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Anyone ever do a juice fast?

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I am overweight, I feel like poo, I have recently developed plantar fasciitis and my feet hurt, I am not normally a napper and I could take 2 naps a day lately, etc, etc, etc. I have been reading a lot on whole/raw foods and the Gerson diet and the likes. I watched a documentary called "Sick, fat and nearly dead" and made up my mind. I am going to try for 10 days and see if that makes me at least start on the road to feeling better. I am not a person that jumps on the bandwagon for fad diets and I don't want to count calories, points, etc. I just want to eat better. I think this will kick start my weight loss but also detox me from the processed/sugary foods that I eat.

Has anyone else done this and what can you tell me? I juiced up a bunch of carrots, kale, cucumbers, spinach, celery, apples and pears today and it actually doesn't taste too bad.

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I did a 10-day juice fast 2.5 years ago. Lost 11 lbs and I felt amazing.


The first 2-3 days were hard, due to caffeine withdrawals (I went from two cups a day to nothing - cold turkey). After that, it was surprisingly easy. I even went to the gym every other day while juice fasting and had lots of energy. I slept better than I had in years, it seemed to take a few years off my face, and I just felt extremely "clean" and healthy during and after the fast.


Aside from the juices, I only drank water and herbal tea. I limited fruit juices to the morning, and juiced only veggies in the afternoon/evening (due to the higher sugar content of fruit). I did not do the recommended phasing in/phasing out period (experts recommend eating only raw fruits/veggies several days before you start your fast and for a certain number of days after before you begin eating normally again). Had I done that, I'm sure I might have had an easier time - but as I said, it really wasn't that difficult.


It was a breakthrough experience for me, and I'm planning to do another fast (at least two weeks) soon.


I'm typing on my iPod right now (really slow), so I'll leave it at that for now...



Edited by Dandelion
Duplicate content due to typing on iPod - no idea why there's a smilie at the top!
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Yes, I have. Forty five pound weight loss in four months. Pretty average with exercise, but...


it's the clarity & energy that mattered. Still does.


If you do this, you'll notice that fruit is "hot" and vegetables are mellow.


After about six weeks or so, the physical changes become almost overwhelming they are so different. Skin, hair, energy, sleep, strength, sense of well-being, all shoot through the roof.

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I went on a colon cleanse juice fast about 15 yrs ago. It was horrid but only in the morning..... I found out prune juice makes me gag...... and it was a pain and by the third day I was ready to kill myself. Otherwise the juice and water left me not hungry and I did feel energized. Just didn't lose the "waste" I expected. LOL


We keep talking about doing one again, and I have wondered about the master cleanse.... I bought a champion juicer this spring......

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Did the Master Cleanse despite being a total skeptic. I had read all of the "it's fake" stuff, what a scam it was, just a fad thing, etc. I didn't want it for the weight loss aspect (though I could stand to lose quite a bit), just wanted it because I felt so sluggish.


But, my skeptic views were wrong. My husband took before and after pictures of my skin, tongue, hair, nails, etc. In the after photos, everything felt and looked better - my tongue was pinker, my hair was glossier, my skin was clearer. I had more energy then than I ever had in my life.


The first days are definitely the hardest. I hadn't prepared myself for the mental part of the ordeal, too. It's definitely a psychological test. It was so hard getting over the overwhelming want/need to chew food. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but good grief....it is. At least for me it was.


I need to point out, though, that I would strongly advise diabetics to not do it, or do a modified diet. I'm a pre-diabetic, and I felt not okay a lot of the time and I knew it was my sugars. I hate that sickly feeling.


Geeze, I just reread this and realize I sound like a paid testimonial. I promise I'm not - Mr. Master Cleanse guy has never heard of me, he's never paid me, and I could drop off the face of the Earth and he wouldn't even know it. :)

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Juicing makes the material easier, faster for the body to absorb. Adding a bit of fiber, (I use psyllium husk) in your juice (start small, 1/2 teaspoon) will definitely make immediate changes. You may buy husk in either whole or ground to add in. I use ground.


Water is also a critical element in a juice fast. The first few days are amazing.

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Funny...my husband and I were just talking about starting a juice diet this morning. How often do you juice? 3 times/day to replace normal meals. There's a local restaurant that makes an awesome green juice . It has a ton of greens but also apples and grapefruits. An all vege juice would be tough but I could easily do this one. I'm including the ingredients to get some opinions:








blue agave

yerba mate (probably could be left out...still not sure what it is)

flax (would this give you the fiber?)

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Depending on how I feel, a minimum of once a day, and sometimes all day; I just do my best to listen to my body.


I have done elimination diets (purposeful removal of a food group) to see if I can locate any reactions. It's quite sobering to see responses to foods both "mood" wise, and physically.


If you choose to use bananas, watch for the difference between "just ripe" yellow bananas, and those vs. spotted bananas. There is some sort of chemical change in the higher ripe ones.


If I now eat a just ripe banana, it is the equivalent to a sleeping pill for me. I become very tired within about 20 minutes. If I eat a fully ripe (spotted) banana, it is energy.


Oranges in the morning are like coffee, the sugar rush. It is interesting though, to stop and study the effects of constant sugar dumping; this is where vegetables become important. Blood sugar is important and one does not want to stress the system, moderation and variety are key to controlling that.

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I am overweight, I feel like poo, I have recently developed plantar fasciitis and my feet hurt, I am not normally a napper and I could take 2 naps a day lately, etc, etc, etc. I have been reading a lot on whole/raw foods and the Gerson diet and the likes. I watched a documentary called "Sick, fat and nearly dead" and made up my mind. I am going to try for 10 days and see if that makes me at least start on the road to feeling better. I am not a person that jumps on the bandwagon for fad diets and I don't want to count calories, points, etc. I just want to eat better. I think this will kick start my weight loss but also detox me from the processed/sugary foods that I eat.

Has anyone else done this and what can you tell me? I juiced up a bunch of carrots, kale, cucumbers, spinach, celery, apples and pears today and it actually doesn't taste too bad.

I have done a juice diet. It was under the direction of a nutritionist. I went for 21 days and then eased back in to good food.

The mixture you list sounds very good. I would caution using very much fruit. When I did it the person that was overseeing me wanted me to start with at least 8 oz of juice every 2 hrs and do fruit for 1-2 of those times.


I was battling some major health issues and it helped tremendously. I would consider going on one again if I still had contact with this person but don't. I know I really need to do something to bring my body back around.

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Just a word of caution -if you are one of those people who can't take multivitamins on an empty stomach without feeling ill - drinking pure juice on an empty stomach will have the same effect.


I can't drink pure juice on an empty stomach - it makes me so :ack2: So juice fasting is out for me.

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We watched that movie too, and my husband started the 10 day fast the next day. He's done Master Cleanse many times, as well as other fasts. He also fasts for the month of Ramadan.


I'm very hopeful that this particular fast is going to be so good for him. He needs to fall back in love with fresh raw veggies. He's just a bit over weight, vegan, and physically active. I just feel like we got trapped in processed food game.


I also started a "sort of" fast (:tongue_smilie:). I'm drinking all the juice, I've cut out all carbs, and almost all cooked food.


I'm sooooo ready for change.


If it's a healthy route for you, give it a try. Ten days will come and go... have some fun!

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So what if you're a big caffeine drinker (coffee)? I've tried cutting out caffeine cold turkey and it was SO. BAD. I had a headache that felt like death.


I'd like to try this but should I do maybe a week beforehand of slowly decreasing cups of coffee a day? (I probably drink 4-5 cups a day).

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So what if you're a big caffeine drinker (coffee)? I've tried cutting out caffeine cold turkey and it was SO. BAD. I had a headache that felt like death.


I'd like to try this but should I do maybe a week beforehand of slowly decreasing cups of coffee a day? (I probably drink 4-5 cups a day).


I'm still having my morning tea (black). I figure what I'm doing is way better than nothing.

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Caffeine dependency is easily solved by cutting it; by this I mean to say you substitute 1/2 regular and 1/2 decaf to start. Drink all the coffee you normally do.


Slowly switch the mixture to less caffeine over time as you change your lifestyle with coffee.


There is some physical dependence involved, stepping down is easiest and most permanent for a solution.

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well, I am almost at the end of day one. I worked 8 hours today and drank my juice before I went in, drank more juice for a snack when I felt hungry drank a big glass for lunch. I just had my "dinner" juice. I have also drank enough water to hydrate a camel today, which is hard because I don't like water. Not having coffee today was hard. I was sooooo sleepy and after work I went to church and man, it was all I could do to stay awake.

I am hungry and the sugar cravings have set in. I want to lick the sugar bowl and wanted to lick the BBQ grill when making DH's dinner but I didn't and I know they will pass. I do have a bit of a headache so I am thinking I might have to have at least 1/2 a cup of coffee later. I usually drink a lot of coffee and cold turkey is hard.

I can do it for 10 days!!! I know I can, I know I can....

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I personally have never managed any kind of fast for very long- it feels too extreme for my system, and I have blood sugar issues. I might one day try again when I have time to be alone rather than trying to look after a family at the time time, But I can totally recommend the raw food approach, with juicing as part of it. And just juicing in the mornings and not eating till lunchtime is a great way to cleanse, too.

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My husband and I watched the documentary listed above on Friday night. Saturday, we went out and purchased a juicer. My husband has had NOTHING but juice since last night. I can't tolerate just the juice (it makes me sick to drink it), so I am balancing it right now with other fruits and veggies. Today, I had juice for breakfast, a salad for lunch, a slice of watermelon, and juice for supper. So far, so good. We are excited to do something healthy. My youngest son likes to use the juicer so much that he will drink the juice with us occasionally. It is as good for him as it is for us (of course, he eats regularly too).

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Just a word of caution -if you are one of those people who can't take multivitamins on an empty stomach without feeling ill - drinking pure juice on an empty stomach will have the same effect.


I can't drink pure juice on an empty stomach - it makes me so :ack2: So juice fasting is out for me.


This might be what I am experiencing (although I never had the issue with vitamins). I am just taking it a little at a time...not a straight fast, but juicing can be beneficial even if you also eat other food.


One thing I have found with the juicing is that we honestly don't waste much time thinking about food or cooking food! It is refreshing not to think about food - especially in the evenings.

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Is there a website you recommend for how to juice? What to juice, etc? Also what juicer to buy. Sounds interesting. I need to do something. I feel horrible all the time. I would like to start by eliminating bad carbs (white flour, white sugar, etc..). Juicing sounds interesting. I would like to hear more about it. I think I could do it for 10 days!! Maybe...:glare: I love my coffee though. Would it not work to have coffee during that time? Then what do you do after 10 days?

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I did the master cleanse 4 years ago and felt great!!!! I lost about 10 pounds but the energy and the emotional well-being that came with the cleansing was amazing. I have since tried doing the cleanse twice but haven't been successful, mostly because now I have two more kiddos 2 and under and my other two are very energetic and I just cant seem to keep up with the juicing. :( But if you are able to then it does make you feel great. :)


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Well, the beginning of day 2 is rough. I have a headache that won't quit so I am drinking 1/2 cup of coffee. No sense feeling like poo! I have to make more juice today and I am not going to put as much greens in it this time. I think that is making me nauseated. Someone mentioned that its hard to do a juice fast if you can't take vitamins on an empty stomach. I can't take vitamins at all, they make me feel like I have morning sickness all over again. Hopefully this gets a little better with different juice.

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Many times, the nausea associated with vitamins is from Iron only. If you have interest, you may buy the vitamins or minerals as individuals and not a multivitamin which include iron.


If you choose to read about various styles of "juice" lifestyles, you may run across Gersen therapy. Gersen is a huge supporter of mega-dosing of vitamin C.


Personally, I mega dose on some vitamins to make up for a very common deficit called MTHFR. MTHFR is not generally a test that primary care providers test for. I was given a blood test by my naturopath who is an expert in this disorder. It is a genetic based deficit which interferes with B12 absorption.


MTHFR is not well-known although a very large percent of the population is affected. Consequences of MTHFR deficit are wide ranging, from mental health issues, to pregnancy failure and everything in-between.


As it is genetic, and I have it, both of my children were tested and both have MTHFR. It was astounding to learn about; and honestly at first I was skeptical and full of doubt. After correcting for it, I accepted the validity of it. It's hard to argue with a genetic test.


If you study the vitamin range in nutrition and can locate where you may have deficits, this is very easy to correct with juicing. Some vitamins must be replaced daily as they are not stored in the body (such a B vitamins) while others are stored in the fat of the body and are slowly released.


It is very advisable to do a full-spectrum blood test to see where your vitamin levels are before a lifestyle change such as juicing, and then a follow-up six months later.


Personally, for myself, in the beginning, I was extremely low in several vitamins upon the return of my blood tests. The deficits in my B levels (there are nine classes of B vitamin) were frightening. My primary care doctor theorized this was due to a bad diet, but even after correcting diet to increase them, I was unable to retain the B vitamins in my body; it was my naturopath (not my primary care) who diagnosed this as MTHFR with a follow up specialized test.


During a discussion with my best friend I encouraged her to visit a naturopath for this test as well. She was skeptical also. In her life she suffered the loss of four children at various stages from early pregnancy to near full-term delivery. Other health struggles had kept her in the medical system and on powerful medications for fibromyalgia and more. She had left her career, was home bound, deeply depressed.


When I first suggested it, as I said, she was skeptical and slightly angry at the idea of one more test.


She went, was tested, it was returned in results she also was afflicted with MTHFR. She corrected her lifestyle for it, all meds were discontinued, she blossomed and today runs her own business and is in the world again.


MTHFR as a flaw in the system is more than insidious. And it all stems from the lack of a simple class of B vitamins.


This experience taught me first-hand how critical it is to understand this area of nutrition and the body and vitamins.


If you explore juicing or raw foods, you'll hear endless stories of health recovery from adding this into a lifestyle. There is much bad information and much good, it is a sorting and "verdict" process.


In the end, modifying your diet to benefit your body and life is a good thing, and changes will happen for the better.


Not everyone's goals or situations are the same, but it is a positive move. Good luck with your willpower, you will grow in good ways.

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  • 1 month later...

What does MTHFR stand for? I've never heard of it?

As for juice fasting , yes, I try. But its expensive. I wish I could grow my own veggies but we live in an apartment and aren't allowed to. I try to grow stuff in pots but , really , I can't grow things like cucumbers and such. LOL

Plus also remember that a good juicer also makes juicing so much easier. We have the Jack LaLane juicer and its okay. What I really would love is the Breville Juicer. Its awesome! Makes my juicer look really sad. LOL


I've been getting some recipes off of Dan the Man. He's a little strange but the Guy makes great juice recipes. I had found him on Youtube when I was looking up juicing recipes.

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Is there a website you recommend for how to juice? What to juice, etc? Also what juicer to buy. Sounds interesting. I need to do something. I feel horrible all the time. I would like to start by eliminating bad carbs (white flour, white sugar, etc..). Juicing sounds interesting. I would like to hear more about it. I think I could do it for 10 days!! Maybe...:glare: I love my coffee though. Would it not work to have coffee during that time? Then what do you do after 10 days?


I just finished a 10 day juice fast through rawradianthealth.com. She has some youtube videos about juicing.


You don't want to have coffee during your fast since the purpose is to give your digestive system a break and detox. The person I did the fast through recommends giving up coffe and eating clean for a few days before the fast. That will highly increase the likelihood of finishing the fast.

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What does MTHFR stand for? I've never heard of it?

As for juice fasting , yes, I try. But its expensive. I wish I could grow my own veggies but we live in an apartment and aren't allowed to. I try to grow stuff in pots but , really , I can't grow things like cucumbers and such. LOL

Plus also remember that a good juicer also makes juicing so much easier. We have the Jack LaLane juicer and its okay. What I really would love is the Breville Juicer. Its awesome! Makes my juicer look really sad. LOL


I've been getting some recipes off of Dan the Man. He's a little strange but the Guy makes great juice recipes. I had found him on Youtube when I was looking up juicing recipes.



I just bought a refurbished Breville on amazon.

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I'm curious to know how this has worked out for y'all who started the juice diet? I watched "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" last night, and it has be very curious.


And for MTHFR, my niece was diagnosed with it after her second miscarriage, and told all of us to get tested for it. I had never heard of it before, and I was very surprised to see it mentioned in this thread! Perhaps I ought to heed her advice and get tested for it, too.


We also have MTHFR here. Dh has 2 of the "bad" type C677 so each of the 3 kids have one C677 gene. 2 of them inherited the A598 from me and the third a blank.


I'm so glad that I found out about it - think that everyone should check since it's so common. Dh has high blood pressure, high cholesterol, "thick blood," high homocysteine, etc. I'm supplementing the whole family with methylfolate, methylcobalamin & b-complex. I'm hoping that with the early supplementation the kids won't get or get a lesser case of his problems. I also think that my dd will have problems with miscarriages if/when that time comes.


Thinking about the trying the Master Cleanse, but don't think I'll last - I get a headache if I skip/late with any meal. Dh is going to start tomorrow night - he needs to lose about 25 lbs and his blood pressure/cholesterol could take all the help they can get.

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Many times, the nausea associated with vitamins is from Iron only. If you have interest, you may buy the vitamins or minerals as individuals and not a multivitamin which include iron.


If you choose to read about various styles of "juice" lifestyles, you may run across Gersen therapy. Gersen is a huge supporter of mega-dosing of vitamin C.


Personally, I mega dose on some vitamins to make up for a very common deficit called MTHFR. MTHFR is not generally a test that primary care providers test for. I was given a blood test by my naturopath who is an expert in this disorder. It is a genetic based deficit which interferes with B12 absorption.


MTHFR is not well-known although a very large percent of the population is affected. Consequences of MTHFR deficit are wide ranging, from mental health issues, to pregnancy failure and everything in-between.


As it is genetic, and I have it, both of my children were tested and both have MTHFR. It was astounding to learn about; and honestly at first I was skeptical and full of doubt. After correcting for it, I accepted the validity of it. It's hard to argue with a genetic test.


If you study the vitamin range in nutrition and can locate where you may have deficits, this is very easy to correct with juicing. Some vitamins must be replaced daily as they are not stored in the body (such a B vitamins) while others are stored in the fat of the body and are slowly released.


It is very advisable to do a full-spectrum blood test to see where your vitamin levels are before a lifestyle change such as juicing, and then a follow-up six months later.


Personally, for myself, in the beginning, I was extremely low in several vitamins upon the return of my blood tests. The deficits in my B levels (there are nine classes of B vitamin) were frightening. My primary care doctor theorized this was due to a bad diet, but even after correcting diet to increase them, I was unable to retain the B vitamins in my body; it was my naturopath (not my primary care) who diagnosed this as MTHFR with a follow up specialized test.


During a discussion with my best friend I encouraged her to visit a naturopath for this test as well. She was skeptical also. In her life she suffered the loss of four children at various stages from early pregnancy to near full-term delivery. Other health struggles had kept her in the medical system and on powerful medications for fibromyalgia and more. She had left her career, was home bound, deeply depressed.


When I first suggested it, as I said, she was skeptical and slightly angry at the idea of one more test.


She went, was tested, it was returned in results she also was afflicted with MTHFR. She corrected her lifestyle for it, all meds were discontinued, she blossomed and today runs her own business and is in the world again.


MTHFR as a flaw in the system is more than insidious. And it all stems from the lack of a simple class of B vitamins.


This experience taught me first-hand how critical it is to understand this area of nutrition and the body and vitamins.


If you explore juicing or raw foods, you'll hear endless stories of health recovery from adding this into a lifestyle. There is much bad information and much good, it is a sorting and "verdict" process.


In the end, modifying your diet to benefit your body and life is a good thing, and changes will happen for the better.


Not everyone's goals or situations are the same, but it is a positive move. Good luck with your willpower, you will grow in good ways.


May I ask what in particular you used to correct your deficits? I know we have MTHFR, but our insurance changed (we now have a $2000 deductible per person) and so can't/won't test for deficiencies. I'm currently giving everyone (except allergic ds - he gets the PE B-complex Plus) Pure Encapsulations Multi T/D (with methylfolate) - not sure if it's enough though. And also supplement everyone with 500 - 1000 mg of choline (depending on weight).

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