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Possibly have one boy name...thoughts?

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Cory Edward is all I can come up with. Reasons I like it are: it fits with my boy name pattern (both first and middle names are 2-syllable), it doesn't sound like any of my other boy names, and Edward is my dad's middle name (my other boys have family names as their middle names - complete coincidence I only realized yesterday).


Good? Bad? Indifferent?


I've used two of a middle initial with my other dc (2 Rs, 2 Ms, etc.) but no Es yet so my dh suggested using his dad's middle name if we have two boys since the middle name also begins with E...his dad's middle name is Elmo. :001_huh: I reminded dh that our agreement is I name our dc and he has no say.


My other boy's names are: Tyler Martin, Jaren Matthew, Alec Geoffrey


Now to work on a second boy's name...

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I've used two of a middle initial with my other dc (2 Rs, 2 Ms, etc.) but no Es yet so my dh suggested using his dad's middle name if we have two boys since the middle name also begins with E...his dad's middle name is Elmo. :001_huh: I reminded dh that our agreement is I name our dc and he has no say.


Maybe this is a bit rough? Perhaps you could get his opinion, too? I got to name my son, but I did ask :) And, I didn't have 4......


Elmo might not be it, but does he have a middle name? Or a combo of that and something else?


I know twins who are Olivia and Sophia; I think it's nice when they are "different" and yet go nicely together. Kinda like... Timothy and Thomas, or maybe Christian and Corban. Cory is a nice name, but I kinda think of it as a nickname for a boy...Course, don't know what it could be short for except for Corban?? Christian Elliott and Corban Edward?



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I like Cory Edward, and I do think it fits nicely with your other boys' names. Since Cory can be a bit ambiguous as to gender, I like that you chose an obviously masculine middle name. The only thing I would suggest is that if you have two boys, go with another slightly ambiguous name for the other one as well, like Avery or Jamie, rather than an obviously masculine name. I'm thinking that with twins, one very boyish name and one less obvious one is going to be assumed to be a boy and a girl.

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Maybe this is a bit rough? Perhaps you could get his opinion, too? I got to name my son, but I did ask :)
My dh got to choose our first ds's first name and picked one of the most common boring names out there. With our next baby he gave me his list and the boy names were Bob and Ed (no joke); the girl names were girls he tried to date in high school. He puts no real thought into names, does not take it seriously, and it causes such stress that we mutually agreed when I was pg with #3 that I choose the name. When he puts as much serious thought and prayer into a name then he can have a say - something he acknowledged and agrees with (thankfully). :)


I know twins who are Olivia and Sophia; I think it's nice when they are "different" and yet go nicely together. Kinda like... Timothy and Thomas, or maybe Christian and Corban. Cory is a nice name, but I kinda think of it as a nickname for a boy...Course, don't know what it could be short for except for Corban?? Christian Elliott and Corban Edward?



I'd actually like to not have names that are "matchy" so using C with the second name wouldn't work nor would a name that ends in the long "e" sound. Odd, though, that I'm willing to use the same middle initial (Elliott is in the running for the second middle name). So the second boy name I'm looking for something that doesn't sound at all similar to my other boy's names. But thank you for the suggestion! As far as matchy twin names go those are cute together!
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Well, I think Cory is an excellent name. (It's DH's name;)). If baby girl had been a boy, he would have been named Connor Joseph. I think so long as you aren't doing Moonunit, Apple, or Pilot Inspektor, you should be fine no matter what you choose.

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I like Cory Edward, and I do think it fits nicely with your other boys' names. Since Cory can be a bit ambiguous as to gender, I like that you chose an obviously masculine middle name. The only thing I would suggest is that if you have two boys, go with another slightly ambiguous name for the other one as well, like Avery or Jamie, rather than an obviously masculine name. I'm thinking that with twins, one very boyish name and one less obvious one is going to be assumed to be a boy and a girl.


:iagree: I like it.

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Cory Edward is all I can come up with. Reasons I like it are: it fits with my boy name pattern (both first and middle names are 2-syllable), it doesn't sound like any of my other boy names, and Edward is my dad's middle name (my other boys have family names as their middle names - complete coincidence I only realized yesterday).


Good? Bad? Indifferent?


I've used two of a middle initial with my other dc (2 Rs, 2 Ms, etc.) but no Es yet so my dh suggested using his dad's middle name if we have two boys since the middle name also begins with E...his dad's middle name is Elmo. :001_huh: I reminded dh that our agreement is I name our dc and he has no say.


My other boy's names are: Tyler Martin, Jaren Matthew, Alec Geoffrey


Now to work on a second boy's name...


Colton is a nice name to go with Cory. Or Charles.

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I like Colton and Connor and Corban better than Cory. You could still use Cory as a nickname for a Corban. I think my other concern (other than taste) with Cory is whether people see it as a strong grown-up name. Who is going to get the job? A Ben or a Cory (assuming all things equal)? Connor and Corban are stronger sounding MAN names as well as appropriate little boy names. Of course, this is more personal taste such things and very subjective as opinions go. However, it was the argument my mother used to get me to go with my second choice for my daughter's name and one of the things I loved about my son changing his name as a teenager.


For the other boy. What about Evan for a middle name? Ethan, Eli or Emmett would be other good ones. I wouldn't do Elmo, but if you're looking for a family name, you may have some trouble with another E name. Do you still have a second G family name available that would go with Alec's name? And yet, maybe the twins should be the ones who have the E in common.

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I thought about using Treasury and Gold (for our last name think 007 ;)) but didn't want to end up as one of "those" parents, lol!


I think my other concern (other than taste) with Cory is whether people see it as a strong grown-up name. Who is going to get the job? A Ben or a Cory (assuming all things equal)? Connor and Corban are stronger sounding MAN names as well as appropriate little boy names.


Oooooo so that's why DH has been having such a hard time getting a job; his name!! I should try and get him to change it.:tongue_smilie:

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Obviously you'll do what you think best for your children. But since you asked, I'm with Pam on the name Cory. It is too much along the nickname line - Billy, Bobby, Pauly. I'm also not a big fan of unisex names. I'd go with Corbin Edward and call him Cory.


I love both Edward and Elliott. They are strong masculine names. You have good masculine names for the other boys, yet not too trendy. I like David Elliott and Landon Elliott and if you do decide another "C" is okay, Carson Elliott.


Again, this is just me thinking about this for 5 minutes. If I've given you anything to work with, I'm glad.

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Oooooo so that's why DH has been having such a hard time getting a job; his name!! I should try and get him to change it.:tongue_smilie:


This is why these threads terrify me: I don't want to offend anyone who already has/is married to/named their child said name!


Cory wouldn't be my first choice, either, though.

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This is why these threads terrify me: I don't want to offend anyone who already has/is married to/named their child said name!


Cory wouldn't be my first choice, either, though.


Hee hee, well I would never choose to get offended over it. He's not that big a fan of his own name (heck, I don't even like my name) but he's just glad his aunt talked his mom out of naming him Colby. He dislikes that name even more. Just so many different opinions.

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Meggie, I do hope you weren't offended for your husband.


My aunt, many years ago, mentioned that we name our children surnames. I thought that weird, but she was going based off my husband's name and my son's name (what we called him the first 15yrs). I kinda see it, but at the time, I was a bit offended. This conversation was because I joked that she took one of our boy names for her son who is a little younger than my son (we were hoping we'd have more children). She was just replying that she was surprised we liked a name like Jeffery.


Anyway, a close online friend of many years made a case against the name my son chose when he changed his name last year.

It's a common, strong male name, but there are really good arguments against it.


So I know how it is when people just don't see things the same as you do. I guess I'm rambling. All I really meant was that I hope you don't take offense about my opinion.

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I like Colton and Connor and Corban better than Cory. You could still use Cory as a nickname for a Corban.
Colton reminds me of a horse (sorry anyone who has used that name for their ds! :D). The only Coltons I know IRL are part of families that farm and have other names for their dc like Tristan and Dakota...kind of different than my sibset, lol.


Corban...I have been turning that one over in my head all morning hoping it would "click" for me. What I don't like is that we don't have any nicknames for our dc - what they are named is what they are called so giving my dc a name with the intention of calling him something else seems odd to me.


For the other boy. What about Evan for a middle name? Ethan, Eli or Emmett would be other good ones. I wouldn't do Elmo, but if you're looking for a family name, you may have some trouble with another E name. Do you still have a second G family name available that would go with Alec's name? And yet, maybe the twins should be the ones who have the E in common.
Evan and Ethan are way too common, Eli is OK but seems kind of short and "unfinished" to me, Emmett...I'll keep that one in mind and maybe it will grow on me. I don't have a second "G" name at all, unfortunately! The only "G" names I sort of like are more filler middle names - no meaning or significance.


I wanted to use "E" for the twins because my girl name choices both have "E" (Juliette Elise and Autumn Elizabeth).


Again, this is just me thinking about this for 5 minutes. If I've given you anything to work with, I'm glad.
I appreciate your input and yes, it gave me something to "work with". :)


Aubrey - LOL! I missed your "whisper" input at first. :D


but he's just glad his aunt talked his mom out of naming him Colby
Colby like the cheese?? lol


You all have been great about giving your input - thank you! Boy names are HARD!!! Please, please, please let me have two girls!!!!!

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Meggie, I do hope you weren't offended for your husband.



Nope, never. I understand that there are so many differences of opinion over names. And heck, I didn't even pick his name, so I don't really have a personal investment in it. I was just teasing; no worries.

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Cory and Edward sound good together, depending on the last name of course. If DD had been a boy she would have been named Colin Andrew. I really like my nephews names Tobias Edwin, James Mason, and Jaxson Maddox and my brother is Nathan Alan. Other names that I personally like are Aiden, Riley, Jordan, Connor. They're strong names but just different enough that they stand out. DS's is Christian Alexander (Alex).

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Other names that I personally like are Aiden, Riley, Jordan, Connor. They're strong names but just different enough that they stand out.


There are places in the U.S. where there aren't a zillion little Aidens, Connors, Rileys (of both sexes) and Jordans (again of both sexes) running around? :lol:


I actually loved the names Aiden and Connor until they got to be uber-popular. To me, they now scream "I was born in the 2000's" the way the names Jason, Brandon, Justin, Brian, Kevin, etc. scream "I was born in the '80's." :tongue_smilie:

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I'm another who sees Cory as a feminine or androgynous name, which I'm not a fan of for males. Have you popped your names into Nymbler.com? That's how named our fifth girl. :)


"C" name ideas:







Maybe "Camden Elliot" and "Collin Edward" or "Charles Edward" and "Christopher Elliot" could work. Good luck! I know it can be tough to settle on the "perfect" name. :)

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I'm another who sees Cory as a feminine or androgynous name, which I'm not a fan of for males.


I have to admit, people are very careful when they call our house and haven't met us. I'm Dawn and the DH is Shannon so they're never sure who's the male (I would have thought the spelling of Dawn would tip them off) and who's the female. Or if we're a same sex couple. :D

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I like Colton and Connor and Corban better than Cory. You could still use Cory as a nickname for a Corban. I think my other concern (other than taste) with Cory is whether people see it as a strong grown-up name. Who is going to get the job? A Ben or a Cory (assuming all things equal)? Connor and Corban are stronger sounding MAN names as well as appropriate little boy names.




Cory is cute, but I guess all the Corys I've know have been kind of partyish...and I cannot get Corey Feldman out of my mind! And wasn't there another Corey around the same age/time? Sorry! Also sounds a little like one of those names people might start naming their girls.

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Colton reminds me of a horse (sorry anyone who has used that name for their ds! :D). The only Coltons I know IRL are part of families that farm and have other names for their dc like Tristan and Dakota...kind of different than my sibset, lol.


Corban...I have been turning that one over in my head all morning hoping it would "click" for me. What I don't like is that we don't have any nicknames for our dc - what they are named is what they are called so giving my dc a name with the intention of calling him something else seems odd to me.


Evan and Ethan are way too common, Eli is OK but seems kind of short and "unfinished" to me, Emmett...I'll keep that one in mind and maybe it will grow on me. I don't have a second "G" name at all, unfortunately! The only "G" names I sort of like are more filler middle names - no meaning or significance.


I wanted to use "E" for the twins because my girl name choices both have "E" (Juliette Elise and Autumn Elizabeth).


I appreciate your input and yes, it gave me something to "work with". :)


Aubrey - LOL! I missed your "whisper" input at first. :D


Colby like the cheese?? lol


You all have been great about giving your input - thank you! Boy names are HARD!!! Please, please, please let me have two girls!!!!!


I LOVE Colton for sort of the reason you dislike it. It is a strong manly name---yes it could be thought of as old west or a horse name but it is definitely NOT feminine.


I agree though that boy names are hard.

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Hee hee, well I would never choose to get offended over it. He's not that big a fan of his own name (heck, I don't even like my name) but he's just glad his aunt talked his mom out of naming him Colby. He dislikes that name even more. Just so many different opinions.


That's funny--I have a cousin named Colby. I wouldn't pick the name, probably, but it doesn't bother me.


Shoot! I'm posting on this thread again! Somebody, quick! Start something about religion or *gulp* shopping carts! ;)


ETA: The only Cory I've known was a cousin's wife. Was. No longer IS. Wife. Not husband. That is all.


ETA: No, it's not. This is a sickness. I wonder if it's because I'm pg w/ a boy & trying to pick a name, too? Anyway, our #4 is Caedmon. "Caedmon Elliott" might be nice. Elliott was one of my middle name choices for #1, but dh nixed it. (I still think it would have been better than what we ended up agreeing on, but that's another story.)

Edited by Aubrey
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Cory is cute, but I guess all the Corys I've know have been kind of partyish...and I cannot get Corey Feldman out of my mind! And wasn't there another Corey around the same age/time? Sorry! Also sounds a little like one of those names people might start naming their girls.


I know a female Corey. It's short for Corrine in her case.

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Cory is cute, but I guess all the Corys I've know have been kind of partyish...and I cannot get Corey Feldman out of my mind! And wasn't there another Corey around the same age/time? Sorry! Also sounds a little like one of those names people might start naming their girls.


See Cory just seems so 70's/80's trendy to me. I think most all the Cory's I've known were born during the 70s. That being said if you really like the name then go for it. Someone is going to have issues with every name you choose, but ultimately the only opinions that should matter are your and your DH's.


Our son has an unusual but masculine name and believe me we got to hear everyone's opinion about it, but the critics only reinforced my desire to use the name. Lol

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My dh got to choose our first ds's first name and picked one of the most common boring names out there. With our next baby he gave me his list and the boy names were Bob and Ed (no joke); the girl names were girls he tried to date in high school. He puts no real thought into names, does not take it seriously, and it causes such stress that we mutually agreed when I was pg with #3 that I choose the name. When he puts as much serious thought and prayer into a name then he can have a say - something he acknowledged and agrees with (thankfully). :)


I'd actually like to not have names that are "matchy" so using C with the second name wouldn't work nor would a name that ends in the long "e" sound. Odd, though, that I'm willing to use the same middle initial (Elliott is in the running for the second middle name). So the second boy name I'm looking for something that doesn't sound at all similar to my other boy's names. But thank you for the suggestion! As far as matchy twin names go those are cute together!



My twins names don't go together, but have the same middle initial. :) It's the only "twin" thing I've done.



I would love to hear your perspective on having twins after having lots of singletons. I only had one to compare to. :D

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First let me just say I am giggling reading the responses/views on names! :D


I LOVE Colton for sort of the reason you dislike it. It is a strong manly name---yes it could be thought of as old west or a horse name but it is definitely NOT feminine.


I agree Colton is a strong name, just a bit to horsey/farm for me. Had I started with names with that theme Colton would fit right in just as it does for my friends. :)


There are places in the U.S. where there aren't a zillion little Aidens, Connors, Rileys (of both sexes) and Jordans (again of both sexes) running around? :lol:


I actually loved the names Aiden and Connor until they got to be uber-popular. To me, they now scream "I was born in the 2000's" the way the names Jason, Brandon, Justin, Brian, Kevin, etc. scream "I was born in the '80's." :tongue_smilie:

Egads, here you can't go anywhere without bumping into an Aiden or Connor! Riley isn't as popular for boys but girls it sure is! I'm not meeting as many Jordans as I did in the 90s (girls, mostly).


More importantly, YOU like the names and we're a bunch of faceless internet folk.
Ah, but I value the input of such "folk", lol! I don't dare run names by people IRL because I don't need the facial reactions (disgust, for example) and I don't need the woman who goes to church with me expressing her disappointment even a year later that I didn't use the name she suggested for my last dc. ;)


The name "Colin" has been on my list for years but I always run up against the body part that is so similar... :D


Have you popped your names into Nymbler.com?
I did and while it gave me some good ideas (such as Colin) the others were not ones I would use. Very cool site, though!


Aubrey - You make me laugh, lady!


OK, I've written down all of the suggestions and will continue to agonize and lose sleep until I have at least one boy name combination. I'm toast if both babies are boys, that's for sure.

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I've learned to never ask opinions on baby names!! There will never be a unanimous yes.....it's either too dated, too popular, not their taste, etc. And really, no one even thinks much about a childs name after their born! That said, I like the name and had a classmate with the same name that went on to be a very successful dr. Guess the name didn't stand in his way;).

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