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Do you freeze grapes?

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Okay, thanks. On a HOT day I am hoping it will cool the girls off but I am taking oranges too just in case. I didn't want to freeze a hole batch and have it not work, so I figured I would ask for advice.:001_smile:


I love them, but the rest of my family does not. I also like chewing on ice and I bite my ice cream. That may give you an indication of whether or not they'll work for your crew.


If you do like them, try frozen honeydew chunks too. YUM!

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My dc love frozen grapes. Whenever there is a good sale, I stock up. Just a warning though...when they thaw they are mushy and gross. If you think they will stay frozen until after the game, then go for it!


Seconding (or thirding?) this advice. Someone I know had them frozen and they were so amazing I froze a bunch of them. And I learned my lesson when they were disgusting thawed. It's really only good while frozen, which limits their usefulness as a traveling snack.

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A weight loss tip I read quite a while back was to freeze grapes and use them for those afternoon snacks when you're craving something sweet. I have done it and found it to be a wonderful idea. Just don't freeze too many at a time because long term, they don't do so well.




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My dc love frozen grapes. Whenever there is a good sale, I stock up. Just a warning though...when they thaw they are mushy and gross. If you think they will stay frozen until after the game, then go for it!


That's good to know. Thanks. I was going to do it for a half-time snack. I thought they would be easy to eat and still give them something cold to chew on.

Edited by fourcatmom
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I never thought about freezing grapes until I visited dh's dad and step-mom. They always have frozen green grapes in their freezer. When they offered them to my kids, those grapes dissappeared within minutes. They are like a frozen treat. Now I occasionally throw my green grapes into the freezer. My kids love them. I haven't tried it with red/purple grapes, but I imagine it would be similar. Try it.

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