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Please explain....why is VPL such a bad thing?

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I walked out of a store tonight behind a woman wearing white pants. I noted the VPL and thought,"Now, why do people FREAK OUT about this? What is the big deal if someone knows that another person is wearing undergarments?!" :001_huh:


Please explain to me why this is SUCH a huge deal? I don't get it. :confused:


FTR, the OP COMPOSED THIS ENTIRE POST while wearing undergarments! :eek:

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Fashion-wise, it ruined the look of the outfit much in the way a food stain would. Socially... well, I don't want to know anything about the undergarments the person in front of me is wearing!


Well, there are VPL and then there are VPLs! Maybe it's the difference between a very slight stain and a dark one, but a slight color cast that shows where the panties end and a situation where I can tell you the exact brand and pattern of said panties seem a bit different to me. I guess the slight VPL situation would mean that I'm spending too much time looking at the wrong place on that person!

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I dont like VPL on me personally as it ruins the line if my bum. I like a nice looking bum, so I choose undies or a g-string which avoid VPL. So on others, I don't like it because it doesn't look nice to have a line cut across the fat of the bottom. It's got nothing to do with knowing about people's undergarments, and I don't really care or get offended, it just doesn't look as nice as no VPL.

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I walked out of a store tonight behind a woman wearing white pants. I noted the VPL and thought,"Now, why do people FREAK OUT about this? What is the big deal if someone knows that another person is wearing undergarments?!" :001_huh:


Please explain to me why this is SUCH a huge deal? I don't get it. :confused:


FTR, the OP COMPOSED THIS ENTIRE POST while wearing undergarments! :eek:


now that I think on it further, how do we know people think it's such a huge deal? I've never, EVER heard anyone mention this!!!


I *have* heard many women "my age" :glare:speak of how stupid a g-string over the top of the pants looks. I agree. And honestly, HOW is that butt floss comfortable? THAT is something I don't understand!!!

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I think it's unattractive, BUT (t) I can often see people's panty line when they're waering a thong, too, so in my opinion, one should think twice if she things a thong is the solution.


Yep. Thongs work with some outfits but actually make other outfits look even worse. That said, I have a variety of undies and will wear whatever it takes to avoid VPLs.

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I don't care what other people wear or what parts of their understuff happens to show a bit. It's just cotton/polyester/lace/whatever. Material. It's funny how catching a glimpse of someone's pink bra strap or the outline of someone's black undies is almost scandalous - yet a string bikini on the beach isn't. :p


The perfect solution if you don't want VPL = don't wear 'em!

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Where I work it is often done purposefully, and frowned upon. It is distracting for the patients, many of whom are disinhibited and are sex offenders, distracting for the vulnerable staff (men who are so dry they'll catch fire at first spark), and irritating when they are "so shocked" and then make accusations of sexual harassment and get moved to a cushier spot. Yes, I have bitter associations with the purposefully VPL type.

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this surprises me! I've never tried them on.


Um, I don't think "butt floss" is a try-on sort of thing. :ack2:


For me, yeah, I'm just not a fan of having the line of my clothing interrupted by VPL. I don't particularly freak out over it.


There are lots of infomercials for undergarments that make a smooth foundation.. Remember the Underalls of the, what, 1970s? Maybe that's when it started - form fitting polyester fashion.

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There was this commercial in the 70's for pantyhose? or underwear? that would get rid of VPLs. I can't quite remember it.


They would show someone in pants from behind with bulges and then a magic wand sound 'ding' and one bulge would smooth out, and 'ding' the other would smooth out.


Well, it was commercials like these that have brained washed me in to thinking VPLs are bad:lol:


Yup, that's them

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I noted the VPL and thought,"Now, why do people FREAK OUT about this? What is the big deal if someone knows that another person is wearing undergarments?!"


It's not that I know they are wearing underwear, it's that I don't want to SEE their underwear. I don't want to see their bras either.


On the right people, dh finds VPLs sexy. :eek: This is why I trust dd's fashion advice over his. Any day.:D

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Oh and I don't get the butt floss thing either. To me it would be like a permanent wedgie.



I used to say this, too, until I tried the really soft ones from VS. Smoother than a baby's behind.....on mine. ;)


The way I look at it is you start your day with it 'up there' and you never have to worry or think about where it is! :D

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Oh and I don't get the butt floss thing either. To me it would be like a permanent wedgie.


What I think is far worse than VPL, which I see more often, is one's butt crack hanging out. And sometimes I see butt crack AND thong hanging out. EWW!!



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TO me, vpl is like seeing someone's bra strap hanging down. It takes my mind of the person and makes me think about their clothes.


Most of the time, a hint of bra strap isn't a problem. We are all adults and seeing a hint of strap isn't the end of the world. Now, there is a big difference between a hint and a strap hanging down one's arm or moving the bra from undergarment to accessory. It works for some, but not in my life. There is a big difference between a slight panty line and a perfect outline of someone's underwear showing up through their yoga pants at the supermarket.


And, I don't think the choice is either VPL or a whale tail. I do avoid VLP with certain clothes or in certain situations but I have never worn anything that would expose the top of my underwear or the top of my hips.

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I don't like VPL on myself, but I admit that I can count on one hand the number of times I've noticed it on others. I just don't look that closely. On occasion you can see someone wearing very dark coloured panties under very light and thin pants or skirts. That not panty lines, though. That's the whole panty. I think that counts as a separate issue and is the reason why I check my butt in the downstairs mirror by the kitchen window (it catches backlighting) to make sure you can't see my panties or bra through my clothes.

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I dont like VPL on me personally as it ruins the line if my bum. I like a nice looking bum, so I choose undies or a g-string which avoid VPL. So on others, I don't like it because it doesn't look nice to have a line cut across the fat of the bottom. It's got nothing to do with knowing about people's undergarments, and I don't really care or get offended, it just doesn't look as nice as no VPL.

True. I agree.


I think it's unattractive, BUT (t) I can often see people's panty line when they're waering a thong, too, so in my opinion, one should think twice if she things a thong is the solution.


I've seen some pretty interesting (scary) things and I'm not even one who stares. :lol:


What's a whale tail? :confused:

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I don't particularly care what others have on but if it looks stupid or funny then I have to look or pretend not to look. This made me think of the People of Wal-Mart photos. I just went to find one photo in particular that I saw with a woman wearing white pants with a visible pair of undies underneath complete with a very visible feminine hygiene pad attached. When I see things like that all I can think of is what were they thinking? I couldn't find the photo I was looking for but sat here and looked at the People of Wal-Mart photos until I laughed so hard I cried :lol::lol::lol:.

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What I think is far worse than VPL, which I see more often, is one's butt crack hanging out. And sometimes I see butt crack AND thong hanging out. EWW!!


Yep, the butt crack is definitely worse. It's like, c'mon--can't you feel the breeze??? I REALLY don't want to know anyone else that well.


As to the VPL, boy cuts work nicely as an alternative to thongs :D

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The Y-shaped waistband of a thong above your pant's waistband.

Thanks for clarifying. :) :lol:


This made me think of the People of Wal-Mart photos.

I couldn't find the photo I was looking for but sat here and looked at the People of Wal-Mart photos until I laughed so hard I cried.

I love that site for a good laugh. :lol:

I also don't care what others are wearing, but that site makes me laugh all the time. And yes, there has been many a time when I've laughed till I've cried. I absolutely love the comments section too - the descriptions - dripping with funny sarcasm :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I must admit I became a fan of thongs a few years ago. If you buy them in the right size, it doesn't feel like a perma-wedge like I thought it would. In fact, you don't even notice it at all. Done properly, it feels naked.


That said, the thong is NOT always the best solution. For example, I'll never forget walking behind my sister on the way into my grandmother's funeral and immediately knowing she was wearing a thong. Not because I saw the outline of the thing, but because her rear was very wobbly and dented, and you saw it all beneath the cloth of her pants. (Note: My rear would look the same way, so I'm not throwing stones here...just pointing out the facts.).


My life changed the day I found the vanishing edge panties from Soma Intimates. No kidding....these things are incredibly comfortable. They DO NOT move once you put them on, are very soft, come in all sorts of shapes and cuts and produce absolutely NO vpl. I love these things. I'd pass them out to women on street corners for free if I had the money, just to introduce the wonder of them to women everywhere!

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