__ years old.


Among my kids, my (age)____9________

year old (daughter/son)______ds______

gets along (choice adjective) __very well______

with his/her (age)_______8___________

year old (brother/sister)___sister____

because(your thoughts) _They are both calm, responsible types. (Unlike the rest of the crew! ;) )



Among my kids, my (age)____6________

year old (daughter/son)_____dd________

gets along (choice adjective) best of friends / worst of enemies. No in between.

with his/her (age)______5____________

year old (brother/sister)__sister___________

because(your thoughts) _they are both ADHD impulsive___________.

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I have 2 kids - 8yo son and 3yo daughter.


My 8yo son gets along pretty well with his 3yo sister, because he loves her and because we emphasize the importance (and the "how to's") of being a good big brother. DS has Asperger's and initially struggled quite a bit with having a sister after being an only child for almost 5 years. However, he has learned to be more gentle and patient with her and they have tons of fun together.


My 3yo daughter gets along very well with her 8yo brother because she loves him, looks up to him, and he's her favorite playmate.


Overheard just this morning:

DS to DD - "DD, I'm your favorite boy, right?"

DD to DS - "Yeah, you're my favorite."



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I have 2(#) children ranging in age from 6 to 8 years old.


Among my kids, my (age)8

year old (daughter/son)daughter

gets along (choice adjective) well

with his/her (age)6

year old (brother/sister)brother

because(your thoughts) she loves him, he is her best friend, she likes to take care of him, they have always been together and had each other.



Among my kids, my (age)6

year old (daughter/son)son

gets along (choice adjective) well

with his/her (age)8

year old (brother/sister)sister

because(your thoughts) he loves her, looks up to her, she is his best friend, they have always been together and had each other.


I don't know if this has made any difference in their relationship but we follow the ideas of attachment parenting, had a family bed when they were younger and the number 1 rule in our house has always been love each other. They don't always get along, but their times when they are unhappy with each other usually only last 5 minutes and they go right back to playing/cuddling/whatever they were doing. I expect when they are 12 and 14 they will have a whole different relationship. :D

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Edited to add that ds11 is severely disabled and universally adored.


Just a random curiosity of mine. I'll make this quick and easy with this fill-in-the-blank. I'm listing the same "thing" twice in case people quote and want to tell about more than one sibling set. :bigear::001_smile::bigear:



I have __4__(#) children ranging in age from 7____ to ____14 years old.


Among my kids, my (age)____________7

year old (daughter/son)_____________daughter

gets along (choice adjective) ________extremely well

with his/her (age)__________________9

year old (brother/sister)_____________brother

because(your thoughts) __Mainly because of very compatible personalities, but also because they are close in age and have always had eachother as primary playmates. This became very evident when she was 3-4.



Among my kids, my (age)____14________

year old (daughter/son)_____daughter________

gets along (choice adjective) ___poorly_____

with his/her (age)________9__________

year old (brother/sister)_brother____________

because(your thoughts) __major personality incompatibility, plus the tension of her being the oldest and constantly trying to wield power over him. He is not the type of personality that you can over power. He is highly justice oriented and she is totally emotions driven. Bad, bad combo. __________.


My last coupling is dd14 w/ dd7. They get along fairly well on their own. The youngest isn't as offended by being bossed around. If ds is present, she tends to take his side, so they don't get along quite as well when they are all together.

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I have five girls and they all get along with each other most of the time. The 18 year old and 19 year old did have some conflicts when they were younger teens for a period of time and the 15 year old and 12 year old have some conflict some of the time now. I think with the older two it was because they were too close in age and with the younger two it is because the younger one wants to do everything the older one does and have everything that she has and she can't and therefore irritates her sister who then retaliates.

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I have 5 children ranging from 17 to 1.


My 17 year old gets along well with all of her siblings. Each one of them were her "baby" when they were born. Right now, she is really enjoying my 1 year old but that is just because she loves that age.


My 15 year old used to pick on my 12year old, but they have become very close in the last year. He is also close to the 1 year old and watches her for hours at a time. He used to be joined at the hip to my 17 year old. I don't think he stopped sleeping in her bed until he was a teenager.


My 12 year old is close to all of her siblings. She has a peacemaker's heart. She plays with the 4 year old for days at a time, even when she has her own friends over. She sleeps with the one year old. And is her "other momma".


My 4 year old has a difficult personality. She treats us all like a benevolent dictator. My 15 year old clashes with her some, but I think they have some similarities as far as being entitled and feeling smarter than everyone around them. I believe some of my 4 year old's issues are food allergies. She is getting easier and easier as she gets older. She is very kind and helpful to my 1 year old.


I think close sibling relationships are one of the greatest benefits of our homeschooling lifestyle. I'm happy that they get along, and will have each other forever.

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I have 3 children ranging in age from 8 to 17 years old.


Among my kids, my 8

year old son

gets along

with his 9

year old sister

because they love each other, share some interests, and spend a lot of time together. (They also sometimes argue because they spend so much time together.)



Among my kids, my 17

year old daughter

gets along

with her 9

year old sister

because they love each other, and my 17 year old enjoys that my 9 year old looks up to her so much.


ETA: I'm not being snarky or smug when I say my kids love each other. I think some siblings honestly don't love each other, for a variety of reasons. They may tolerate each other but not feel loving. My 17 year old does not love my 8 year old. We've had many discussions about it.



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3 kids ages 7, 4 and 2.


They get along very well. The boys are 7 and 4 and are best friends. They fight like most kids at home on occasion but for the most part they always stick up for each other in public and they genuinely like being together.


The girl, age 2, is very much the princess. She adores her older brothers and they dote on her. My oldest is very much the responsible oldest and he has that protective big brother relationship with her. My middle son is a goofball and he and her have more of a partners in crime kind of thing going.


They are all young so I know things will probably change somewhat. I hope that even as they change they remain close.

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