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Pictures of school "areas?"


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I'm headed out, but I'll describe it quickly. My ds's desk is in kitchen on a short wall with the garage door in front of him (desk is back far enough to open the door). We use the garage door and short wall for hanging needed items (calendar, art work, etc). Then I have a couple small baskets that fit nicely under our coffee table that hold extra books, ed games, art supplies, etc. We also have a pretty book basket next to the computer desk and he has a full bookcase in his room.


We have a schoolroom in the basement, but it never gets used. It's cold 8 months of the year and I refuse to heat it. Plus, we like being up here.

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Here it is really messy at the moment, that was right after Christmas Cleaning.

ETA: This room is our family study/computer room. However, I think it might be more of a school room then you were talking about.


I love you set up!


Where did you get that Dr. Seuss saying? I love that!

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This was from when we were in our townhouse. We did "school" at the kitchen table and read-alouds on the couch in the family room.



ETA, I don't know why these pics are so big. I keep adjusting them but the are staying the same. SORRY!

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I don't have a school room, but a living/dining room combo. Here's the real pics, no staging here.



The first pic is standing in my entryway... please ignore the ironing & mending on the right... I'm still catching up from a week at church camp.




Pic#2 Most of our school goes on a the table, and I try to keep things easy to grab. I have a tub in the middle of the table with our Tapestry of Grace books, science, Paper, SWR notebooks in it. The laptop is usually at the end, next to the wall, and I sit there. You can see my piano on the right, with the art supplies on top. (2 year olds shouldn't draw on the walls) :D The door in the background is the door to my kitchen.





#3 Here is the table.... pretty self explanatory. See the tub & laptop? Those are the kids Well Planned Day student planners on the sides. I want the kids to move toward begin more responsible for their daily schedule, so I am trying to transition them into using it alone. A pencil jar means no more stopping to find a pencil. When school is done, this goes back on the piano. That is my coffee/coco combo... and the phone bill. :D



Pic #4 This is whats behind my chair, a built in hutch, that I am using for school books. The tub should fit there too, and my laptop might get put here in a cupboard after I am through planning for the year. I have my current year of tapestry here usually, the books I own for the rest of the unit, and my teacher's manuals. The box isn't supposed to be there, I am reminding myself to fill it with sidewalk chalk later today.

The file thingys are only there during school.





#5 Each week I sort the worksheets & paperwork into this by day, so the kids can see what is left to do, and I get a reminder of my plans for the week. I like the way I can grab it & go.




(continued in next post)

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#6 In the corner between the hutch & window I have some file crates for the kids textbooks.. The plan is to use these to go do school on the run to the park, Grandmas etc. Today I am heading to a friends to plan some cooperative stuff for TOG. We are both doing the same year in Sept. So, today I have the top crate full of my tog to take & talk about. I like print, she likes de, so I'm bringing my print to flip through while she uses her de on her laptop.




#7 By the piano on the right of the photos is the whiteboard. I will be hanging this form the picture molding, but haven't got to that yet. The sewing machine is going downstairs, hopefully tonight.

The binders on the teeny table (a vintage silverware chest) are the past 2 years home school and house management info. I need to weed through it & add the current items to my proper binder, The Well Planned Day planner combo.

Right now my whiteboard is cluttered with HS planning things I need to do ASAP. :eek:





#8 The art center... the is a lousy picture. All the little jars & things are glass, there is a glass cake stand with poster paint, and several glass jars of items, and lots of footed glass dessert bowls. Perfect for pretty little pastels, markers, etc. I have to keep these high up because I have a very busy little 2.5 year old son who loves to add stripes to his skin, and huge swirls of color to the walls. We are using Meet the Masters this year for art.




#9 You can't see very well in the main photo, but I have bookshelves on each side of the couch in the living room. The timeline book lives on top of one.



#10 This is chair/footstool you can see in the main pic, in the lower left. I have most of the preschool things here, and the TOG books that I own for the current year. (Thank you mom for handing down your sunlight books!)

I have school time activities for the 2.5 year old that live in baskets on the top shelf, and there are everyday thing he can play with on the bottom shelves. He is getting pretty good at putting away his things now. No, the vacuum doesn't live there, it is waiting for the kids bedtime tonight so Mama can clean the rug!




Anyhow, that's our living/dining/schoolroom space in action right now. I will try to repost later when I am fully done prepping for the year, and have decluttered a bit.

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DISCLAIMER: Wow, when I looked at these pictures, my house looks . . . messy. :heehee: I thought about cleaning everything up and taking new ones, but - A. that's not the truth, and B. nobody with 4 small kids and a fixer-upper house lives in Martha Stewart Magazine Land, so - eh, I'll show you.


Main Cabinet:

Stuff we use a lot goes in the top:


And the drawers underneath have school toys, extra supplies, craft stuff





In our old house we had a room, but in this house, "school" is spread around - kinda concentrated into "centers."


1. The Nature Center

- place to store rocks, acorns, sea shells, an animal horn, drift wood, etc.

- our "A-B-C" from Acadia nature scavenger hunt that the kids STILL talk about

- "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer - the kids memorized this, and we made the poster together

- the "Nature Notebook" goes here - we keep photos, drawings, interesting trivia, etc. - it's pretty random (lobster workshop here, poem about worms there, etc.)


Stuff we're still working on:

- painting, hanging some leaf / flower pressings the kids have done

- need to stain the concrete floor

- putting up a shelf above the artwork for mitten storage, etc.


nature shelf, butterfly net, interesting stick, LOL








can you see the A-B-C's?


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2. LEGO Room (this is largely DH's terrain - the kids spend HOURS here on rainy / winter days)


I have often thought of painting it, cleaning it out, brightening it, but - if we end up putting in a bathroom downstairs, this is the room that has to go. So my motivation there is low, LOL, as all my hard work would be demolished.


eta: P.S. see the couch? Yeah. It's really a trampoline. :nod:



these battle forces are amassing for the Great War scheduled "sometime soon"







the medieval village under construction - Titus picks up fun words here like "keep" and "buttresses" and "apothecary"



3. The Music Center (this one is UPSTAIRS, so part of our "company space")


all closed up






what's in the cabinet:

CD's + earphones + books on CD - for listening (they bring out a pillow and blankie and snuggle up)

music books - i.e., Wee Sing stuff, books about authors, hymn books, music theory books

their journals - they like to write about the music they listen to, and also draw different instruments / draw what they think the composers looked like

flashcards - whole notes / quarter notes / etc. - we play games with them

piano books (they are dabbling in lessons right now)

COMING THIS FALL (but shhh! don't tell them): recorders and recorder books


musical instruments = on top of the piano


in my school cabinet: rhythm sticks :bigcheesey:

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Love it! ;) What are you using the Hands on Technology book for? It looks interesting!!!


Wait! Lest I discourage a new homeschooling mother with pictures of pristine spaces here is what that homeschooling table looks like right now :D



Just keepin' it real folks...:tongue_smilie:

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Our schoolroom is a work in progress but here is a post I wrote about what we have so far http://thepeartreecottage.blogspot.com/2011/04/schoolroom-room-progress.html

As I am sure y'all know lots of schooling gets done outside of this room and all over our house but it is nice to have this spot when we need it.

I am enjoying touring the many school areas :)


Nice school room! I love it! Was it hard to paint the dressers white?

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Wait! Lest I discourage a new homeschooling mother with pictures of pristine spaces here is what that homeschooling table looks like right now :D



Just keepin' it real folks...:tongue_smilie:



You've done an awesome job on making over that room.


And it's not pristine space that tempts (this) one to discouragement, it's all the space to have a mess in.

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The book is a hands-on history book with projects that "explore the ancient ideas and technology behind many of the world's most advanced civilizations". Since we just finished reading about the Sumerians the boys set out to make a 'Sumerian coracle' (boat). They were mesmerized by the clay the project calls for and have been making countless different dinosaurs, bowls and little men, non-stop, for the past two days. Last I checked the coracle was still not finished but I have many a new figure adorning those schoolroom shelves :)

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We do not have an official school room either...


I was inspired to take some pictures today and posted on my blog. (and yes, school is out for us so it is nice and tidy, I assure you, it will not look that nice during the day-to-day of the school year though my dh prefers it to be "nice" on the weekends since it is the first room you enter of our home.)




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We do not have an official school room either...


I was inspired to take some pictures today and posted on my blog. (and yes, school is out for us so it is nice and tidy, I assure you, it will not look that nice during the day-to-day of the school year though my dh prefers it to be "nice" on the weekends since it is the first room you enter of our home.)






I love it. It looks so discreet.


I'm really interested in the makeovers. We are planning renovations over the next few years - wish we were as handy as y'all sound. :D

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Here it is really messy at the moment, that was right after Christmas Cleaning.

ETA: This room is our family study/computer room. However, I think it might be more of a school room then you were talking about.


Love it! Where is the mess :confused::confused:

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We just bought a new house and here is our new school room. We haven't used it since we are taking the summer off from formal schooling but still doing reading, etc. I love our new room, I only wish it had a window.



Congratulations on your new home. :D Love the room!

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I love seeing everybody's school spaces! And I am totally jealous of you all! :D Since we moved, we're in an apartment and so have just our kitchen table to work on. Both kids do each have a small computer desk and I have two 3' bookcases on which I store everyone's books. But after seeing everyone else's pictures, I clearly need more stuff. I shall be discussing this with DH this very evening. hehehehehe

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I love it and am resisting urge to wake dh and tell him that will be his next project. Gorgeous!




Love all the pictures!


Beth, what are those colors on your walls?


Ya'll better stop giving me ideas, dh might ban me from the board! :D

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I rearranged our classroom last week. I didn't take pictures of the other side of the room because it was such a mess :tongue_smilie:

Here it is:





And a year ago, before we moved it to the deattached garage that was converted to a room.



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