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Baby update (6/28)

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I went to the OB today. She is concerned that because of the amount of fluid and because the baby doesn't seem to be able to stay head down or engage in my pelvis, I will end up going into labor, having a cord prolapse, and having something happen to the baby.


I am having a c-section tomorrow morning... We have to check in by 7:20 and they are supposed to start surgery at 9:20.


I am nervous and somewhat apprehensive, but trying not to think about the actual mechanics of what is going to happen in surgery.

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I went to the OB today. She is concerned that because of the amount of fluid and because the baby doesn't seem to be able to stay head down or engage in my pelvis,


Whoa. All sorts of things are clicking in my head right now!


(Besides that, I've had a c-section and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! Besides, it's hard to remember how they got here when they are healthy and beautiful and in your arms!!)

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Done it 4 times. I am grateful that I live in a time where this is an option. Hate to think of the alternatives. Cannot wait to hear all about your precious newborn. :grouphug:


Yes, I think there are a LOT worse alternatives... Delivery by a large pointy-beaked bird, for instance.


You'll do great! Pre-congratulations!

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I had excess liquid in both pg's, went postdate and babies didn't stay head down until late pregnancy (like 39 wks). both had cord issues that resulted in stress/positional problems during labor--I was induced with DD (the excess fluid was the stated reason from the doctor) and her heart rate didn't agree with pitocin early in labor, while with DS after my water broke his heart rate dropped; it wasn't a cord prolapse, but it turned out the cord was around his shoulder so he was stuck.


Though I wound up with c-sec's with both births, if I'd had the doctor say c-section without trial of labor I'd have fired him/her, but YMMV.


I hope your birth went well, though.

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