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Is it wrong to curse your sewing machine?

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I mean, it doesn't have a soul... (or does it? Mmmmwwwaaahahaha) Nasty. Evil. Thing.


I'm trying so hard to make my girls little aprons for our trip to Colonial Philly/Williamsburg. I found some cute frilly edged pillowcases - I mean, sew some elastic to the top, attach ribbon, and you're done. The girls are tingling with excitement. But no - my top thread breaks. And breaks. And breaks and breaks and breaks. I change the tension. I change needles. I change thread. I rethread. I cut the pillowcases so I'm not sewing through so many layers. Now my bobbin thread is getting wadded up and stuck. The thingy is getting out of place. I give up. I hate that stupid thing. We leave in 12 days and I don't have the time or money to fix the machine and I can't possibly sew the elastic on by hand. (can I?)


At least I got the mob caps done.

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The previous posters are right. You pray to the household deities and do not curse them, because they hold all the power AND they often work together.


That's why when you swear at the garbage disposal, the toilet backs up.


Try leaving little gifts of dryer lint in front of the sewing machine overnight, and a bottle of WD40. Might be more tractable tomorrow.


If you don't believe in household gods, I recommend better quality thread. The thread available at craft stores nowadays is absolutely awful for snarling, tangling, and shredding.

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I've had this happen to me so many times.


First of all, it definitely helps to walk away for a while.


Then, take the thread off the machine, and rethread it.


Then, remove the bobbin and reinsert it. Make sure the thread is going the right way.


Usually my problem is the top thread being messed up somehow, although it appears to be the bobbin.



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I mean, it doesn't have a soul... (or does it? Mmmmwwwaaahahaha) Nasty. Evil. Thing.


I'm trying so hard to make my girls little aprons for our trip to Colonial Philly/Williamsburg. I found some cute frilly edged pillowcases - I mean, sew some elastic to the top, attach ribbon, and you're done. The girls are tingling with excitement. But no - my top thread breaks. And breaks. And breaks and breaks and breaks. I change the tension. I change needles. I change thread. I rethread. I cut the pillowcases so I'm not sewing through so many layers. Now my bobbin thread is getting wadded up and stuck. The thingy is getting out of place. I give up. I hate that stupid thing. We leave in 12 days and I don't have the time or money to fix the machine and I can't possibly sew the elastic on by hand. (can I?)


At least I got the mob caps done.


Perhaps your top thread is getting stuck on the little groove on the spool that is supposed to hold the thread in place when you're not using the spool?


This happens to me all the time. Annoying. Try turning your spool another way -- reverse, upside-down. Or tape over the little grove. HTH.

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I mean, it doesn't have a soul... (or does it? Mmmmwwwaaahahaha) Nasty. Evil. Thing.


I'm trying so hard to make my girls little aprons for our trip to Colonial Philly/Williamsburg. I found some cute frilly edged pillowcases - I mean, sew some elastic to the top, attach ribbon, and you're done. The girls are tingling with excitement. But no - my top thread breaks. And breaks. And breaks and breaks and breaks. I change the tension. I change needles. I change thread. I rethread. I cut the pillowcases so I'm not sewing through so many layers. Now my bobbin thread is getting wadded up and stuck. The thingy is getting out of place. I give up. I hate that stupid thing. We leave in 12 days and I don't have the time or money to fix the machine and I can't possibly sew the elastic on by hand. (can I?)


At least I got the mob caps done.


Another thought. You could fold the top edge over twice, iron & pin it in place, hand sew the casing, and thread the ribbon through the casing. It wouldn't matter too much how neat your hand-sewing is, because you're going to gather the top along the ribbon, anyway. HTH.

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Have you tried a different bobbin or rewound the bobbin thread? If the bobbin thread isn't wound properly, it will mess up the tension.


I taught sewing to middle-schoolers. 99% of the time, it they had a problem, it was because the machine wasn't threaded right, the bobbin was inserted wrong, or the the bobbin was poorly wound.



I did just have some really bad machines too (the cheapest Bernina machines are JUNK).

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Curse away. But only if you are willing to ask for forgiveness later!



Check your owners manual and rethread according to the manual. Over time, it is easy to forget small details especially if you have had more than one model of machine (search online if you don't have it anymore)

Reset your tension to factory defaults and after you do the rest of this list...then adjust the tension.

Vacuum/brush it out, to free any wayward fuzz

Oil the moving parts (again....check the manual)

Get a new spool of thread and respool a fresh bobbin to make sure it isn't a thread problem. (or just grab another that you already have and use a scrap of fabric to practice on until you get a good stitch and then switch to the correct color)

Check the owners manual on inserting the bobbin.

Insert a brand new needle. Make sure you needle/thread/fabric coordinate.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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You guys are great!


I'm giving that machine the silent treatment for a while. I don't trust myself to keep it out of the back creek if we have any contact. We will have to have a serious "Come to Jesus" meeting next week.


I have, however, decided to go the "colonial sewing route" and skip the elastic altogether. Much more authentic to sew by hand. :glare:

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Ok, more helpful advice: mine had tension problems off & on for YEARS. I got the thing when I was 16, & when I was 29, dh looked at it for the first time. In under an hour (I won't say how much under an hour!), dh figured out that the bobbin had to be threaded a particular direction. That solved everything, BUT there is no indication on the bobbin, in the manual, online, ANYWHERE that this is the case. :glare:


So I go back to my original advice: get a priest to make an offering on your behalf. ;)

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