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Wow! That's not the woman I married!

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That's what dh said to me today. It came on the heels of my question, "how much do you weigh?" We finally figured out today that for the first time in our marraige I weigh LESS than my husband. Yeah, you read that right!


I said,"I just bought these jeans a week ago and they are already too big on me" and he said,"Yeah, you walked through the living room earlier and I thought, "Wow, that is NOT the woman I married!"


I took it as a good thing. I've lost 80 pounds recently. :)

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In all transparency I will say that I had lapband surgery four years ago. I do NOT recommend that, though! If you don't deal with the REASON for overeating not even surgery will help. I eventually had to deal with THAT.


Then I joined Weight Watchers and started training for a triathlon. I have ADD and triathlon training was much more suited to my personality than anything else. By the time I get bored with something, that's okay because I'm moving on to something else anyway! :001_smile: I threw some kayaking in there, too, but dh and I havn't been able to get to the Lake as much lately. In the winter I plan to do P90X. I tried to do it about 40 pounds ago, but it just left me in a lot of pain. This time I will start a lot slower and steadier.


I stopped Weight Watchers awhile ago b/c it was making me a little TOO obsessive about food/points,etc. And, I wanted to use that $40/month for pool fees instead of WW.


ETA: The last 40 pounds has been in the last year or so. I finally decided that I am going to try everything that sounds fun: kayaking (we loved it so much we bought kayaks!), zumba (still havn't tried that yet), etc. I made a list of everything that sounded fun and I'm slowly working my way through it. I took up tapdancing while pg with my son, tried bellydancing while pg with my youngest. (I attended bellydancing classes for a bit earlier this year, then lost childcare, so that was out.) It all adds up!


What works for me may not work for the next person. Tennis and raquetball don't sound like fun to me, but if that is what is fun to you/dh then do it! I don't like going to the gym and working out on machines. I thought back to what I liked as a kid and did that stuff. All summer we swam, rode bikes and ran around. That is triathlon.

Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
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That's what dh said to me today. It came on the heels of my question, "how much do you weigh?" We finally figured out today that for the first time in our marraige I weigh LESS than my husband. Yeah, you read that right!


I said,"I just bought these jeans a week ago and they are already too big on me" and he said,"Yeah, you walked through the living room earlier and I thought, "Wow, that is NOT the woman I married!"


I took it as a good thing. I've lost 80 pounds recently. :)


That is awesome. So impressive!

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...and started training for a triathlon. I have ADD and triathlon training was much more suited to my personality than anything else. By the time I get bored with something, that's okay because I'm moving on to something else anyway! :001_smile: ...

I did my first triathlon this summer. I may not be ADD, but I felt just as you do about the boredom factor. Training for a half marathon BORED me silly. Training for a triathlon meant there was always something *different* to look forward to doing next. Much more motivating for me. :)


One of these days I'd like to try CrossFit. There's one within walking distance of my house, but I'm not sure when I'll feel comfortable spending the money on it. (Okay, I'm also afraid of feeling like a fool, but if I can train for a half marathon where the little old women pass me, and survive a triathlon where the little children pass me, I bet I can manage looking like a fool at CF.) :)

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I've heard GREAT things about crossfit!


My first triathlon is Sep 25. I try not to think about it too much because everytime I think about it I feel a bit pukey. I was the same way about the swim team in high school and (knock on wood, throw salt over shoulder, spit through fingers) I never threw up in front of anybody at a swim meet! I'm doing one that starts in a pool. Our local lake had a Poo Problem recently. (not Winnie the....) :001_huh:

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I've heard GREAT things about crossfit!


My first triathlon is Sep 25. I try not to think about it too much because everytime I think about it I feel a bit pukey. I was the same way about the swim team in high school and (knock on wood, throw salt over shoulder, spit through fingers) I never threw up in front of anybody at a swim meet! I'm doing one that starts in a pool. Our local lake had a Poo Problem recently. (not Winnie the....) :001_huh:


Well, IF you throw up in front of people at the triathlon, you *won't* be the only one. ;) ... Oh, hm, I guess that wasn't actually very reassuring, huh? ;)


A pool would be nice. Mine was in a lake, but I only trained in a pool. Every time I hit the equivalent of one length of the pool, my head popped up and I'd tread water for a second while I looked around and got my bearings again. I knew I was wasting time, but I was just *so* used only going a certain number of strokes... ... And also not to mention the whole dirt-and-swimming-things in the water too. Ew. ;)


Anyway, it was more exhausting than I expected, and an awful lot of fun. I'll definitely do another one next year. :)

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Yay for you! I've done a few triathalons and I'm doing one tomorrow. I did a Duathalon earlier this summer


I will say the tri does do wonders for the ADD in me. I also think it's a bunch easier on your body. My husband and I did some marathons before having kids and it would be incredibly difficult for me to train for that distance in terms of time and keeping my knees and hips in good shape. It is totally doable to train for a sprint triathalon to finish comfortably. I could stand to lose some weight too.

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That is totally awesome way to go!


I have the same workout plan- I refuse to do activities that I don't want- life is too short! My friend and I just decided that we are going to train together for a Splash and Dash- tri minus the bike ride. I cannot train the riding while pregnant(which is likely to be soon). Plus, I've never swam so it will be a lot just to train that! So, excited to read about everyone doing that. I'm just hoping to finish!

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