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If you are a 2 parent household - are both involved in planning?

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Nope, I do the buying and the implementing. He pays the bills and offers wine, footrubs, an ear, and backup on discipline.


I didn't have to read any further; this describes my dh perfectly. I especially appreciate the wine and footrubs. ;)

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I found a fun play blog a few weeks ago and suggested dh start "Dad Schooling" on Sunday afternoons, with that blog as a starting point. I am not fun enough for things like that, :rolleyes: but dh and the kids definitely are. :)


So far:

Week 1- Covering themselves from head to toe in shaving cream.

Week 2- Taking funny pics of themselves using the webcam and running them through a photo editor to warp them in weird ways.


There is a bottle of diet coke, one of vinegar and some bicarb soda in a box on his side of the bed so I think today's "class" is on making stuff fizz. :D



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In the past he does the "glazed eye" thing or says "uh huh, whatever you want". We are now getting to an age with DS where DH is going to have to start getting involved in math. I also have secretly planned to rope him into some weekend science projects this fall. This is all new since he's on day shift for the first time in over 5 years! We are very excited (although he doesn't know it yet.)

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Curriculum planning is all on me, however I do go to dh when I'm stuck about something and because he's not in the thick of it, he always sees the answer I need. Dh did have a big talk with me about our activities for the coming year. We were so busy this past year that he hardly saw us. I love that he said something because when it comes time to make some final decisions, it'll be nice to have a scape-goat. :lol:

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It's all me. I'm a little envious of those of you whose spouses help but I'm also honest enough about myself that I can admit it would flip me out if DH tried to get involved at this point. He wanted to argue about the FLL definition of a noun last night. Oy.

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Unless your dh is involved in meal planning, choosing your brand of laundry soap and bath tissue, deciding which type and color of flowers to plant in the yard, etc., it's not likely he will be involved in choosing curricula. You're the teacher, so it's your gig. Believe me, it's usually best that way. He is unlikely to do the same amount and extent of research, comparisons, checking samples and reviews, etc. of curricula as you, so adding his uneducated opinion will only confuse matters more.


If he trusts you with his children's education and the family checkbook, you should count yourself blessed and keep it at that ;).

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Well, my dh is a pretty brilliant research chemist, and I was and English Lit major who barely got through science and math...so...


Dh helps with what I need to look for in science and math programs. At this age I still do the teaching, but he does the correcting and explanation of why things are wrong in Math and science. He also takes ds into his lab a few times a year and does experiments with him.


I sometimes ask his opinion in other areas if I am not sure which curriculum I want to go with. I think he is going to do some history this year as he loves WW2 history and really wants to.


Dh also does read alouds. He puts both kids to bed each night and reads to them individually. It is a nice way for him to spend good time with them since he is gone most of the day.


I think he would send me on my own to a convention, but he wants the teA t-shirt to wear to the next homeschool trip to Great Wolf Lodge.:lol:

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I do all of the research, buying, planning, and teaching. I love to research and plan. He will patiently listen to me chatter on about a dilemma or decision... to a certain point. Then he gets that glazed look that so many others have already mentioned.


DH is my computer guy, though. If I have a need for anything "gadgety" or technical... he is always ready to come up with a solution. The kids and I are "wired" to the max!

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I do it. :D However, dh will often take the active science plunge at a moment's notice--he will just grab a microscope & start in, or burn various foods to see what has more energy, etc. The Sponge LOVES it. I stink at hands-on so it's great that he loves to jump in there when the mood strikes him. I did finally get to take him to dd's charter school for the fall at one of their open houses, and he was very intrigued & asked questions & really got a lot from that. For our work at home, I will tell him the things the dds did today but he is working F/T and in school all evening most days, so he doesn't have time to research or worry about curricula here. He trusts me.

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I plan, I buy, I teach, he works and brings home the $.



That's our homeschool plan, too. He's the hard working provider, and he gets a "deer in the headlights look" if I start talking about curricula or what one of the dc said about something in "school". :lol:

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