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Grrrrr.....Netflix changing their prices again!!

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we'll be dropping to streaming only. we probably only get two movies a month since we don't watch tv often. they sit on the desk or the counter forever and it just won't be worth the money. i'm going to hate not having dvd's for the documentary/history stuff, but it is easy to change your subscription any time you want to.

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Well....since we saved over $50 by dropping satellite and going to Netflix (the $19.99 plan), and it's only going up to $23.99 for us....we'll be keeping it!


It's still WAY cheaper than cable or satelite. I'm still happy. I've never had a dely on my DVDs and I get out a good 10 or so a month. (So Redbox w/b more expensive.)

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According to my email, they have divided the plan into two parts- the streaming and dvd. Each part is $7.99. When I got my plan, the 'add a dvd' option was $2 a month. So the streaming was $7.99 and the $2 'one at a time dvd' charge brought me to $9.99. They aren't changing the streaming price- just the dvd price. So....I don't think we're going to see more selection for streaming. Bummer- I'd pay more for better streaming selection and if they want to eliminate the hassle of mailing dvds, just increase the streaming selection.


I'd even be ok with two streaming choices- regular selection and a higher price premium selection that includes new release movies.


Well, I have been with Netflix for almost 10 years, and it's always been pay for the DVDs and get the streaming for free. (Well, since they started streaming a few years ago, that is! :D) Charging $7.99 for the streaming alone must be a new thing that they have been offering.


I wanted to drop the streaming, but apparently my husband watches Psych and Phineas and Ferb on streaming from time to time during lunch at work! :D So... I guess we are keeping both. I CANNOT get rid of my Blu-Ray access!!!

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This post is worthless without the name of that Kickboxing workout! :D


Seriously though, I feel about the same way you do. We get a lot of value out of both the streaming and the DVD service. We might drop from two DVDs to one, but I haven't discussed it with DH yet, so not sure we'll even do that.


Considering the cost of cable, which we no longer have, and renting DVDs from Blockbuster, which we no longer do, and buying DVDs, which we do much less frequently, Netflix is still a bargain.


My only quibble is the $3 upcharge to get Blu-Rays by mail, but they did that before too, and my DH loves watching movies on Blu-Ray, so he's willing to pay it.



:lol: Well if you have to know and because I definitely don't want my posts to be worthless, it was 10 Minute Solutions: Kickbox Bootcamp. I like that they are 10 minute segments (5 of them), so I can do as much or as little as I can.


Is the $3 just once a month? I would love to get Blu-Rays.

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:lol: Well if you have to know and because I definitely don't want my posts to be worthless, it was 10 Minute Solutions: Kickbox Bootcamp. I like that they are 10 minute segments (5 of them), so I can do as much or as little as I can.


Is the $3 just once a month? I would love to get Blu-Rays.


I have that on DVD. It's an awesome, kick-your-butt workout! The pilates one is good, too.


Yes, it's $3 more a month to get the Blu-Rays. Totally worth it, in my opinion.

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You know, the rates really aren't that bad. When I average out how many dvd's we get, even with the increase we'll be paying about 25 cents per dvd. But them raising rates 60% all at once, and less than a year after the previous increase is hard to swallow.


Don't get me wrong. I totally agree with you. When I read my e-mail from Netflix, I was not happy. But, after I had a chance to think it over and accept that this is the way it is, I decided it's still a good deal for us.



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My aunt works for the post office (financial executive) and is privy to the Netflix info. She said they have to hand cancel every single DVD because the crack when they go through their machines. Therefore, one day in the future they will go streaming only. This might be the pre-phase out time.


Yes, I think that's the goal really. A few months ago I watched a news segment (can't remember who broadcasted it, I don't have cable news...) about Netflix's plans for the future and they said that they wanted to go to streaming only in a short period of time. They said that DVDs are going to go the way of the VHS soon enough and it made more business sense for them to transition to streaming only.


So, I was expecting this to happen soon. We are going to streaming only.

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I had just read an article about this probably happening yesterday. It said when they started instant streaming was so new that Netflix was able to get really good contracts with the studios. Now those contracts are expiring and streaming is everywhere so they don't have the same negotiating power. Netflix will have to pay more to be able to stream so the customers will have to pay more for the service. Off to check my account.:glare:


It is funny you say this. I was looking on there a while back and they didn't have any of the TV shows I like to watch anymore. They used to have them all, I streamed them.

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I love my Netflix streaming and think we get our money's worth for our plus 3dvds plan.


We are usually never more than a season behind any tv show we want to watch. Tons of streaming education options and other options. Plus the roku has a few channels that are good. (such as khan academy! And a couple university channels streaming courses)


The only thing I would change is:

Way more selection via streaming and more current selections too (I love the older stuff too, but truly new new releases are still only on DVD.)


Way better search and filter options to find the movies we like and not stumble over the stuff we don't like. This aspect of netflix totally sucks.


We have never had cable and never wanted it. I can't imagine having cable or satellite over Netflix.

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I found about 24 sites now for free documentary films online. I'm sure there is a million more.


Thank you! I've been bookmarking the ones you posted. The article with comparable alternatives deal in current tv/movies. That's a really different paradigm. Your choices are great for someone looking for great, free content. :)

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Interesting article (with info from Netflix on their plans):


Yeah, I can totally see how the customers' perception of the current service as being streaming+discs instead of discs+streaming necessitated the pricing change. :001_rolleyes:
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Interesting, thanks.


I just wish that you could get the most recent seasons of tv shows on instant. It seems like you can watch the first couple seasons of a show on instant but then the more recent seasons, you have to get on disc.

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This post is worthless without the name of that Kickboxing workout! :D


Seriously though, I feel about the same way you do. We get a lot of value out of both the streaming and the DVD service. We might drop from two DVDs to one, but I haven't discussed it with DH yet, so not sure we'll even do that.


Considering the cost of cable, which we no longer have, and renting DVDs from Blockbuster, which we no longer do, and buying DVDs, which we do much less frequently, Netflix is still a bargain.


My only quibble is the $3 upcharge to get Blu-Rays by mail, but they did that before too, and my DH loves watching movies on Blu-Ray, so he's willing to pay it.


:iagree: We get so much out of Netflix, both streaming and DVD, that I can't imagine dropping it or even really cutting back. The price increases are a pain, but I love the convenience and the selection. There are very few video stores left (at least around where I live), and Redbox does not have the documentaries that we use all the time. I don't see a viable alternative for us, and I don't see their prices as excessive (though I TOTALLY get the pain of a second increase--especially the big ones for some of the plans).

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When we signed up for Netflix a couple of weeks ago, all of the Little House on the Prairie shows & movies were available for streaming. I just checked again because I'm anxious to see them again and show them to my girls (we're working our way through all the books), and they're now only available on DVD. So I'm guessing (hoping) that a lot of their shows/movies go back & forth between streaming & DVD. Has anyone else noticed this? I hope the Little House shows will be back soon.

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When we signed up for Netflix a couple of weeks ago, all of the Little House on the Prairie shows & movies were available for streaming. I just checked again because I'm anxious to see them again and show them to my girls (we're working our way through all the books), and they're now only available on DVD. So I'm guessing (hoping) that a lot of their shows/movies go back & forth between streaming & DVD. Has anyone else noticed this? I hope the Little House shows will be back soon.



That's interesting because we started with the Little House series about 5-6 months ago and they were only Dvd's. I wonder if they put them on streaming only very briefly before they introduced the new price change. We've been steady with the Little House dvd's up until a few weeks ago.

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When we signed up for Netflix a couple of weeks ago, all of the Little House on the Prairie shows & movies were available for streaming. I just checked again because I'm anxious to see them again and show them to my girls (we're working our way through all the books), and they're now only available on DVD. So I'm guessing (hoping) that a lot of their shows/movies go back & forth between streaming & DVD. Has anyone else noticed this? I hope the Little House shows will be back soon.


I have heard this before but can't remember the source where I read it. How long content is available for streaming depends on the network or other owner of the content.

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Just got an email from Netflix....grrr.


Now they are changing their prices again.. We had moved to the lowest plan, to get one DVD at a time and still Instant streaming...$7.99.


Now they will charge it seperately...$7.99 for Instant streaming....and $7.99 for One DVD out at at time....so $15.98.


Hmm...going to have to think REALLY hard about this Netflix business now.


Not to mention how frustrating it is sometimes to get the movies we want.


We have United Streaming (Discovery Education), use Hulu, have DirecTV so we can order movies when they are released to DVD, and should really think about using YouTube (heard there are some great educational things there).........


.....I am thinking Netflix is pricing themselves right out of our house.



Ours will cost the same $15.98 for one DVD + streaming, but it's STILL a better deal than basic cable for us! NO commercials too :D Using the XBox I found out last night we can also watch some news! And the Wii has headlines to read.


Doesn't Hulu cost to watch?

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