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Do you take a daily vitamin/supplement?

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I only do when I'm pregnant and nursing. Other times, I forget, can't be bothered and/or am skeptical that I need to. Some people act like this is personal health suicide. Others (esp. those in the science world) say that vitamins don't do anything, aren't really absorbed by the body, etc. Those who swear by them have stories of how vitamins help them feel better; those who don't think they're a big waste of money.


I'm revisiting this because I haven't felt well lately. Waiting for some bloodwork results, but in the meantime, I want to know... what do YOU think of vitamins? I have a daily multivitamin in my cart at vitacost but I am still unsure if it's worth our hard-earned cash! What say you, Hive?


(By the way, I do eat well. I'm sure not as many fruits/veggies as I should, but definitely a serving at each meal and maybe another as a snack. Whole grains. Lean meats. Yadda yadda.)

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Did you have your vitamin D (specifically 25 OH D) tested? You want a level in the 50's though the slip will probably say 30 is ok. The Vitamin D council website (I linked it below) has lots of information about the benefits of healthy vitamin D levels and the health impacts of deficiency. Most people in the US and Canada are deficient. If you're feeling bad it and thyroid are the top suspects.


Those of us who have corrected levels can prove vitamin D supplements are absorbed and make a difference in health. So that's one I take and would recommend anyone take.


You would want vitamin D3 specifically as a supplement. If your doctor tested and offers a prescription it's not the form you want. The vitamin D council has information on that here. Most people use up about 1000 IU per 25 pounds each day. That means to maintain levels of vitamin D we need that and to improve we need more. A healthy adult can take up to (just under, not at) 10,000 IU per day without concern about toxicity. Here and here is information on that. Go ahead and dose high for a little (say 10,000 IU six days a week--keeping you well under the 70,000 IU limit) and then in a month or two have your 25(OH)D tested to see where you are and adjust. I recommend that because I've yet to meet someone who wasn't aggressively supplementing who wasn't low when they tested. This includes people who spend a lot of time in the sun.


So D3 definitely matters to health and supplements do work.


Probiotics or probiotic foods make a difference in health.


Some supplements are better absorbed than others. Some have research behind their absorption (say optizinc or ferrochel iron). Most minerals aren't absorbed well when given with other minerals so a multi has issues from that perspective. If your diet is deficient in some particular vitamins or minerals research the best options or ask those who have and I do think supplementing makes a difference. A random multi probably doesn't.


I take vitamin D3, a b vitamin with active folate, magnesium, and H2Q coq10 (specific form taken for a deficiency in coq10). I eat probiotic rich foods. My kids take those and some others as well. My husband takes D3.


But it is not true that supplements do no good. When there is a need the right supplements can help health.

Edited by sbgrace
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Other times, I forget, can't be bothered and/or am skeptical that I need to. Some people act like this is personal health suicide. Others (esp. those in the science world) say that vitamins don't do anything, aren't really absorbed by the body, etc. Those who swear by them have stories of how vitamins help them feel better; those who don't think they're a big waste of money.


The brand of vitamin you buy determines whether it's a waste of money or not. The wrong forms of certain vitamins are very bad for you, while others are incredibly helpful. There is a really neat calculator at this website where you can enter your typical diet and find if it's lacking in any nutrients. Then, you can go from there with your research about which forms/doses/manufacturers will be most helpful for you.

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I didn't even take vitamins while pregnant. Couldn't stomach them. I did eat platterfuls of fresh steamed veggies and salads.


After I lost sensation in my fingers and tested low in B12, I started taking it.

I started taking D after seeing so many people in my state low. I burn easily and cover up. I'm inside a lot. It is very cloudy here. I drink little milk. So I take a D and a B12, but I'm not a fan of "supplements". My mother was the daughter of a naturopath, and fruits and veggies were our mainstay. When my father was 95, and had outlived his sibs by a decade, he said he owed it to my mother's nutritional emphasis. What's good enough for Granma is good enough for me.

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I do because I burn the candle at both ends and feel much better when I do. I have to concentrate and multitask at work and I notice that I have more errors when I am not taking my vitamins.


I don't take vitamins when I am pg.

I do take them when I am not pg about every other day.



During pregnancy, prenatal vitamins give me horrible nightmares. Don't know why, but they do....so I don't.


I take Rainbow Light Prenatals when I am not pg. LOL

I also take Fish Oil (helps with my chronic dry eye)

Evening Primrose Oil

Zyflamend an herbal anti-inflammatory that is my God send.


I have a hard time taking pills so I prioritize the Zylfamend and try to take the others as I can throughout the day.

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absolutely. I've also have my youngest on some very good supplements. I used to fight him to take them (and I could only get one gummy multi in him), but I could sure tell when he had or hadn't had it. Now, he can tell the difference in how he feels when he takes the several that have been prescribed for him, and *he* will remind me to give them to him.


I've also eliminated nitrates from his diet - as we can sure see a difference if he has or hasn't consumed any.

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I take multivitamins formulated for skin, nails and hair. I take vitamin C (mixed with other ingredients) because I am allergic to most citrus fruits and ...well long story. I take iron when I've got my period because otherwise I feel like cr@p. I take fish oil daily (chronic dry eye). I also take melatonin at night because it is supposed to be anti-ageing (WTH, I'll try anything short of surgery).


And because no power on Earth will make ds eat veggies I make "smoothies" for him using something called "Amazing Kids" (hope I got that right) which is powdered veggies and fruit with a bit of cocoa or berry juice.


Sounds like a lot, right? Feeling like a hypochondriac now...:tongue_smilie:

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Fermented cod liver oil(for A, D, Omega 3s), sometimes epsom salt soaks for Magnesium(need to do that more), and generally homemade yogurt for probiotics.


I take FCLO as well and I make the kids take it also. And I do the epsom salt baths too. Also, I have a multi vitamin from life source naturals in the evening when I think about it.

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No, but I purchased one with the best of intentions :D


I bought the cheap version of Super Mom thinking it was one pill. Ummm it's 4 capsules daily. I choke them down about twice a week.


I use the same thing except I don't get the capsules and only have to take 2 a day. I accidentally bought the capsules once and 4 a day was just way too much!


I've been out of mine for a while and picked up Centrum Daily from my local wal-mart. I really feel better when I'm taking the Special Two (Super Mom without the Super Mom label and price). In fact I've been really tired lately and have been thinking I need to order some.

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I use the same thing except I don't get the capsules and only have to take 2 a day. I accidentally bought the capsules once and 4 a day was just way too much!


I've been out of mine for a while and picked up Centrum Daily from my local wal-mart. I really feel better when I'm taking the Special Two (Super Mom without the Super Mom label and price). In fact I've been really tired lately and have been thinking I need to order some.


Hmmmm . . . maybe I'll look for those if I ever get through the first tub of capsules. Two just seems more manageable. I'm just not a morning person and I don't even care for breakfast before 10, so 4 green pills is a bit much for me. I did get a great price on Amazon.com

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I do differently at different times. The most I did was when I was trying to do the cocktail for Mitochondrial Disorder.


Anyway, currently, I take:


Potassium (dx'd with a deficiency maybe two years ago?)

Vit D3 (dx'd with a deficiency ages ago)



I've been feeling worse lately and considering what may be helpful.

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No, I don't. Nor do my kids, really.


I've never read any research that suggests to me that taking vitamins is better than just eating well.


We did require our daughter to take vitamins for a while, because she wasn't eating particularly healthfully. But it was about peace of mind, not because I actually believed it was doing much. She got out of the habit of taking them while she was at school, and I didn't notice any difference in her health.


My son and I get some supplementation in the protein powder we use to make smoothies. I buy it for the protein (because he's not really great about eating enough), but it does also have vitamins. We don't drink them every day and sometimes go months without buying the powder.

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