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OK ladies, I guess I no longer need to justify HSing

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This guy is from our district and was just hired to be principal of the school my kids used to go to. Enough said about the crappy judgement my district has with hiring admin. They hire the biggest losers and this is one of many but he takes the cake.


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Thanks for the HomeSchoolin affirmation!


I am not a squeemish person at all, but pedofiles & child porn make me literally sick to my stomach every time I hear about them! They should all be castrated and forced to wear a tracking device for the rest of their lives AT MINIMUM! :angry:

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:angry: Oh my heavens. Oh the poor families that have allowed their children under his care. And he admitted to it all....yet the school only suspends him without pay. Fire his deviant butt right now.


This makes me sick. A video with a two year old being molested by a woman. May God have mercy on them for I cannot.

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And honestly, reading the line about the guy having sexual abuse of a two-year old on his computer will probably make me unable to sleep. These people should be buried UNDER the prisons. Disgusting.



I'd volunteer to be on a castration committee for this type of slime.

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"While chatting online with an undercover agent, the assistant principal bragged about traveling to California to have sex with a child."





I'll say it again. No cure for pedophiles. Lock them up for life or put them on an island somewhere. They are like rabid dogs and should be dealt with as such.


May he have a swift trial and rot in jail.

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Unbelievable, we just had an elementary principle fired for that, and placing a hidden camera in the boy's bathroom.


This guy is from our district and was just hired to be principal of the school my kids used to go to. Enough said about the crappy judgement my district has with hiring admin. They hire the biggest losers and this is one of many but he takes the cake.


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:angry: Oh my heavens. Oh the poor families that have allowed their children under his care. And he admitted to it all....yet the school only suspends him without pay. Fire his deviant butt right now.


This makes me sick. A video with a two year old being molested by a woman. May God have mercy on them for I cannot.


As the employer, the school system does have to go through due process to fire him. The first step is to suspend him without pay. If they just fired him immediately, the courts could make the school system re-hire him because the school system fired him without due process. He will be fired, it is just going to take a school board meeting to make that happen.

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We seem to have some sort of "sex scandal" at our National School of Excellence every year. Middle school kids walked into a classroom where two teachers were having sex, one of the band directors was sleeping with a student, one of the soccer coaches was sleeping with a student.....it's seriously something every year. It's disgusting. And I'm in a small town (less than 5,000 people) in a very conservative area. You can't get away from it. It's sick.

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Wow, this man is only 29 and has been in the school system since 2004? That would make him 22, so basically right out of college with a 4 year degree, when he started? Can you get to be even an assistant principal with a 4 year degree and no other work experience in teaching, etc.? And that would mean that he must have been involved with child pornography since he was very young, too. Does this sort of behavior start so young? I never realized that, I guess.... How very sad and scary.... And how horrible to get even a glimpse of the sort of pornography that is out there now. I knew it must be worse than ever, but still.... I wish they could develop some sort of program that could hack into pornography sites and scramble them so that they couldn't be viewed or shared, etc.....

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I'll say it again. No cure for pedophiles. Lock them up for life or put them on an island somewhere. They are like rabid dogs and should be dealt with as such.




:iagree: But if they are sent to an island make very certain they are sterilized first.

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Wow, this man is only 29 and has been in the school system since 2004? That would make him 22, so basically right out of college with a 4 year degree, when he started? Can you get to be even an assistant principal with a 4 year degree and no other work experience in teaching, etc.? And that would mean that he must have been involved with child pornography since he was very young, too. Does this sort of behavior start so young? I never realized that, I guess.... How very sad and scary.... And how horrible to get even a glimpse of the sort of pornography that is out there now. I knew it must be worse than ever, but still.... I wish they could develop some sort of program that could hack into pornography sites and scramble them so that they couldn't be viewed or shared, etc.....

He would have to have an admin degree to even be asst principal, but how he managed that is beyond me. 29 is too young, in my opinion, to even be a principal but beggars can't be choosers. :glare:

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He look so nice. That almost makes it worse. Would you be threatened by that guy? Would your kids be threatened by him?


Thank goodness he's been stopped.


I know everyone seems to lean to sterilization, but personally... I think they should be made scary. They can still hurt kids without working youknows. Mess up their faces and make them ugly and they will have a hard time continuing on as a predator. I think having pedaphile across their forhead would help too.

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If pedophilia is really something that cannot be cured, and that therefore would need a cure, why not just lock these people up in a psychiatric facility for life, the way we'd lock up anybody else who had a mental disorder that was incurable and rendered them a threat to society?


I guess I don't see any reason to subject this man or anybody else to torture or disfigurement.

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:angry: Oh my heavens. Oh the poor families that have allowed their children under his care. And he admitted to it all....yet the school only suspends him without pay. Fire his deviant butt right now.


It is a process to ensure that he can't come back to the school.

Wow, this man is only 29 and has been in the school system since 2004? That would make him 22, so basically right out of college with a 4 year degree, when he started? Can you get to be even an assistant principal with a 4 year degree and no other work experience in teaching, etc.? And that would mean that he must have been involved with child pornography since he was very young, too. Does this sort of behavior start so young? I never realized that, I guess.... How very sad and scary.... And how horrible to get even a glimpse of the sort of pornography that is out there now. I knew it must be worse than ever, but still.... I wish they could develop some sort of program that could hack into pornography sites and scramble them so that they couldn't be viewed or shared, etc.....

He probably started as a teacher and quickly worked his way to more.

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We seem to have some sort of "sex scandal" at our National School of Excellence every year. Middle school kids walked into a classroom where two teachers were having sex, one of the band directors was sleeping with a student, one of the soccer coaches was sleeping with a student.....it's seriously something every year. It's disgusting. And I'm in a small town (less than 5,000 people) in a very conservative area. You can't get away from it. It's sick.

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Thanks for posting this! You have reaffirmed my decision!! Although I am not sterotyping male or female teachers, I would just rather be safe than sorry! There are some sick people out there, I just don't get it. Why would an educated man be this evil?? It makes my heart very sad!! =(

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