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LIBIDO POLL for women 35-44 years old

I'm ___ years old and my libido is ____% of what it was at its peak.  

  1. 1. I'm ___ years old and my libido is ____% of what it was at its peak.

    • 35-39 yo; libido is 75 - 100% of peak
    • 35-39 yo; libido is 50 - 74% of peak
    • 35-39 yo; libido is 25 - 49% of peak
    • 35-39 yo; libido is less than 25% of peak
    • 35-39 yo; I have no libido
    • 40-44 yo; libido is 75 - 100% of peak
    • 40-44 yo; libido is 50 - 74% of peak
    • 40-44 yo; libido is 25 - 49% of peak
    • 40-44 yo; libido is less than 25% of peak
    • 40-44 yo; I have no libido

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(I don't know if this thread is even legal on here or not, but I'll give it a try; I figure if I keep it clean and anonymous it might be ok).



I'm curious as to when a woman experiences a decline in her sex drive(libido).


In the poll, the percentages refer to the PERCENT of your lifetime's MAXIMUM (Peak) sex drive/libido.

(For example, if your peak was age 21, then what percent of your age 21 sex drive do you have now?).


This poll is anonymous.


I have 4 different polls from women aged 25-64, so if you're not in the age group and want to vote, there's a poll on this forum for you too.



Edited by BethG
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My libido is at it's highest point. I believe it is because I went off birth control pills, went on thyroid meds, no littles or nurslings, less stress, more activity, etc.


My dr. also attributes it to my low carb eating. I think age also makes a difference. This is the only body I have, it's not the great body of my 20s when I expected perfection and was so hard on myself, so I am going to make the most of it and have as much fun as I can with it - and I am, and my dh is. I absolutely love my 40s. I have never been happier.

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Peak of what? I am not dead yet so how can I know when my peak was?? Also, this does not take into account women with babies, nurslings, pregnancy where the hormones shift a lot.




Judging by women in their 50s and 60s who have shared their experiences on this topic, we 30 and 40 somethings don't *know* peak. :)

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(I don't know if this thread is even legal on here or not, but I'll give it a try; I figure if I keep it clean and anonymous it might be ok).



I'm curious as to when a woman experiences a decline in her sex drive(libido).


In the poll, the percentages refer to the PERCENT of your lifetime's MAXIMUM (Peak) sex drive/libido.

(For example, if your peak was age 21, then what percent of your age 21 sex drive do you have now?).


This poll is anonymous.


I'm posting more than one threads to cover the several age ranges as the poll only allows 10 spots/options.




(BTW, I have 4 different polls from women aged 25-64, so if you're not in the age group and want to vote, there's a poll on here for you too). (I thought I was editting my thread post here...ooopsie).

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Judging by women in their 50s and 60s who have shared their experiences on this topic, we 30 and 40 somethings don't *know* peak. :)


No wonder when my mom came in to me two weeks on my 40th and cheerfully exclaimed "just think Julie!! You're entering the second half of your life!!" like it was supposed to be exciting or something...:lol::lol::lol:

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Judging by women in their 50s and 60s who have shared their experiences on this topic, we 30 and 40 somethings don't *know* peak. :)


But then guys start having a harder time or a less than hard time. We'll be very thankful for those blue pills then. :lol:

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Sigh...now ya'll are depressing me, because I'm 40 and I voted 25%. I thought most others my age would vote similarly and I was wrong! I know it may be because of the personal issues I am having. I am definitely one of those stereotypical females who (at least when in a relationship) needs the affection, intimacy through converstion, supportiveness, etc. before I can feel passionate. Lacking that-as I am now, I don't give a flying flop except maybe once a month when I have nice dreams. During the day, the urges go bye-bye. So that 25% is mostly the dreams I have once/month. Not even middle of the day, wishing hubby was home type feelings. So maybe I should have said less than 25%? But that would depress me even more.


Then again, I am clinically depressed and on antidepressants. Would that have an effect-beyond personal issues? Doctor recently tested hormones and they were fine. B12 a little bit low and now I am getting shots, but can't tell any difference. I figured I was entering perimenopause because I skipped a period a couple of months ago, but haven't since.


I have had low libido since getting pregnant the third time. But that is also when I began to be depressed.

Yes, while pregnant, when the hormones are supposed to make you feel happier, mine went the other way. I felt my life had come to a halt. Didn't even get excited enough to prepare a layette until 3 weeks before my due date. Too weird. But that was almost 7 years ago. I have gone off and back on anti-depressants several times ever since that baby was 8 months old. I tried herbal supplements in between times and never found one that worked well enough (Sam-e comes close but is super expensive).


I've heard viagra can work for women-anyone BTDT? I bet Medicaid doesn't pay for that, though! ; )


Maybe the contrast is so stark because I used to be a right regular slut! Ha, ha! Oh, to be 24 again!

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My libido is at it's highest point. I believe it is because I went off birth control pills, went on thyroid meds, no littles or nurslings, less stress, more activity, etc.


My dr. also attributes it to my low carb eating. I think age also makes a difference. This is the only body I have, it's not the great body of my 20s when I expected perfection and was so hard on myself, so I am going to make the most of it and have as much fun as I can with it - and I am, and my dh is. I absolutely love my 40s. I have never been happier.


Why don't we have a smiley face for JEALOUS?!?!

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Sigh...now ya'll are depressing me, because I'm 40 and I voted 25%. I thought most others my age would vote similarly and I was wrong! I know it may be because of the personal issues I am having. I am definitely one of those stereotypical females who (at least when in a relationship) needs the affection, intimacy through converstion, supportiveness, etc. before I can feel passionate. Lacking that-as I am now, I don't give a flying flop except maybe once a month when I have nice dreams. During the day, the urges go bye-bye. So that 25% is mostly the dreams I have once/month. Not even middle of the day, wishing hubby was home type feelings. So maybe I should have said less than 25%? But that would depress me even more.


Then again, I am clinically depressed and on antidepressants. Would that have an effect-beyond personal issues? Doctor recently tested hormones and they were fine. B12 a little bit low and now I am getting shots, but can't tell any difference. I figured I was entering perimenopause because I skipped a period a couple of months ago, but haven't since.


I have had low libido since getting pregnant the third time. But that is also when I began to be depressed.

Yes, while pregnant, when the hormones are supposed to make you feel happier, mine went the other way. I felt my life had come to a halt. Didn't even get excited enough to prepare a layette until 3 weeks before my due date. Too weird. But that was almost 7 years ago. I have gone off and back on anti-depressants several times ever since that baby was 8 months old. I tried herbal supplements in between times and never found one that worked well enough (Sam-e comes close but is super expensive).


I've heard viagra can work for women-anyone BTDT? I bet Medicaid doesn't pay for that, though! ; )


Maybe the contrast is so stark because I used to be a right regular slut! Ha, ha! Oh, to be 24 again!


Yes. Stress (physical, psychological, emotional) has a huge effect on women's libidos. As you mentioned, you have to be able to set aside all the stuff Nd be engaged mentally. A friend of mine jokes that, while men have an "empty <mental> box" they can go to (and literally think about nothing), we don't. And if we did, we'd fill it up!


Antidepressants can also have a huge impact. Huge. As can vitamin deficiencies, quality of diet, exercise, etc. Everything is inter-related and the libido seems to be one of the first thing affected when everything gets out of balance.


Call it a "lull" (they do happen, for many reasons), and see where you want to make small, positive life changes that will all add up. :grouphug:

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Libido is such a sensitive thing, though. A lot of hormonal, medical and psychological factors contribute.




So much of it is biochemistry. Meds will affect libido, stress, being in an unhappy time with your spouse, etc.


I think if there are no meds, nurslings, stress, spouse issues, then the more you do it, the more you want to do it. Plus, it is a great stress reliever. It's like exercising. It is so good for you.

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I don't think that I've ever had a super-strong libido. However, it was much stronger a year ago when I was at my perfect weight. Now that I'm 8-10 lbs. up, I find that I'm a lot less interested. For me, my weight really affects my libido.


Do you think it is because of your body image? 10 pounds is really nothing. In 20 years, you are going to look back and miss that 30 or 40- year old body. Use it now. Have fun. :001_smile:

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Do you think it is because of your body image? 10 pounds is really nothing. In 20 years, you are going to look back and miss that 30 or 40- year old body. Use it now. Have fun. :001_smile:



:lol: That's what my husband says too. ;) I know that 10 lbs. isn't a big deal, and I don't think I have a bad body image overall. But I feel SOOO much better when I am at my ideal weight. I have a lot more confidence, initiate a lot more, and am just overall happier. ;) As my weight goes up and my clothes get tighter, I get more "meh" about s*x.

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I don't think that I've ever had a super-strong libido. However, it was much stronger a year ago when I was at my perfect weight. Now that I'm 8-10 lbs. up, I find that I'm a lot less interested. For me, my weight really affects my libido.


I read something recently about men, weight, and libido, and there was a connection with excess weight and low testosterone. Men at "ideal" weights had higher levels, and those with excess fat had increasingly lower levels. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this holds true for women as well.


As a personal aside, my dh has lost over 30 lbs in the past year. I would say that this study is true here. :D

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Time has always been more of a problem then desire. One often tires of the 10-minute variety and often longs for the more lengthier engagements of the past.



I'm the opposite - I would love to have a 10 minute variety and be done so i can go to bed....DH on the other hand wants the whole long, drawn out scenario with lingerie, etc. and it would take that x3 times a week. I just don't have it in me.....


BTW, I'm 35.

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I read something recently about men, weight, and libido, and there was a connection with excess weight and low testosterone. Men at "ideal" weights had higher levels, and those with excess fat had increasingly lower levels. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this holds true for women as well.


As a personal aside, my dh has lost over 30 lbs in the past year. I would say that this study is true here. :D


Well, if it does hold true, I'm not sure I want to see what kind of levels my dh would have if he lost 30lbs. . .:blink:

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I'm the opposite - I would love to have a 10 minute variety and be done so i can go to bed....DH on the other hand wants the whole long, drawn out scenario with lingerie, etc. and it would take that x3 times a week. I just don't have it in me.....


BTW, I'm 35.



:iagree: I am much more interested in the quick version these days. DH loves the long-drawn out scenario. I tease him sometimes that we've switched roles. Aren't guys supposed to like "quickies"? :confused:

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We have both considered ours to be low for quite a long time (I am 44) but I honestly think it is more lack of imagination/creativity than anything. I think I am capable of much, much more, given the right circumstances- I don't feel it is intrinsic that my libido is low, I think it is more circumstantial.

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