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Seriously un-well-trained Mom (in this dept.) needs your beauty/girly tips

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I hereby nominate Sevilla as the official fashion consultant for TWTM forums. Seriously, you could have a business doing this. :001_smile: You've helped many people here with this thread. Keep the advice coming.


AggieAmy, great job with the haircut. I'd glad you had the nerve and took the plunge to do something different. It looks great!

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I hereby nominate Sevilla as the official fashion consultant for TWTM forums. Seriously, you could have a business doing this. :001_smile: You've helped many people here with this thread. Keep the advice coming.


AggieAmy, great job with the haircut. I'd glad you had the nerve and took the plunge to do something different. It looks great!

You are so kind. If you had seen me a year ago I would have been on the other side of the equatin - so it just goes to show what a year's worth of self-education on the topic of fashion sense can bring!


Here are two blog posts on closet purging and choosing wardrobes that might be helpful (and anyone can do regardless of budget):

1. Sustainable Slow's Wardobese Clothing Purge

2. Project 333 Clothing Minimalism (with style). The 'getting started' tab has detailed instructions.

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Apparently women here have excellent skin. No one in their 30s has pimples, or better yet, wrimples? When I was 12, I thought I would be home-free in my 20s, but after having a child, the hormones went up a few notches, so that now I feel like a middle-aged women with teenage skin. I use only organic (as close to natural as possible) on my skin and refuse to take any medications (if only I can get over this objection, I would have beautiful skin). Will it stop when I'm in my 40's? I'm at the point where I almost don't care. They have been a constant in my life for the last quarter century.


I do find that Kate Somerville's EradiKate seems to shorten the life of the blemish; it contains 10% sulfur.


Have you tried treating from the inside-out? People might think this is gross but my 15 yr old dd showers about every other day and only washes her face in the shower. She has never used any medication on her face. She does take a lot of fish oil and beta-carotene (carrots, cantaloupe, papaya, sweet potatoes). She does sometimes break out before her period and has a few pimples at other times in her cycle, but nothing that's every pushed her to put anything on her face.


Ds (13) is doing the fish oil + carrots route and so far - not a pimple - but it's early days yet. He's shot up 5 inches over the summer.


And they do not drink a lot of water - not enough to suit me anyways.

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Have you tried treating from the inside-out? People might think this is gross but my 15 yr old dd showers about every other day and only washes her face in the shower. She has never used any medication on her face. She does take a lot of fish oil and beta-carotene (carrots, cantaloupe, papaya, sweet potatoes). She does sometimes break out before her period and has a few pimples at other times in her cycle, but nothing that's every pushed her to put anything on her face.


Ds (13) is doing the fish oil + carrots route and so far - not a pimple - but it's early days yet. He's shot up 5 inches over the summer.


And they do not drink a lot of water - not enough to suit me anyways.


I do take fish oil and I've read that salmon is anti-inflammatory, but pregnancy seemed to have change the level of hormones for some reason.


For a teenager to have pimple is normal, although if someone told that to me when I was 15 years old, I would have rolled my eyes. I wish my only problem was trying to find the right hair style or revamping my wardrobe.


I've come to realize that dark blue shirts/sweaters/scarfs/dresses are much better than black for an older face. I used to only wear black to work in my 20's but realized that as I got older, the color isn't that suitable and that dark grey/charcoal or dark blue seems to soften the face.

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Hmmm...I might start with this book: Discovering Your Personal Beauty Profile by Carol Tuttle I requested it from my library and they purchased a copy which was nice as it wasn't a book I needed forever, more of a 'get me started' type of thing.


I read some mixed reviews about this book. Is it worth ordering it?


How about a pixie cut for fine hair? My hair is pretty messed up so it will not grow as thick as before. Someone suggested short hair looks better if you haven't got a lot of hair. Do you need a professional stylist to get a decent pixie cut? I would like the Emma Watson/Winona Rider look. I don't want to look "butch".


My personal opinion....if you have fine features and wear pretty make-up, short hair does not look 'butch'. If you have a fuller/round face, wear no makeup and have a super short hair cut....you are more likely to look masculine or at least androgynous.


I wear my hair short, and it looks fine on me, but I need to keep it about jaw length or longer in the front. I find that when I have it shorter, my jaw line is not as flattering. If I want my hair to be very short, I need to make sure to accent my eyes to draw the attention to them instead of my jawline.

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Yikes. At least they're too young to remember Charo. Cucchi cucchi.


She was on the Disney Channel the other day. :001_huh:


I remember that thread.


I love that thread.


A word to the wise is sufficient: Do NOT read that thread while drinking anything. You could ruin your laptop.


Another word of advice: If I ever get waxed again in that department I'm planning on being falling-down-rip-roaring-falling-into-the-walls-slurring my-words-and-flirting-with-the-mailman DRUNK. :tongue_smilie:



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My personal opinion....if you have fine features and wear pretty make-up, short hair does not look 'butch'. If you have a fuller/round face, wear no makeup and have a super short hair cut....you are more likely to look masculine or at least androgynous.


I wear my hair short, and it looks fine on me, but I need to keep it about jaw length or longer in the front. I find that when I have it shorter, my jaw line is not as flattering. If I want my hair to be very short, I need to make sure to accent my eyes to draw the attention to them instead of my jawline.


Thank you for the input. The only way I could wear hair as long as my jawline would be by using the flat iron everyday -my hair is curly/wavy. My hair is too fragile at the moment for that. I have a diamond shaped face. But I get the part about wearing makeup if I want to pull off a pixie cut.


BTW when I got married I had super long hair but it took lots of product/time/money to keep it looking tidy. Every time it rained or even a fine drizzle I would run for cover . Long hair for me is very high maintenance. :glare:

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  • 1 month later...
I have been trying for years to figure out what season I am. :001_huh:


If your library has the Color Me Beautiful book it's really helpful. The site didn't work for me because I have olive skin and that is more important than hair color in determining your season.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've come to realize that dark blue shirts/sweaters/scarfs/dresses are much better than black for an older face. I used to only wear black to work in my 20's but realized that as I got older, the color isn't that suitable and that dark grey/charcoal or dark blue seems to soften the face.

Yes, I read this yesterday and also saw this on What Not to Wear.


Don't wear tennis shoes with jeans. :)



Love this thread. I've been compiling a very long word document with tips from here, my own experience and knowledge, and other sources. My document is mostly on beauty.


I'll be working on the fashion/style one next. :) I just got 2 books in the mail that I'm excited about. I already have both of Charla Krupp's books and I highly recommend those. She's fabulous.

The books I got that I can't wait to read are:

Dress Your Best - love What Not to Wear - dd and I love watching the show together.


thanks to recommendations here The Lucky Shopping Manual.


From my pinterest board.



I love her look - I hope to be this glamorous someday. :)

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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If your library has the Color Me Beautiful book it's really helpful. The site didn't work for me because I have olive skin and that is more important than hair color in determining your season.

I think, IMHO, you're most likely a winter. I've read this book many times and once went to listen to a speaker on this. I'm not an expert, I'm just usually pretty accurate when determining what seasons people are.

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I think, IMHO, you're most likely a winter. I've read this book many times and once went to listen to a speaker on this. I'm not an expert, I'm just usually pretty accurate when determining what seasons people are.


Okay, then can I ask you about mine? That website said autumn but I always thought winter. Medium brown hair w/ v. slight reddish tone. Hazel eyes. Fair skin.

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Okay, then can I ask you about mine? That website said autumn but I always thought winter. Medium brown hair w/ v. slight reddish tone. Hazel eyes. Fair skin.

My first thought ... autumn, but I'd have to see you. Feel free to either post or PM me your picture if you wish. But I believe that you're autumn.

What made you think that you were winter? Maybe you're right after all.

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I'm actually serious about this. It's time to pass on all this knowledge to my daughter and I think my knowledge has some serious gaps, LOL! Help this WTM Mom not fail her daughter!!!!!


This isn't my thing either but have no fear, it's the internet age. My daughter and all her friends get their beauty tips from Blair Fowler on youtube. I just do damage control (wrong color, too much, too expensive, etc.).


I also have taken her in for advice when we can't work out a solution--ie most recently it was to Ulta because we hadn't been successful in finding a foundation light enough for her skin. They were really helpful.

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I haven't read all of the comments, so these may be a repeat.


Do NOT wear Mom jeans.


Thongs are actually comfortable and don't show a pantyline.


If you are wearing the same hair style as you did in high school, it's time for a change.


Clarisonic (Mia) is awesome. Brightens your face. Reduces your pores.


Read Paula Begoun's site - Cosmetic Cop.


Use Beta Hydroxy or Alpha Hydroxy every day.


Brush your body everyday. It tightens your skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.


Take daily vitamins/supplements.


Invest in a great (read expensive) hair dryer and flat iron.


T-Tapp is a great 15 minute workout and has great results. If you can't motivate yourself to do anything else, this is the workout for you.

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My first thought ... autumn, but I'd have to see you. Feel free to either post or PM me your picture if you wish. But I believe that you're autumn.

What made you think that you were winter? Maybe you're right after all.


I don't know... I guess b/c I think I look better in winter colors! (Navy, red, white, black -- right?) I will PM you if I have time (crazy day) -- thanks!

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Clarisonic (Mia) is awesome. Brightens your face. Reduces your pores.

I've been wanting one so bad for the longest while. :)


Read Paula Begoun's site - Cosmetic Cop.


Use Beta Hydroxy or Alpha Hydroxy every day.


Brush your body everyday. It tightens your skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.


Take daily vitamins/supplements.


Invest in a great (read expensive) hair dryer and flat iron.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: on all the above. I seldom blow dry (as in never), but when I want to look nice, I do use a good flat iron.


T-Tapp is a great 15 minute workout and has great results. If you can't motivate yourself to do anything else, this is the workout for you.

I've gone back and forth on whether I should get this or not. I think I would be a T-Tapp failure :confused: ... is it user-friendly? Sorry to sound shallow/ picky/mean - but ever since someone on another board mentioned how annoyed she was by her cadence and eyebrows, I can't seem to get that out of my mind. But ... if it works AND is user-friendly, I'm open. My current obsessions are ballet-based workouts and pilates. :)

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I don't know... I guess b/c I think I look better in winter colors! (Navy, red, white, black -- right?) I will PM you if I have time (crazy day) -- thanks!

Most who may mistakenly believe that they're winters think that these colors look best on them. There was an episode on an autumn like this on What Not to Wear a while back. She felt that she looked great in black and would pretty much only wear black. Most women think that the above colors look best on them. Most women think they look fabulous in black.

Even if you're an autumn, doesn't mean you should never wear these colors. The right colors for you are the ones that would look best on you when they're close to your face. You could still wear black/navy/red etc. pants or skirts. You would just look better in the right colors for you when they're close to your face especially.

Hope I'm making sense. I'm waiting for my book to arrive. I had it, but I lost it some years ago in a hurricane.

Yes, do feel free to PM me anytime.

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I've been wanting one so bad for the longest while. :)



:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: on all the above. I seldom blow dry (as in never), but when I want to look nice, I do use a good flat iron.



I've gone back and forth on whether I should get this or not. I think I would be a T-Tapp failure :confused: ... is it user-friendly? Sorry to sound shallow/ picky/mean - but ever since someone on another board mentioned how annoyed she was by her cadence and eyebrows, I can't seem to get that out of my mind. But ... if it works AND is user-friendly, I'm open. My current obsessions are ballet-based workouts and pilates. :)


Well, that's too funny, because I am considering Pilates. And, because of your previous thread, I thought I would do the NYC Ballet Workout again, but I cannot find my dvd!!


T-Tapp. It changes my body in only a few short days. And I don't need to huff and puff for an hour to get the better result. Is it user friendly? I needed to go a T-Tapp trainer for an hour private session to be sure I was doing it right. You must be in proper form, but once you get the basic KLT (knees to little toes) and the tuck down in every move, you are assured of an easy fix to changing your body.


T-Tapp is not exciting. There is no music. Theresa Tapp doesn't annoy me though. And I love how she emphasize the importance of stimulating the lymphatic system.


I do NOT like to work out. Hate it. But T-Tapp always works for me. If you love to workout and love the ballet based workouts, you will likely be disappointed in T-Tapp. But do remember it when a short workout is necessary.


And...the Clarisonic. It deep cleans your skin. It feels smoother and looks brighter. It's not a miracle product, but it does make a difference.


How are your workouts going? Which is your favorite?

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Waxing is better than plucking for eyebrows, and if you want to extend visits you can pluck after they have been shaped.


NEVER shave your thighs. The baby hair isn't a big deal, and if you do shave it will be worse than a mans beard. BUT, if you use self-tanner it will turn any hair on your arms and legs dark.


Either paint your toenails, and keep them up, or leave them bare. Chipped toenail polish looks skanky and gross, better to not do them at all.


This one might be TMI but I shared with my adult daughter, so ignore if you want. Sensitive skin Nair can be used on your bikini lines and other areas as long as you are careful to not let it get 'internal' and rinse really well. It also prevents bumps and ingrown hairs.


If you wear foundation, wet your hands and while they are damp smooth under your chin and neck to blend and prevent a mask look, same for ears since that skin is usually lighter than your face.


If you want to look sexy without looking skanky you have to choose one area to emphasize. If your skirt/shorts are on the short side then you need a shirt that covers your 'books'. If you are showing any cleavage then you need to wear longer bottoms. That can make the difference between tasteful and tasteless.


If you wear a slip make sure you don't tuck it up in your pantyhose while in the ladies room. But almost no one needs a slip. So what if people can see your legs, they are legs.

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I meant bikini line. UGH....I am so hairy there. The chin stuff I just pluck...

How awful is waxing on the bikini line? Or embarrassing?



I don't wax my bikini line because I can't stand the pain. I wrote in another post about Nair for sensitive skin. You can use that on your lower areas. I remove almost all of the hair, but you could just remove the bikini line. The important thing is to do a test first to make sure there isn't an allergy, and to make sure that it is only applied to the outside of your body which is easier then it sounds because Nair is thick. And rinse in the shower really well. Once I didn't get it all off and had a very sore strip on my backside.

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What if bangs don't work for you? I appreciate the advice that "bangs make you look younger" (because they hide a wrinkly forehead??) but they just do NOT work for me. I hate them. I got my hair cut a year ago and she cut really short bangs and....let's just say, I won't go back. I was so upset. I had to clip them back for months.


Bangs aren't for everybody. I would check out Dressing Your Truth as they do have different advice for different people. I personally don't like layers, or bangs on me, and learned that is okay, it isn't for me. ;)

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! Really? I don't want colored jewelry. My view is, gold matches everything.


I think that gold looks better with warm colors and silver with cool colors. Gold jewelry with a blue top looks funny to me. But maybe you tend to wear more warm colors and neutrals, so you can do gold with everything.


Haven't read through all the posts but wanted to comment that it really depends on "your" colors. I had my colors done last year here (he was fantastic BTW), and I am a Fire (aka Spring). I look best in bright, clear, warm colors and gold jewelry. I never ever wear silver or white gold. So it really depends on your tone of skin. :)


Back to reading the thread! (and what a fantastic thread!)


ETA: What great advice on this thread. I never was taught by my mom how to dress or care for yourself either. Now that I have my colors done, I at least look nice with makeup and colors of clothes. Now to find style that looks good on my pear-shaped body and a decent hair style!

Edited by cbmrj777
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Well, that's too funny, because I am considering Pilates. And, because of your previous thread, I thought I would do the NYC Ballet Workout again, but I cannot find my dvd!!

Yes, that is funny :D. Hope you find your DVD soon.


T-Tapp. It changes my body in only a few short days. And I don't need to huff and puff for an hour to get the better result. Is it user friendly? I needed to go a T-Tapp trainer for an hour private session to be sure I was doing it right. You must be in proper form

I love how she emphasize the importance of stimulating the lymphatic system.

I do NOT like to work out. Hate it. But T-Tapp always works for me. If you love to workout and love the ballet based workouts, you will likely be disappointed in T-Tapp. But do remember it when a short workout is necessary.

Gosh, what to do, what to do? Decisions, decisions :tongue_smilie:. All of the above sound so good, other than needing to see a T-Tapp trainer. Not possible for me considering where we live. :confused: In an ideal world, I would love to have T-Tapp, ballet, pilates, and a bunch of other stuff. No boredom, tons of variety, what more could we ask for? :D


Good to hear that about the Clarisonic.


I'll let you know about the ballet DVDs. Haven't received them yet. Should be here in a few weeks' time. I have 2 Pilates DVDs and so far I've only done one which I like a lot. Will share more later. Off to get dinner ready.


I LOVE this thread. :)

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I don't know... I guess b/c I think I look better in winter colors! (Navy, red, white, black -- right?) I will PM you if I have time (crazy day) -- thanks!


Long ago, I had a Beauty control gal work with me. Some autumn colors worked well, others didn't. Some summer colors worked, but others didn't. She got kinda frustrated. She finally concluded I was a late summer/early autumn gal. lol


I have brown hair with reddish highlights, hazel eyes, and fair skin if it matters.

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Waxing is better than plucking for eyebrows, and if you want to extend visits you can pluck after they have been shaped.



Here are my notes on that:

Eyebrows are very important. Having well-groomed eyebrows makes you look more put-together even if, like me, you don't wear make up. I used to have my naturally thick and bushy brows waxed once a month. Now that I’m in my 40s, my brows are thinning and don’t really need to be waxed anymore, but she does tweeze a few and trim most of them to give them a good shape.

If waxing is a splurge, then after professional waxing you can maintain the shape yourself by regular tweezing afterwards.

Charla Krupp says that getting your eyebrows done is like a 15-minute facelift. It can really lift up your face.

Finally, don’t pluck out any gray hairs, since brows thin with age and you might wind up with no brows at all. :confused:


NEVER shave your thighs. The baby hair isn't a big deal, and if you do shave it will be worse than a mans beard.

I respectfully disagree. I come from a culture where we were all told to never, ever shave our thighs. At the age of 13, with thighs that were beginning to look like King Kong as far as hairiness goes, I couldn't understand the logic behind that at all. Lo and behold, we moved to Grenada and beach time. My very good friend from Tennessee told me that she shaved her thighs. I said, "What?! You shave your THIGHS?!!! How could you?" It was too funny. Until then, I had been under the impression that the world will come to an end if you shave your thighs. I shaved from then on. Never listened to my mom and never, ever regretted. She was blond and fair, mind you. I'm dark-haired as you can see. Not shaving my thighs would be an absolute disaster. :tongue_smilie:


I only do silver ... No gold for me please.

:iagree: I hardly ever do gold. I'm a winter and silver looks better on me.


Long ago, I had a Beauty control gal work with me. Some autumn colors worked well, others didn't. Some summer colors worked, but others didn't. She got kinda frustrated. She finally concluded I was a late summer/early autumn gal. lol

I have brown hair with reddish highlights, hazel eyes, and fair skin if it matters.

My book arrived yesterday afternoon. I love it. Yes, this edition is old ... very, very old. But this is the one to get. The advice is timeless for the most part. There's a lot of info there. I would think you're an autumn, but I'd have to see you. I'm no expert. Just read a lot, lot, lot about this through the years, and had someone come and give us a seminar back in the days ... I love this stuff. The book is worth getting, IMHO. The swatches are helpful too, if one can afford them. I wish the swatches were less expensive.

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I have thinner hair and this is my haircut: http://www.latest-hairstyles.com/short/images/chin-auburn-layers.jpg (except I have bangs on my forehead as well as the side-swept stuff. I use a flatiron to flip the ends up and I get so many compliments of it - it is the perfect style for someone whose hair isn't thick enough to grow out, but still wants some body. It's fairly low maintenance too - 5-10 minutes of styling and no products (I only use shampoo, no conditioner either).



Ok.. see here is my problem. I want to change my hairstyle. But I HATE haircuts like this. It looks like someone just radomly cut it. I have bangs straight across right now and one length hair to my shoulders. I guess that is out of date, but it isn't from high school. High school was GIANT hair and I spent hours teasing it and making it HUGE.


I didn't realize people did anything to their eyebrows...:001_huh: I don't wear make-up at home, but do have some minerals that I wear out and to church.


I like jeans and t-shirts... When I sing praise team at church I have black pants, black skirts and have found some modest somewhat stylish tops to wear with them.


I pick at my nails.. I don't bite them, so the bitter tasting stuff never worked with me. Yes, I'm 45 but how do you stop??? The only way I have been able to is to get fake nails. But it drives me CRAZY. I want to pull them off so badly. Plus, then I have NO idea how to paint them!!! Whenever I do it, it looks terrible... And what do yo match???


I'm just hopeless....

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:grouphug: You haven't killed the thread. I would figure out which system you want to use and go from there. I love Dressing your Truth. I had my colors done when I was younger and despite wearing those colors I got zero compliments. Changing to Dressing your Truth and the style and fashion tips was life changing. I find it much easier to shop and feel put together, despite not waxing my eyebrows.

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My book arrived yesterday afternoon. I love it. Yes, this edition is old ... very, very old. But this is the one to get. The advice is timeless for the most part. There's a lot of info there. I would think you're an autumn, but I'd have to see you. I'm no expert. Just read a lot, lot, lot about this through the years, and had someone come and give us a seminar back in the days ... I love this stuff. The book is worth getting, IMHO. The swatches are helpful too, if one can afford them. I wish the swatches were less expensive.


I checked that book out from the library and it never helped me because I'm borderline in my coloring. It wasn't until I had a professional actually analyze me that I got an accurate analysis.


Ok.. see here is my problem. I want to change my hairstyle. But I HATE haircuts like this. It looks like someone just radomly cut it. I have bangs straight across right now and one length hair to my shoulders. I guess that is out of date, but it isn't from high school. High school was GIANT hair and I spent hours teasing it and making it HUGE.


I have trouble in this area, too. I just don't know what to do. :confused:


I pick at my nails.. I don't bite them, so the bitter tasting stuff never worked with me. Yes, I'm 45 but how do you stop??? The only way I have been able to is to get fake nails. But it drives me CRAZY. I want to pull them off so badly. Plus, then I have NO idea how to paint them!!! Whenever I do it, it looks terrible... And what do yo match???


I'm just hopeless....


My nails are a mess, too. But like you, I don't know how to break decades old habits. I don't want fake nails, either (though I did wear them for my wedding). Would love any suggestions!

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My piece of advice for the day: the undertones to your skin are probably more important than anything else. And don't just assume that you're "warm" or "cool" based on other things like hair/eye color.


At first glance I seem like a poster girl for an autumn (or maybe even spring) "type". Red hair, green eyes, golden freckles. However, as I am/was slowly shopping for new clothes I was getting increasingly frustrated because while I looked "okay" in some of the suggested colors (the deeper browns and greens) I didn't look as great as I thought I would. So I started making lists: I made lists of all the colors I thought I looked good in and then I asked people that I knew would be brutally honest with me (DH and my two best girlfriends - one of which has killer fashion sense) which colors they thought I looked good (or would look good) in. I also asked which colors I looked bad in - or which of my current "outfits" would they be happy to never see on me again. After doing that I read probably a dozen articles on finding your "colors" - most of them, useless to me because they kept suggesting the same warm based green and earth tones for me.


Finally I stumbled across this blog on figuring out whether or not you have cool or warm undertones to your skin and voila! I had my answer. I am very, very cool-toned in my skin. The pink/ruddy blush that I always associated with "warm" is in reality "cool". All the colors that should, supposedly, work well with my hair/eye color don't because, I've discovered, it is more important to set off your skin tone than anything else. For me at least, if I nail setting off my skin tone with the right color everything else follows suit and just looks better.


My list on colors that work well for me? Half right/ half wrong. The lists from my DH and my best friend with a killer fashion sense? Right on all accounts - even when I thought they were absolutely crazy (bright, ruby-scarlet red? With my hair? Apparently, yes, it does work for me. Who'd have thought?)


The good news? I can actually buy all those colors that I favor (black, gray, red, blue toned blues, greens, purples etc) that I've loved for years but thought that I would look horrible in. :)

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Nothing to add but I did want to say that this thread has inspired me. Don't laugh but I have been using tinted moisturizer and changing into jeans and a sweater before going out vs my usual workout wear. I have also resolved to do my yoga stretches daily and floss every night. Little steps, right?


What tinted moisturizer do you use? I'd love to get one but am a bit overwhelmed by all the options out there? I like the idea of being able to do a very light makeup on days when I don't want to do the whole regime.

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What tinted moisturizer do you use? I'd love to get one but am a bit overwhelmed by all the options out there? I like the idea of being able to do a very light makeup on days when I don't want to do the whole regime.


I use Aveeno because it's what I could find. I don't know what else is out there. I'd like to look for a lighter weight one but it's ok.

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I was reading this last night and Love it. It truly inspired me because since my kids were born I have become frumpy. Hair in a ponytail, no makeup, and sweatpants or something with an elastic waist and i am only 35! I have gained 30 pounds and I need to concentrate on myself for a change.


So I have a couple of questions: Has anyone actually paid the $279 for the Dress your truth course? That is ALOT of money for a beauty course. I got the book from kindle and read it last night and i am a definte Type 4 with a strong type 3 tendencies. :)


2nd question: Do you wear silver and gold jewerly together? My wedding rings are gold so I have gold earrings, watch etc but I really like silver. So can I wear silver but continue to wear my gold wedding rings? Or is that tacky?

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Yes I bought Dressing your truth on sale. It was discounted but still more than I would normally spend. Yes I love it. yes I would recommend it.


I wear my gold wedding rings but everything else is silver. Someday maybe I will get a new ring from dh but until then I like people to know I am taken.

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Thanks Jenn! I love silver jewelery and wore it exclusively until I was married and got gold rings and then switched to gold because I thought I couldn't mix and match. And I want people to know I am taken as well.


How much did you pay for it on sale if I may ask. And where did you find the sale price?

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So I have a couple of questions: Has anyone actually paid the $279 for the Dress your truth course? That is ALOT of money for a beauty course. I got the book from kindle and read it last night and i am a definte Type 4 with a strong type 3 tendencies. :)

The course is worth it IMO - but wait for her sales and it will be more like $200 instead of $279. I think she runs one around Christmas time. It was very VERY helpful - and the best part, IMO, was the access to all the club videos with topics ranging from exercise wear to summer clothes to hair styles to bringing in your secondary type. Having the color card would also be very helpful to you. I can't say enough how following DYT has changed how I put myself together for the better. My closet is small, but I wear everything in it - nothing is an 'odd item out' or something I don't wear. If you are someone who buys clothing (or is looking to move out of 'mommy clothes land' and into dressing more nicely) then her course will really save you $$ in the long run :).


2nd question: Do you wear silver and gold jewerly together? My wedding rings are gold so I have gold earrings, watch etc but I really like silver. So can I wear silver but continue to wear my gold wedding rings? Or is that tacky?

As a Type 4 you will look best in platinum and matte silvers (as well as some shiny silvers). Gold will not work with the color scheme you'll be following. I would keep your wedding rings but change everything else.


FTR, I have a white gold wedding band but everything else I wear is gold/bronze/copper (fits my type) and it's fine with me :).

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I checked that book out from the library and it never helped me because I'm borderline in my coloring. It wasn't until I had a professional actually analyze me that I got an accurate analysis.

Christine, I agree. If one is borderline, best to have a professional tell you. :)


My nails are a mess, too. But like you, I don't know how to break decades old habits. I don't want fake nails, either (though I did wear them for my wedding). Would love any suggestions!

I would avoid fake nails.

Charla Krupp in her book, How Not to Look Old, says that the best choice for nails for women our age is to keep your cuticles manicured and nails at a moderate length, all the same length, and with light pink or neutral nail polish if you wear polish at all. Long, long nails and fake nails are aging.


this thread has inspired me. Don't laugh but I have been using tinted moisturizer and changing into jeans and a sweater before going out vs my usual workout wear. I have also resolved to do my yoga stretches daily and floss every night. Little steps, right?

Lisa, great job. :D To me, that's the whole purpose of this thread - little steps. Do-able ones that we can all try to work on.


What tinted moisturizer do you use? I'd love to get one but am a bit overwhelmed by all the options out there? I like the idea of being able to do a very light makeup on days when I don't want to do the whole regime.

I've never used one and am not sure if I will, but I have been researching. Here are my notes from Charla Krupp and from this thread:

TINTED MOISTURIZER should give you a little coverage and a glow. It evens out skin tone, looks natural and is lightweight.

It’s a moisturizer that they put a tint in like a foundation, but it’s a lighter coverage, you can also get an SPF in it. It's good for a one-step product if you don't need much coverage.

Tinted moisturizer is more natural-looking than foundation. If you're looking for just a hint of coverage to even out some skin tone issues, tinted moisturizer is great and very light.

Charla Krupp says that Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 20 consistently wins “best of” in this category.

Aveeno has them and many other OTC brands

Bobbi Brown

Physicians Formula Organic – you can get at Target


Neutrogena Tinted Moisturizer is an awesome substitute for foundation. It has Retinol (anti-aging), sunscreen, moisturizer and light foundation all in one product. If you have skin that is especially dry, first put on a moisturizer/lotion a few minutes before the tinted moisturizer to help it blend easily and keep your skin from drying out. Applying a light powder (such as SkinClearing Mineral Powder) makes it last longer and keeps you from looking shiny.


since my kids were born I have become frumpy. Hair in a ponytail, no makeup, and sweatpants or something with an elastic waist and i am only 35! I have gained 30 pounds and I need to concentrate on myself for a change.

I was in the same exact boat for years, particularly when mine were very small. To me, that's fine and understandable. Don't be too hard on yourself. :grouphug:


So I have a couple of questions: Has anyone actually paid the $279 for the Dress your truth course? That is ALOT of money for a beauty course.

Wow. That really is a lot of $$! What do they offer for that? Guess I need to look it up. I visited their site very briefly. I just can't imagine paying that. I'd rather buy a few great style and beauty books and visit sites. One year of watching What Not to Wear is free and, to me, the absolute best. Dd and I watch that all the time. We also love Tim Gunn's show.


Do you wear silver and gold jewerly together? My wedding rings are gold so I have gold earrings, watch etc but I really like silver. So can I wear silver but continue to wear my gold wedding rings? Or is that tacky?

I'm not great with accessories. I don't see why not. Your ring and watch is on your hands. Your earrings and necklace, if they're silver and since not right next to your hands - should be fine to do both.


Anyone have any yoga video recs?

Lisa, I assume you don't want the more "weird" yoga, right? :lol:

I LOVE yoga and started teaching myself from a book when I was 14.

Collagevideo is a fabulous site.

You can do all sorts of searches and watch video clips.

I love how you can refine your search on this site - by instructor, level, type of workout, etc.

Have fun searching.


Videofitness.com is another great site, but no video clips – very helpful reviews, however.


My absolute favorite yoga DVDs are by Mark Laham



. You can see for yourself if you think he's a bit weird or annoying. As with all exercise DVDs, these things can be a bit subjective and depend on individual taste.

Both his yoga DVDs are my absolute favorites. I feel so energized and my muscles feel so stretched. He's a great instructor and you really get your $'s worth with each DVD - about 3 separate workouts in each DVD. He knows his stuff. Plus, he's not annoying, like some exercise videos can be.

You can only order his DVDs from his site, it seems. Amazon doesn't carry them. The cover of his DVDs (the fact that he's bare chested), his DVDs are not like that ;). He's dressed and quite normal in the DVDs.

His DVDs are done in a studio. They might seem "strange" at first, but as far as the stretching and instruction, he, is, to me, without a doubt, the absolute best. And I've gone through many yoga DVDs in the past year. My yoga instructor likes him a lot also. And her opinion is one that I obviously respect.

I think an absolute beginner can do this.

The Power Yoga DVD has the following options:

Warm Up Only (20 Minutes) - this is a good start to yoga in and of itself and later you can work up to the rest of the DVDs.

There are 2 types of Warm Up - Beginner and Intense.

Strengthen the Core - 60 Minutes

Open the Hips - 65 Minutes

The Yin Yoga DVD is one I really love. Well, you know that I love them both.

It has the following, each of which are pretty much an hour each.

Front Line Sequence

Back Line Sequence

Hips and Pelvis


Mark Laham does an excellent job of explaining. Here's an image from one of his DVDs.



Other yoga DVDs I like a lot:

Iron Yoga

Tough and challenging

Uses weights

Good and clear instruction


Rodney Yee: Yoga Burn


Rodney Yee: Core Cross Train


Have fun choosing! :)

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Christine, I agree. If one is borderline, best to have a professional tell you. :)


Which is what I did! Best money I ever spent! :D


I would avoid fake nails.

Charla Krupp in her book, How Not to Look Old, says that the best choice for nails for women our age is to keep your cuticles manicured and nails at a moderate length, all the same length, and with light pink or neutral nail polish if you wear polish at all. Long, long nails and fake nails are aging.


I absolutely agree. I've only worn fake nails twice - once for my wedding and a fancy Christmas company dinner. As far as color, I stick with colors in my color scheme: corals and warm neutral colors... but my problem comes from breaking old bad habits regarding my nails so they grow to a nice length and look decent. Like a pp said, that foul tasting stuff just doesn't work. ;)

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