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"Felt Food" -- do your kids actually play with it?

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I remember reading posts about making play food out of felt and just discovered this amazing collection of ideas. My littlest dd will be 2 in December and I can see myself spending hours creating this stuff (more fun then actually cooking for me!).


But do your kids actually play with it? Or am I kidding myself when I say I'm going to make it for dd? :D

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I bought a completely precious (and extremely expensive) basket of little fabric fruits from Magic Cabin.


My kids played with the plastic food my dad gave them. Their favorite was the plastic waffle. They filled the indentations with water "syrup."


I took me *years* to realize that Magic Cabin is a huge.stinking.waste.of.money. :glare: I'm still bitter.



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I went crazy sewing felt food almost 2 years ago. I made everything imaginable. My 2 year old plays with her food in her kitchen every single day. My 4 and 5 year olds often played with it also, but DD just loves it. It was worth every minute of the work! I was going to offer photos, but I see that the pininterest link has plenty!! Have fun!

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Never heard of it until now, but I'm quite entranced. I have an older kid (who never liked toys, anyway), but I may find some for myself. That felt sushi may be the most charming thing I've seen in days.


But you make an excellent point about the cats, Angela! Mine would make short work of those beautiful little things. Perhaps I should just admire the pictures and go find some real sushi. And hide from the cats.

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Mostly positive...I think I will see what colors of felt I have. I will try not to get too carried away. :lol:


I was going to offer photos, but I see that the pininterest link has plenty!! Have fun!

I'm still interested in photos!! :D


I took me *years* to realize that Magic Cabin is a huge.stinking.waste.of.money. :glare: I'm still bitter.


This is what I'm worried about! :glare:

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I'm still interested in photos!!




Here you go! I have great memories of making the food and I love that the food has been well-loved and well-used. If I had time I would go back and try to make more desserts also.



Vegetable basket






salmon, asparagus, and broccoli



burger, potatoes, and beans



sausage and mixed vegetables



sugar cookies







Hope it is inspirational!

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salmon, asparagus, and broccoli









Hope it is inspirational!


They're adorable, but the salmon is obscene :lol:


I'm just bitter because my kids were too old when this started. I would have made tons of this stuff. It's sooooo much cuter than the plastic food we have. It doesn't look dishwasher-safe though. ;-)

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We love felt food! I made some for my niece a while back, and I've been working on new selections for my boys: http://thisordinarytime.blogspot.com/search/label/Handmade



I took me *years* to realize that Magic Cabin is a huge.stinking.waste.of.money. :glare: I'm still bitter.




This is what I'm worried about! :glare:




That hasn't been our experience at all. We thrive on natural and handmade toys.


Although, I think Magic Cabin is selling out. It's not much like it was even 2-3 years ago.

Edited by Zuzu822
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flat felt food...no interest. It went to live in the attic with the Build a Bears (well loved but stored for now).



When I made weighted 3D veggies, those were played with. I made various items like a 5lb cordaroy pumpkin (small-life sized), a 1lb velvet strawberry (baseball sized), and a silk 0.5lb banana.


These were great and she played with them for a long time. DD4 is very sensory demanding and the various textures were picked for exactly that reason.


We have a ton of wooden food and it gets played with more than the plastic.

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When I made weighted 3D veggies, those were played with. I made various items like a 5lb cordaroy pumpkin (small-life sized), a 1lb velvet strawberry (baseball sized), and a silk 0.5lb banana.

What did you use for the weights? Rocks? My 16yo dd has made some paper mache "alien babies" with rocks in them for the younger ones to play with. The added weight really makes them nice but I'm guessing they are only a couple ounces.


Here you go! I have great memories of making the food and I love that the food has been well-loved and well-used. If I had time I would go back and try to make more desserts also.

Hope it is inspirational!

Yes, the pictures were! Felt food looks more fun to make than real food...

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Yes, most of it. We have a plethora of felt and wooden food and it all gets a lot of use. Things that get the most use--a pizza set that I bought from an Etsy seller with all the toppings, ravioli that I made myself, and pasta strings by Haba that I bought from Moolka or Oompa or somewhere like that. They LOVE the pasta and use it for all kinds of things besides their intended purpose as a bowl of spaghetti. They pretend it is bandages, jewelry, or hair ribbons for their dolls and stuffed animals. One thing they don't use much is a set of dough and cookies that I made to go with the Ikea cookie cutter and tray set. I thought they would use this a lot but they prefer the wooden cookies. Oh, and they do use the tea bags that I made all the time.

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I have a question. I am sewing-machine incapable. Would these be hard to do by hand? I've looked at a couple of templates and it doesn't seem too hard. I'm not really a fan of sewing at all, so I wouldn't want to do it if it was awful to do. But my dd has been wanting to learn how to do some simple sewing so I thought these might be fun to make for christmas presents.



ETA - what are the odds that fabric glue would work on these??

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I have a question. I am sewing-machine incapable. Would these be hard to do by hand? I've looked at a couple of templates and it doesn't seem too hard. I'm not really a fan of sewing at all, so I wouldn't want to do it if it was awful to do. But my dd has been wanting to learn how to do some simple sewing so I thought these might be fun to make for christmas presents.



ETA - what are the odds that fabric glue would work on these??


I probably wouldn't use fabric glue because of all the stuffing I would be afraid that it would rip out.

I did most of the sewing on mine by hand. I think it would be a good beginner's project for a child. Go for it!

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I have a question. I am sewing-machine incapable. Would these be hard to do by hand? I've looked at a couple of templates and it doesn't seem too hard. I'm not really a fan of sewing at all, so I wouldn't want to do it if it was awful to do. But my dd has been wanting to learn how to do some simple sewing so I thought these might be fun to make for christmas presents.



ETA - what are the odds that fabric glue would work on these??


I sew just about all of mine by hand. There are a few pieces that I can get started on the sewing machine (pancakes, doughnuts, fried eggs) but it looks better to me when done by hand. It does take longer but it is worth it.


My kids love the pieces I have made for them and beg for more.

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What did you use for the weights? Rocks? My 16yo dd has made some paper mache "alien babies" with rocks in them for the younger ones to play with. The added weight really makes them nice but I'm guessing they are only a couple ounces.



Yes, the pictures were! Felt food looks more fun to make than real food...


Rice, dry beans and split peas. What ever I had in my pantry at the time. For some items I mixed stuffing with weight, adding it bit by bit so it mixed together.

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Rice, dry beans and split peas. What ever I had in my pantry at the time. For some items I mixed stuffing with weight, adding it bit by bit so it mixed together.

Oh! Like a heat/ice pack with rice! But stuffed firm, right? The possibilities!!! Thank you!


Thank you everyone for all the ideas! :D

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