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I can't see how anyone would be OK with this Pole dancing 3 -7 year olds

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One of my thoughts was that maybe they'd misinterpreted something a little more innocent? I know my DD's gymnastics class climbs ropes as part of building up strength, and I could see that if you had poles, you'd have kids climbing them, too, just because they're there.


However, I've also seen little girl dance classes doing routines with costumes that were pretty stripperriffic, to say the least. Pole dancing might be more innocent!

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However, I've also seen little girl dance classes doing routines with costumes that were pretty stripperriffic, to say the least. Pole dancing might be more innocent!


My two elder nieces were in "dance class" at five and six years of age. Their parents proudly showed us their recital video. It took restraint not to vomit. They were wearing bikinis, dancing with a chairs as props - very burlesque (sp) style, grabbing their crotches, and running their hands up and down their chests, thighs, and butts as well as blowing kisses while doing so. It was SICK!


When we sat down to watch the video, I innocently thought we'd be seeing two little cuties and their classmates attempting some classical ballet moves, children's choreography, some tap.....NOOOOOOOOOOO.


I told my sister-in-law it made me sick and I wasn't impressed. I suppose I should have been kinder. She probably was not asking my opinion of her children's extracurricular activities and it isn't appropriate to offer an opinion when one isn't asked, but my disgust ran ahead of my brain and my tongue got in between the two and out it popped. Dh's reponse was, "WOW, are they in training for prostitute school?" Thankfully my nieces were NOT in the room. Needless to say, they didn't speak to us for two years, which sad to say, was not a great loss.


Sil's defense was that this type of dance training is a necessary prerequisite for a future in cheerleading and that all the cheerleaders from the local high school went to this dance studio when they were young. It was important to her that her girls become cheerleaders because, "Well, the cheerleaders are just the most popular girls in our high school. We want the girls to love high school so it's important that they become cheerleaders." (NOT MAKING IT UP!)


Whether or not this is from a tabloid, the sad reality is that it probably isn't all that exaggerated from the truth. The above story took place 15 years ago. I can only imagine how many more girls have taken that woman's class. :tongue_smilie:



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We need a broken heart emoticon. This is the second time in 2/3 days that I've needed it. I have to stop reading these. I don't want to have my head in the sand, but I don't know how much more I can take of this! :crying:



:iagree: The tragedy of what is being done to our precious girls is too much to take.

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Sil's defense was that this type of dance training is a necessary prerequisite for a future in cheerleading and that all the cheerleaders from the local high school went to this dance studio when they were young.



:001_huh: That's a powerful argument against cheerleading; that is not a defense of the dance school! :ack2:

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My two elder nieces were in "dance class" at five and six years of age. Their parents proudly showed us their recital video. It took restraint not to vomit. They were wearing bikinis, dancing with a chairs as props - very burlesque (sp) style, grabbing their crotches, and running their hands up and down their chests, thighs, and butts as well as blowing kisses while doing so. It was SICK!



That is absolutely sick and disgusting. I like to think that any adult with common sense couldn't possibly go along with this kind of stuff, and then I read something like this. I just don't get it.


Oh, and I just took my 13 yr old shopping for swimming suit. Good grief!

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I have two little girls and one on the way. I honestly fear for their futures. Children are so sexualized now.


A facebook "friend" uploads video clips of her young daughter singing to all sorts of songs with bad lyrics....and she gets replies of "oh, she's so adorable!" I want to slap someone.

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I have two little girls and one on the way. I honestly fear for their futures. Children are so sexualized now.


A facebook "friend" uploads video clips of her young daughter singing to all sorts of songs with bad lyrics....and she gets replies of "oh, she's so adorable!" I want to slap someone.



That reminded me of a photo I saw in a mother's signature on a different forum a few years back. Her little girl was laying on her tummy, on a bed, in just a cute cloth diaper, propped up on her elbows and looking over her shoulder (the photo was taken from behind and a little above) and she had captioned the photo, "Giving 'the eye' since [year]". I showed it to DH to see if perhaps I was mistaken about what I was seeing but he was pretty disturbed too.

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:001_huh: That's a powerful argument against cheerleading; that is not a defense of the dance school! :ack2:


Cheer does NOT require this. My daughter does Young Champions (competitive recreational) cheer, and at their last competition, the 4-6 yr old girls were performing to such songs as "Crocodile rock" and "5 little Monkeys jumping on the bed". The only time I ever saw a team try something "sexy", they placed dead last-because the judges want to see happy, cheerful little girls, not miniature teenagers. Even the teens in Young Champions in our state are doing stuff that is Disney Channel level, and is more focused on handsprings and basket tosses than any sort of "looking sexy"-and they're sweet girls.

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And Dh and I thought this was crazy...The dancing starts after about 30 seconds...




The pole dancing is just insane though...It is very sad what is being done to our young girls :crying:



I'm sad and shocked and stunned. I also noticed the comments were disabled.


That is horrible.

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Maybe I should ask our studio owner to offer pole dancing classes...NOT! My 4 year old started dance this year at a large studio and she loves it. The costumes and dance moves for the little ones were adorable and the older girls and adult classes had appropriate costumes and moves, but even so, my husband said he felt like he was going to be in trouble. My daughter has been invited to join the competition team and, from what I've seen, our studio puts on very child appropriate competition dances. However, I'm wondering what kinds of dances we might be exposed to at competitions from less caring dance schools. This kind of stuff really makes me sad.

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That reminded me of a photo I saw in a mother's signature on a different forum a few years back. Her little girl was laying on her tummy, on a bed, in just a cute cloth diaper, propped up on her elbows and looking over her shoulder (the photo was taken from behind and a little above) and she had captioned the photo, "Giving 'the eye' since [year]". I showed it to DH to see if perhaps I was mistaken about what I was seeing but he was pretty disturbed too.


Um, yeah, I was okay until I read the caption. :001_huh:

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