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Does anyone else have a dh that has to work today?

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Well, my dh is among the missing too, though for a different reason.


Dh went up to NJ (6 hour drive) so ds2 could participate in a kite competition. His car died while he was up there, and needs $2000 worth of repairs! :glare: So he is stuck up there until at least tomorrow night waiting for Fed Ex to deliver the parts tomorrow and then get the car repaired.


So he will use one of his vacation days mooching rides in NJ to get his car repaired.....he has used 8 days on college-related stuff this year. Somehow his vacation is disappearing at a rapid rate, and the days he has used are not exactly for the "fun" things we think of when we think of vacation!


So ds1 and dd2 are just doing schoolwork today!


So yes, there are a few of us who are treating today as a "normal" day.

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My husband works all holidays except Thanksgiving and Christmas. He is self-employed and the work needs to be done then. If he doesn't work that day, the work gets pushed to another day. If he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid.


Mondays are his lightest day of the week, though, so he should be home by 2:00 or so.


I've never experienced being married to a man who can take sick days (thankfully my husband is never sick), paid vacations and holidays. Because his work is seasonal, though, he gets 1.5 months off in the winter.

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Dh is at work. He is self-employed as well and they want to get the job done. Sooner it gets done, sooner the countdown to getting paid in 30 days(if not more:glare:) starts. Usually he does take holidays and such off, just didn't work out this time. Maybe it will be an early day? We're just cleaning and then spending the rest of the day outside.

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And, his partner is taking a week off this week. So, it was off to work this morning for my guy. He did take it easy, we slept late, he left about 8:30 rather than his usual 7:30. And, I'm hoping he won't stay as late as he generally does, but it won't suprise me if he doesn't show up here until 7:00 pm or so. Such is the life of the self employed. :nopity:





p.s. Is it just me, or is that little violin playing dude up there just a tad creepy?! *grin*

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My husband is actually home today! He normally works Holidays like this.... he only gets paid Holidays if he works them *Ü* He does get 4 weeks paid vacation each year, but he doesn't like to use them up till later in the summer and winter months/Holidays.


Lori, I hope the day goes by fast for you!!

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Mine is working today. He is in Germany for work and it isn't a holiday there. He won't be home for a week still. No celebrating here. In the past three years since he has been at this job he has missed: Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, and our 20th Anniversary. It stinks, but what can you do. I think I'll go shopping this afternoon and browse the sales. At least I'll be making it worthwhile for all the retail employees who have to be there today. :D

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Yes, my dh is working but I'm not waiting around. My best friend and I will get together with our kids and bbq. Plan something fun for you and the kids. You can still have a good time.



This is us too -- dh is a pilot and usually on call [his schedule got scrapped -gr.]. I've learned we need to have fun w/o him sometimes :D


This weekend he went down to St Croix and should be back tonight.

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My dh always works every holdiay excpet Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. I just don't see Memorial Day and Labor Day as holidays. :) On the 4th of July dh works, but we are able to go watch fireworks in the evening.

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Oh, St Croix sounds like fun. I don't know about you but I've lived with my dh being gone on special days or holidays for 11 years. I'd be really miserable if this kind of thing still bothered me. We just move important celebrations to another day. There's nothing sacred about a specific day - at least not for us.


I think it's good for the dh's, too. They don't have to feel guilty about being gone but know we can take care of ourselves. We're grown women and can handle what life throws at us. :)

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Oh, St Croix sounds like fun. I don't know about you but I've lived with my dh being gone on special days or holidays for 11 years. I'd be really miserable if this kind of thing still bothered me. We just move important celebrations to another day. There's nothing sacred about a specific day - at least not for us.


I think it's good for the dh's, too. They don't have to feel guilty about being gone but know we can take care of ourselves. We're grown women and can handle what life throws at us. :)



yup yup yup! we've been doing the pilot-no-schedule thing for about 8 years now.

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My dh goes to work at 5:45 a.m. *every day*. Seriously.

I've learned that a holiday is more a state of mind than an actual event or day. Many times we celebrate by making every-day activities special. We will have a bbq dinner tonight, and focus on making our work as light as possible, while still getting it done. When dh gets home, we will probably laugh more than usual, joke around more than usual, and remember the reason for the holiday in our conversation and our prayers.

I do sympathize with you though, and hope you find a way to make your day special!

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My Dh is working. He doesn't get holidays off unless they fall on his days off. Usually he takes overtime on those days though, except for Christmas and Easter.


He does get floating holidays. I guess that's just the nature of essential human services jobs though.

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Yes, my dh is working today. We live in a tourist area, so dh works 6 days a week and all holidays except during the winter when he gets about 2 months off.


Actually, we are doing school today. The weather is yucky, the mosquitoes are horrid already, and the French Open is on rain delay....might as well do school.



married to dh for 19 years, so far

ds 16

dd 14

ds 11

ds 9

dd 8


ds 6

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My DH is self-employed and he works every single day of the year except for Christmas and Thanksgiving, so he is at work today.


Yesterday he surprised me by coming home at 2 pm to take the kids to a movie. After that, he read for awhile and then we all went out to rake the yard. It sure was great to have him around.



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Yep, my dh is self employed. He claims he's only going to work a half day today, though.


Technically, DH isn't self employed, but he is a commission-only loan officer. He says he is only going to work half day today, but I know better! He probably won't be home until after dinner time.

Michelle T

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Today's a holiday? :blink:


No, I'm kidding. Dh just doesn't get holidays off, & we went w/out him to see his parents yesterday. We're so behind on school, that...well, we weren't going to take today off, but that tooth thing was a doozie.


Maybe I should see if there's something going on around town to take the kids to.

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My dh is military so unless they call a special holiday duty schedule he works. He's acutally out at sea right now so they may be having a light day, meaning no drills are being run etc, but they are working. We can never count on days off, even if he requests leave if "it hits the fan" they'll call him back and there's no way out of it.



I've gotten used to it. We've been lucky and he's never been deployed over Christmas but we've only had 2 Thanksgivings as a family since we got married almost 11 years ago.

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My husband is a cop. The NYPD pays for 12 holidays in a special check every year and then the guys (and girls!) work every holiday, unless they choose to use a vacation day. My husband does not like to waste his vacation days on holidays unless we have plans.


So, we are having a regular school day today.

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