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Major fires in Austin, TX area...

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Central Texas is burning!


The city of Bastrop has lost over 300 houses--fire is 15,000 acres and has 0% containment! This is SE of Austin.


SW of Austin about 20miles north of us we have 3 major fires going.


Smoke is thick in the air!


Please pray that these winds will die down-- and for the firefighters who are working so hard!

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Praying for all those affected.


The smoke is definitely thick. Many in our church family are affected by the Steiner Ranch fire in the NW corner of the city that currently has about 4000 homes affected, and reports are it has hit the gas lines. And that one still isn't as bad as the one to the Southeast in Bastrop. At least 3 others in the metro area have people evacuated.

The winds are high and we haven't had rain in months.

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The wind has been incredible!!!!! Getting the horses from the pasture was a nightmare dd had a huge tree branch crash right next to where she was leading one of them.


I cannot believe how dry it is!!!! I remember this type of weather when I lived in Az. :glare:

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I live a few miles south of Austin, but my parents, and my sister and her family live in southwest Austin. They haven't been evacuated yet, but I'm very concerned for them. It seems like it's going from bad to worse. I can't even go outside because it's so smokey.


I'm worried! I want them to come out here and spend the night with me, but they are being stubborn! FAMILY!

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I transcribe some classes for UT students (remote). I'll have to check with my company to see how it's going there on their front ....


:grouphug: to those in Austin.

UT is in the middle of town, so far all ok there, no smoke when I was down there earlier today ... fires are out a way from there.
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Ft. Hood is on fire too, but so far just the training fields according to the news, and a whole town was evacuated earlier this evening near us (I missed the name of the town on the news). This is the worst I have ever seen. Pray for the residents and the fire fighters as we wait for rain and the winds to slow down.

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Are they anywhere near the Dripping Springs area?


Praying for everyone!


Shoot! I did hear something about Dripping Springs on the news. I can't remember if they were evacuating TO Dripping Springs or FROM Dripping Springs. You may want to check KXAN or News 8 Austin's websites.


I'm sorry I don't have more information. I was listening for details about my parents' and my sister's neighborhood.

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Shoot! I did hear something about Dripping Springs on the news. I can't remember if they were evacuating TO Dripping Springs or FROM Dripping Springs. You may want to check KXAN or News 8 Austin's websites.


I'm sorry I don't have more information. I was listening for details about my parents' and my sister's neighborhood.


I have a very good friend in Dripping Springs along with his whole family and also my cousin lives in the Austin area, but I'm not sure the name of his neighborhood. I'd give my friend to call to make sure he's alright, but it's late there.

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I have a very good friend in Dripping Springs along with his whole family and also my cousin lives in the Austin area, but I'm not sure the name of his neighborhood. I'd give my friend to call to make sure he's alright, but it's late there.


I know how you feel. I spoke to my sister and to my parents and they assure me they are not in harms way and that their neighborhoods are not being evacuated, but MY anxiety is through the roof and I don't know if I'll be able to get any rest tonight. I'm very concerned for them. I'll be thinking of your friends and family too.

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There are fires in McMahon/Dale/Bastrop area too - Bastrop State Park has had quite a few acres burn. Our Boy Scout/Cub Scout Lost Pines area is in danger of burning. We can see the smoke in our town and we are miles away :( It is three miles from some very good friends of ours - they have packed all their photos, jewelry and other mementos in their SUV in case theyu need to evacuate.

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I have a very good friend in Dripping Springs along with his whole family and also my cousin lives in the Austin area, but I'm not sure the name of his neighborhood. I'd give my friend to call to make sure he's alright, but it's late there.

Even those of us pretty safe from the fire in the area aren't getting much sleep tonight. I have relatives in Dripping Springs, but having them get to my house to evacuate is difficult because of roads closed by other fires. They have other family in San Antonio and will go that way if needed.

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There are fires in McMahon/Dale/Bastrop area too - Bastrop State Park has had quite a few acres burn. Our Boy Scout/Cub Scout Lost Pines area is in danger of burning. We can see the smoke in our town and we are miles away :( It is three miles from some very good friends of ours - they have packed all their photos, jewelry and other mementos in their SUV in case theyu need to evacuate.
I got a note from the council that part of Griffith League did burn. Not sure what part, they said the COPE course wasn't part of it.
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They were saying last night on the local news that the Blockhouse Creek neighborhood up north was a wildfire location, but my mom lives there and says the fire was on the other side of 183. Her husband said the field it started in wasn't even very brushy, they'd been keeping it short for fire prevention.


I can't get in touch with some of my friends who live up in Steiner Ranch.


Prayers for all affected.

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They were saying last night on the local news that the Blockhouse Creek neighborhood up north was a wildfire location, but my mom lives there and says the fire was on the other side of 183. Her husband said the field it started in wasn't even very brushy, they'd been keeping it short for fire prevention.


I can't get in touch with some of my friends who live up in Steiner Ranch.


Prayers for all affected.


Right. The New Hope/Bois d'Arc area. The FFs this morning said that when the initial unit arrived the fire was approximately 30'x30' w/o any structures on fire. By the time they got out of their truck, finished bunkering up, and started to pull hose the fire had grown and engulfed 2 houses. That fast.

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They were saying last night on the local news that the Blockhouse Creek neighborhood up north was a wildfire location, but my mom lives there and says the fire was on the other side of 183. Her husband said the field it started in wasn't even very brushy, they'd been keeping it short for fire prevention.


I can't get in touch with some of my friends who live up in Steiner Ranch.


Prayers for all affected.

It was the field and 2 houses that back to the field on the west side of 183 right at the Leander/Cedar Park border.

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