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Those of you who had c-sections...

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Yep. I had three C-sections. My youngest is now 10. I still have occasional pain, and often it will itch like crazy. Sometimes it seems almost ... raw, I guess, like it was "splitting" ever so slightly. Then the water from the shower will sting like crazy!! Then it "heals up" and goes back to looking like normal scar tissue again. Weird.


ETA: I also had a major problem with adhesions, so that might be why I still have issues with mine.

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No, but I had great docs both times. I don't even have a scar. I would consult an ob/gyn if I still had pain. There might be scar tissue buildup that they could correct or some sort of adhesion, etc. that also might be correctable....


This has been my experience too. But I did learn after having tough pregnancies and one horrific delivery that if something hurts..ask questions until someone makes you feel better. Women suffer in silence too much. Hope you can get it solved!

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Do you still have pain around the scar or in your uterus years later? My dd will be 4 next week and I still have some pain (very, very mild but there) and I'm wondering if anyone else has this.


Not on the scar - the scar from my first c/s is almost 14 years old, and the edges (It's longer than normal - though they didn't go vertical, it was urgent and they cut *very* quickly) are completely and totally numb. The part that has feeling is more sensitive than the skin around it...like a new scar, but doesn't hurt of itself. I did have a few adhesions after the first c/s, so I had some internal pain off and on, especially if I'd overdone it.

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and once in a while a slight twinge of discomfort. It doesn't bother me and my doc did a great job with my incision. Can't even see my scar so I'm blessed! LOL


I'm more annoyed with the belly skin above the incision than any discomfort. LOL MUST TONE.

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The only time I had pain was 9 years later when an ingrown hair on the scar got infected and burst, rupturing the scar a bit, that hurt like a SOB. It is possible you have adhesions inside attaching your uterian wall to your skin etc. I would consult a dr about the pain, it should not still be bothering you years later, and adhesions increase your risk of rupture if you get pregnant again and opt for a VBAC.

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Did you ask your doctor about that pain? I get a painful sensation every once in a while too.



Is it a burning? I think it's just the scar tissue that has adhered to something stationary and being pulled some. I don't know why I think that. :001_huh: I must have had a dr tell me that at some point. It never hurts for very long.

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I get a strange itchiness at the scar site at times, but no pain.


My sister had some bad pain at her scar site after two c-sections. When she had her third, she had a great doctor who was able to clean up the scar tissue and she hasn't had any problems since (14 years later).

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I've had 4 sections and my youngest is nearly 7. I don't have pain, but the internal itching can drive me crazy. The skin along the scar is completely numb.


(My sections were in '93, '96, '99, and '01, so this is the longest I've gone without having one, and I frequently wonder if it's ever going to quit itching and if the feeling is ever going to come back. It doesn't appear that it is.)

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I've had 4 c-sections and the last one seemed to cause some nerve damage (beyond what's normal). Occasionally I'll have a burning right over the scar, like when you hit a nerve really hard. But that's all. I had a fabulous doctor, and you can barely see the scar, but this pain drives me a little batty sometimes because I can't predict it or avoid it.

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Do you still have pain around the scar or in your uterus years later? My dd will be 4 next week and I still have some pain (very, very mild but there) and I'm wondering if anyone else has this.


I've had 3 c-sections, and I've never experienced what you are describing.


I did have some numbness for a while after each of them, but that has gone away.


It's been almost 7 years since my last one.


I would mention it to your doc the next time you go in.

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I had several scars from having a large fibroid removed, then three c-sections (one an emergency, so the outside cut was up and down, not the more sightly cut) and all were replaced by one low, wide scar when I had my whatsamacallit - the abdominal muscles had to be sewn back together as my entire abdomen was one big hernia :ack2: - and a tummy tuck to remove excess skin (yuck again). Now the area around my bellybutton is numb and likely to stay that way. Plus, I can go outside in a Chicagoland winter with my coat open and not feel the cold.

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Can I ask a related question?


Where are your scars located? A different doctor did my last three sections, and he always used the same location as the first doctor did, but he always commented about how low it is and how it should have been a bit higher.


(TMI: mine is about half an inch below the hairline.)


My incisions were all in the same spot, exactly where yours were.

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Can I ask a related question?


Where are your scars located? A different doctor did my last three sections, and he always used the same location as the first doctor did, but he always commented about how low it is and how it should have been a bit higher.


(TMI: mine is about half an inch below the hairline.)


Hhhmmm... Mine is about an inch and a half above the hairline. All of mine were in the same spot. I've had five different doctors deliver.

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Hhhmmm... Mine is about an inch and a half above the hairline. All of mine were in the same spot. I've had five different doctors deliver.


Once there is an incision, most doctors will just reopen the same spot. Even if they would have preferred to us a different location, or style of C-section, they want to reduce scarring and subsequent scar tissue. They will usually cut out the old scar during the procedure so you will only have one scar once they stitch you back up.




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I could feel itching and a hint of pain off and on for a few years after both my C-sections. I have very mild numbness on on side and will only get a mild twinge if I lifted something heavy. My doctor told me the discomfort was normal, and would evntually go away. He said ot only be concerned if the pain seemed to be getting a lot worse, was red and hot, develops a discharge, has a swollen lump in it, or otherwise seems to be infected. If the pain got severe enough to stop me from doing something, not just 'hey, there is a twinge"...and move on, then he want me to call and talk to the nurse. Not neccesarily come in just call and discus it to see if it needed to be evaluated.

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Five sections, last one 8 years ago. Occasional twinges (once a month or so?), and every now and then (like twice a year?) a sharp pain, lots of itchiness - and each incision was done in the same place, so I only have one scar on the outside. Who knows what it is like inside!

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Do you still have pain around the scar or in your uterus years later? My dd will be 4 next week and I still have some pain (very, very mild but there) and I'm wondering if anyone else has this.


I wouldn't exactly call it pain, but yes, I do have odd sensations at the site of the incision. Sometimes I even feel like my stitches are pulling or something, and I didn't even have external stitches. I just always chalked it up to severed nerve endings or something.... :001_unsure:

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I had a bikini cut because they knew the baby was breech. It was some time ago (16 years actually) but I remember a little itching in one spot for a few months, but no pain, except for a few times for a couple of years afterwards (and I had one other child 18 months after the c section) that I would get a twinge on one of the lower sides of my abdomen, near the edge of the scar, mostly if I was trying to use my stomach muscles in a way they didn't like. To this day everything feels fine. The only thing I complain about is I think the doc didn't stitch me back tight enough, ha!



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Not pain, but I am much more sensitive to internal pain. For instance, a tiny gas bubble or something can hurt like heck. Glad to know I'm not the only one who has weird stuff going on, even yrs. later. It's been almost 10 yrs. since mine.

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