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Pregnancy and Rage issues?

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I'm about 6mo pregnant right now and get so angry and irritated for no reason. It's making me feel horrible to be so mean, yet I can't stop being mad.


I've never had such rage issues with any of my other pregnancies. I'm not sure what to do. I feel bad for my kids because I keep snapping at them. It's like PMS or something.


Has this happened to any one else? What can be done? I hate feeling like this :(

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I am so sorry. Perhaps a hormonal imbalance, or blood sugar maybe? Maybe you need a break. When I was pregnant with number 4 I was so overwhelmed. When my mom visited and I got some ME time my atitude changed right up. I hope something happens to help with your mood soon. :grouphug:

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You are not alone.

For me it is never the physical issues that get me down, ever. It is the emotional, hormonal.....I feel like it is a bad, bad case of PMS that doesn't really go away until the baby comes.

I am learning by now that it is somewhat related to feeling pressure in the things I have to do. I can eliminate some of the anger, etc, by not expecting too much of myself and those around me, if that makes sense. I have to just let things be that I normally wouldn't and release myself of guilt.

I don't have much advice really, I just want you to know you are not alone. I get it, for sure.


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I experienced that, with my singleton boy. I attributed it to those male hormones! It was weird, twice during the pregnancy it came on in a wave. Both times it passed in a day or two. Once was at about 6 months, then again in the 8th sometime.


Do you know the gender of the baby?

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I agree that you should consider possible medical causes, including depression, and talk to your provider about getting some tests done.


I get very volatile when I'm pregnant, and what seems to help more than anything else is protein. If I eat high-protein foods several times a day, I am much more emotionally stable.


It was kind of humiliating when I would unleash a ton of drama on my husband and he would silently hand me a piece of cheese, but I almost always found that the world looked brighter after I ate it.

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I agree that you should consider possible medical causes, including depression, and talk to your provider about getting some tests done.


I get very volatile when I'm pregnant, and what seems to help more than anything else is protein. If I eat high-protein foods several times a day, I am much more emotionally stable.


It was kind of humiliating when I would unleash a ton of drama on my husband and he would silently hand me a piece of cheese, but I almost always found that the world looked brighter after I ate it.


:lol: I do this for my son when his blood sugar gets low and he begins acting very emotional.


Thanks for reminding me of protein. I'm suppose to eat so many grams a day, but have been munching on chips, pasta and white rice lately.


I experienced that, with my singleton boy. I attributed it to those male hormones! It was weird, twice during the pregnancy it came on in a wave. Both times it passed in a day or two. Once was at about 6 months, then again in the 8th sometime.


Do you know the gender of the baby?


lol! Actually, I kept thinking it was a boy because I have had so much rage and figured it was the testosterone surging, but then we found out it's going to be a girl.

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When you're pregnant, you're progesterone dominant. Progesterone is a steriod. It's also the dominant hormone the second half of your cycle (ovulatory to onset of period). Tends to make you a bit grouchy (and increases the libido).

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Run it by your OB to make sure it is just "normal hormonal angst of pregnancy". :D


I believe hormones make us overreact, but don't create feelings. In other words, something that normally would just slightly irritate you will now send you into a rage (there's something triggering it). It probably always bugs you, just normally you suppress the annoyance.


Maybe consider this an opportunity -- use your heightened sensitivity to understand yourself better.


Pause to think of even journal about what really set you off and how you really FELT. I often feel a lot better if I just acknowledge the feeling.


Today I felt angry I had to tell the kids 4 times to do something (had a migraine, which also messes with neurochemistry/emotions). I realized what really bothered me is that I felt they were taking advantage of my distraction (I had a lot of things to do) and that bothered me because they were not respecting my time (or me...that *I* wasn't important). Just realizing the why brought me a degree of peace (since I could challenge the idea of my importance) and I was able to sit the kids down and discuss responsibilities (theirs and mine) calmly and with humor instead of yelling at them (my first instinct :lol:).


Don't try to resolve any issues you uncover NOW, but keep them in mind for when you reach calm waters (about 9mo from now...maybe). You might uncover some easy to address small irritants (things you didn't know bothered you) or internal dialogues you can change and really improve your life.


Finally, you don't control how you feel, but you can control how you act on it. You may need to cut back on responsibilities/activities/chores and be willing to walk away for a minute when you know the feeling is hormonal, not "real".


Good luck!

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You are not alone. I always feel like this while pregnant. Sometimes I feel like I get 'antenatal depression'. It passes for me pretty soon after the baby is born. I have always assumed it is hormonal plus a bit of exhaustion! Sorry I don't have anything helpful to say.


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I was like this with both my pregnancies. It was worse with my second, and then it turned into extreme sadness in my last trimester (crying all the time) They discovered I was depressed and didn't diagnose it in time. I had horrible PPD because my hormones were so out of wack. I would talk to your Dr, and see what they say is "normal."



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:grouphug: I'm due in about six weeks, and I've been having little blow ups about the stupidest things lately. Usually it's a combination of my being hot, tired, and hungry. Suddenly, things that would normally maybe bug me a bit, or that I'd totally overlook, just completely infuriate me.


The other day my husband told me, "You seem very emotional lately." The fact that he'd point out something so obvious came very close to setting me off again.

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Pregnancy hormones did that to me too. It was the worst coming off of them when weaning, though.


Thank you so much for posting this. It's an epiphany for me. I've been trying to figure out why I've been so angry about everything for the last week. I've been thinking I was losing my mind. It's very scary to feel that lack of control over your emotions and reactions. I never even made the connection to the fact that the baby has almost completely started drinking out of cups. It didn't happen last time around because I nursed halfway through my most recent pregnancy. I think you just saved my sanity.

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Thank you so much for posting this. It's an epiphany for me. I've been trying to figure out why I've been so angry about everything for the last week. I've been thinking I was losing my mind. It's very scary to feel that lack of control over your emotions and reactions. I never even made the connection to the fact that the baby has almost completely started drinking out of cups. It didn't happen last time around because I nursed halfway through my most recent pregnancy. I think you just saved my sanity.


I sunk into an immediate, fast, deep depression after the weaning of baby #2. It didn't happen with weaning any of the other babies, just this one. I took medication for a few months because I needed it. Hormones can be brutal.

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Irritability is definitely a symptom of low blood sugar, and that can be a bigger problem during pregnancy. Definitely try eating something with fat and protein (Protein and fat are better for stabilizing your blood sugar levels long term - something sugary will lift them up quickly, but likely lead to another drop soon thereafter). While you should certainly look into the possibility of depression or other problems if that doesn't help, it's a good first step, since it's so easy to test and fix if that's the case.


(This is something I'm having trouble with myself right now.)

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Run it by your OB to make sure it is just "normal hormonal angst of pregnancy". :D


I believe hormones make us overreact, but don't create feelings. In other words, something that normally would just slightly irritate you will now send you into a rage (there's something triggering it). It probably always bugs you, just normally you suppress the annoyance.


Maybe consider this an opportunity -- use your heightened sensitivity to understand yourself better.


Pause to think of even journal about what really set you off and how you really FELT. I often feel a lot better if I just acknowledge the feeling.


Today I felt angry I had to tell the kids 4 times to do something (had a migraine, which also messes with neurochemistry/emotions). I realized what really bothered me is that I felt they were taking advantage of my distraction (I had a lot of things to do) and that bothered me because they were not respecting my time (or me...that *I* wasn't important). Just realizing the why brought me a degree of peace (since I could challenge the idea of my importance) and I was able to sit the kids down and discuss responsibilities (theirs and mine) calmly and with humor instead of yelling at them (my first instinct :lol:).


Don't try to resolve any issues you uncover NOW, but keep them in mind for when you reach calm waters (about 9mo from now...maybe). You might uncover some easy to address small irritants (things you didn't know bothered you) or internal dialogues you can change and really improve your life.


Finally, you don't control how you feel, but you can control how you act on it. You may need to cut back on responsibilities/activities/chores and be willing to walk away for a minute when you know the feeling is hormonal, not "real".


Good luck!


What GREAT advice!!!! Taking notes..

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Thank you so much for posting this. It's an epiphany for me. I've been trying to figure out why I've been so angry about everything for the last week. I've been thinking I was losing my mind. It's very scary to feel that lack of control over your emotions and reactions. I never even made the connection to the fact that the baby has almost completely started drinking out of cups. It didn't happen last time around because I nursed halfway through my most recent pregnancy. I think you just saved my sanity.


I agree about the scary part! I truly felt out of control at times. It took a few months for my hormones to level out and for me to feel normal again. Hang in there!

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Not to worry you further, but I would talk to your dr about this at your next appointment because I had pregnancy induced depression with #2 which turned into moderate-severe PPD after DD was born. I would hate for you to end up blindsided by PPD after your baby is born. You may want to consider meds for a while if it is bad enough.


But yes, I did experience similar issues when I was pregnant with #2. I had no such issues with #1 or #3.

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